
Final Fantasy 1 Version Differences FAQ v3.01
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Table of Contents:
Section 1:
[1.A] FF1 Game Versions
[1.B] Famicom/NES
[1.C] MSX
[1.D] WonderSwan Color
[1.E] Playstation (Japan)
[1.F] FF Origins (US)
[1.G] FF Origins (PAL)
[1.I] Game Boy Advance (Japan)
[1.J] Game Boy Advance (US)
[1.K] Game Boy Advance (Europe)

Section 2:
[2.A] Enemies
[2.B] Weapons
[2.C] Armor
[2.D] Items
[2.E] Special Items
[2.F] Black Spells
[2.G] White Spells
[2.H] Enemy Special Attacks
[2.I] Battle Commands
[2.J] Status Ailments
[2.K] Stats
[2.L] Classes
[2.M] GBA Auto-names
[2.N] Characters
[2.O] Shops
[2.P] Locations
[2.Q] Misc

Section 3:
[3.A] Thanks
[3.B] FAQ History


Section 1:
[1.A] FF1 Game Versions:
FF1 was originally released in Japan on the Famicom (NES) in 1987, ported to
 the MSX2 in 1988 (published by Microcabin), and then in the US on the NES in
 1990 (translated and published by Nintendo). Then in 1994, it was rereleased
 along with FF2j on a Famicom multicart. In 2000, it was remade for the
 WonderSwan Color in Japan, and could be purchased with a special edition Final
 Fantasy WSC. In 2002, a remake for the Japanese Playstation (based on the WSC
 version) was released, which was available separately and in a package with
 FF2 and some mini figures. In 2003, the 2 disc set was released in Europe
 (without the figures), and then on one disc in the US, both called Final
 Fantasy Origins. 2004 saw another version on Japanese FOMA cell phones, and
 later on CDMA phones. FF1+2 were once again released together on the Game Boy
 Advance, based on the WSC/PS versions, but with new stuff. This was then
 released in the US and Europe as FF1+2: Dawn of Souls.

[1.B] Famicom/NES Differences:
The vast majority of the names of items, spells, monsters, etc. were changed
 from the original Japanese version. They can be found in the charts below.
 Most changes were probably made to save space, some were for censorship of
 religious references (Holy to FADE), some likely because of copyright reasons
 (Beholder to EYE), and some were just stupid (Lizard to IGUANA). The 4
 Chaoses became the 4 Fiends, probably to avoid confusion. Most importantly,
 the ORBS in the English version were Crystals in the Japanese version. Gold
 is called Gil, like in later games.
Some graphics were also changed. The man in the Church/Clinic has a hat with a
 cross on it in the original version. The Church itself was changed; the heart
 on the US version's Clinic was a cross on the Church. Most of the classes
 have some minor differences in their battle poses. For example, the Super
 Monk/Master has a different hair style. Medusas are topless, and the
 Beholder/Eye & Death Beholder/Phantom look vastly different. Also, the
 candles found in some places were crosses, and the triangles in Tiamat's room
 were six-pointed stars.
The last floor of the Temple of Fiends/Chaos is empty in the US version, but
 full of monsters in the original. Some minor changes: The Japanese version
 does not let you skip past the story screen with the start button, and the
 options in the weapon and armor screens were highlighted in red.
The version of FF1 on the FF1&2 cart is a cross between the Famicom and NES
 versions. All of the names are the same as the first Famicom version, but the
 character and monster graphics from the NES version are used. You can't skip
 the story screen, the weapon and armor screens have red highlight like the
 first Famicom version, and the monsters are missing from the final floor like
 the NES version.

[1.C] MSX2:
Names and such all seem to be the same as the Famicom version, but almost all
 of the graphics have been changed slightly. Most monsters have more colors to
 add depth, some even have completely different color schemes. Most graphics,
 such as classes, town, and overworld also have more colors for depth. Music
 is improved, but the sounds range from a little better to a little worse. The
 buzz you hear if you walk while poisoned is now a thumping sound. The Marsh
 Cave and Titan's Tunnel both use the Matoya's Cave music, while the Mirage
 Tower uses the Gurgu Volcano / Earth Cave music. There are load times to deal
 with, and there's no smooth scrolling, so the screen is pretty jumpy when you
 walk. The invisible woman is visible. The encounter code is at least somewhat
 different as well. Battles seem more random, and the world map has been
 shifted up and to the left, so enemies appear in slightly different places.
 The buggy spells seem to have been fixed. The Adamant and Bottle stay in your
 item list even after you use them. Also, there's no credits when you cross
 the bridge.
I think a good example for the graphical differences would be like comparing
 the NES version of Double Dragon against the Master System version. While the
 graphics are technically superior, some colors are odd choices.
The game came on one disk, and included a label to put onto a blank disk for
 saving. For some reason you could still only have one save file, but you
 could just save onto other disks. Since the MSX controller has only 2
 buttons, the keyboard must be used instead of start and select. I haven't
 figured out how to access the ship minigame, if it's even possible.
The Black Belt no longer has power/armor based on his levels while unequipped,
 but seems pretty good with his chucks. You can't just hold the A button down
 to have everyone attack, you'll have to push it separately for each action.
 The graphics for weapons aren't aligned well, the Ruby (Gold) Bracelet only
 costs 10,000 Gil instead of 50,000, the screen is smaller, and multi-target
 spells don't waste time on dead characters.

[1.D] WonderSwan Color:
The names of both Beholders were changed, but all other names are the same as
 the Famicom version. This is likely due to copyright reasons, but I wonder
 why "Mind Flayer" is intact.
You can name your characters with Roman letters in addition to Katakana &
 Hiragana. Names are still limited to 4 letters though.
The graphics of everything have been upgraded to 16 bit quality, but the
 WSC's screen resolution is smaller than any other version. All of the classes
 have been redesigned; some a little, some a lot. The monsters are very much
 inspired by the original images, but completely redrawn, more colorful and
 detailed. The 2 Pedes (Ankheg & Remorhaz) have their colors swapped for no
 apparent reason. The overworld map has been altered a little, but not to any
 significant degree. Some other maps are altered a little to make them look a
 lot better (Sea Shrine for example), and to allow easier access to some
 places. "Offensive" things like crosses are gone. Full & empty chests now
 have different graphics.
Some new music has been added. A new opening sequence has a new song, which
 leads into a short version of the Prelude. The church (clinic) has its own
 song. There is a boss theme, 2 Fiend themes, and a final boss theme.
Some minor extra events have been added, such as an expanded conversation with
 the king of Cornelia, and a bridge-building scene. You can now walk around in
 shops, as in later games. The dancer in Cornelia now gives you hints. The
 invisible woman has simply been removed, rather than making her visible.
 There's also a few old men in the Cornelia Inn that provide tutorials. Some
 cinema scenes have been added, such as during the submarine ride and when the
 canal is built.
There's also a bit of hand-holding. Guards wait for you after you enter the
 town of Cornelia, the Princess calls you back if you try to leave the room
 without getting the Lute, the Elf Prince gives you the key immediately after
 you give the doctor the Herb (without having to talk to both of them), and
 the Caravan won't let you buy more than one Bottle. (They sell common items
Some gameplay changes were made also. You can now run by holding the B button.
 Attacking after an enemy dies no longer results in Ineffective. LIFE and SOFT
 can be used in battle too. You can also turn these features off.
There's also a quick save, which lets you save anywhere for free, but quits
 the game. Reloading this save erases it. There are 8 normal save slots now
 instead of 1. All items, weapons, armor, etc. are placed in a common pool
 like later games, so item management is much easier. You can buy items in
 quantities, and any shop will buy any kind of item. Spells can be forgotten
 (dropped) to make room for others. You can't board the ship from a non-port
 square, or enter a castle from the side. (I find it annoying.)
Battles are a little tighter and more descriptive. Instead of boxes to tell
 you what's happened, damage and healing are shown above the characters, and
 different status causes the characters to change colors. There are also
 indications of when monsters are sleeping, confused, etc. Your characters
 are no longer separated from the monsters by borders.
Some monsters regenerate HP every round; they did before to a lesser extent,
 but now you can see it happening. Poison no longer bumps a character to the
 bottom, but dying and being stoned still do so. Battles are more random, as
 in: when you fight, what you fight, and what the enemy does. Some monsters
 are out of place, for example: northern river monsters can now be found in
 the south. 
The buggy spells and weapons have been fixed. The Mute status no longer
 prevents items from being used. Warp takes you to the previous floor you were
 on, instead of the next floor closer to the exit.
The game is generally easier because of the bugfixes and better item
 management, to make up for it bosses have more HP.
Since the WSC has no select button, party order can be changed from the
 regular menu. Also, the map is now accessed by pressing B+Start. The mini
 game now gives lots of money for getting good times. You still get 100 Gil
 for just beating it, but now you get some items as well. The credits are no
 longer displayed when you cross the bridge.

[1.E] Playstation (J):
(I have not played the Japanese version myself, so I may not know everything.)
This is basically a port of the WonderSwan version with a few additions. The
 dialog now has Kanji. An opening FMV and a longer ending have been added. The
 sounds are improved and the music is much better. The graphics have been
 improved for Playstation's capabilities and the larger screen size. There are
 larger backgrounds, larger monsters, larger map characters, more colors, and
 transparency on spells. Flashier transitions occur when entering and exiting
 a battle. Riding in the airship now has a rounded perspective view. The
 controls have also been changed to accommodate the Playstation controller.
 (A in other versions=Circle, B=X)  The menu screen music is gone; instead you
 hear the music from where you were, but quieter.
Added features include rumble support, a soft reset (L1+R1+L2+R2+Start+Select
 like other Playstation FFs), and an Easy mode where everything is cheaper,
 you gain levels faster, get MP faster, and there are higher MP caps. There is
 a Collections menu featuring a Bestiary, Item collection, and Artwork
 galleries that are unlocked as you progress through the game. You are given
 the option to save your completed game, as you must beat the game twice to
 unlock everything.
Going from cart to disc has added load times. They aren't bad though, even
 when using the memory card. Also, to speed things up further, the WSC's
 quick save has been replaced by a Memo File, which allows you to save
 anywhere (even in towns or dungeons) for free, but you lose it if you turn
 the power off.

[1.F] Playstation "FF Origins" (US):
This version is mostly the same as the Japanese Playstation version, but
 there are a couple of small differences. There's a brand new translation.
 Characters can now have up to 6 letter names (finally!), and the names of
 items, spells, monsters, etc. have more letter space to accommodate the more
 accurate translation. While most of those names have more accurate
 translations, a few have kept their NES names. A lot of the character names,
 which were pretty accurate on the NES, have been royally screwed with. These
 can all be found in the charts below. The dialog itself is a lot better than
 the original.
The controls were changed from the Japanese version. Circle & X were reversed
 (like every FF since 8, I believe). The controls are also sloppy, and can be
 very frustrating. (This may have been true in the Japanese version as well,
  but I can't confirm it.)
The game comes on the same disc as FF2.

[1.G] Playstation "FF Origins" (PAL):
(I'm not sure I know everything about this version as I've never played it.)
As far as I know, it should be mostly identical to the US Playstation version,
 but with changes for the PAL television standard (it may have black bars at
 the top and bottom and/or run 16.7% slower) and European market (multilingual
 instructions). The tombstone in Elfheim says Erdrick (like the US NES
 version) instead of Link (like the US FF Origins and every Japanese version.)
 It also comes with 2 cards with concept artwork.
The game comes on its own disc, like the Japanese version.

(I don't know much about these versions as I've never played them.)
The FOMA cellphone version, called "Final Fantasy i", looks like a cross
 between the older (NES/MSX) versions and the recent remakes (WSC/PSX/GBA).
 The character and battle graphics look like the remakes while the maps look
 more like the originals (but slightly updated). The battle backgrounds are
 similar to the remakes, but not really the same. Character names can be up to
 8 letters, more than any other version. Names can be in Roman letters or
 Japanese characters. The dialog uses Kanji. The font is large and attractive.
 The only boss theme is for the final boss. The invisible lady is gone.
The cutscenes, forced story, ship minigame, and the run button are gone (but
 there's an autorun option). The Auto-targetting from the other remakes is
 there, and bosses have the same HP as the WSC. Shops are like the original in
 that you can't walk around in them. The ability to drop spells and the
 quicksave of the other remakes is there, as well as an autosave. Levels,
 prices, and MP work like the original. Items, equipment, etc. work like the
 remakes. You can't change equipment in battle though. You can't board the
 ship from a non-port square, but you can enter castles from the side.
The CDMA 1X WIN version, called "Final Fantasy EZ", should be the same as the
 FOMA one, but I don't have much info on it.

[1.I] Game Boy Advance (Japan):
This version is somewhere between being a port of the WSC/PSX versions, and
 being a new remake. There are 4 new dungeons (one for each Fiend), called
 "Soul of Chaos". They feature new weapons, armor, items, and monsters (most,
 if not all, are from later FFs) as well as references to other games in the
 series. Each of these dungeons has 4 bosses from an FF game, from FF3 to FF6.
The graphics are somewhere between the WSC & PSX versions. The monsters and
 characters are the same scale as the WSC, but as colorful and with the
 improved effects of the PSX. There is a "Mode 7" style airship mode that
 looks even better than the PSX. The colors look very bright and vivid
 compared to the WSC version, and some things are a slightly different color.
 The GBA has a higher resolution than the WSC, but not as high as the PSX. The
 worldmap is mostly the same as the WSC/PSX versions, but there are 4
 entrances to the new dungeons.
The music seems almost up to the quality of the PSX version, but the sound
 isn't quite as good.
Other than the new dungeons, the dialog seems to be mostly the same as the
 other Japanese remakes, with a couple of changes (someone mentions Cid, Jim
 was renamed to Watts, etc.) There's an option for the dialog to be in Kanji
 or Hiragana. Names are limited to 4 letters like most other Japanese
 versions. You can also have names randomly chosen for your characters, the
 names come from other FFs.
There are many new items, some shops have been changed, the contents of some
 chests have been changed, you can win items from enemies, and you can win
 more items from the minigame. Healing items restore more HP, and Tents
 restore MP. You start off with minimal equipment instead of nothing, and you
 start off with 500 Gil instead of 400.
You no longer need an Inn, Tent, etc. to save the game. Saving is now done
 from the menu for free, and you can do it anywhere, even in towns and
 dungeons. There are 3 save slots. Magic now uses an MP system, like later
 games, instead of separate charges per spell level. Different spells in the
 same level can have different MP costs, and you have a "Magic Level". You
 can't learn spells that are higher than your Magic Level.
You can push L+R to run like later games, but only when it's your turn and you
 haven't assigned any actions yet. The map is back to B+Select instead of
 B+Start. The game also seems to move faster than any other version. You can
 leave the final dungeon without a teleport spell.
The new features of the previous remakes like B Button Dash, using Life or
 Gold Needles in battle, and Auto-Targeting are no longer optional. There's
 also no option of easy or normal mode like the PSX version. Most things
 from the PSX easy mode are implemented, and the extra items and MP system
 make it even easier. To make up for that, the enemies seem to have had their
 difficulty increased.
The INT stat actually makes a noticeable difference. Even when using
 spellcasting items, your Black Mage will do much more damage (or heal more
 HP) than other classes, and the Monk will do the least. Stat growth is also
 different than previous versions. The Thief and Monk have been made more
 powerful, and the Red Mage has been weakened (at least compared to other
 classes). The Monk gets affected by each piece of equipment separately, so
 you can have the benefit of wearing a Ribbon while still gaining the high
 defense rating of not equipping other armor.
The bestiary of the PSX version is back, but the treasure list and art gallery
 are gone. The bestiary plays the music associated with the monster you're
 looking at. There is a music player you can unlock by beating both FF1 & FF2.
 The ship minigame gives a variety of items for getting 1st / 2nd / 3rd place
 instead of the big cash prizes of the WSC/PSX. You don't even get the 100 Gil
 unless you don't place. Also, you only need to press the button about 23
 times to access it instead of the original's 55.

[1.J] GameBoy Advance "Dawn of Souls" (US):
This one has all the new features and the same graphics as the Japanese one,
 and features a new translation. Some names are kept from FF Origins, some are
 back to their original NES names, and some are new. This is the most accurate
 translation yet. This is partly due to more space being available for monster
 and item names than ever. You also get 6 letters to name your guys like in FF
 Origins. As a tribute to the NES version, Garland once again says his famous
 line "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" The name on the tombstone is

[1.J] GameBoy Advance "Dawn of Souls" (Europe):
This one is just like the Japanese and US ones, but has 5 languages to choose
 from: English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. This English script
 should be mostly the same as the US one, but with British spellings (e.g.
 "armour" instead of "armor"). These languages are not included in this guide,
 but I may add them in the future.
In place of the NES reference, Garland's line is "I, Garland, will cut you
 down to size!" The name on the tombstone is Link, finally making it the same
 in all three regions.


Section 2:
Guide to these charts:
Japanese names usually stay the same from one version to the next. So the WSC
 name will only be listed if it's different from the Famicom name. The
 Japanese GBA name will only be listed if it's different from the WSC name.
 The English translations vary a lot, so they all get listed.
When a Japanese name is given in Kana, it is followed by its Romanji, then
 my translation. When it's written in Kanji on the next line, and it's Romanji
 and translation would be the same, I don't repeat it.
Fam = Nintendo Famicom
Kan = Kanji version of the Japanese name
NES = Nintendo Entertainment System
WSC = Bandai WonderSwan Color
FFO = Final Fantasy Origins (Playstation) American English name
GBJ = Game Boy Advance Japanese
DoS = Dawn of Souls (Game Boy Advance) American English name

[2.A] Enemies:
These follow the order of the PSX and GBA's Bestiaries.

Fam: ƒSƒuƒŠƒ“         - goburin         - Goblin
FFO: Goblin
DoS: Goblin

Fam: ƒSƒuƒŠƒ“ƒK[ƒh   - goburinga-do    - Goblin Guard
NES: GrIMP (Grey Imp)
FFO: Goblin Guard
DoS: Goblin Guard

Fam: ƒEƒ‹ƒt           - urufu           - Wolf
FFO: Wolf
DoS: Wolf

Fam: ƒNƒŒƒCƒW[ƒz[ƒX - kureiji-ho-su   - Crazy Horse
FFO: Crazy Horse
DoS: Crazy Horse

Fam: ƒXƒPƒ‹ƒgƒ“       - sukeruton       - Skeleton
FFO: Skeleton
DoS: Skeleton

Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒEƒBƒhƒE - burakkuuidou    - Black Widow
FFO: Black Widow
DoS: Black Widow

Fam: ƒMƒK[ƒXƒEƒH[ƒ€ - giga-suuo-mu    - Gigas Worm
FFO: Gigas Worm
DoS: Gigas Worm

Fam: ƒEƒH[ƒOƒEƒ‹ƒt   - uo-guurufu      - Warg (Worg) Wolf
NES: GrWOLF (Grey Wolf)
FFO: Warg Wolf
DoS: Warg Wolf

Fam: ƒEƒFƒAƒEƒ‹ƒt     - ueaurufu        - Werewolf
NES: WrWOLF (Werewolf)
FFO: Werewolf
DoS: Werewolf

Fam: ƒ]ƒ“ƒr           - zonbi           - Zombie
FFO: Zombie
DoS: Zombie

Fam: ƒO[ƒ‹           - gu-ru           - Ghoul
FFO: Ghoul
DoS: Ghoul

Fam: ƒK[ƒ‰ƒ“ƒh       - ga-rando        - Garland
FFO: Garland
DoS: Garland

Fam: ƒRƒuƒ‰           - kobura          - Cobra
FFO: Cobra
DoS: Cobra

Fam: ƒI[ƒK           - o-ga            - Ogre
FFO: Ogre
DoS: Ogre

Fam: ƒI[ƒKƒ`[ƒt     - o-gachi-fu      - Ogre Chief
NES: GrOGRE (Green Ogre)
FFO: Ogre Chieftain
DoS: Ogre Chief

Fam: ƒŠƒU[ƒh         - riza-do         - Lizard
FFO: Lizard
DoS: Lizard

Fam: ‚©‚¢‚¼‚­         - kaizoku         - Pirate
FFO: Pirate
DoS: Pirate

Fam: ƒTƒnƒMƒ“         - sahagin         - Sahuagin
FFO: Sahagin
DoS: Sahagin

Fam: ƒTƒnƒMƒ“ƒ`[ƒt   - sahaginchi-fu   - Sahuagin Chief
NES: R.SAHAG (Red Sahag)
FFO: Sahagin Chief
DoS: Sahagin Chief

Fam: ƒpƒCƒŒ[ƒc       - paire-tsu       - Pirates
FFO: Privateer
DoS: Buccaneer

Fam: ƒVƒƒ[ƒN         - sha-ku          - Shark
FFO: Shark
DoS: Shark

Fam: ƒrƒbƒOƒAƒC       - bigguai         - Big Eye
FFO: Goggler
DoS: Bigeyes

Fam: ƒ^ƒ‰ƒ“ƒ`ƒ…ƒ‰     - taranchura      - Tarantula
FFO: Tarantula
DoS: Tarantula

Fam: ƒKƒXƒg           - gasuto          - Ghast
FFO: Ghast
DoS: Ghast

Fam: ƒTƒ\ƒŠ           - sasori          - Scorpion
FFO: Scorpion
DoS: Scorpion

Fam: ƒVƒƒƒhƒE         - shadou          - Shadow
FFO: Shadow
DoS: Shadow

Fam: ƒOƒŠ[ƒ“ƒXƒ‰ƒCƒ€ - guri-nsuraime   - Green Slime
FFO: Green Slime
DoS: Green Slime

Fam: ƒNƒƒEƒ‰[       - kuroura-        - Crawler
FFO: Crawler
DoS: Crawler

Fam: ƒOƒŒƒCƒE[ƒY     - gureiu-zu       - Gray Ooze
FFO: Gray Ooze
DoS: Gary Ooze

Fam: ƒK[ƒSƒCƒ‹       - ga-goiru        - Gargoyle
FFO: Gargoyle
DoS: Gargoyle

Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒfƒBƒ{[ƒ“ - buraddibo-n     - Bloody Bone
NES: R.BONE (Red Bone)
FFO: Bloodbones
DoS: Bloodbones

Fam: ƒsƒXƒRƒfƒB[ƒ‚ƒ“ - pisukodi-mon    - Piscodemon
FFO: Piscodemon
DoS: Piscodemon

Fam: ƒAƒXƒgƒX         - asutosu         - Astos
FFO: Astos
DoS: Astos

Fam: ƒ}ƒ~[           - mami-           - Mummy
FFO: Mummy
DoS: Mummy

Fam: ƒŒƒCƒX           - reisu           - Wraith
FFO: Wraith
DoS: Wraith

Fam: ƒAƒiƒRƒ“ƒ_       - anakonda        - Anaconda
FFO: Anaconda
DoS: Anaconda

Fam: ƒnƒCƒGƒiƒhƒ“     - haienadon       - Hyeanodon
FFO: Hyenadon
DoS: Hyenadon

Fam: ƒLƒeƒBƒ^ƒCƒK[   - kititaiga-      - Kitty Tiger
FFO: Lesser Tiger
DoS: Lesser Tiger

Fam: ƒ~ƒmƒ^ƒEƒƒX     - minotaurosu     - Minotaur
FFO: Minotaur
DoS: Minotaur

Fam: ƒqƒ‹ƒMƒK[ƒX     - hirugiga-su     - Hill Gigas
FFO: Hill Gigas
DoS: Hill Gigas

Fam: ƒA[ƒXƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒg - a-sueremento    - Earth Element
FFO: Gnoma
DoS: Earth Elemental

Fam: ƒgƒƒ‹           - tororu          - Troll
FFO: Troll
DoS: Troll

Fam: ƒƒCƒg           - waito           - Wight
FFO: Wight
DoS: Wight

Fam: ƒI[ƒJ[ƒ[ƒŠ[   - o-ka-zeri-      - Ochre Jelly
FFO: Ochre Jelly
DoS: Ochre Jelly

Fam: ƒRƒJƒgƒŠƒX       - kokatorisu      - Cockatrice
FFO: Cockatrice
DoS: Cockatrice

Fam: ƒoƒ“ƒpƒCƒA       - banpaia         - Vampire
FFO: Vampire
DoS: Vampire

Fam: ƒI[ƒKƒƒCƒW     - o-gameiji       - Ogre Mage
NES: WzOGRE (Wizard Ogre)
FFO: Ogre Mage
DoS: Ogre Mage

Fam: ƒXƒtƒBƒ“ƒNƒX     - sufinkusu       - Sphinx
FFO: Sphinx
DoS: Sphinx

Fam: ƒŠƒbƒ`           - ritchi          - Lich
FFO: Lich
DoS: Lich

Fam: ƒAƒ“ƒNƒwƒbƒO     - ankuheggu       - Ankheg
FFO: Centipede
DoS: Ankheg

Fam: ƒsƒ‰ƒjƒA         - pirania         - Piranha
FFO: Piranha
DoS: Piranha

Fam: ƒŒƒbƒhƒsƒ‰ƒjƒA   - reddopirania    - Red Piranha
NES: R.CARIBE (Red Caribe)
FFO: Red Piranha
DoS: Red Piranha

Fam: ƒNƒƒRƒ_ƒCƒ‹     - kurokodairu     - Crocodile
FFO: Crocodile
DoS: Crocodile

Fam: ƒzƒƒCƒgƒ_ƒCƒ‹   - howaitodairu    - White 'dile
NES: FrGATOR (Frost Gator)
FFO: White Croc
DoS: White Croc

Fam: ƒIƒ`ƒ…[         - ochu-           - Otyugh
FFO: Ochu
DoS: Ochu

Fam: ƒlƒIƒ`ƒ…[       - neochu-         - Neo-Otyugh
FFO: Neochu
DoS: Neochu

Fam: ƒqƒhƒ‰           - hidora          - Hydra
FFO: Hydra
DoS: Hydra

Fam: ƒz[ƒ“ƒhƒfƒrƒ‹   - ho-ndodebiru    - Horned Devil
NES: R.GOYLE (Red Gargoyle)
FFO: Horned Devil
DoS: Horned Devil

Fam: ƒsƒƒŠƒXƒN       - pirorisuku      - Pyrolisk
FFO: Pyrolisk
DoS: Pyrolisk

Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒA[       - faia-           - Fire
FFO: Pyros
DoS: Fire Elemental

Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒAƒqƒhƒ‰   - faiahidora      - Fire Hydra
NES: R.HYDRA (Red Hydra)
FFO: Fire Hydra
DoS: Fire Hydra

Fam: ƒ‰[ƒoƒEƒH[ƒ€   - ra-bauo-mu      - Lava Worm
NES: Grey W (Grey Worm)
FFO: Lava Worm
DoS: Lava Worm

Fam: ƒwƒ‹ƒnƒEƒ“ƒh     - heruhaundo      - Hell Hound
FFO: Hellhound
DoS: Hellhound

Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒAƒŠƒU[ƒh - faiariza-do     - Fire Lizard
FFO: Fire Lizard
DoS: Fire Lizard

Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒAƒMƒK[ƒX - faiagiga-su     - Fire Gigas
NES: R.GIANT (Red Giant)
FFO: Fire Gigas
DoS: Fire Gigas

Fam: ƒŒƒbƒhƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“   - reddodoragon    - Red Dragon
NES: Red D (Red Dragon)
FFO: Red Dragon
DoS: Red Dragon

Fam: ƒ}ƒŠƒŠƒX         - maririsu        - Marilith
FFO: Marilith
DoS: Marilith

Fam: ƒzƒƒCƒgƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - howaitodoragon  - White Dragon
NES: Frost D (Frost Dragon)
FFO: White Dragon
DoS: White Dragon

Fam: ƒEƒBƒ“ƒ^[ƒEƒ‹ƒt - uinta-urufu     - Winter Wolf
NES: FrWOLF (Frost Wolf)
FFO: Winter Wolf
DoS: Winter Wolf

Fam: ƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒhƒtƒŒƒCƒA - maindofureia    - Mind Flayer
FFO: Mindflayer
DoS: Mindflayer

Fam: ƒAƒCƒXƒMƒK[ƒX   - aisugiga-su     - Ice Gigas
NES: FrGIANT (Frost Giant)
FFO: Ice Gigas
DoS: Ice Gigas

Fam: ƒXƒyƒNƒ^[       - supekuta-       - Specter
FFO: Specter
DoS: Specter

Fam: ƒŒƒ‚ƒ‰[ƒY       - remora-zu       - Remorhaz
NES: GrPEDE (Great Pede)
FFO: Remora
DoS: Remorazz

Fam: ƒ_[ƒNƒEƒBƒU[ƒh - da-kuuiza-do    - Dark Wizard
FFO: Dark Wizard
DoS: Dark Wizard

Fam: ƒrƒzƒ‹ƒ_[       - bihoruda-       - Beholder
WSC: ƒCƒrƒ‹ƒAƒC       - ibiruai         - Evil Eye
FFO: Evil Eye
DoS: Evil Eye

Fam: ƒfƒU[ƒgƒoƒŒƒbƒe - deza-tobarette  - Desert Bulette
FFO: Desert Baretta
DoS: Desert Baretta

Fam: ƒZ[ƒxƒ‹ƒ^ƒCƒK[ - se-berutaiga-   - Saber Tiger
NES: Saber T (Saber Tooth Tiger)
FFO: Sabretooth
DoS: Sabertooth

Fam: ƒƒCƒo[ƒ“       - waiba-n         - Wyvern
FFO: Wyvern
DoS: Wyvern

Fam: ƒEƒBƒ‹ƒ€         - uirumu          - Wyrm
FFO: Wyrm
DoS: Wyrm

Fam: ƒ}ƒ“ƒeƒBƒRƒA     - mantikoa        - Manticore
FFO: Manticore
DoS: Manticore

Fam: ƒoƒŒƒbƒe         - barette         - Bulette
NES: R.ANKYLO (Red Ankylo)
FFO: Baretta
DoS: Baretta

Fam: ƒoƒVƒŠƒXƒN       - bashirisuku     - Basilisk
FFO: Basilisk
DoS: Basilisk

Fam: ƒAƒƒUƒEƒ‹ƒX     - arozaurusu      - Allosaurus
FFO: Allosaurus
DoS: Allosaurus

Fam: ƒEƒFƒAƒ^ƒCƒK[   - ueataiga-       - Weretiger
FFO: Weretiger
DoS: Weretiger

Fam: ƒTƒ“ƒhƒEƒH[ƒ€   - sandouo-mu      - Sand Worm
NES: Sand W (Sand Worm)
FFO: Sand Worm
DoS: Sand Worm

Fam: ƒ~ƒmƒ^ƒEƒƒ]ƒ“ƒr - minotaurozonbi  - Minotaur Zombie
NES: ZomBULL (Zombie Bull)
FFO: Necrotaur
DoS: Minotaur Zombie

Fam: ƒLƒ“ƒOƒ}ƒ~[     - kingumami-      - King Mummy
NES: WzMUMMY (Wizard Mummy)
FFO: King Mummy
DoS: King Mummy

Fam: ƒƒfƒ…[ƒT       - medu-sa         - Medusa
FFO: Medusa
DoS: Medusa

Fam: ƒ‰ƒNƒVƒƒ[ƒT     - rakusha-sa      - Rakshasa
FFO: Rakshasa
DoS: Rakshasa

Fam: ƒNƒŒƒCƒS[ƒŒƒ€   - kureigo-remu    - Clay Golem
FFO: Clay Golem
DoS: Clay Golem

Fam: ƒiƒCƒgƒƒA       - naitomea        - Nightmare
FFO: Nightmare
DoS: Nightmare

Fam: ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒ]ƒ“ƒr   - doragonzonbi    - Dragon Zombie
NES: ZombieD (Zombie Dragon)
FFO: Dragon Zombie
DoS: Dragon Zombie

Fam: ƒTƒnƒMƒ“ƒvƒŠƒ“ƒX - sahaginpurinsu  - Sahuagin Prince
NES: WzSAHAG (Wizard Sahag)
FFO: Sahagin Prince
DoS: Sahagin Prince

Fam: ƒzƒƒCƒgƒVƒƒ[ƒN - howaitosha-ku   - White Shark
NES: GrSHARK (Grey Shark)
FFO: White Shark
DoS: White Shark

Fam: ƒfƒB[ƒvƒAƒC     - di-puai         - Deep Eye
FFO: Deepeyes
DoS: Deepeyes

Fam: ƒV[ƒXƒlƒCƒN     - shi-suneiku     - Sea Snake
FFO: Sea Snake
DoS: Sea Snake

Fam: ‚¤‚݃Tƒ\ƒŠ       - umisasori       - Sea Scorpion
FFO: Sea Scorpion
DoS: Sea Scorpion

Fam: ƒV[ƒgƒƒ‹       - shi-tororu      - Sea Troll
FFO: Sea Troll
DoS: Sea Troll

Fam: ƒS[ƒXƒg         - go-suto         - Ghost
FFO: Ghost
DoS: Ghost

Fam: ƒEƒH[ƒ^[       - uo-ta-          - Water
FFO: Aquos
DoS: Water Elemental

Fam: ƒEƒH[ƒ^[ƒi[ƒK - uo-ta-na-ga     - Water Naga
FFO: Water Naga
DoS: Water Naga

Fam: ƒNƒ‰[ƒPƒ“       - kura-ken        - Kraken
FFO: Kraken
DoS: Kraken

Fam: ƒ`ƒ‰ƒmƒUƒEƒ‹ƒX   - chiranozaurusu  - Tyrannosaurus
FFO: Tyrannosaur
DoS: Tyrannosaur

Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒiƒCƒg   - burakkunaito    - Black Knight
FFO: Black Knight
DoS: Black Knight

Fam: ƒLƒƒ‰           - kimera          - Chimera
FFO: Chimera
DoS: Chimera

Fam: ƒK[ƒfƒBƒAƒ“     - ga-dian         - Guardian
FFO: Guardian
DoS: Guardian

Fam: ƒuƒ‹[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“   - buru-doragon    - Blue Dragon
NES: Blue D (Blue Dragon)
FFO: Blue Dragon
DoS: Blue Dragon

Fam: ƒOƒŠ[ƒ“ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - guri-ndoragon   - Green Dragon
NES: Gas D (Gas Dragon)
FFO: Green Dragon
DoS: Green Dragon

Fam: ƒXƒg[ƒ“ƒS[ƒŒƒ€ - suto-ngo-remu   - Stone Golem
FFO: Stone Golem
DoS: Stone Golem

Fam: ƒGƒAƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒ^ƒ‹ - eaerementaru    - Air Elemental
FFO: Aeros
DoS: Air Elemental

Fam: ƒXƒsƒŠƒbƒgƒi[ƒK - supirittona-ga  - Spirit Naga
NES: GrNAGA (Grey Naga)
FFO: Spirit Naga
DoS: Spirit Naga

Fam: ƒfƒXƒiƒCƒg       - desunaito       - Death Knight
FFO: Doom Knight
DoS: Death Knight

Fam: ƒA[ƒXƒƒfƒ…[ƒT - a-sumedu-sa     - Earth Medusa
NES: GrMEDUSA (Green Medusa)
FFO: Earth Medusa
DoS: Earth Medusa

Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒvƒŠƒ“   - burakkupurin    - Black Pudding
FFO: Dark Flan
DoS: Black Flan

Fam: ƒ\ƒ‹ƒWƒƒ[       - soruja-         - Soldier
FFO: Soldier
DoS: Soldier

Fam: ƒoƒ“ƒpƒCƒAƒ[ƒh - banpaiaro-do    - Vampire Lord
NES: WzVAMP (Wizard Vampire)
FFO: Vampire Lord
DoS: Vampire Lord

Fam: ƒ_[ƒNƒtƒ@ƒCƒ^[ - da-kufaita-     - Dark Fighter
FFO: Dark Warrior
DoS: Dark Fighter

Fam: ƒfƒXƒ}ƒV[ƒ“     - desumashi-n     - Death Machine
FFO: Warmech
DoS: Death Machine

Fam: ƒeƒBƒAƒ}ƒbƒg     - tiamatto        - Tiamat
FFO: Tiamat
DoS: Tiamat

Fam: ƒS[ƒLƒƒ‰       - go-kimera       - Gorgimera
FFO: Rhyos
DoS: Rhyos

Fam: ƒfƒXƒrƒzƒ‹ƒ_[   - desubihoruda-   - Death Beholder
WSC: ƒfƒXƒAƒC         - desuai          - Death Eye
FFO: Death Eye
DoS: Death Eye

Fam: ƒp[ƒvƒ‹ƒEƒH[ƒ€ - pa-puruuo-mu    - Purple Worm
FFO: Purple Worm
DoS: Purple Worm

Fam: ƒAƒCƒAƒ“ƒS[ƒŒƒ€ - aiango-remu     - Iron Golem
FFO: Iron Golem
DoS: Iron Golem

Fam: ƒJƒIƒX           - kaosu           - Chaos
FFO: Chaos
DoS: Chaos

GBA-only Enemies:
GBJ: ƒGƒLƒhƒi         - ekidona         - Echidna
DoS: Echidna

GBJ: ƒPƒ‹ƒxƒƒX       - keruberosu      - Cerberus
DoS: Cerberus

GBJ: ƒA[ƒŠƒ}ƒ“       - a-riman         - Ahriman
DoS: Ahriman

GBJ: ‚Qƒwƒbƒhƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - 2heddodoragon   - 2-Headed Dragon
DoS: 2-Headed Dragon

GBJ: ƒXƒJƒ‹ƒ~ƒŠƒ‡[ƒl - sukarumiryo-ne  - Scarmiglione
DoS: Scarmiglione

GBJ: ƒJƒCƒiƒbƒcƒH     - kainattso       - Cagnazzo
DoS: Cagnazzo

GBJ: ƒoƒ‹ƒoƒŠƒVƒA     - barubarishia    - Barbariccia
DoS: Barbariccia

GBJ: ƒ‹ƒrƒJƒ“ƒe       - rubikante       - Rubicante
DoS: Rubicante

GBJ: ƒMƒ‹ƒKƒƒbƒVƒ…   - girugamesshu    - Gilgamesh
DoS: Gilgamesh

GBJ: ƒIƒƒK           - omega           - Omega
DoS: Omega

GBJ: ‚µ‚ñ‚è‚イ       - shinryuu        - Shinryu (God Dragon)
DoS: Shinryu

GBJ: ƒAƒgƒ‚ƒX         - atomosu         - Atomos
DoS: Atomos

GBJ: ƒeƒ…ƒ|[ƒ“       - tupo-n          - Typhon
DoS: Typhon

GBJ: ƒIƒ‹ƒgƒƒX       - orutorosu       - Orthros
DoS: Orthros

GBJ: ‚Ü‚ê‚Á‚µ‚á       - maressha        - Demon Train
DoS: Phantom Train

GBJ: ƒfƒXƒQƒCƒY       - desugeizu       - Death Gaze
DoS: Death Gaze

GBJ: ƒfƒrƒ‹ƒEƒBƒU[ƒh - debiruuiza-do   - Devil Wizard
DoS: Devil Wizard

GBJ: ƒAƒrƒXƒEƒH[ƒ€   - abisuuo-mu      - Abyss Worm
DoS: Abyss Worm

GBJ: ƒGƒ‹ƒ€ƒMƒK[ƒX   - erumugiga-su    - Elm Gigas
DoS: Elm Gigas

GBJ: ƒtƒŒƒAƒMƒK[ƒX   - fureagiga-su    - Flare Gigas
DoS: Flare Gigas

GBJ: ƒ†ƒjƒR[ƒ“       - yuniko-n        - Unicorn
DoS: Unicorn

GBJ: ƒCƒGƒ[ƒI[ƒK   - iero-o-ga       - Yellow Ogre
DoS: Yellow Ogre

GBJ: ƒo[ƒTƒI[ƒK     - ba-sao-ga       - Berserk Ogre
DoS: Mad Ogre

GBJ: ƒƒCƒWƒLƒƒ‰     - meijikimera     - Mage Chimera
DoS: Mage Chimera

GBJ: ƒCƒGƒ[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - iero-doragon    - Yellow Dragon
DoS: Yellow Dragon

GBJ: ƒz[ƒŠ[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - ho-ri-doragon   - Holy Dragon
DoS: Holy Dragon

GBJ: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒS[ƒŒƒ€ - misurirugo-remu - Mithril Golem
DoS: Mythril Golem

GBJ: ƒLƒ‰[ƒVƒƒ[ƒN   - kira-sha-ku     - Killer Shark
DoS: Killer Shark

GBJ: ƒfƒXƒ}ƒ“ƒeƒBƒRƒA - desumantikoa    - Death Manticore
DoS: Death Manticore

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒhƒ^ƒCƒK[ - buraddotaiga-   - Blood Tiger
DoS: Blood Tiger

GBJ: ƒ_[ƒNƒAƒC       - da-kuai         - Dark Eye
DoS: Dark Eye

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒfƒBƒAƒC   - buraddiai       - Bloody Eye
DoS: Bloody Eye

GBJ: ƒtƒ‰ƒbƒhƒMƒK[ƒX - furaddogiga-su  - Flood Gigas
DoS: Flood Gigas

GBJ: ƒvƒAƒ]ƒ“ƒC[ƒOƒ‹ - puazoni-guru    - Puazon??? Eagle
DoS: Poison Eagle

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒSƒuƒŠƒ“ - burakkugoburin  - Black Goblin
DoS: Black Goblin

GBJ: ƒmƒbƒJ[         - nokka-          - Knocker
DoS: Knocker

GBJ: ƒfƒU[ƒgƒs[ƒh   - deza-topi-do    - Desert Pede
DoS: Desertpede

GBJ: ƒOƒ‹[ƒ€ƒEƒBƒhƒE - guru-muuidou    - Gloom Widow
DoS: Gloom Widow

GBJ: ƒfƒ…ƒGƒ‹ƒiƒCƒg   - duerunaito      - Duel Knight
DoS: Duel Knight

GBJ: ƒXƒNƒCƒhƒ‰[ƒPƒ“ - sukuidora-ken   - Squidraken
DoS: Squidraken

GBJ: ƒtƒ@ƒ‰ƒI         - farao           - Pharaoh
DoS: Pharaoh

GBJ: ƒ{[ƒ“ƒXƒiƒbƒ`   - bo-nsunacchi    - Bonesnatch
DoS: Bonesnatch

GBJ: ƒVƒ‹ƒo[ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - siruba-doragon  - Silver Dragon
DoS: Silver Dragon

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒbƒNƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ - burakkudoragon  - Black Dragon
DoS: Black Dragon

GBJ: ƒuƒ‹[ƒgƒƒ‹     - buru-tororu     - Blue Troll
DoS: Blue Troll

GBJ: ƒA[ƒXƒgƒƒ‹     - a-sutororu      - Earth Troll
DoS: Earth Troll

GBJ: ƒ|ƒCƒ]ƒ“ƒi[ƒK   - poizonna-ga     - Poison Naga
DoS: Poison Naga

GBJ: ƒA[ƒXƒvƒ‰ƒ“ƒg   - a-supuranto     - Earth Plant
DoS: Earth Plant

GBJ: ƒ„ƒ}ƒ^ƒmƒIƒƒ`   - yamatanoorochi  - Yamatano Orochi
DoS: Yamatano Orochi

GBJ: ƒ_[ƒNƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒg - da-kaeremento   - Dark Element
DoS: Dark Elemental

GBJ: ƒfƒrƒ‹ƒnƒEƒ“ƒh   - debiruhaundo    - Devil Hound
DoS: Devil Hound

GBJ: ƒZƒNƒŒƒg         - sekureto        - Sekhret???
DoS: Sekhret

GBJ: ƒJƒgƒuƒŒƒpƒX     - katoburepasu    - Catoblepas
DoS: Catoblepas

GBJ: ƒnƒ“ƒhƒŒƒbƒO     - handoreggu      - Hundleg (Hundred Leg)
DoS: Hundlegs

GBJ: ƒAƒ“ƒ_ƒOƒ‰ƒ“ƒ_   - andaguranda     - Undergrounder
DoS: Undergrounder

GBJ: ƒfƒXƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒ^ƒ‹ - desuerementaru  - Death Elemental
DoS: Death Elemental

GBJ: ƒƒCƒ‹ƒhƒiƒbƒN   - wairudonakku    - Wild Nack???
DoS: Wild Nakk

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒCƒ“ƒhƒEƒ‹ƒt - buraindourufu   - Blind Wolf
DoS: Dark Wolf

GBJ: ƒƒbƒNƒK[ƒSƒCƒ‹ - rokkuga-goiru   - Rock Gargoyle
DoS: Rock Gargoyle

GBJ: ƒTƒnƒMƒ“ƒNƒC[ƒ“ - sahaginkui-n    - Sahuagin Queen
DoS: Sahagin Queen

GBJ: ‚µ‚É‚ª‚Ý         - shinigami       - Death God
DoS: Reaper

GBJ: ƒpƒCƒ\ƒ“         - paison          - Python
DoS: Python

GBJ: ƒXƒJƒ‹ƒWƒƒ[     - sukaruja-       - Skulldier
DoS: Skuldier

GBJ: ƒŒƒbƒhƒvƒŠƒ“     - reddopurin      - Red Pudding
DoS: Red Flan

GBJ: ƒvƒƒgƒ^ƒCƒv     - purototaipu     - Prototype
DoS: Prototype

GBJ: ƒŒƒuƒiƒ“ƒg       - rebunanto       - Revenant
DoS: Revenant


[2.B] Weapons:
These are arranged by the GBA's sort order.

Fam: ƒiƒBƒt         - naifu            - Knife
NES: Small (Dagger)
FFO: Knife
DoS: Knife

Fam: ƒ_ƒK[         - daga-            - Dagger
NES: Large (Dagger)
FFO: Dagger
DoS: Dagger

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒiƒBƒt - misurirunaifu    - Mithril Knife
NES: Silver (Knife)
FFO: Mythril Knife
DoS: Mythril Knife

GBJ: ƒƒCƒWƒ}ƒbƒVƒƒ[ - meijimassha-   - Mage Masher
DoS: Mage Masher

Fam: ƒlƒR‚̃cƒ       - nekonotsume    - Cat's Claw
NES: CatClaw
FFO: Cat Claws
DoS: Cat Claws

GBJ: ƒOƒ‰ƒfƒBƒEƒX     - guradiusu      - Gladius
DoS: Gladius

GBJ: ƒIƒŠƒnƒ‹ƒRƒ“     - oriharukon     - Orichalcum
DoS: Orichalcum

GBJ: ƒAƒTƒVƒ“ƒ_ƒK[   - asashindaga-   - Assassin Dagger
DoS: Assassin Dagger

Fam: ƒŒƒBƒvƒA         - reipia         - Rapier
NES: Rapier
FFO: Rapier
DoS: Rapier

Fam: ƒT[ƒxƒ‹         - sa-beru        - Sabre
NES: Sabre
FFO: Saber
DoS: Saber

Fam: ƒuƒ[ƒhƒ\[ƒh   - buro-doso-do   - Broad Sword
NES: Short (Sword)
FFO: Broadsword
DoS: Broadsword

Fam: ƒEƒFƒAƒoƒXƒ^[   - ueabasuta-     - Were Buster
NES: Were (Sword)
FFO: Werebane
DoS: Werebuster

Fam: ƒ‹[ƒ“ƒuƒŒ[ƒh   - ru-nbure-do    - Rune Blade
NES: Rune (Sword)
FFO: Rune Blade
DoS: Rune Blade

Fam: ƒEƒBƒ‹ƒ€ƒLƒ‰[   - uirumukira-    - Wyrm Killer
NES: Dragon (Sword)
FFO: Wyrmkiller
DoS: Wyrmkiller

Fam: ‚³‚ñ‚²‚̂‚邬   - sangonotsurugi - Coral Sword
NES: Coral (Sword)
FFO: Coral Sword
DoS: Coral Sword

Fam: ƒƒ“ƒOƒ\[ƒh     - ronguso-do     - Long Sword
NES: Long (Sword)
FFO: Long Sword
DoS: Longsword

Fam: ƒOƒŒ[ƒgƒ\[ƒh   - gure-toso-do   - Great Sword
NES: Giant (Sword)
FFO: Claymore
DoS: Great Sword

Fam: ƒŒƒCƒYƒT[ƒxƒ‹   - reizusa-buru   - Raze Sabre
NES: Bane (Sword)
FFO: Venom Blade
DoS: Razer

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒ\[ƒh   - misuriruso-do  - Mithril Sword
NES: Silver (Sword)
FFO: Mythril Sword
DoS: Mythril Sword

Fam: ƒVƒƒ[ƒvƒ\[ƒh   - sha-puso-do    - Sharp Sword
NES: Vorpal
FFO: Vorpal Sword
DoS: Vorpal Sword

Fam: ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€ƒ\[ƒh   - fure-muso-do   - Flame Sword
NES: Flame (Sword)
FFO: Flame Sword
DoS: Flame Sword

GBJ: ƒfƒ…ƒGƒ‹ƒŒƒCƒsƒA - duerureipia    - Duel Rapier
DoS: Duel Rapier

GBJ: ƒGƒ“ƒnƒ“ƒXƒ\[ƒh - enhansuso-do   - Enhance Sword
DoS: Enhancer

Fam: ƒAƒCƒXƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒh   - aisuburando    - Ice Brand
NES: Ice (Sword)
FFO: Ice Brand
DoS: Ice Brand

Fam: ƒfƒBƒtƒFƒ“ƒ_[   - difenda-       - Defender
NES: Defense
FFO: Defender
DoS: Defender

GBJ: ƒuƒŒƒCƒuƒn[ƒg   - fureibuha-to   - Braveheart
DoS: Braveheart

Fam: ƒTƒ“ƒuƒŒ[ƒh     - sanbure-do     - Sun Blade
NES: Sun (Sword)
FFO: Sunblade
DoS: Sun Blade

GBJ: ƒfƒXƒuƒŠƒ“ƒK[   - desuburinga-   - Death Bringer
DoS: Deathbringer

GBJ: ƒ_[ƒNƒNƒŒƒCƒ‚ƒA - da-kukureimoa  - Dark Claymore
DoS: Dark Claymore

Fam: ƒGƒNƒXƒJƒŠƒo[   - ekusukariba-   - Excalibur
NES: Xcalber
FFO: Excalibur
DoS: Excalibur

GBJ: ƒ‰ƒCƒgƒuƒŠƒ“ƒK[ - raitoburinga-  - Light Bringer
DoS: Lightbringer

GBJ: ƒ‰ƒOƒiƒƒN       - ragunaroku     - Ragnarok
DoS: Ragnarok

GBJ: ƒAƒ‹ƒeƒ}ƒEƒFƒ|ƒ“ - arutemauepon   - Ultima Weapon
DoS: Ultima Weapon

Fam: ƒVƒ~ƒ^[         - shimita-       - Scimitar
NES: Scimtar (Scimitar)
FFO: Scimitar
DoS: Scimitar

Fam: ƒtƒH[ƒ‹ƒ`ƒ‡ƒ“   - fo-ruchon      - Falchion
NES: Falchon
FFO: Falchion
DoS: Falchion

GBJ: ‚±‚Ä‚Â           - kotetsu        - Kotetsu
DoS: Kotetsu

GBJ: ‚ ‚µ‚ã‚ç         - ashura         - Asura
DoS: Asura

Fam: ƒTƒXƒP‚Ì‚©‚½‚È   - sasukenokatana - Sasuke's Katana
NES: Katana
FFO: Sasuke
DoS: Sasuke's Blade

GBJ: ‚«‚­‚¢‚¿‚à‚ñ‚¶    - kikuichimonji  - Kikuichimonji
DoS: Kikuichimonji

GBJ: ƒ€ƒ‰ƒTƒ         - murasame       - Murasame
DoS: Murasame

Fam: ƒ}ƒTƒ€ƒl         - masamune       - Masamune
NES: Masmune
FFO: Masamune
DoS: Masamune

Fam: ƒkƒ“ƒ`ƒƒƒN       - nunchaku       - Nunchucks
NES: Wooden (Nunchuck)
FFO: Nunchaku
DoS: Nunchaku

Fam: ƒeƒcƒkƒ“ƒ`ƒƒƒN   - tetsununchaku  - Iron Nunchucks
NES: Iron (Nunchuck)
FFO: Iron Nunchaku
DoS: Iron Nunchaku

Fam: ƒoƒhƒ‹ƒAƒNƒX     - batoruakusu    - Battle Axe
NES: Hand (Axe)
FFO: Battle Axe
DoS: Battle Axe

Fam: ƒOƒŒ[ƒgƒAƒNƒX   - gure-toakusu   - Great Axe
NES: Great (Axe)
FFO: Great Axe
DoS: Great Axe

GBJ: ƒoƒCƒLƒ“ƒOƒAƒNƒX - baikinguakusu  - Viking Axe
DoS: Viking Axe

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒAƒNƒX   - misuriruakusu  - Mithril Axe
NES: Silver (Axe)
FFO: Mythril Axe
DoS: Mythril Axe

Fam: ƒ‰ƒCƒgƒAƒNƒX     - raitoakusu     - Light Axe
NES: Light (Axe)
FFO: Light Axe
DoS: Light Axe

GBJ: ƒI[ƒKƒLƒ‰[     - o-gakira-      - Ogre Killer
DoS: Ogrekiller

GBJ: ƒ‹[ƒ“ƒAƒNƒX     - ru-nakusu      - Rune Axe
DoS: Rune Axe

GBJ: ƒMƒKƒ“ƒgƒAƒNƒX   - gigantoakusu   - Gigantaxe
DoS: Gigantaxe

Fam: ƒnƒ“ƒ}[         - hanma-         - Hammer
NES: Iron (Hammer)
FFO: Hammer
DoS: Hammer

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒnƒ“ƒ}   - misuriruhanma  - Mithril Hammer
NES: Silver (Hammer)
FFO: Mythril Hammer
DoS: Mythril Hammer

Fam: ƒg[ƒ‹ƒnƒ“ƒ}[   - to-ruhanma-    - Thor's Hammer
NES: Thor (Thor's Hammer)
FFO: Thor's Hammer
DoS: Thor's Hammer

GBJ: ƒEƒH[ƒnƒ“ƒ}[   - uo-hanma-      - War Hammer
DoS: War Hammer

Fam: ‚‚¦             - tsue           - Staff
NES: Wooden (Staff)
FFO: Staff
DoS: Staff

Fam: ‚¢‚₵‚̂‚¦     - iyashinotsue   - Staff of Healing
NES: Heal (Staff)
FFO: Healing Staff
DoS: Healing Staff

Fam: ‚¿‚©‚ç‚̂‚¦     - chikaranotsue  - Staff of Power
NES: Power (Staff)
FFO: Power Staff
DoS: Power Staff

Fam: ‚Ü‚¶‚ã‚‚̂‚¦   - majutsunotsue  - Staff of Magic
NES: Mage (Mage Staff)
FFO: Mage's Staff
DoS: Mage's Staff

Fam: ‚µ‚á‚­‚¶‚傤     - shakujou       - Shakujo (Bishop's Staff/Khakkhara)
NES: Iron (Iron Staff)
FFO: Crosier
DoS: Crosier

Fam: ‚Ü‚Ç‚¤‚µ‚̂‚¦   - madoushinotsue - Wizard's Staff
NES: Wizard (Staff)
FFO: Spellbinder
DoS: Wizard's Staff

GBJ: ‚¯‚ñ‚¶‚á‚̂‚¦   - kenjanotsue    - Sage's Staff
DoS: Sage's Staff

GBJ: ‚³‚΂«‚̂‚¦     - sabakinotsue   - Staff of Judgement
DoS: Judgement Staff

GBJ: ƒ‹[ƒ“‚̂‚¦     - ru-nnotsue     - Rune Staff
DoS: Rune Staff


[2.C] Armor:
These are arranged by the GBA's sort order.

Fam: ‚Ó‚­              - fuku            - Clothes
NES: Cloth
FFO: Shirt
DoS: Clothes

GBJ: ‚µ‚¶‚ñ‚Ì‚Ó‚­     - shijinnofuku    - Poet's Clothes
DoS: Bard's Tunic

Fam: ‚µ‚ë‚̃[ƒu     - shironoro-bu    - White Robe
NES: White (Shirt)
FFO: White Robe
DoS: White Robe

Fam: ‚­‚ë‚̃[ƒu     - kuronoro-bu     - Black Robe
NES: Black (Shirt)
FFO: Black Robe
DoS: Black Robe

GBJ: ‚µ‚³‚¢‚̃[ƒu   - sisainoro-bu    - Meditation Robe
DoS: Sage's Surplice

GBJ: ‚¯‚ñ‚Û‚¤‚¬       - kenpougi        - Kenpo Suit
DoS: Kenpogi

GBJ: ‚¾‚¢‚¿‚Ì‚±‚ë‚à   - daichinokoromo  - Earth Suit
DoS: Gaia Gear

GBJ: ‚Ђ©‚è‚̃[ƒu   - hikarinoro-bu   - Light Robe
DoS: Light Robe

GBJ: ‚¿‚©‚炾‚·‚«     - chikaradasuki   - Power ???
DoS: Power Vest

GBJ: ƒŒƒbƒhƒWƒƒƒPƒbƒg - reddojaketto    - Red Jacket
DoS: Red Jacket

GBJ: ‚­‚낵‚傤‚¼‚­   - kushouzoku      - Black Clothes
DoS: Black Garb

Fam: ‚©‚í‚æ‚ë‚¢       - kawayoroi       - Leather Armor
NES: Wooden (Armor)
FFO: Leather Armor
DoS: Leather Armor

Fam: ‚­‚³‚è‚©‚½‚Ñ‚ç   - kusarikatabira  - Chain Mail
NES: Chain (Armor)
FFO: Chain Mail
DoS: Chain Mail

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹ƒƒCƒ‹   - misurirumeiru   - Mithril Mail
NES: Silver (Armor)
FFO: Mythril Mail
DoS: Mythril Mail

Fam: ‚Âæ‚ë‚¢       - tetsuyoroi      - Iron Armor
NES: Iron (Armor)
FFO: Steel Plate
DoS: Iron Armor

Fam: ƒAƒCƒXƒA[ƒ}[   - aisua-ma-       - Ice Armor
NES: Ice (Armor)
FFO: Ice Armor
DoS: Ice Armor

Fam: ƒtƒŒƒCƒ€ƒƒCƒ‹   - fureimumeiru    - Flame Mail
NES: Flame (Armor)
FFO: Flame Mail
DoS: Flame Mail

Fam: ƒiƒCƒg‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢   - naitonoyoroi    - Knight's Armor
NES: Steel (Armor)
FFO: Knight's Armor
DoS: Knight's Armor

GBJ: ‚°‚ñ‚¶‚Ì‚æ‚ë‚¢   - genjinoyoroi    - Genji Armor
DoS: Genji Armor

Fam: ƒ_ƒCƒ„ƒA[ƒ}[   - daiyaa-ma-      - Diamond Armor
NES: Opal (Armor)
FFO: Diamond Armor
DoS: Diamond Armor

Fam: ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“ƒƒCƒ‹   - doragonmeiru    - Dragon Mail
NES: Dragon (Armor)
FFO: Dragon Mail
DoS: Dragon Mail

GBJ: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹ƒƒCƒ‹ - kurisutarumeiru - Crystal Mail
DoS: Crystal Mail

Fam: ‚Ç‚¤‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í     - dounoudewa      - Copper Bracelet
NES: Copper (Bracelet)
FFO: Copper Armlet
DoS: Copper Armlet

Fam: ‚¬‚ñ‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í     - ginnoudewa       - Silver Bracelet
NES: Silver (Bracelet)
FFO: Silver Armlet
DoS: Silver Armlet

Fam: ƒ‹ƒr[‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í   - rubi-noudewa     - Ruby Bracelet
NES: Gold (Bracelet)
FFO: Ruby Armlet
DoS: Ruby Armlet

GBJ: ‚Æ‚¤‚¼‚­‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í  - touzokunoudewa   - Thief's Bracelet
DoS: Thief's Armlet

Fam: ƒ_ƒCƒ„‚Ì‚¤‚Å‚í   - daiyanoudewa     - Diamond Bracelet
NES: Opal (Bracelet)
FFO: DiamondArmlet
DoS: Diamond Armlet

Fam: ‚©‚í‚Ì‚½‚Ä       - kawanotate       - Leather Shield
NES: Wooden (Shield)
FFO: Leather Shield
DoS: Leather Shield

Fam: ƒpƒbƒNƒ‰[       - bakkura-         - Buckler
NES: Buckler
FFO: Buckler
DoS: Buckler

Fam: ‚Â̂½‚Ä       - tetsunotate      - Iron Shield
NES: Iron (Shield)
FFO: Iron Shield
DoS: Iron Shield

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‚Ì‚½‚Ä   - misurirunotate   - Mithril Shield
NES: Silver (Shield)
FFO: Mythril Shield
DoS: Mythril Shield

Fam: ƒAƒCƒXƒV[ƒ‹ƒh   - aisushi-rudo     - Ice Shield
NES: Ice (Shield)
FFO: Ice Shield
DoS: Ice Shield

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨‚Ì‚½‚Ä     - honoonotate      - Flame Shield
NES: Flame (Shield)
FFO: Flame Shield
DoS: Flame Shield

GBJ: ‚°‚ñ‚¶‚Ì‚½‚Ä     - genjinotate      - Genji Shield
DoS: Genji Shield

Fam: ƒ_ƒCƒ„ƒV[ƒ‹ƒh   - daiyashi-rudo    - Diamond Shield
NES: Opal (Shield)
FFO: Diamond Shield
DoS: Diamond Shield

GBJ: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹‚Ì‚½‚Ä - kurisutarunotate - Crystal Shield
DoS: Crystal Shield

Fam: ƒC[ƒWƒX‚Ì‚½‚Ä   - i-jisunotate     - Aegis Shield
NES: Aegis (Shield)
FFO: Aegis Shield
DoS: Aegis Shield

GBJ: ‚¦‚¢‚䂤‚Ì‚½‚Ä   - eiyuunotate      - Hero's Shield
DoS: Hero's Shield

GBJ: ‚»‚æ‚©‚º‚̃}ƒ“ƒg - soyokazenomanto  - Soft Wind (Zephyr) Mantle/Manteau
DoS: Zephyr Cape

Fam: ‚Ü‚à‚è‚̃}ƒ“ƒg   - mamorinomanto    - Protective Mantle/Manteau
NES: ProCape (Protective Cape)
FFO: Protect Cloak
DoS: Protect Cloak

GBJ: ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚̃}ƒ“ƒg   - erufunomanto     - Elven Mantle/Manteau
DoS: Elven Cloak

Fam: ‚©‚í‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ     - kawanoboushi     - Leather Cap
NES: Cap
FFO: Leather Cap
DoS: Leather Cap

GBJ: ‚Ë‚¶‚è‚Í‚¿‚Ü‚«   - nejirihachimaki  - Twisted Headband
DoS: Twist Headband

GBJ: ‚³‚ñ‚©‚­‚Ú‚¤‚µ    - sankakuboushi    - Three-Cornered Hat
DoS: Wizard's Hat

GBJ: ‚͂˂‚«‚Ú‚¤‚µ   - hanetsukiboushi  - Feathered Cap
DoS: Feathered Cap

GBJ: ‚µ‚³‚¢‚Ì‚Ú‚¤‚µ   - shisainoboushi   - Meditation Cap
DoS: Sage's Mitre

GBJ: ‚­‚낸‚«‚ñ       - kurozukin        - Black Hood
DoS: Black Cowl

GBJ: ƒŒƒbƒhƒLƒƒƒv     - reddokyappu      - Red Cap
DoS: Red Cap

GBJ: ƒ^ƒCƒK[ƒ}ƒXƒN   - taiga-masuku     - Tiger Mask
DoS: Tiger Mask

Fam: ƒŠƒ{ƒ“           - ribon            - Ribbon
NES: Ribbon
FFO: Ribbon
DoS: Ribbon

Fam: ‚©‚Ô‚Æ           - kabuto           - Helmet
NES: Wooden (Helmet)
FFO: Helmet
DoS: Helm

Fam: ‚¨‚¨‚©‚Ô‚Æ       - ookabuto         - Great Helmet
NES: Iron (Helmet)
FFO: Grand Helm
DoS: Great Helm

Fam: ‚¢‚₵‚Ì‚©‚Ô‚Æ   - iyashinokabuto   - Helmet of Healing
NES: Heal (Helmet)
FFO: Healing Helm
DoS: Healing Helm

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‚©‚Ô‚Æ   - misurirukabuto   - Mithril Helmet
NES: Silver (Helmet)
FFO: Mythril Helm
DoS: Mythril Helm

Fam: ƒ_ƒCƒ„‚Ì‚©‚Ô‚Æ   - daiyanokabuto    - Diamond Helmet
NES: Opal (Helmet)
FFO: Diamond Helm
DoS: Diamond Helm

GBJ: ‚°‚ñ‚¶‚Ì‚©‚Ô‚Æ   - genjinokabuto    - Genji Helmet
DoS: Genji Helm

GBJ: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹ƒwƒ‹ƒ€ - kurisutaruherumu - Crystal Helm
DoS: Crystal Helm

Most of the various gloves/gauntlets are called "kote" (‚±‚Ä), which means
 gauntlet. Since there is one that's actually called "Gauntlet" (ƒKƒ“ƒgƒŒƒbƒg),
 I've called them all gloves in my translation.

Fam: ‚©‚í‚Ä‚Ô‚­‚ë     - kawatebukuro     - Leather Gloves
NES: Gloves
FFO: Leather Gloves
DoS: Leather Gloves

Fam: ‚¹‚¢ƒh‚¤‚Ì‚±‚Ä   - seidounokote     - Bronze Gloves
NES: Copper (Gauntlet)
FFO: Bronze Gloves
DoS: Bronze Gloves

Fam: ‚Í‚ª‚Ë‚Ì‚±‚Ä     - haganenokote     - Steel Gloves
NES: Iron (Gauntlet)
FFO: Steel Gloves
DoS: Steel Gloves

Fam: ƒKƒ“ƒgƒŒƒbƒg     - gantoretto       - Gauntlets
NES: Zeus (Gauntlet)
FFO: Gauntlets
DoS: Gauntlets

Fam: ‚«‚傶‚ñ‚Ì‚±‚Ä   - kyojinnokote     - Giant's Gloves
NES: Power (Gauntlet)
FFO: Giant's Gloves
DoS: Giant's Gloves

GBJ: ‚Æ‚¤‚¼‚­‚Ì‚±‚Ä   - touzokunokote    - Thief's Gloves
DoS: Thief's Gloves

Fam: ƒ~ƒXƒŠƒ‹‚Ì‚±‚Ä   - misurirunokote   - Mithril Gloves
NES: Silver (Gauntlet)
FFO: Mythril Gloves
DoS: Mythril Gloves

Fam: ƒ_ƒCƒ„‚Ì‚±‚Ä     - daiyanokote      - Diamond Gloves
NES: Opal (Gauntlet)
FFO: DiamondGloves
DoS: Diamond Gloves

GBJ: ƒQƒ“ƒW‚Ì‚±‚Ä     - genjinokote      - Genji Gloves
DoS: Genji Gloves

GBJ: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹‚Ì‚±‚Ä - kurisutarunokote - Crystal Gloves
DoS: Crystal Gloves

GBJ: ‚Ä‚ñ‚µ‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í   - tenshinoyubiwa   - Angel's Ring
DoS: Angel's Ring
(Not possible to get without cheating?)

Fam: ‚Ü‚à‚è‚Ì‚ä‚Ñ‚í   - mamorinoyubiwa   - Protective Ring
NES: ProRing (Protective Ring)
FFO: Protect Ring
DoS: Protect Ring

GBJ: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹ƒŠƒ“ƒO - kurisutaruringu  - Crystal Ring
DoS: Crystal Ring


[2.D] Items:
These are arranged by the GBA's sort order.

Fam: ƒ|[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“       - po-shon           - Potion
NES: HEAL (Potion)
FFO: Potion
DoS: Potion

GBJ: ƒnƒCƒ|[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“   - haipo-shon        - High Potion
DoS: Hi-Potion

GBJ: ƒGƒNƒXƒ|[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ - ekusupo-shon      - X-Potion
DoS: X-Potion

GBJ: ƒG[ƒeƒ‹         - e-teru            - Ether
DoS: Ether

GBJ: ƒG[ƒeƒ‹ƒ^[ƒ{   - e-teruta-bo       - Ether Turbo
DoS: Turbo Ether

GBJ: ƒC[ƒeƒ‹ƒhƒ‰ƒC   - i-terudorai       - Ether Dry
DoS: Dry Ether

GBJ: ƒGƒŠƒNƒT[       - erikusa-          - Elixer
DoS: Elixer

GBJ: ƒ‰ƒXƒgƒGƒŠƒNƒT[ - rasutoerikusa-    - Last Elixer
DoS: Megalixer

GBJ: ƒtƒFƒjƒbƒNƒX‚Ì‚¨ - fenikkusunoo      - Phoenix Tail
DoS: Phoenix Down

Fam: ‚Ç‚­‚¯‚µ         - dokukeshi         - Antidote
NES: PURE (Potion)
FFO: Antidote
DoS: Antidote

GBJ: ‚ß‚®‚·‚è         - megusuri          - Eyewash
DoS: Eye Drops

GBJ: ‚â‚Ü‚Ñ‚±‚»‚¤     - yamabikosou       - Echo Herb
DoS: Echo Grass

Fam: ‚«‚ñ‚Ì‚Í‚è       - kinnohari         - Golden Needle
NES: SOFT (Potion)
FFO: Gold Needle
DoS: Gold Needle

GBJ: ‚΂ñ‚Ì‚¤‚â‚­     - bannouyaku        - Medicine of All
DoS: Remedy

GBJ: ‚Ђ¶‚傤‚®‚¿     - hijouguchi        - Emergency Exit
DoS: Emergency Exit

Fam: ‚Ë‚Ô‚­‚ë         - nebukuro          - Sleeping Bag
FFO: Sleeping Bag
DoS: Sleeping Bag

Fam: ƒeƒ“ƒg           - tento             - Tent
FFO: Tent
DoS: Tent

Fam: ƒRƒe[ƒW         - kote-ji           - Cottage
FFO: Cottage
DoS: Cottage

GBJ: ‚­‚à‚Ì‚¢‚Æ       - kumonoito         - Spider's Thread
DoS: Spider's Silk

GBJ: ‚µ‚ë‚¢‚«‚Î       - shiroikiba        - White Fang
DoS: White Fang

GBJ: ‚ ‚©‚¢‚«‚Î       - akikiba           - Red Fang
DoS: Red Fang

GBJ: ‚ ‚¨‚¢‚«‚Î       - aoikiba           - Blue Fang
DoS: Blue Fang

GBJ: ‚Ђ©‚è‚̃J[ƒeƒ“ - hikarinoka-ten    - Light Curtain
DoS: Light Curtain

GBJ: ‚ ‚©‚¢ƒJ[ƒeƒ“   - akaika-ten        - Red Curtain
DoS: Red Curtain

GBJ: ‚µ‚ë‚̃J[ƒeƒ“   - shironoka-ten     - White Curtain
DoS: White Curtain

GBJ: ‚ ‚¨‚¢ƒJ[ƒeƒ“   - aoika-ten         - Blue Curtain
DoS: Blue Curtain

GBJ: ‚‚«‚̃J[ƒeƒ“   - tsukinoka-ten     - Lunar Curtain
DoS: Lunar Curtain

GBJ: ƒGƒ‹ƒƒX‚Ì‚­‚   - erumesunokutsu    - Hermes' Shoes
DoS: Hermes' Shoes

GBJ: ƒoƒ“ƒpƒCƒA‚Ì‚«‚Î - banpaianokiba     - Vampire Fang
DoS: Vampire Fang

GBJ: ƒRƒJƒgƒŠƒX‚Ì‚Â‚ß - kokatorisunotsume - Cockatrice Claw
DoS: Cockatrice Claw

GBJ: ‚«‚傶‚ñ‚Ì‚­‚·‚è - kyojinnokusuri    - Giant's Medicine
DoS: Giant's Tonic

GBJ: ‚悤‚¹‚¢‚Ì‚­‚·‚è - yoseinokusuri     - Fairy's Medicine
DoS: Faerie Tonic

GBJ: ‚¿‚©‚ç‚Ì‚­‚·‚è   - chikaranokusuri   - Power Medicine
DoS: Strength Tonic

GBJ: ƒvƒƒeƒXƒhƒŠƒ“ƒN - purotesudorinku   - Protect Drink
DoS: Protect Drink

GBJ: ƒXƒs[ƒhƒhƒŠƒ“ƒN - supi-dodorinku    - Speed Drink
DoS: Speed Drink

GBJ: ‚«‚ñ‚̃Šƒ“ƒS     - kinnoringo        - Golden Apple
DoS: Golden Apple

GBJ: ‚¬‚ñ‚̃Šƒ“ƒS     - ginnoringo        - Silver Apple
DoS: Silver Apple

GBJ: ƒ\[ƒ}‚Ì‚µ‚¸‚­   - so-manoshizuku    - Drop of Soma
DoS: Soma Drop

GBJ: ƒpƒ[ƒAƒbƒv     - pawa-appu         - Power Up
DoS: Power Plus

GBJ: ƒXƒ^ƒ~ƒiƒAƒbƒv   - sutaminaappu      - Stamina Up
DoS: Stamina Plus

GBJ: ƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒhƒAƒbƒv   - maindiappu        - Mind Up
DoS: Mind Plus

GBJ: ƒXƒs[ƒhƒAƒbƒv   - supi-doappu       - Speed Up
DoS: Speed Plus

GBJ: ƒ‰ƒbƒNƒAƒbƒv     - rakkuappu         - Luck Up
DoS: Luck Plus


[2.E] Special Items:
Fam: ƒŠƒ…[ƒg       - ryu-to         - Lute
FFO: Lute
DoS: Lute

Fam: ƒNƒ‰ƒEƒ“       - kuraun         - Crown
FFO: Crown
DoS: Crown

Fam: ‚·‚¢‚µ‚傤‚Ì‚ß - suishounome    - Crystal Eye
FFO: Crystal Eye
Kan: …»‚Ì–Ú
DoS: Crystal Eye

Fam: ‚ß‚´‚ß‚Ì‚­‚·‚è - mezamenokusuri - Awake Medicine
FFO: Jolt Tonic
Kan: –ÚŠo‚ß‚Ì–ò
DoS: Jolt Tonic

Fam: ‚µ‚ñ‚Ò‚Ì‚©‚¬   - shinpinokagi   - Key of Mystery
NES: KEY (Mystic Key)
FFO: Mystic Key
Kan: _”é‚ÌŒ®
DoS: Mystic Key

Fam: ƒjƒgƒ‚Ì‚©‚â‚­ - nitoronokayaku - Nitro Gunpowder
FFO: Nitro Powder
Kan: ƒjƒgƒ‚̉Ζò
DoS: Nitro Powder

Fam: ƒXƒ^[ƒ‹ƒr[   - suta-rubi-     - Star Ruby
FFO: Star Ruby
DoS: Star Ruby

Fam: ƒƒ[ƒbƒ^‚¢‚µ   - rozettaishi    - Rosetta Stone
FFO: Rosetta Stone
Kan: ƒƒ[ƒbƒ^Î
DoS: Rosetta Stone

Fam: ƒAƒ_ƒ}ƒ“ƒ^ƒCƒg - adamantaito    - Adamantite
FFO: Adamantite
DoS: Adamantite

Fam: ‚‚¿‚̂‚¦     - tsuchinotsue   - Earth Staff
FFO: Earth Rod
Kan: “y‚̏ñ
DoS: Earth Rod

Fam: ‚ӂ䂤‚¹‚«     - fuyuuseki      - Floating Stone
FFO: Levistone
Kan: •‚—VÎ
DoS: Levistone

Fam: ƒ`ƒƒƒCƒ€       - chaimu         - Chime
FFO: Bell
DoS: Chime

Fam: ‚Ë‚¸‚Ý‚Ì‚µ‚Á‚Û - nezuminoshippo - Rat's Tail
FFO: Rat's Tail
GBJ: ƒlƒYƒ~‚Ì‚µ‚Á‚Û
Kan: ƒlƒYƒ~‚̐K”ö
DoS: Rat's Tail

Fam: ƒ[ƒvƒLƒ…[ƒu - wa-pukyu-bu    - Warp Cube
FFO: Warp Cube
DoS: Warp Cube

Fam: ‚悤‚¹‚¢‚̃rƒ“ - yoseinobin     - Bottled Fairy
FFO: Bottled Faerie
Kan: —d¸‚Ì•r
DoS: Bottled Faerie

Fam: ‚­‚¤‚«‚Ì‚Ý‚¸   - kuukinomizu    - Water of Air, Atmospheric Water
FFO: Oxyale
Kan: ‹ó‹C‚̐…
DoS: Oxyale

Fam: ƒJƒk[           - kanu-           - Canoe
NES: Canoe
FFO: Canoe
DoS: Canoe
(On the Famicom/NES version the Canoe does not show up in your items, but it
 was at least intended to at some point. A Game Genie code can put it there.)

GBA-only Items:
GBJ: ‚ׂÁ‚±‚¤‚ ‚ß     - bekkouame       - Special??? Candy
Kan: ‚ׂÁ‚±‚¤ˆ¹
DoS: Carobo

GBJ: ƒIƒJƒŠƒi         - okarina         - Ocarina
DoS: Ocarina

GBJ: ‚Æ‚«‚Ì‚Í‚®‚é‚Ü   - tokinohaguruma  - Clock Gear
Kan: Žž‚ÌŽ•ŽÔ
DoS: Cogwheel

GBJ: ‚‚é‚Í‚µ         - tsuruhashi      - Pickaxe
DoS: Pickaxe

GBJ: ƒlƒŠƒN‚̃TƒCƒ“   - nerikunosain    - Nerrick's Autograph
DoS: Autograph

GBJ: ‚Ü‚¶‚å‚̂Ђ₭   - majonohiyaku    - Witch's Secret Medicine
Kan: –‚—‚Ì”é–ò
DoS: Witch's Brew

GBJ: ƒXƒ~ƒX‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚®   - sumisunodougu   - Smith's Tools
Kan: ƒXƒ~ƒX‚Ì“¹‹ï
DoS: Smyth's Tools

GBJ: ‚¢‚¦‚Ì‚©‚¬       - ienokagi        - House Key
Kan: ‰Æ‚ÌŒ®
DoS: House Key

GBJ: ƒlƒR‚̂Ђ°       - nekonohige      - Cat's Whisker
Kan: ƒlƒR‚Ì•E
DoS: Cat's Whisker

GBJ: ‚¤‚ł̃p[ƒc     - udenopa-tsu     - Arm Parts
Kan: ˜r‚̃p[ƒc
DoS: Arm Parts

GBJ: ‚©‚½‚̃p[ƒc     - katanopa-tsu    - Shoulder Parts
Kan: Œ¨‚̃p[ƒc
DoS: Shoulder Parts

GBJ: ‚`‚hƒ`ƒbƒv       - AIchippu        - AI Chip
DoS: A.I. Chip

GBJ: ‚ ‚½‚܂̃p[ƒc   - atamanopa-tsu   - Head Parts
Kan: “ª‚̃p[ƒc
DoS: Head Parts

GBJ: ‚Ç‚¤‚̃p[ƒc     - dounopa-tsu    - Frame Parts
Kan: “·‚̃p[ƒc
DoS: Torso Parts

GBJ: ‚¨‚ñ‚¹‚¢‚©‚¢‚ë   - anseikairo     - Voice Circuit
Kan: ‰¹º‰ñ˜H
DoS: Audio Circuit

GBJ: ‚ ‚µ‚̃p[ƒc     - ashinopa-tsu   - Leg Parts
Kan: ‘«‚̃p[ƒc
DoS: Leg Parts

GBJ: ƒKƒCƒuƒ\ƒEƒRƒE   - gaibusoukou     - Outer Armor
Kan: ŠO•”‘•b
DoS: Exoskeleton

GBJ: ƒoƒbƒeƒŠ[‚©‚¢‚ë - batteri-kairo   - Battery Circuit
Kan: ƒoƒbƒeƒŠ[‰ñ˜H
DoS: Battery Circuit

GBJ: ƒGƒlƒ‹ƒM[ƒ`ƒbƒv - enerugi-chippu  - Energy Chip
DoS: Energy Chip


[2.F] Black Spells:
Something to note about the spells: Almost all of them are English words (in
 Katakana), but a lot of them are corrupted. Many of them have suffixes (or
 prefixes) to indicate spell progression, or for seemingly no reason at all.
 On the other hand some are not whole words, probably so they'd fit within the
 4 character limit. I've opted to give the whole English word under my
 translation rather than try to mangle the pseudo-words into something
About the suffixes: The second spell in a series has the "ra" suffix. The
 most powerful spell in a series has the "ga" suffix. So we have Blizzard
 (normal), Blizzara (more), and Blizzaga (most).

Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒA - faia     - Fire
FFO: Fire1
DoS: Fire

Fam: ƒXƒŠƒvƒ‹ - suripuru - Sleep
NES: SLEP (Sleep)
FFO: Sleep1
DoS: Sleep

Fam: ƒVƒFƒCƒv - sheipu   - Shape
FFO: Focus1
DoS: Focus

Fam: ƒTƒ“ƒ_[ - sanda-   - Thunder
FFO: Bolt1
DoS: Thunder

Lev 2:
Fam: ƒuƒŠƒUƒh - burizado - Blizzard
FFO: Ice1
DoS: Blizzard

Fam: ƒ_ƒNƒlƒX - dakunesu - Darkness
FFO: Fog
DoS: Dark

Fam: ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒC - sutorai  - Strike?
NES: TMPR (Temper)
FFO: Steel
DoS: Temper

Fam: ƒXƒƒE   - surou    - Slow
FFO: Slow1
DoS: Slow

Lev 3:
Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒ‰ - faira    - Fira
NES: FIR2 (Fire2)
FFO: Fire2
DoS: Fira

Fam: ƒz[ƒ‹ƒh - ho-rudo  - Hold
FFO: Bind
DoS: Hold

Fam: ƒTƒ“ƒ_ƒ‰ - sandara  - Thundera
FFO: Bolt2
DoS: Thundara

Fam: ƒVƒFƒCƒ‰ - sheira   - Shara
NES: LOK2 (Lock2)
FFO: Focus2
DoS: Focara

Lev 4:
Fam: ƒXƒŠƒvƒ‰ - suripura - Sleepra
NES: SLP2 (Sleep2)
FFO: Sleep2
DoS: Sleepra

Fam: ƒwƒCƒXƒg - heisuto  - Haste
FFO: Haste
DoS: Haste

Fam: ƒRƒ“ƒtƒ… - konfyu   - Confuse
NES: CONF (Confuse)
FFO: Muddle
DoS: Confuse

Fam: ƒuƒŠƒUƒ‰ - burizara - Blizzara
NES: ICE2 (Ice2)
FFO: Ice2
DoS: Blizzara

Lev 5:
Fam: ƒtƒ@ƒCƒK - faiga    - Figa
NES: FIR3 (Fire3)
FFO: Fire3
DoS: Firaga

Fam: ƒNƒ‰ƒEƒ_ - kurauda  - Cloud
FFO: Poison
DoS: Scourge

Fam: ƒeƒŒƒ|   - terepo   - Teleport
FFO: Warp1
DoS: Teleport

Fam: ƒ‰ƒXƒƒE - rasurou  - RaSlow
NES: SLO2 (Slow2)
FFO: Slow2
DoS: Slowra

Lev 6:
Fam: ƒTƒ“ƒK[ - sanga-   - Thunga
FFO: Bolt3
DoS: Thundaga

Fam: ƒfƒX     - desu     - Death
FFO: Reaper
DoS: Death

Fam: ƒNƒGƒCƒN - kueiku   - Quake
NES: QAKE (Quake)
FFO: Quake
DoS: Quake

Fam: ƒXƒ^ƒ“   - sutan    - Stun
FFO: Stun
DoS: Stun

Lev 7:
Fam: ƒuƒŠƒUƒK - burizaga - Blizzaga
NES: ICE3 (Ice3)
FFO: Ice3
DoS: Blizzaga

Fam: ƒuƒŒƒCƒN - bureiku  - Break
NES: BRAK (Break)
FFO: Break
DoS: Break

Fam: ƒZ[ƒo[ - se-ba-   - Saber
NES: SABR (Saber)
FFO: Saber
DoS: Saber

Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒCƒ“ - burain   - Blind
NES: BLND (Blind)
FFO: Blind
DoS: Blind

Lev 8:
Fam: ƒtƒŒƒA[ - furea-   - Flare
FFO: Flare
DoS: Flare

Fam: ƒXƒgƒbƒv - sutoppu  - Stop
FFO: Stop
DoS: Stop

Fam: ƒfƒWƒ‡ƒ“ - dejon    - Degeon (supposedly means De-Dungeon)
FFO: Banish
DoS: Warp

Fam: ƒLƒ‹     - kiru     - Kill
FFO: Doom
DoS: Kill


[2.G] White Spells:
White spells have a few more suffixes and prefixes, and no single pattern to
 all of them. You can find "a" for the second spell, and "da" for the second
 or third spell, or a prefix and suffix (ReHeala = strongest Heal spell). The
 "ja" suffix seems to have been made up for the English version.
The "na" suffix is for curing status ailments (Stona cures Stone). The "ba"
 prefix must mean barrier, as all the Ba spells protect you from one or more

Fam: ƒPƒAƒ‹   - kearu    - Care
FFO: Cure1
DoS: Cure

Fam: ƒfƒBƒA   - dia      - Dia (Spanish for Day/Daylight)
FFO: Dia1
DoS: Dia

Fam: ƒvƒƒeƒX - purotesu - Protect
FFO: Shld1
DoS: Protect

Fam: ƒuƒŠƒ“ƒN - burinku  - Blink
FFO: Blink
DoS: Blink

Lev 2:
Fam: ƒuƒ‰ƒi   - burana   - Blina
FFO: Lamp
DoS: Blindna

Fam: ƒTƒCƒŒƒX - sairesu  - Silence
FFO: Silence
DoS: Silence

Fam: ƒoƒTƒ“ƒ_ - basanda  - BaThunder
NES: ALIT (AntiLit)
FFO: NulBolt
DoS: NulShock

Fam: ƒCƒ“ƒrƒW - inbiji   - Invisi
NES: INVS (Invis)
FFO: Invis1
DoS: Invis

Lev 3:
Fam: ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒA - kearua   - Carea
NES: CUR2 (Cure2)
FFO: Cure2
DoS: Cura

Fam: ƒAƒfƒBƒA - adia     - ADia
NES: HRM2 (Harm2)
FFO: Dia2
DoS: Diara

Fam: ƒoƒtƒ@ƒC - bafai    - BaFire
NES: AFIR (AntiFire)
FFO: NulFire
DoS: NulBlaze

Fam: ƒq[ƒ‹   - hi-ru    - Heal
FFO: Heal1
DoS: Heal

Lev 4:
Fam: ƒ|ƒCƒ]ƒi - poizona  - Poisona
FFO: Esuna
DoS: Poisona

Fam: ƒtƒBƒA[ - fia-     - Fear
FFO: Fear
DoS: Fear

Fam: ƒoƒRƒ‹ƒh - bakorudo - BaCold
NES: AICE (AntiIce)
FFO: NulIce
DoS: NulFrost

Fam: ƒ{ƒLƒƒƒ‹ - bokyaru  - Vocal
NES: AMUT (AntiMute)
FFO: Vox
DoS: Vox

Lev 5:
Fam: ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒ_ - kearuda  - Careda
NES: CUR3 (Cure3)
FFO: Cure3
DoS: Curaga

Fam: ƒŒƒCƒY   - reizu    - Raise
FFO: Life1
DoS: Life

Fam: ƒ_ƒfƒBƒA - dadia    - DaDia
NES: HRM3 (Harm3)
FFO: Dia3
DoS: Diaga

Fam: ƒq[ƒ‰   - hi-ra    - Heala
NES: HEL2 (Heal2)
FFO: Heal2
DoS: Healara

Lev 6:
Fam: ƒXƒgƒi   - sutona   - Stona
FFO: Stone
DoS: Stona

Fam: ƒ_ƒeƒŒƒ| - daterepo - DaTeleport
FFO: Warp2
DoS: Exit

Fam: ƒvƒƒeƒA - purotea  - Protea
FFO: Shld2
DoS: Protera

Fam: ƒCƒ“ƒrƒA - inbia    - Invia
NES: INV2 (Invis2)
FFO: Invis2
DoS: Invisira

Lev 7:
Fam: ƒPƒAƒ‹ƒK - kearuga  - Carega
NES: CUR4 (Cure4)
FFO: Cure4
DoS: Curaja

Fam: ƒKƒfƒBƒA - gadia    - GaDia
NES: HRM4 (Harm4)
FFO: Dia4
DoS: Diaja

Fam: ƒoƒ}ƒWƒN - bamajiku - BaMagic
NES: ARUB (AntiRub)
FFO: NulMgc
DoS: NulDeath

Fam: ƒ‰ƒq[ƒ‰ - rahi-ra  - RaHeala
NES: HEL3 (Heal3)
FFO: Heal3
DoS: Healaga

Lev 8:
Fam: ƒAƒŒƒCƒY - areizu   - ARaise
NES: LIF2 (Life2)
FFO: Life2
DoS: Full-Life

Fam: ƒz[ƒŠ[ - ho-ri-   - Holy
FFO: Holy
DoS: Holy

Fam: ƒoƒIƒ‹   - baoru    - BaAll
FFO: NulAll
DoS: NulAll

Fam: ƒfƒXƒyƒ‹ - desuperu - Dispel
FFO: Dispel
DoS: Dispel


[2.H] Enemy Special Attacks:
In most versions of the game many enemy attacks will have the same name. Every
 ice-elemental attack is called Snowstorm, and a variety of different attacks
 all fall under the name Glare or Poison Gas. In the NES version, these all
 had different names.

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨           - honoo          - Flame
FFO: Blaze
DoS: Blaze

Fam: ‚Ó‚Ô‚«           - fubuchi        - Snow Storm
FFO: Icestorm
DoS: Icestorm

Fam: ‚¶‚µ‚ñ           - jishin         - Earthquake
FFO: Earthquake
DoS: Earthquake

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨           - honoo          - Flame
FFO: Blaze
DoS: Blaze

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ƒtƒ‰ƒbƒVƒ…       - furasshu       - Flash
FFO: Flash
DoS: Flash

Fam: ‚Ó‚Ô‚«           - fubuchi        - Snow Storm
FFO: Icestorm
DoS: Icestorm

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨           - honoo          - Flame
FFO: Blaze
DoS: Blaze

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨           - honoo          - Flame
FFO: Blaze
DoS: Blaze

Fam: ƒXƒ~             - sumi           - Ink
FFO: Ink
DoS: Ink

Fam: ‚©‚­‚±‚¤‚°‚«     - kakukougeki    - Nuclear Attack
FFO: Nuke
DoS: Nuke

Fam: ‚Ç‚­ƒKƒX         - dokugasu       - Poison Gas
NES: POISON (stone)
FFO: Toxin
DoS: Poison Gas

Fam: ‚Ç‚­ƒKƒX         - dokugasu       - Poison Gas
NES: POISON (damage)
FFO: Toxin
DoS: Poison Gas

Fam: ‚Ù‚Ì‚¨           - honoo          - Flame
FFO: Blaze
DoS: Blaze

Fam: ‚Í‚È‚¢‚«         - hanaiki        - Snort, Nasal Breathing
FFO: Snort
DoS: Snort

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ‚É‚ç‚Ý           - nirami         - Glare
FFO: Gaze
DoS: Gaze

Fam: ‚Ç‚­‚Î‚è         - dokubari       - Poison Sting
FFO: Poison Darts
DoS: Poison Darts

Fam: ‚Â‚È‚Ý           - tsunami        - Tsunami
FFO: Tsunami
DoS: Tsunami

Fam: ‚¢‚È‚¸‚Ü         - inazuma        - Lightning
FFO: Thunderbolt
DoS: Thunderbolt

Fam: ‚½‚‚܂«         - tatsumaki      - Tornado
FFO: Twister
DoS: Cyclone

Fam: ‚Ç‚­ƒKƒX         - dokugasu       - Poison Gas
FFO: Toxin
DoS: Poison Gas

Fam: ƒ}ƒCƒ“ƒhƒuƒ‰ƒXƒg - maindoburasuto - Mind Blast
FFO: Mind Blast
DoS: Mind Blast

GBJ: ƒ^ƒCƒ_ƒ‹ƒEƒFƒCƒu - taidaruueibu   - Tidal Wave
DoS: Tidal Wave

GBJ: ‚ä‚Ñ‚³‚«         - yubisaki       - Fingertip
DoS: Ray

GBJ: ƒGƒNƒXƒJƒŠƒp[   - ekusukaripa-   - Excalipur
DoS: Excalipur

GBJ: ‚©‚Ü‚¢‚½‚¿       - kamaitachi     - Whirlwind Cut
DoS: Wind Slash

GBJ: ƒRƒƒbƒg         - kometto        - Comet
DoS: Comet

GBJ: ƒ[ƒ€ƒz[ƒ‹     - wa-muho-ru     - Wormhole
DoS: Wormhole

GBJ: ‚Í‚Ç‚¤‚Ù‚¤       - hadouhou       - Surge/Wave Cannon
DoS: Wave Cannon

GBJ: ‚³‚ñ‚¹‚¢‚¤       - sanseiu        - Acid Rain
DoS: Acid Rain


[2.I] Battle Commands:
Fam: ‚½‚½‚©‚¤ - tatakau   - Fight, Battle, Attack
FFO: Attack
DoS: Attack

Fam: ‚Ü‚Ù‚¤   - mahou     - Magic
FFO: Magic
DoS: Magic

Fam: ‚­‚·‚è   - kusuri    - Medicine
DoS: N/A
(All the remakes combined this into the Item command.)

Fam: N/A
WSC: ‚»‚¤‚Ñ   - soubi     - Equipment
FFO: Equip
DoS: Equip
(This command didn't exist in the original.)

Fam: ‚à‚¿‚à‚Ì - mochimono - Belongings
WSC: ƒAƒCƒeƒ€ - aitemu    - Item
FFO: Items
DoS: Items

Fam: ‚É‚°‚é   - nigeru    - Escape
FFO: Flee
DoS: Flee


[2.J] Status Ailments:
Kan: í“¬•s”\ - sentoufunou - Battle Incompetency
NES: Slain
(This is not shown in the game, so these are according to the instructions.)

Fam: ‚­‚ç‚â‚Ý - kurayami    - Darkness
Kan: ˆÃˆÅ
NES: Dark
FFO: Dark
DoS: Darkness

Fam: ‚¿‚ñ‚à‚­ - chinmoku    - Silent
Kan: ’¾–Ù
NES: Mute
FFO: Mute
DoS: Silence

Fam: ‚Ç‚­     - doku        - Poison
Kan: “Å
NES: Poison
FFO: Poison
DoS: Poison

Fam: ‚Ë‚Þ‚è   - nemuri      - Sleep
Kan: –°‚è
NES: Sleep
FFO: Sleep
DoS: Sleep

Fam: ‚¢‚µ     - ishi        - Stone
Kan: Î‰»
NES: Stone
FFO: Stone
DoS: Stone

Fam: ‚Ü‚Ð     - mahi        - Paralysis
NES: Stun
FFO: Prlyz
DoS: Paralysis


[2.K] Stats:
Fam: ƒŒƒxƒ‹               - reberu               - Level
NES: LEV (Level)
WSC: LV (Level)
FFO: LV (Level)
DoS: Lv. (Level)

GBJ: ‚Ü‚Ù‚¤LV             - mahouLV              - Magic Level
DoS: Magic Level

Fam: ‚¯‚¢‚¯‚ñ‚¿ EP        - keikenchi EP         - Experience EP
NES: EXP. POINTS (Experience Points)
WSC: ‚¢‚Ü‚Ì‚¯‚¢‚¯‚ñ‚¿     - imanokeikenchi       - Current Experience
FFO: Current EXP (Current Experience)
DoS: Current EXP (Current Experience)

Fam: ‚‚¬‚̃Œƒxƒ‹‚Ü‚Åñž‚ƒj - tsuginoreberumadeato - Until Next Level
NES: FOR LEV UP (For Level Up)
WSC: ‚‚¬‚ÌLV‚Ü‚Å‚ ‚Æ     - tsuginoLVmadeato     - Until Next Level
FFO: Next level
DoS: Next Level

Fam: ‚¿‚©‚ç               - chikara              - Power/Strength
NES: STR. (Strength)
FFO: STR (Strength)
DoS: STR (Strength)

Fam: ‚·‚΂₳             - subayasa             - Agility/Dexterity/Speed
NES: AGL. (Agility)
FFO: AGL (Agility)
DoS: AGL (Agility)

Fam: ‚¿‚¹‚¢               - chisei               - Intelligence
NES: INT. (Intelligence)
FFO: INT (Intelligence)
DoS: INT (Intelligence)

Fam: ‚½‚¢‚è‚å‚­           - tairyoku             - Physical Strength/Stamina
NES: VIT. (Vitality)
FFO: END (Endurance)
DoS: STA (Stamina)

Fam: ‚±‚¤‚¤‚ñ             - kouun                - Luck
FFO: LCK (Luck)
DoS: LCK (Luck)

Fam: ƒEƒFƒ|ƒ“             - uepon                - Weapon
WSC: ‚±‚¤‚°‚«‚è‚å‚­       - kougekiryoku         - Attack Power
FFO: ATK (Attack)
DoS: ATK (Attack)

Fam: ‚ß‚¢‚¿‚イ‚è‚       - meichuuritsu         - Hit Rate
FFO: ACC (Accuracy)
DoS: ACC (Accuracy)

Fam: ƒA[ƒ}[             - a-ma-                - Armor
WSC: ‚Ú‚¤‚¬‚å‚è‚å‚­       - bougyoryoku          - Defense Power
FFO: DEF (Defense)
DoS: DEF (Defense)

Fam: ‚©‚¢‚Ђè‚           - kaihiritsu           - Evade Rate
FFO: EVA (Evade)
DoS: EVA (Evade)


[2.L] Classes:
Fam: ‚¹‚ñ‚µ         - senshi          - Warrior/Soldier/Fighter
Kan: íŽm
FFO: Warrior
DoS: Warrior

Fam: ƒV[ƒt         - shi-fu          - Thief
FFO: Thief
DoS: Thief

Fam: ƒ‚ƒ“ƒN         - monku           - Monk
NES: Bl.BELT (Black Belt)
FFO: Monk
DoS: Monk

Fam: ‚ ‚©‚Ü‚¶‚ã‚‚µ - akamajutsushi   - Red Magician
Kan: Ô–‚pŽm
FFO: Red Mage
DoS: Red Mage

Fam: ‚µ‚ë‚Ü‚¶‚ã‚‚µ - shiromajutsushi - White Magician
Kan: ”’–‚pŽm
NES: Wh.MAGE (White Mage)
FFO: White Mage
DoS: White Mage

Fam: ‚­‚ë‚Ü‚¶‚ã‚‚µ - kuromajutsushi  - Black Magician
Kan: •–‚pŽm
NES: Bl.MAGE (Black Mage)
FFO: Black Mage
DoS: Black Mage

Fam: ƒiƒCƒg         - naito           - Knight
FFO: Knight
DoS: Knight

Fam: ƒjƒ“ƒWƒƒ       - ninja           - Ninja
Kan: ”EŽÒ
WSC: ‚É‚ñ‚¶‚á       - ninja           - Ninja
FFO: Ninja
DoS: Ninja

Fam: ƒX[ƒp[ƒ‚ƒ“ƒN - su-pa-monku     - Super Monk
FFO: Master
DoS: Master

Fam: ‚ ‚©‚Ü‚Ç‚¤‚µ   - akamadoushi     - Red Wizard
Kan: Ô–‚“¹Žm
NES: RedWiz (Red Wizard)
FFO: Red Wizard
DoS: Red Wizard

Fam: ‚µ‚ë‚Ü‚Ç‚¤‚µ   - shiromadoushi   - White Wizard
Kan: ”’–‚“¹Žm
NES: Wh.Wiz (White Wizard)
FFO: White Wizard
DoS: White Wizard

Fam: ‚­‚ë‚Ü‚Ç‚¤‚µ   - kuromadoushi    - Black Wizard
Kan: •–‚“¹Žm
NES: Bl.Wiz (Black Wizard)
FFO: Black Wizard
DoS: Black Wizard


[2.M] GBA Auto-names:
The Game Boy Advance version has 10 names for each class that can be selected
 randomly. These are all taken from other games in the series. In many cases,
 the English name was taken from the English version of the game the name came
 from. In the Japanese FF6, Edgar briefly used the alias "Jeff". In the
 English version, the name was Gerad (an anagram of Edgar). In this game, the
 Japanese name is Jeff, and the English name is Gerad.

GBJ: ƒA[ƒKƒX - a-gasu  - Argus
DoS: Argus

GBJ: ƒAƒ‹ƒX   - arusu   - Arus, Alus
DoS: Arus

GBJ: ƒoƒiƒ“   - banan   - Banon
DoS: Banon

GBJ: ƒoƒƒ“   - baron   - Baron
DoS: Baron

GBJ: ƒfƒbƒVƒ… - deshu   - Desh
DoS: Desh

GBJ: ƒhƒ}     - doma    - Doma
DoS: Doma

GBJ: ƒWƒIƒbƒg - jiotto  - Giott
DoS: Giott

GBJ: ƒŒƒI     - reo     - Leo
DoS: Leo

GBJ: ƒTƒX[ƒ“ - sasu-n  - Sasoon, Sasuun
DoS: Sasuun

GBJ: ƒ[ƒU     - zeza    - Zeza
DoS: Zeza

GBJ: ƒoƒN[   - baku    - Baku
DoS: Baku

GBJ: ƒrƒbƒOƒX - biggusu - Biggs
DoS: Biggs

GBJ: ƒuƒ‰ƒ“ƒN - buranku - Blank
DoS: Blank

GBJ: ƒ_ƒŠƒ‹   - dariru  - Daryl
DoS: Daryl

GBJ: ƒWƒFƒt   - jefu    - Jeff
DoS: Gerad

GBJ: ƒPƒ‹ƒK[ - keruga- - Kelga
DoS: Kelga

GBJ: ƒpƒbƒN   - pakku   - Puck
DoS: Puck

GBJ: ƒTƒŠƒT   - sarisa  - Sarisa
DoS: Sarisa

GBJ: ƒc[ƒX   - tsu-su  - Tuss
DoS: Tuss

GBJ: ƒEƒFƒbƒW - uejji   - Wedge
DoS: Wedge

GBJ: ƒWƒ…ƒ“   - jun     - Jun
DoS: Arvis

GBJ: ƒVƒi     - shina   - Cinna
DoS: Cinna

GBJ: ƒhƒ‹ƒKƒ“ - dorugan - Dorgan
DoS: Drogan

GBJ: ƒ_ƒ“ƒJƒ“ - dankan  - Duncan
DoS: Duncan

GBJ: ƒS[ƒ“   - go-n    - Gorn
DoS: Gorn

GBJ: ƒ}ƒfƒBƒ“ - madin   - Madin
DoS: Maduin

GBJ: ƒ}[ƒJƒX - ma-kasu - Marcus
DoS: Marcus

GBJ: ƒVƒ…ƒ“   - shun    - Shun
DoS: Owain

GBJ: ƒAƒEƒU[ - auza-   - Owzer
DoS: Owzer

GBJ: ƒEƒHƒ‹ƒX - uorusu  - Walz
DoS: Walz

Red Mage:
GBJ: ƒfƒB[ƒ“ - di-n    - Dean
DoS: Duane

GBJ: ƒ~ƒi     - mina    - Mina
DoS: Elayne

GBJ: ƒM[ƒh   - gi-do   - Geed
DoS: Gill

GBJ: ƒNƒ‹[ƒ„ - kuru-ya - KluYa
DoS: KluYa

GBJ: ƒRƒŠƒI   - korio   - Coleo, Korio
DoS: Kory

GBJ: ƒ‰ƒŠƒ{[ - raribo- - Lalibo
DoS: Lalibo

GBJ: ƒ[ƒ‰   - ro-ra   - Laura, Lola
DoS: Lola

GBJ: ƒ~ƒh     - mido    - Mid
DoS: Mid

GBJ: ƒgƒbƒg   - totto   - Tot
DoS: Tot

GBJ: ƒ†ƒ‰     - yura    - Yura
DoS: Yura

White Mage:
GBJ: ƒGƒŠƒA   - eria    - Elia
DoS: Elia

GBJ: ƒWƒFƒjƒJ - jenika  - Jenica
DoS: Jenica

GBJ: ƒ‚ƒ‹ƒ‹   - moruru  - Molulu
DoS: Kuku

GBJ: ƒ‹ƒJ     - ruka    - Luca
DoS: Luca

GBJ: ƒ~ƒRƒg   - mikoto  - Mikoto
DoS: Mikoto

GBJ: ƒmƒA     - noa     - Noah
DoS: Noah

GBJ: ƒ‹ƒrƒB   - rubii   - Ruby
DoS: Ruby

GBJ: ƒTƒ‰     - sara    - Sara
DoS: Sara

GBJ: ƒTƒŠ[ƒi - sari-na - Sarina
DoS: Sarina

GBJ: ƒVƒFƒ‹ƒR - sheruko - Shelko, Sherko
DoS: Sherko

Black Mage:
GBJ: ƒfƒŠƒ‰   - derira  - Delila
DoS: Delila

GBJ: ƒWƒ‹     - jiru    - Jill
DoS: Gilles

GBJ: ƒKƒ“ƒz[ - ganho-  - Gungho
DoS: Gungho

GBJ: ƒzƒ}ƒN   - homaku  - Homac, Homack
DoS: Homac

GBJ: ƒNƒNƒ   - kukuro  - Kukuro
DoS: Kokkol

GBJ: ƒRƒR     - koko    - Koko
DoS: Koko

GBJ: ƒj[ƒi   - ni-na   - Nina
DoS: Nina

GBJ: ƒXƒeƒ‰   - sutera  - Stella
DoS: Stella

GBJ: ƒgƒpƒp   - topapa  - Topapa
DoS: Topapa

GBJ: ƒ]ƒbƒN   - zokku   - Zok
DoS: Zok


[2.N] Characters:
Fam: (not named)
NES: Arylon
FFO: (not named)
DoS: (not named)
(The dancer in Cornelia was only given a name in the NES version.)

Fam: ƒoƒnƒ€[ƒg        - bahamu-to      - Bahamut
NES: Bahamut 
FFO: Bahamut
DoS: Bahamut

Fam: ƒrƒbƒP            - bikke          - Bikke, Vikke
NES: Bikke
FFO: Bikke
DoS: Bikke

Fam: N/A
WSC: (not named)
FFO: (not named)
GBJ: ‚¾‚¢‚¶‚ñ          - daijin         - Cabinet Minister
Kan: ‘åb
DoS: Chancellor
(The Chancellor did not exist in the original game.)

Fam: (not named)
NES: Darryl
FFO: (not named)
DoS: (not named)
(The mermaid who grew legs was only given a name in the NES version.)

Fam: (not named)
NES: (not named)
FFO: (not named)
GBJ: ƒhƒNƒ^[          - dokuta-        - Doctor
DoS: Healer

Fam: ‚ª‚­‚µ‚á‚̃Eƒl    - gakushanoune   - Scholar Une
NES: Dr. Unne
FFO: Dr. Unne
DoS: Dr. Unne
(When other people mention him in the Japanese versions, it's just "Une".)

Fam: 4‚Ђ«‚̃JƒIƒX     - 4hikinokaosu   - Chaoses of the Four Forces?
NES: Four Fiends of Elements
FFO: Four Fiends of Chaos
DoS: Four Fiends

Fam: ƒWƒ€              - jimu           - Jim
NES: Jim
FFO: Jimm
GBJ: ƒƒbƒc            - wattsu         - Watts
DoS: Watts

Fam: ‚±‚­‚¨‚¤          - kokuou         - King
NES: King
FFO: King
Kan: ‘‰¤
DoS: The King

Fam: ƒRƒy              - kope           - Kope
NES: Kope
FFO: Koppe
DoS: Koppe

Fam: ‚Ђ©‚è‚Ì‚¹‚ñ‚µ    - hikarinosenshi - Light Warriors
NES: Light Warriors
FFO: Light Warriors
DoS: Warriors of Light

Fam: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“‚¶‚ñ    - rufeinjin      - Lufeinish Man/Person/People
Kan: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“l
NES: Lefeinish [people]
FFO: Lufenians
DoS: Lufenians

Fam: ƒ‹ƒJ[ƒ“          - ruka-n         - Lukahn
NES: Lukahn
FFO: Lukin
DoS: Lukahn

Fam: ƒ}ƒg[ƒ„          - mato-ya        - Matoya
NES: Matoya
FFO: Matoya
DoS: Matoya

Fam: ƒlƒŠƒN            - neriku         - Nerrick
NES: Nerrick
FFO: Nelic
DoS: Nerrick

Fam: ‚¨‚¤‚¶            - ouji           - Prince
Kan: ‰¤Žq
NES: Prince
FFO: Prince
DoS: The Prince

Fam: ƒZ[ƒ‰            - se-ra          - Sara
NES: Sara
FFO: Sarah
DoS: Sarah

Fam: ƒWƒF[ƒ“          - je-n           - Jane
NES: Jane
FFO: Jayne
DoS: Jayne

Fam: ƒT[ƒ_            - sa-da          - Sarda
NES: Sarda
FFO: Sadda
DoS: Sadda

Fam: ‚Ä‚ñ‚­‚¤‚Ñ‚Æ      - tenkuubito     - Sky People
NES: Sky Warriors
FFO: Sky People
DoS: Sky People

Fam: ƒXƒ~ƒX            - sumisu         - Smith
NES: Smith
FFO: Smyth
DoS: Smyth

Fam: ‚«‚傶‚ñ          - kyojin         - Giant
NES: Titan
FFO: Titan
DoS: Giant

Fam: 12‚É‚ñ‚Ì ‚¯‚ñ‚¶‚á - 12ninno kenja  - Twelve Sages
NES: Twelve Sages
FFO: Twelve Sages
DoS: Twelve Sages

Fam: ƒAƒ“ƒ_[ƒqƒ‹      - anda-hiru      - Underhill
NES: Underhill
FFO: Underhill
DoS: Underhill

GBA Only:
GBJ: ƒVƒh              - shido          - Cid
DoS: Cid

GBJ: ƒ`ƒ…[ƒŒ          - chu-re         - Chule?
DoS: Thule

GBJ: ƒ_[ƒNƒoƒnƒ€[ƒg  - da-kubahamu-to - Dark Bahamut
DoS: Dark Bahamut


[2.O] Shops:
Fam: ‚â‚Ç‚â       - yadoya       - Inn
Kan: h‰®
FFO: Inn
DoS: Inn

Fam: ‚«‚傤‚©‚¢   - kyokai       - Church
Kan: ‹³‰ï
FFO: Sanctuary
DoS: Sanctuary

Fam: ‚Ô‚«‚â       - bukiya       - Weapon Shop
Kan: •Ší‰®
FFO: Weapons
DoS: Weapons

Fam: ‚Ú‚¤‚®‚â     - bouguya      - Armor Shop
Kan: –h‹ï‰®
FFO: Armor
DoS: Armor

Fam: ‚Ç‚¤‚®‚â     - douguya      - Supply Shop
Kan: “¹‹ï‰®
FFO: Items
DoS: Items

Fam: ‚­‚ë‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚â - kuromahouya  - Black Magic Shop
Kan: •–‚–@‰®
FFO: B.Magic
DoS: B. Magic

Fam: ‚µ‚ë‚Ü‚Ù‚¤‚â - shiromahouya - White Magic Shop
Kan: ”’–‚–@‰®
FFO: W.Magic
DoS: W. Magic

Fam: ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒoƒ“   - kyaraban     - Caravan
FFO: Caravan
DoS: Caravan


[2.P] Locations:
The Famicom FF1+2 map sometimes has the name written differently, or even a
 completely different name, these are marked "(map)".

Fam: ƒR[ƒlƒŠƒA‚Ì‚Ü‚¿       - ko-nerianomachi       - Cornelia Town
Kan: ƒR[ƒlƒŠƒA‚Ì’¬
NES: Coneria Town
FFO: Cornelia
DoS: Cornelia

Fam: ƒR[ƒlƒŠƒA‚¶ƒ…‚¤       - ko-neriajou           - Cornelia Castle
Kan: ƒR[ƒlƒŠƒA‚̏é
NES: Coneria Castle
FFO: Castle Cornelia
DoS: Castle Cornelia

Fam: ƒJƒIƒX‚Ì‚µ‚ñ‚Å‚ñ     - kaosunoshinden        - Temple of Chaos
Kan: ƒJƒIƒX‚̐_“a
NES: Temple of Fiends
WSC: ƒJƒIƒX‚µ‚ñ‚Å‚ñ         - kaosushinden          - Chaos Temple
Kan: ƒJƒIƒX_“a
FFO: Temple of Chaos
DoS: Chaos Shrine

Fam: (not named)
NES (not named)
WSC: ‚͂˂΂µ               - hanebashi             - Jump/Splash Bridge
Kan: ’µ‚Ë‹´
FFO: Bridge
DoS: Drawbridge
(A title appears when the bridge is built. The scene and the title didn't
 exist in the original game.)

Fam: ƒ}ƒg[ƒ„‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚     - mato-yanodoukutsu     - Matoya's Cave
Kan: ƒ}ƒg[ƒ„‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: ƒ}ƒg[ƒ„‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Matoya's Cave
FFO: Matoya's Cave
DoS: Matoya's Cave

Fam: ‚Ý‚È‚Æ‚Ü‚¿ƒvƒ‰ƒ{ƒJ     - minatomachipuraboka   - Port Town Pravoka
Kan: `’¬ƒvƒ‰ƒ{ƒJ
NES: Pravoka
FFO: Pravoca
DoS: Pravoka

Fam: ƒAƒ‹ƒfƒB‚Ì‚¤‚Ý         - arudinoumi            - Aldi Sea, Sea of Aldi
NES: Aldi Sea
FFO: Aldean Sea
DoS: Aldean Sea

Fam: ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚Ì‚Ü‚¿           - erufunomachi          - Elven Town
Kan: ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚Ì’¬
NES: ElfLand
FFO: Elfheim
DoS: Elfheim

Fam: ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚Ì‚µ‚ë           - erufunoshiro          - Elven Castle
Kan: ƒGƒ‹ƒt‚̏é
NES: Castle of Elf
FFO: Elven Castle
DoS: Elven Castle

Fam: ƒhƒ[ƒt‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚     - dowa-funodoukutsu     - Dwarven Cave
Kan: ƒhƒ[ƒt‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: ƒhƒ[ƒt‚Ì“´‚­‚Â
NES: Dwarf Cave
FFO: Mt. Duergar
DoS: Mount Duergar

Fam: ‚É‚µ‚Ì‚µ‚ë             - nishinoshiro          - Western Castle
Kan: ¼‚̏é
NES: Northwest Castle
FFO: Western Keep
DoS: Western Keep

Fam: ‚Ê‚Ü‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚         - numanodoukutsu        - Marsh Cave
Kan: À‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: À‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Marsh Cave
FFO: Marsh Cave
DoS: Marsh Cave

Fam: ƒƒ‹ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh‚Ì‚Ü‚¿       - merumondonomachi      - Melmond Town
Kan: ƒƒ‹ƒ‚ƒ“ƒh‚Ì’¬
NES: Melmond
FFO: Melmond
DoS: Melmond

Fam: ƒA[ƒX‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚       - a-sunodoukutsu        - Earth Cave
Kan: ƒA[ƒX‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: ƒA[ƒX‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Earth Cave
FFO: Terra Cavern
DoS: Cavern of Earth

Fam: ‹l‚Ì‚Æ‚¤‚°           - kyoujinnotouge        - Giant's Mountain Pass
Kan: ‹l‚Ì“»
NES: Titan's Tunnel
WSC: ‚«‚傶‚ñ‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚     - kyojinnodoukutsu      - Giant's Cave
Kan: ‚«‚傶‚ñ‚Ì“´ŒA
FFO: Titan's Cave
DoS: Giant's Cave

Fam: ‚¯‚ñ‚¶‚á‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚     - kenjanodoukutsu       - Sage's Cave
Kan: Œ«ŽÒ‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: Œ«ŽÒ‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Sarda's Cave
FFO: Sage's Cave
DoS: Sage's Cave

Fam: ƒNƒŒƒZƒ“ƒgƒŒƒCƒN‚Ì‚Ü‚¿ - kuresentoreikunomachi - Crescent Lake Town
Kan: ƒNƒŒƒZƒ“ƒgƒŒƒCƒN‚Ì’¬
NES: Crescent Lake
FFO: Crescent Lake
DoS: Crescent Lake

Fam: ƒOƒ‹ƒO‚©‚´‚ñ           - gurugukazan           - Gurugu Volcano
Kan: ƒOƒ‹ƒO‰ÎŽR
NES: Gurgu Volcano
FFO: Mount Gulg
DoS: Mount Gulg

Fam: ‚±‚¨‚è‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚       - koorinodoukutsu       - Ice Cave
Kan: •X‚Ì“´‚­‚Â (map)
Kan: •X‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Ice Cave
FFO: Ice Cavern
DoS: Cavern of Ice

Fam: ƒŠƒ…ƒJ[ƒ“‚³‚΃N       - ryuka-nsabaku         - Ryukahn Desert
Kan: ƒŠƒ…ƒJ[ƒ“»”™
NES: Ryukahn Desert
FFO: Lykion Desert
DoS: Ryukahn Desert

Fam: ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚     - doragonnodoukutsu     - Dragon Caves
Kan: ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“‚Ì“´‚­‚ (map)
Kan: ƒhƒ‰ƒSƒ“‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Cardia Islands
FFO: Dragon's Cave
DoS: Dragon Caves

Fam: ‚µ‚ê‚ñ‚Ì‚µ‚ë           - shirennoshiro         - Castle of Ordeals
Kan: ŽŽ—û‚̏é
NES: Castle of Ordeal
FFO: Citadel of Trials
DoS: Citadel of Trials

Fam: ƒKƒCƒA‚Ì‚Ü‚¿           - gaianomachi           - Gaia Town
Kan: ƒKƒCƒA‚Ì’¬
Kan: ŽR’¸‚Ì’¬               - sanchounomachi        - Summit Town (map)
NES: Gaia
FFO: Gaia
DoS: Gaia

Fam: ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒN‚Ì‚Ü‚¿         - onrakunomachi         - Onlac Town
Kan: ƒIƒ“ƒ‰ƒN‚Ì’¬
NES: Onrac
FFO: Onlak
DoS: Onrac

Fam: ƒLƒƒƒ‰ƒoƒ“             - kyaraban              - Caravan
NES: Caravan
FFO: Desert Caravan
DoS: Caravan

Fam: ‚©‚¢‚Ä‚¢‚µ‚ñ‚Å‚ñ       - kaiteishinden         - Undersea Temple
Kan: ŠC’ê_“a
NES: Sea Shrine
FFO: Sunken Shrine
DoS: Sunken Shrine

Fam: ‚½‚«‚Ì‚¤‚ç‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚   - takinouranodoukutsu   - Cave Behind Waterfall
Kan: ‘ê‚Ì— ‚Ì“´‚­‚Â (map)
Kan: ‘ê‚Ì— ‚Ì“´ŒA
NES: Waterfall
FFO: Waterfall Cavern
DoS: Waterfall Cavern

Fam: ƒ„[ƒjƒNƒ‹ƒ€‚³‚΃N     - ya-nikurumusabaku     - Yahnikurm Desert
NES: Yahnikurm Desert
FFO: Yanikulum Desert
DoS: Yahnikurm Desert

Fam: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“‚¶‚ñ‚Ì‚Ü‚¿   - rufeinjinnomachi      - Lufeinish Town
Kan: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“l‚Ì’¬
NES: Lefein
FFO: Lufenia
DoS: Lufenia

Fam: ƒ~ƒ‰[ƒWƒ…‚Ì‚Æ‚¤       - mira-junotou          - Tower of Mirage
Kan: 凋C˜O‚Ì“ƒ             - shinkirounotou        - Tower of Mirage (map)
NES: Mirage Tower
FFO: Tower of Mirage
DoS: Mirage Tower

Fam: ‚ӂ䂤‚¶‚傤           - fuyuujou              - Floating Castle
Kan: •‚—Vé
NES: Sky Castle
FFO: Flying Fortress
DoS: Flying Fortress

Kan: ‰ß‹Ž‚̃JƒIƒX‚̐_“a - kakonokaosunoshinden  - Temple of Chaos Past
NES: Temple of Fiends Revisited
FFO: Temple of Chaos Past
(This dungeon isn't actually given a separate name in the game, so I've listed
 the names used in strategy guides, maps, etc.)

GBJ: ‚¾‚¢‚¿‚Ì‚ß‚®‚Ý‚Ì‚Ù‚±‚ç - daichinomeguminohokora - Small Shrine of Earth's
Kan: ‘å’n‚Ì‚ß‚®‚Ý‚Ì‚Ù‚±‚ç
DoS: Earthgift Shrine

GBJ: ‚à‚¦‚³‚©‚é‚Ђ̂¨‚¨‚ ‚È - moesakaruhinoooana     - Big Hole of Burning
 Flourishing Fire
Kan: ”R‚¦‚³‚©‚é‰Î‚̑匊
DoS: Hellfire Chasm

GBJ: ‚¢‚₵‚Ì‚Ý‚¸‚Ì‚Ç‚¤‚­‚ - iyashinomizunodoukutsu - Cave of Healing Water
Kan: ‚¢‚₵‚̐…‚Ì“´ŒA
DoS: Lifespring Grotto

GBJ: ‚©‚º‚Ì‚³‚³‚â‚­‚Ç‚¤‚¯‚ - kazenosasayakudouketsu - Grotto of Wind's
Kan: •—‚Ì‚³‚³‚â‚­“´ŒŠ
DoS: Whisperwind Cove


[2.Q] Misc:
Fam: ‚Ó‚È                 - funa                 - Ship
Kan: ‘D
NES: Ship
FFO: Ship
DoS: Ship

Fam: ‚Ђ­‚¤‚¹‚ñ           - hikuusen             - Flying Sky Boat
Kan: ”ò‹ó’ø
NES: Airship
FFO: Airship
DoS: Airship

Fam: ƒMƒ‹                 - giru                 - Gil
NES: G (Gold)
FFO: Gil
DoS: Gil

Fam: ƒNƒŠƒXƒ^ƒ‹           - kurisutaru           - Crystal
NES: Orb
FFO: Crystal
DoS: Crystal

Fam: ƒ‰ƒŠƒz[             - rariho-              - Rally-ho! / Lali-ho!
NES: Hurray!
FFO: Rally-ho!
DoS: Lali-ho!

Fam: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“‚²         - rufeingo             - Lufeinish language
Kan: ƒ‹ƒtƒFƒCƒ“Œê
NES: Lefeinish [language]
FFO: Lufenian language
DoS: Lufenian language

Fam: ƒ‹...ƒp...ƒKƒ~...ƒh? - -
NES: Lupa? Lupa?


Section 3:
[3.A] Thanks:
Square for making these games.
Nintendo Power and Bradygames' strategy guides for help when I needed it.
AD&D Monstrous Manual for some of the monster names.
JWPce for its Japanese dictionary and Kanji lookup.
Matt Luckcuck for info about the PAL version of FFO.
MarceloX ( for info about the FOMA/CDMA, MSX, and
 Japanese & PAL Playstation versions.
Ie ( for some editing suggestions.


[3.B] FAQ History:
:ver 3.01 6/17/2005:
I fixed a few typos from the previous version, changed and rearranged some
 descriptions, and added a couple of things.

:ver 3.0 1/1/2005 New Years Edition:
I did a lot of maintenance, rearraged a lot of stuff, added the thanks
 section, and added info about the FOMA/CDMA and GBA versions.

:ver 2.1 4/21/2003:
I reformatted some more charts, added some descriptions, moved a few things
 around, added some Kanji to some charts, added and rearranged some sections,
 and added info about the Playstation versions.

:ver 2.01 9/19/2002:
I added a couple of things I forgot in 2.0.

:ver 2.0 9/18/2002:
I changed the format of most of the lists, fixed an error or 2, added
 something I missed, and added more to the descriptions.

:intermediate versions 3/19/1999-9/2/2002:
A few hundred minor updates over the course of 3 years added info about the
 FF1&2 Famicom multicart, the WSC version, monster spells, place names, shops,
 characters, classes, and ailments. The last of these was when I finally
 realized that "dia" was Spanish for "day" or "daylight".

:ver 3/18/1999:
The first version listed the differences between the NES and Famicom versions
 of FF1. It only had enemies, weapons, armor, items, magic, and battle
 commands. It was reasonably complete for what it was, but several names were
 still a mystery to me.


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