Trial: The Navel – Titan Fight
The Titan fight is unlocked at level 34 by the main scenario quest “Lord of Crags”, given by Riol in Upper La Noscea. The quest will lead you to a beastribe’s aetheryte, which will allow you passage into The Navel.
Titan Fight:
Stay out of center and very edge of stage when he disappears to do his big AOE. After he shows his heart, he will randomly turn a player into stone. Break that player out with dps as fast as possible.
Tip: Titan also does a line AOE move that knocks players back. If you think you mat get hit by it run to the center to not get knocked off the stage.
Dzemael Darkhold Dungeon
Dzemael Darkhold instance dungeon is the eleventh dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. It is after The Stone Vigil dungeon in the main scenario, but is not required for advancement. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the four dungeon bosses. It is unlocked by a quest in the Observatorium in Coerthas, or by Grand Company Quest. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops. Dzemael Darkhold instance dungeon has many trash mob monsters you can skip by sneaking around.Note: To reach a certain rank in a Grand Company you may be told to defeat this dungeon.
Levels: levels 44-46
Located in Coerthas
Unlocked by Quest: Fort of Fear Lv. 44 – Carrilaut
Bosses: All-Seeing Eye | Taulurd | Batraal
All-Seeing Eye Fight
This is a heavy tank reliant fight. The tank of the dungeon boss must keep the boss near a lighted crystal in order for it to take damage. Once the crystal dims the boss will become invulnerable again, and the tank will have to move to the next. There is only three crystals as well. Also the boss will summon extra monsters, so be prepared to take them out quickly.
The last ability can target anyone in group. All-Seeing Eye will target and send AOEs to the area of target. This is a deadly attack.
Taulurd Fight
Batraal Fight
Monsters of Dzemael Darkhold
Recluse Hyppogryph Lv. 44Alpgrot Odobon Lv. 44
Dzemael Darkhold Gear Drops:
———————————The Stone Vigil Dungeon
The Stone Vigil instance dungeon is the tenth dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. It is after Cutter’s Cry in the main scenario. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the four dungeon bosses. It can be found behind Whitebrim in Coerthas Highland. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops. The Stone Vigil is a challenging mechanics dungeon with many trash monsters to fight.Levels: Level 41-43
Located in Coerthas Highlands.
It is unlocked through the main story quest “In Pursuit of the Past Lv. 41“.
Bosses: Chudo Yudo | Koshchei | Isgebind
Rewards: 20 Allagan Tomestones of Philosophy
Chudo Yudo Fight
The Chudo Yudo boss fight requires tanking and has frontal cone damage attacks. Chudo Yudo will periodically do a slam and cause major AOE damge all over the room. To avoid this stay close to the boss, and get behind it when the attack begins.
Koshchei Fight
During the Koshchei boss fight you will mainly work two mechanics. First is dodging air tornados throught the room, while the second is using the cannons in the room to shoot away dragons. Be sure to use the cannons as quickly as possible too much damage.
Isgebind Fight
The Isgebind boss fight is a heavy ice damage fight that requires players to keep on the move and looking out. When on the ground, Isgebind will do the usual frontal cone towards the tank. The boss will also send out ice balls that will cause damage and paralysis, and once exploded, the ice balls will leave a damage ice zone. This will continue and periodically Isgebind will fly into the air, being invulnerable and creating a huge room ice AOE to avoid.
Note: Near death Isgebind will fly up and do a major attack on ice AOEs. The same as before but with more ice falling.
Monsters of The Stone Vigil
Secure the barbican
Retake the brattices
Defeat Isgebind
The Stone Vigil Gear Drops:
———————————Cutter’s Cry Dungeon
Cutter’s Cry instance dungeon is the ninth dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. It is after The Sunken Temple of Qarn in the main scenario. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the four dungeon bosses. To unlock the Cutter’s Cry Dungeon, pick up the quest “Dishonor Before Death” in Ul’dah, next to the vendors. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops. The Cutter’s Cry is a challenging mechanics dungeon with many trash monsters to fight.Levels: Level 38 – 40
Located in Thanalan
Bosses: Myrmidon Princess | Giant Tunnel Worm | Chimera
Myrmidon Princess Fight
The Myrmidon Princess boss fight may be deceiving. At first it seems to be just tank in spank, but as soon as the boss is down to half life, she will begin summoning extra monsters. Myrmidon Princess also has a frontal cone attack. More to confirm coming soon.
Giant Tunnel Worm Fight
During the boss fight the Giant Tunnel Worm will do two attacks to avoid. The first will be a sand burst, but the second is more threatening. At certain points in the fight the Tunnel Worm will pull all players to the center of the room. Run out to the edge of the battle when this happens.
Chimera Fight
The Chimera boss fight is full of group attacks. There is a frontal cone attack he will do towards tank to dodge, an occasional room AOE, and a random target death ball to run from at 50% health. The occasional AOE is one of two attacks for the whole group to avoid.
1. Purple (Lightning) Run into boss to avoid
2. Blue (Ice) All run away from boss, even tank
At 50% damage Chimera will summon a slow ball to chase after a random target, which starts as an area damaging red circle. Just stay away from the ball to avoid damage.
Monsters of Cutter’s Cry
Myrmidon Sentry Lv. 38Shrapnel Lv. 38
Slay all Enemies (8)
Clear the Feeding Pit
Clear the Antechamber
Defeat Chimera
Cutter’s Cry Gear Drops:
Still in progress…
———————————The Sunken Temple of Qarn Dungeon
The Sunken Temple of Qarn instance dungeon is the eighth dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. It is after Brayflox’s Longstop Dungeon in the main scenario. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the four dungeon bosses. It is given as a quest by Nedrick Ironheart in Waking Sands, who seems to unlock a few dungeons with quests. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops. The Sunken Temple of Qarn is a challenging mechanics dungeon with many trash monsters to fight.Levels: Level 35-37
Location: Thanalan
It is unlocked by the quest “Brave New Depths” Level 35 in Waking Sands.
Bosses: Teratotaur | Temple Guardian | Adjudicator
Teratotaur Fight
The first fight of The Sunken Temple of Qarn starts with a challenge. When entering the zone to fight Teratotaur you will notice four golden squares. These golden squares will save you life by taking off a debuff. When Teratotaur cast Doom on you one of the squares will glow. Run to the glowing square within a few seconds to keep the debuff from killing you with a one shot.
Temple Guardian Fight
During this fight you will actually see two enemy bosses to fight, the Temple Guardian and a Golem Soulstone. The main play to watch out for in this fight is kill order. The main boss, Temple Guardian, will not take damage while the Golem Soulstone is alive. Defeat the Golem and the Guardian will start to summon another Golem. During this time you can attack the boss and damage it. Besides that watch out for his random stun push-back, and dodge the red cone and rectangle attacks.
Temple Scales of Justice Puzzle:
Place the flame of magic on the left, and the fruit of knowledge on the right to unlock the extra room.
Adjudicator Fight
The Adjudicator boss fight is all about defeating the extra monsters. When the fight first starts the boss will summon stone monsters to fight along with him. These stone monsters can only be defeated when on the golden squares. When the Adjudicator boss gets low on health he will then summon some weapon like monsters who will do heavy damage if not defeated quickly.
Monsters of The Sunken Temple of Qarn
Temple Bat Lv35The Accused Lv35
Clear the Oratory of Tatamefu
Clear the Rosarium of Lalafuto
Clear the Adytum of Lalafuto
Tip the Scales of Justice
The Sunken Temple of Qarn Gear Drops:
Flametongue (GLA PLD) Weapon
Instance Dungeons
Tam-Tara Deepcroft
Brayflox’s Longstop Dungeon
Brayflox”s Longstep instance dungeon is the seventh dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. It is after the Haukke Manor Dungeon in the main scenario. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the four dungeon bosses. It follows the main quest chain. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops. The Brayflox’s Longstop Dungeon has more gear drops than previous instance dungeons and really starts to challenge gamers with mechanics and heals.Location:
It is unlocked by the quest “The Things We Do for Cheese” Level 32 in Main Scenario Quest.
Bosses: Great Yellow Pelican | Inferno Drake | Hellbender | Aiatar
Great Yellow Pelican Fight
Healer must dispel poison from tank.
Inferno Drake Fight
This is a simple fight until about half way though Brayflox will bring in a second drake. Slay the new drake before returning to the original inferno drake.
Hellbender Fight
The Hellbender fight requires tanking the boss, and when the extra dragon comes out, sleep the boss and everyone switch to the new dragon. After the new dragon is down, (hopefully while the boss is still sleep or just out of sleep) everyone will switch back to fighting Hellbender.
Aiatar Fight
This is a healing intensive fight, that requires awareness from the whole team. Aiatar will do two main group attacks during the fight. The first is a red line of attack focused in front at the tank. The tank can side step out of the way and back afterwards. This will continue during the fight. More into the fight, Aiatar will start popping up green circles of poison for everyone to avoid. Keep Aiatar out of the poison circles because it will heal his hp. It is harder than it sounds so be sparing with heals and cooldowns.
Monsters of Brayflox’s Longstop
Gully Galago Lv32Painted Colibri Lv32
Ravelled Raincatcher LV32
Mud Biast Lv32
Comet Chaser Lv32
Meet a Longstep Ally
Access Brayflox’s Runstop
Access Mudstop Watergush
Arrive in the heart of the Longstop
Defeat Aiatar
Lv32 Weapon Aetherial Decorated Silver Scepter THM BLM MD38 AA16.8 Del2.4 Vit5 Int5 Crit7 Det4
———————————Instance Dungeons
Tam-Tara Deepcroft
Thousand Maws of Toto-rak Dungeon
Thousand Maws of Toto-rak instance dungeon is the fifth dungeon in the game. It is after Halatali. It requires teamwork of 4 players to finish the dungeon and beat the three bosses. It follows the main quest chain. It can be done in Duty Finder and has many powerful item loot drops.Levels: 23 to 25
Location: South Shroud Upper Paths. (x19 y18)
It is unlocked by the quest “Into the Beast’s Maw” in Main Scenario.
Bosses: Coeurl O’ Nine Tails (twice) | Graffias
Graffias Fight
Graffias fight contains simple mechanic and a few extra monsters. The main thing to look out for is his tail and poison. When the fight starts it will be mostly tanking the boss. As soon as adds come out be sure to keep them off heals and continue fight. On a quick round he will bring his tail out once. When you see Graffias Tail kill it immediately, it will keep letting out poison. Be sure everyone stays out of poison as well.
Monsters of Thousand Maws of Toto-rak
Tainted Louse Lv 22Warden’s Whip Lv 24
Prison Pudding lv24
Prisoner’s Delight lv24
Mun-Tuy Sapling Lv24
Cell Mite Lv24
Mitetrap Lv24
Prison Pteroc Lv24
Collect Photocells
Activate Confession Camber terminal
Activate the Fool’s Rest terminal
Activate last terminal
Defeat Graffias
GLA PLA Weapon: Frostbite 17 damage / Str4 / Par5 / Vit4 / Det2 / IceR2
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