Maps FF 12

Map Legend
blue arrow Switch to the shown map
green arrows Switch to another part of the map
blue crystal A Save Crystal (Save in Game)
orange crystal A Gate Crystal, where you can save and teleport
blue arrow Enter Aerodrome
sword A Weapon Shop
armor An Armor Shop
technic A Technics Shop
Wizard Staff A Magic Shop
yellow square A Gambit Shop
food A Taverne (The Hunt-Blackboards can be found here)
a man A house which can be entered

aerodrom archades

aerodrom balfonheim

aerodrom bbujerba

aerodrom nalbina

aerodrom rabanastre

ancient city of giruvegan

barheim passage

cerobi steppe

dalmasca estersand

dalmasca westersand

draklor laboratory

dreadnougt leviathan

dreadnougt leviathan

garamsythe waterway

giza plains (dry )

giza plains (rain)

golmore jungle

henne mines

imperial city of archades

ivalice worldmap

jahara , land of the garif

lhusu mines


mosphoran highwaste

mt. bur omisace

nabreus deadlands


nalbina dungeons

nalbina town

nam-yensa sandsea

ogir-yensa sandsea

old archades

ozmone plain

paramina rift

pharos at ridorana - first ascent

pharos at ridorana - second ascent

pharos at ridorana - third ascent

phon coast

port of balfonheim

ridorana cataract

royal city of rabanstre

royal palace


sky fortress bahamut

skycity of bhujerba

sochen cave palace

stilshrine of miriam

tchita uplands

the feywood

the great crystal

the great crystal [original game map]

the nalbina fortress

the pharos - subterra

tomb of raithwall

zertinan caverns

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