Note: WOB refers to ONLY World of Balance, WOR to ONLY World of Ruin, and if it's left blank it exists in both.
- Albrook
- The port town on the western continent, Albrook is the place
where Terra and Locke meet up with Leo, Shadow, and Celes to travel to
Thamasa in the later stages of WOB.
- Ancient Castle (WOR)
- Figaro Castle will come up against a barrier when traveling
underground. This barrier is the ancient castle, the home of a Esper
named Odin who died a thousand years ago in a battle against a sorceror.
- Baren Falls (WOB)
- After making it through the Phantom Train, Cyan and Sabin have
to fall through this piranha-infested water to make it to the Veldt.
- Colosseum (WOR)
- Shadow has come here looking for the Striker blade. You'll also
find Ultros has been employed as a receptionist, and Siegfried has his
own room inside. You can bet items and fight an automatic battle against
an enemy based on the item you bet. Chupon will Sneeze at low items.
- Crescent Island (WOB)
- See Floating Island.
- Crescent Mountain (WOB)
- The cave here leads into the Serpent Trench; Gau buried his diving helmet here.
- Darill's Tomb / Daryl's Tomb (WOR)
- Setzer's long-time friend Daryl (/Darill) is buried here, along
with her airship, the Falcon. Both are guarded by a headless horseman
named Dullahan. You can also find the Experience Egg here.
- Doma Castle
- Cyan's home, as faithful retainer to his king, for many years.
His wife and son lived here as well until Kefka savagely poisoned the
entire castle. In WOR, the castle is decrepit and abandoned; when you
try to sleep there, spirits will enter Cyan's dream and you must save
- Duncan's House (WOR)
- Duncan is still training in a small clearing north of Narshe. He's weak, but still strong enough to teach Sabin the Bum Rush.
- Ebot's Rock (WOR)
- This is the hideout of Hidon, a giant creature whom Strago
fought and lost to many years ago. Thanks to the goading of Gungho, he
returns here to slay the beast. A hungry treasure chest, who needs
Coral, bars the way to Hidon; what's more, you can't see a thing in
- Esper Gathering Place (WOB)
- A cave with great magical power near Thamasa; the power comes
from three golden statues commemorating the three stone Goddesses in
Crescent Mountain. Ultros tries to steal them, but Relm surprises him by
painting his picture. Yura can be found here; taking him back to
Thamasa yields... more treachery by Kefka and the sad death of Leo.
- Esper World
- This is the home of Maduin. Madonna falls into here by mistake,
but stays here with Maduin; they have a daughter, Terra. Gestahl finds
his way here and goes haywire collecting Espers, but the Esper Elder
seals the Gate and banishes the human invaders.
- Fanatics' Tower (WOR)
- The headquarters of the Cult of Kefka, who guard his treasures
zealously and mindlessly. Physical attacks cannot be used inside the
tower; you must rely on magic. At the top lies the Gem Box, guarded by
the MagiMaster. The White Dragon and Edgar's Air Anchor lie in other
rooms. Strago has been inducted against his will to the cult, but Relm
can snap him out of his trance.
- Figaro Castle
- A technological wonder, Figaro Castle in the desert has all the
latest innovations. Edgar is the king of this rich facility, which has
the unique ability to tunnel underground. Sabin, Edgar's brother, is
originally from here as well. The basement, which holds various minor
treasures, is off limits until the WOR, where Gerad and his band try to
destroy the tentacled monster which took over the diving engine. Kefka
comes here looking for Terra but is foiled by the castle's tunneling
- Figaro Cave
- A cave leading from Figaro Castle to South Figaro, it's
revisited no less than three times throughout the journey. The first
time is when Terra, Edgar, Locke and Sabin head to North Figaro and the
Returner HQ; the second time is Locke and Celes' daring escape to
Narshe, where they meet up with the Tunnel Armor; and the third time is
when Celes chases Gerad into the Figaro Castle basement.
- Floating Island
- This is Crescent Island, floating in the sky. Lots of nasty
creatures inhabit it, but you have to make your way past the entire
Imperial Air Force (IAF), Ultros and his friend Chupon, and another
giant boss, before even reaching the place! Shadow can be found here,
shoved off after the Empire finished with him. The Atma Weapon guards
the three Goddesses. This is where Gestahl meets his death at the hands
of Kefka and Kefka takes the power of the Goddesses for his own,
rearranging the face of the world into the World of Ruin.
- House On The Veldt
- Gau's old, crazy father lives here; Shadow will join Sabin when he gets separated from his friends.
- Imperial Base (WOB)
- A small fortress guarding the entrance to the Sealed Gate Cave
in Crescent Island. Kefka and Gestahl let the Returners enter here and
release the Espers, but their plan backfires.
- Imperial Camp (WOB)
- Sabin and Shadow first meet Leo and Cyan in this desert
encampment, in different capacities. Kefka takes over the assault on
Doma Castle from Leo and poisons the river, killing the king and Cyan's
family. Sabin, Cyan, and Shadow manage to escape to the Phantom Forest.
- Imperial Palace (WOB)
- Gestahl finally invites the Returners to dinner after the
Espers practically destroy Vector. The Returners talk to as many
soldiers as they can and act as diplomatically as possible at the meal.
Kefka is locked up here, but acts even stranger than usual... unless you
know the reason behind it, of course.
- Jidoor
- A very artistic town, it's the home of Owzer, who entertains
the Opera Impresario from time to time. The Auction House has some rare
Magicite for sale! In WOR, Relm has come here to paint for Owzer, but
both Relm and Owzer are trapped when the paintings come to life!
- Kefka's Tower (WOR)
- The final palace is huge; you need three parties to complete
all the routes. Each party must fight a Statue on the way; when all are
done, they must teleport up to confront the Goddesses in their true
glory... and the anger of a madman gone power-hungry, the insanely
strong Kefka.
- Kohlingen
- Figaro Castle can travel under the mountains and deposit you
near this town. Locke's lost love, Rachel, nearly died here and lies in a
coma in one of the houses. Setzer can be found here in WOR.
- Lethe River (WOB)
- Terra, Edgar, Sabin, and Banon escape the Returners' HQ through
this back exit on a raft. However, they meet up with Ultros, and Sabin
is separated from them after the fight. The original "Lethe River" is a
fabled water which supposedly causes forgetfulness.
- Magitek Factory / Magitek Research Facility (WOB)
- The sprawling facility inside Maranda creates Magitek armor and
drains Espers of their powers. Celes and Locke find Ifrit and Shiva
being drained by Kefka here. Cid joins their cause in the Research
Facility when he realizes what Kefka's real intentions are. However,
that doesn't stop Kefka from unleashing his diabolical Cranes against
the intrepid dudes!
- Maranda
- This is Laura's home; first her soldier boyfriend, and later Cyan in his stead, send their letters here.
- Mobliz
- A dying soldier lies here in WOB, pining away for his love,
Laura, who lives in Maranda. You can buy Dried Meat here to get Gau on
your side. In WOR, the ruins of Mobliz are home to only children, and
Terra, who takes care of them. A giant beast, Phunbaba, terrorizes the
town from time to time.
- Mount Kolts (WOB)
- A large and fairly dangerous mountain. Terra, Edgar and Locke
are dogged by Vargas as they climb; at the end is a climactic battle
with Vargas and Sabin.
- Mount Zozo (WOR)
- Cyan's made his home at the top of this mountain, where he
sends letters to an unknowingly bereaved woman. The Storm Dragon hides
in a chest to attack the party.
- Narshe
- The first town we see in 6 is a mining town where a frozen
Esper, Tritoch, has been found. The town is neutral and does not wish to
fight the Empire, but Kefka's battallion of troops charging their way
changes their minds! The Narshe Caves, behind the town, are large and
sprawling, home to a good-sized Moogle population and a Sasquatch cave.
The thief Lone Wolf pilfers some treasure here and causes a nice chase
scene. This is where Terra meets Locke.
- Nikeah
- A port town, the Serpent Trench leads directly here. Ships go from here to South Figaro. This is where Celes meets Gerad in WOR.
- Opera House
- The most well-known scene in 6 happens in the Opera House,
where Locke and Celes stage an elaborate diversion to capture Setzer's
trust, while Ultros tries to gum up the works from above. Maria the
opera star, who's a dead ringer for Celes, sings here often. The Opera
Impresario is a very excitable fellow. 8-) In WOR, the Dirt Dragon will
attack here.
- Phantom Forest/Phantom Train (WOB)
- The forest is filled with ghosts, but nothing prepares Sabin,
Cyan, and Shadow for the train in the middle of the forest. The train
takes people to "the other side" - somewhere they really don't want to
be. Wandering around will get you to meet Siegfried and several friendly
ghosts, but most will attack you. A strange car has a full meal ready
for you which heals all HP/MP and status. At the end, you must fight the
Phantom Train itself! Cyan then watches in horror as Elayne and Owain
get on the train themselves...
- Phoenix Caves (WOR)
- The party must split into two to navigate the maze of spikes
and lava here. The Red Dragon guards the Phoenix Magicite, which Locke
has come here to find. Phoenix revives Locke's love, Rachel, but only
for a very short time.
- Returners' HQ (WOB)
- A hideout which has a back exit to the Lethe River and a front
door near Mt. Kolts. Banon is the leader of the small band of rebels
fighting the Empire. Terra agrees to join the Returners here.
- Sealed Gate Cave (WOB)
- Terra enters here to open the sealed gate to the Esper World
and gain their help against the Empire. However, Kefka shows up to ruin
the day, as usual. The Espers go nuts and Vector gets smashed.
- Serpent Trench (WOB)
- This underwater channel leads from the Veldt to Nikeah, but you
can only swim it with a diving helmet buried in the Crescent Mountain.
In WOR, this has been shoved overground and the Fanatics' Tower has been
built here.
- Solitary Island (WOR)
- The only person living here when Celes awakes is Cid, who's
been caring for her for an entire year. Celes has to take the initiative
now to heal her newly-found "Grandfather". She takes his raft to
Albrook when he's either healed or has passed away. Returning here with
the Falcon reveals the Palidor Magicite.
- South Figaro
- This town is occupied by the Empire early into the game, but if
you're nice enough to Gestahl at his banquet, you can get the soldiers
to leave. This is where you first meet Shadow. Locke helps Celes escape
from a basement here, after several clothing changes. In WOR, Celes will
follow Gerad from here to the Figaro Cave.
- Thamasa
- The home of Strago and Relm, this is the place where Clyde
entered to father Relm; he left to become Shadow. A fire here traps Relm
but finally makes Strago trust the Returners. The Esper Gathering Place
is nearby. In WOR, Gungho will show up here.
- Triangle Island (WOR)
- The only two enemies here are Intangir (an invisible enemy) and the Zone Eater, who'll swallow you to meet Gogo.
- Tzen
- In WOR, Celes witnesses a "Light of Judgment" from Kefka's
Tower blast the town. A large mansion almost collapses, but Sabin holds
it up while she rescues a child from inside.
- Vector (WOB)
- The capital city of the Empire is not a very nice place. The
Imperial Palace, Magitek Factory, and Magitek Research Facility dominate
the spot. There are a few sympathizers around, though. After releasing
the Espers from their world, they torch the place, causing Gestahl to
change his tactics.
- Veldt
- A continent full of monsters, this is Gau's hunting ground.
This is the only place he can learn his Rages. In WOB, the Serpent
Trench begins here at Crescent Mountain; in WOR, the Veldt Cave appears
here. Mobliz lies in the northeast in both worlds.
- Veldt Cave (WOR)
- This cave in the Veldt leads to a clash with the Sr. Behemoth
and a downed ally: Shadow (if you waited for him at the Floating Island)
or Relm (if you didn't). Either way, you'll end up in Thamasa.
- Zone Eater (WOR)
- This creature Engulfs you; when you awake, you're inside a
quite dry area with some nasty monsters and cool items in treasure
chests. At the end you can find Gogo the mimic, who'll join your party.
- Zozo
- This town is full of thieves and cut-throats, like Dadaluma the
martial artist. Terra landed here after her transformation at Narshe.
Ramuh appears to speak to the party about her and the Espers. Edgar can
also find his chainsaw here. Returning here in WOR and buying the
Rust-Rid from a man opens up a passage to Mt. Zozo.
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