Final Fantasy XIII
Inti cerita Final Fantasy XIII
mengisahkan pada tiga belas abad yang lalu di dunia FF XIII, dimana
zaman fantasy dan teknologi telah ada, Dan di dunia tersebut terdiri
dari dua tempat yang berbeda, yakni Cocoan dan Pulse. Cocoan merupakan
tempat tinggal ras manusia yang melayang di udara. Dan tempat ini
diciptakan oleh sebuah kristal yang superkuat, yang digunakan Fal’Cie
(sebuah ras yang bukan dari ras manusia). Namun, seiring waktu berputar,
manusia mulai khawatir dengan keselamatan tempat mereka dari ancaman
dunia bawah, yang dihuni oleh para monster raksasa, serangga, mutan,
dsb. Tempat tersebut dinamakan Pulse
Gejala kekhawatiran manusia ini mulai bermunculan, saat beberapa
manusia mulai tertular virus yang diyakini berasal dari Pulse. Maka
kelompok Holy Government of Cocoon mengkarantina manusia yang telah
tertular. Melihat kecemasan dan kekhawatiran para penghuni Cocoan,
Fal’Cie mengutus seorang wanita yang merupakan mantan prajurit terlatih,
yang bernama Lightning untuk mengemban tugas menyelidiki kejadian ini.
ff13_3Dan Lightning merupakan
tokoh utama di sekuel ini. Walau dari fisiknya dia terlihat seperti
wanita yang manis, tapi dia memiliki kemampuan bertarung yang cukup
hebat. Dengan dipersenjatai sebuah pedang unik yang dapat berubah bentuk
menjadi sebuah senapan mematikan.
Gameplay di sekuel Final fantasy XIII ini hampir mirip dengan
sekuel Final Fantasy dan judul game RPG lainnya yang masih di satu atap
produksi Square Soft. Di dungeon, saat karakter bertemu dengan musuh,
maka di atas kepala musuh akan muncul ikon. Kalau kedua belah pihak
saling berdekatan maka pertempuran pun dimulai. Pemain juga dapat
menyerang musuh disaat mereka lengah, dengan mendekatinya dari arah
belakang. Kondisi ini membuat pertahanan (defense) musuh menjadi lemah.
Perpindahan dari layar eksplorasi ke layar pertempuran didesain dengan
cepat dengan sudut kamera yang pintar. Dan waktu pertarungan berakhir,
maka dilayar akan menyajikan hasil pertarungan dan rangking yang
ditandai dengan jumlah bintang, mulai dari satu hingga lima.
ff13_2Untuk sistem pertarungan Final Fantasy XIII masih
menggunakan sistem pertarungan RPG klasik yakni menyajikan barisan
perintah aksi yang berbeda untuk masing – masing karakter, seperti
menyerang, bertahan, mengunakan item, mensummon monster, mengunakan ilmu
sihir, dan sebagainya. Disamping itu, sistem ATB (Active Time Battle)
juga bakal ditemukan dalam sekuel ini. Secara keseluruhan, system
pertarungannya boleh dikatakan hampir mirip dengan sekuel Final Fantasy
VIII dan judul game Chrono Cross. Pertarungan disekuel ini juga dipoles
agar berjalan dengan halus dan cepat, sehingga pemain merasa sedang
menonton animasi.
Selain menelusuri quest utama
dan quest sekunder, yang menjadi keasikan tersendiri dalam setiap sekuel
game Final Fantasy adalah menjelajahi setiap sudut peta ataupun dungeon
untuk mencari peti harta karun yang mungkin saja berisi jenis item yang
berkualitas bahkan sangat langka. Yah jika pemain beruntung. Namun di
sekuel ini, peti harta karunnya berbentuk bola besi.
ff13_1Tokoh – tokoh dibalik pembuatan game Final Fantasy XIII masih dengan para tokoh yang sama yang membuat game Final Fantasy terdahulu, seperti Tetsuya Nomura, Nobuo Uematsu, dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya game Final Fantasy XIII hanya dirilis untuk Playstation3 saja. Namun akhir-akhir ini berita mengembirakan muncul, dimana juga bakal rilis untuk mesin Xbox360 juga.
Final Fantasy selalu memakan waktu lebih dari 6 bulan dari versi Jepang
untuk terbit versi US dan telat 6 bulan lagi untuk Eropa. Tapi kali ini
Final Fantasy XIII mendapat kepastian akan terbit serentak di Eropa dan
US pada 9 Maret 2010. Hanya terpaut 3 bulan sejak rilis Final Fantasy
XIII versi Jepang.
Fantasy XIII versi english akhirnya selesai di garap oleh SQUARE ENIX,
seperti yang dikatakan Motomu Toriyama : “FINAL FANTASY XIII versi
luar negeri akhirnya telah selesai dikerjakan.” Dengan selesainya
pengerjaan FF XIII english ini diluncurkan Trailer Internasional versi
bahasa inggris yang memperlihatkan keluwesan gerakan karakter dan
animasi mulut (lip sync) yang bagus.
Final Fantasy XIII International Trailer (Lagu “Kimi ga iru kara” di replace dengan “My Hands”)Sekarang yang jadi pertanyaan, FF XIII versi english kan direncanakan untuk terbit di Xbox 360 dan PS3. Apakah ini berarti Final Fantasy XIII versi Xbox 360 juga sudah selesai dikerjakan? Untuk PC kapan ya ?
Developer : Square Enix
Publisher : Square Enix
Genre : RPG
Platform : X360, Playstation 3
Release date : TBA 2010
Main Playable Character
* Lightning (ライトニング
Raitoningu) — The main protagonist of the game. Lightning was a member
of the Guardian Corps in Bodhum before her whole life came crashing down
when her sister Serah became a l'Cie. Regretting her refusal to believe
Serah, she volunteers to be Purged with the intention of saving her
sister. She is an agile fighter who makes use of a variety of gunblades,
the "Blazefire Saber" among them.
* Snow Villiers (スノウ・ヴィリアース Sunou Viriāsu) — Leader of NORA, Snow Villiers is a sturdy man whose mannerism is reputed to resemble that of a cowboy. He has traveled to the Hanging Edge to fight back against PSICOM and the Purge in the hope of saving his fiancee, Serah, who has been imprisoned by the Pulse fal'Cie. Although Snow uses his fists to fight, his actual weapon is a runed coat, designed to enhance the strength of its wearer.
* Oerba Dia Vanille (ヲルバ=ダイア・ヴァニラ Woruba Daia Vanira) — A young and spirited girl, Vanille's past is a mystery and she carries a heavy burden that the others are not initially aware of. Trying hard to get through the events of the Purge, she tags along with Hope and finds herself wrapped up in the events that take place inside the Pulse Vestige, leading to her joining the others. She wears a savannah-style outfit, and her weapon is called the Binding Rod, which has a head piece that looks like a pair of antlers. Its body contains four long wires with hooks that deal damage to enemies by latching on and pulling.
* Sazh Katzroy (サッズ・カッツロイ Sazzu Kattsuroi) — A middle-aged man with dark skin and afro hair. He was formerly in the military, but now works as a civilian airship pilot. In the hope of saving his son Dajh, he boarded the train to the Hanging Edge and soon met Lightning who also wanted to fight back against the Purge. He owns a baby Chocobo that lives in his hair. He is described as a gentle person who is easily reduced to tears. He fights with two pistols that can be combined into a rifle.
* Hope Estheim (ホープ・エストハイム Hōpu Esutohaimu) — A young boy with silver hair who, along with his mother, is part of the group of exiles onboard the train that Lightning stopped. His mother dies during an unsuccessful attempt by NORA to drive the PSICOM soldiers back. Blaming Snow for his mother's death, Hope follows him to try and confront him but ends up being forced to work with him and the others. Hope begins his journey with Lightning to become stronger so that he can avenge his mother's death. He wields boomerangs in battle.
* Oerba Yun Fang (ヲルバ=ユン・ファング Woruba Yun Fangu) — A wild-looking dark-haired woman with a large tattoo on one arm and a burnt-out mark of the l'Cie on the other. She first appears with Cid Raines and the Cavalry with the intention of capturing Snow in Lake Bresha. However, she has a much more complicated agenda in reality as she searches for a long-lost friend and aims to complete her Focus. Spears are her weapon of choice.
* Snow Villiers (スノウ・ヴィリアース Sunou Viriāsu) — Leader of NORA, Snow Villiers is a sturdy man whose mannerism is reputed to resemble that of a cowboy. He has traveled to the Hanging Edge to fight back against PSICOM and the Purge in the hope of saving his fiancee, Serah, who has been imprisoned by the Pulse fal'Cie. Although Snow uses his fists to fight, his actual weapon is a runed coat, designed to enhance the strength of its wearer.
* Oerba Dia Vanille (ヲルバ=ダイア・ヴァニラ Woruba Daia Vanira) — A young and spirited girl, Vanille's past is a mystery and she carries a heavy burden that the others are not initially aware of. Trying hard to get through the events of the Purge, she tags along with Hope and finds herself wrapped up in the events that take place inside the Pulse Vestige, leading to her joining the others. She wears a savannah-style outfit, and her weapon is called the Binding Rod, which has a head piece that looks like a pair of antlers. Its body contains four long wires with hooks that deal damage to enemies by latching on and pulling.
* Sazh Katzroy (サッズ・カッツロイ Sazzu Kattsuroi) — A middle-aged man with dark skin and afro hair. He was formerly in the military, but now works as a civilian airship pilot. In the hope of saving his son Dajh, he boarded the train to the Hanging Edge and soon met Lightning who also wanted to fight back against the Purge. He owns a baby Chocobo that lives in his hair. He is described as a gentle person who is easily reduced to tears. He fights with two pistols that can be combined into a rifle.
* Hope Estheim (ホープ・エストハイム Hōpu Esutohaimu) — A young boy with silver hair who, along with his mother, is part of the group of exiles onboard the train that Lightning stopped. His mother dies during an unsuccessful attempt by NORA to drive the PSICOM soldiers back. Blaming Snow for his mother's death, Hope follows him to try and confront him but ends up being forced to work with him and the others. Hope begins his journey with Lightning to become stronger so that he can avenge his mother's death. He wields boomerangs in battle.
* Oerba Yun Fang (ヲルバ=ユン・ファング Woruba Yun Fangu) — A wild-looking dark-haired woman with a large tattoo on one arm and a burnt-out mark of the l'Cie on the other. She first appears with Cid Raines and the Cavalry with the intention of capturing Snow in Lake Bresha. However, she has a much more complicated agenda in reality as she searches for a long-lost friend and aims to complete her Focus. Spears are her weapon of choice.
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