Game Script
Asch The Hated
Table of Contents

01: Rules of Script Usage
02: Theme Song Lyrics
03: English Voice Actor’s Recognition
04: Character’s Accent Info
05: Game Script
01: Rules of Script Usage

You will not use this script for publishing purposes, as it is illegal.

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02: Theme Song Lyrics

“Kiss Be Good-Bye” (featured in FINAL FANTASY XII)

Composer & Producer:  NOBUO UEMATSU
Vocals/Piano/Lyrics:  ANGELA AKI
Arrangement:          KENICHIRO FUKUI

You say my love is all you need, to see you through
But I know these words are not quite true

Here is the path you're looking for, an open door
Leading to worlds you long to explore

Go, if you must move on alone
I'm gonna make it on my own

Kiss me good-bye, love's memory
Follow your heart and find your destiny
Don't shed a tear, for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality

As times goes by I know you'll see this of me
I loved enough to let you go free

Go, I will give you wings to fly
Cast all your fears into the sky

Kiss me goodbye, love's mystery
All of my life I'll hold you close to me

Don't shed a tear for love's mortality
For you put the dream in my reality

Kiss me goodbye, love's memory
You put the dream in my reality
03: English Voice Actor’s Recognition


Recording Engineers:             ERIC LEWIS
                                 ERNIE SHEESLEY
                                 KIRK ROGERS
Assistant Recording Engineer:    JOE MOELLER
Technical Supervisor:            DENNY DENSMORE
Dialogue Editor:                 TERRY REIFF
ADR Editors:                     ERIC LEWIS
                                 ERNIE SHEESLEY
Recording Studio:                STUDIOPOLIS
Studio Manager:                  LAURA LOPEZ
Dialogue Editorial:              STUDIOPOLIS
Producer:                        ALEXANDER O. SMITH
Line Producer:                   MICHAEL HACK
Voice Director/Casting Director: JACK FLETCHER

CAST (finalized according to the staff credits)

Vaan:                             BOBBY EDNER
Penelo:                           CAT TABER
Balthier:                         GIDEON EMERY
Fran:                             NICOLE FANTL
Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca (Ashe): KARI WAHLGREN
Basch Fon Rosenberg:              KEITH FERGUSON
Vayne Carudas Solidor:            ELIJAH ALEXANDER
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor:           JOHNNY McKEOWN
Judge Magister Gabranth:          MICHAEL RODGERS
Cidolfus Demen Bunansa (Cid):     JOHN LEE
Al-Cid Margrace:                  DAVID RASNER
Reddas:                           PHIL LaMARR
Marquis Halim Ondore IV:          TOM KANE
Vossler York Azelas:              NOLAN NORTH
Rasler Heios Nabradia:            ANDREW PHILPOT
Reks:                             YURI LOWENTHAL
Emperor Gramis Gana Solidor:      ROGER L. JACKSON
Judge Magister Ghis:              MARK WING-DAVEY
Judge Magister Bergan:            GARY MARTIN
Judge Magister Drace:             JULIA FLETCHER
Judge Magister Zargabaath:        SIMON TEMPLEMAN
Jote:                             MICHELLE ARTHUR
Mjrn:                             APRIL STEWART


King Raminas B’nargin Dalmasca:   NICK JAMESON
Anastasis / Dalan:                DWIGHT SCHULTZ
Migelo / Gilgamesh:               JOHN DIMAGGIO
Garif Great-chief:                MICHAEL CHINYAMURINDI
Venat:                            ANITA CAREY
Gerun King:                       BERNICE STEGERS
Ba’Gamnan:                        STEVE BLUM
Kytes:                            CONNER DEMITA
Havharo:                          CHRIS EDGERLY

Additional Voices:
04: Character’s Accent Info

Al-Cid Margrace: Spanish accent
Ba’Gamnan: Broad west-country British-Scottish accent
Balthier: 'Queen's English' British accent
Basch Fon Rosenberg: South-East British accent
Dr. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa (Cid): 'Queen's English' British accent
Drace: 'Queen's English' British accent
Emperor Gramis: 'Queen's English' British accent
Fran: Icelandic accent
Gabranth: New Zealand accent
Ghis: 'Queen's English' British accent
Halim Ondore IV: Middle-Eastern accent
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor: 'Queen's English' British accent
Vayne Solidor: 'Queen's English' British accent
05: Game Script

[We begin this game by watching a movie of the Kingdom of Dalmasca where
airships can be seen flying and the crowds of people in the streets. The camera
shows the wedding group walking slowly towards the castle as the camera shows
Ashe and Rasler on the carriage. Inside the castle…]

Priest: In the name of the Father, and in the presence of these Holy Relics…I
hereby pronounce you man and wife from this time forth. May the blessings of
the Gods light your path for all eternity, Faram.

[The camera shows Ashe and Rasler kissing each other and then, the camera shows
the birds flying in the skies. Later, the camera shows a knight who approaches
the strategist table.]

Strategist: If Archadia should launch an attack by both land and air, our
kingdom will stand little-

[Suddenly, a knight appeared at the scene.]

Basch: Nabudis has fallen!

Raminas: Impossible!

Rasler: My father?

Basch: I know not. I am sorry.

Strategist: If Nabudis has indeed fallen…it is only a matter of time before
they reach the borders of Dalmasca. There is nothing to halt their advance.

[The camera shows the pink orbs on the strategist table moving towards the
marked location of the map.]

Raminas: Secure Nalbina with all haste.

Basch: I will go.

Rasler: And I will go at his side.

[Later, the camera switches to the outer part of the castle where King Raminas
gives a sword to Lord Rasler as he kneels.]

Raminas: Galtea stand watch over your life.

[King Raminas gave Lord Rasler a sword.]

Rasler: That I be considered worthy.

[The camera shows Ashe who glances at Rasler as Rasler faces the crowds and
raises his sword. Then, the camera shows the airships moving out. Then, it
reverts to night time where the airships were shot down from enemy attacks from
Nalbina Fortress The camera shows the airships battling each other as one of
the camera shows the inner part of the airship’s cockpit. Then, the camera
shows the soldiers battling each other with swords and killing off many at a
time. As the war continues…]

Soldier: - Decurion! – Sir!

[The camera then shows Rasler with his sword and Basch with his bow and arrow
riding in the Chocobos and killing off many soldiers in the process.]

Basch: The fortress is lost! We must withdraw!

Rasler: (stabs and kills an enemy with his sword) No! The paling still stands!

[Then, the camera shows a blue orb from the air and then, in the paling with
the flaming center light stone, the priests stands around and tries to make
their moves.]

Priest: Shield beyond sight, ne’er failing light--

[Suddenly, the camera shows the knight soldiers who charges towards the priests
and kills all of them. As the war continues…]

Rasler: The paling’s fallen!

Basch: The it’s over.

Rasler: For my Father, for my Father!

[Suddenly, the camera shows a knight soldier who has dead locked-on to Rasler
with his bow and arrow, ready to launch an attack.]

Basch: Lord Rasler!

[Basch launches his arrow and hits the knight soldier who dies instantly. Then,
the knight soldier’s arrow fired towards Basch, but he evaded and the arrow
struck Rasler’s chest, fatally wounding him. The camera shows Basch who
approaches Rasler. Rasler tries to pull out the arrow, but he died suddenly. As
Basch carries him, the war continues as the camera shows the destruction of the
castle and the airships. Later, the camera switches to the castle where Ashe
can be seen saddened.]

Priest: Blessings of the Great Father descend…and guide your body’s return to
the Earth.

[The camera shows Ashe who sheds a tear from her right eye, as she is saddened
from the death of Rasler. The camera shows Rasler’s body resting in peace in a
casket. Ashe then kneels towards the casket.]

Priest: Great Father guide your spirit’s return…to the Mother of all. There you
shall find peace, Faram.

[The camera shows the airships passing by the area scattered with corpse and
swords as the crows pecks on them. Then, the game’s logo “FINAL FANTASY XII”
appeared on the camera. The camera switches to the book in dark area where the
narration dialogue appears as follows:]

The Death of Ld Rasler Heios Nabradia was but one of many Tragedies to befall
the Kingdom of Dalmasca.

The Air of Hope that had surrounded H.R.H. Princess Ashe’s Wedding was now
quite lost: Dalmasca had been set adrift at the Mercy of History’s restless

At this Time, two Great Empires struggled for Dominion over Ivalice: Archadia
in the East, Rozarria the West.

The Invasion of the Kingdom of Nabradia was Archadia’s first Step in its
westward March.

With Lord Rasler’s beloved Homeland consumed by the Hell-Fires of War, it
seemed clear that Archadia would soon mete out a like Fate to Dalmasca.

The Fall of the Fortress at Nalbina tolled the Destruction of the greater part
of Dalmasca’s Forces.

A Counter-Attack was mounted by the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca, ever
Brave and Faithful, but against the martial Might of the Archadian Armies, they
stood little Chance of Victory.

Indeed, their defeat was to be absolute.

Soon thereafter, Archadia came forward offering Terms of Peace. Or, as one
might rather put it, Terms of Dalmasca’s Surrender.

Lord Raminas, King of Dalmasca-and my Dear Friend - had no Choice but to accept
these Terms. It was, thus, only with Reluctance that He set out for Nalbina
Fortress - now under Archadian Occupation – to affix His Seal to the Emperor’s
Treaty of Peace.

The King had scarce departed His Royal City of Rabanastre when the Remnants of
the Order made their Return. And not a Moment too soon, for a terrible
Revelation awaited them.

[The camera blacks out. The narration continues as follows:]

The Treaty would be signed with Steel and Writ in royal Blood.

-Memoirs of Mqs Halim Ondore IV. Chapter 12: Of the Fall of Kingdoms


Unknown Voice: You, there. Can you hear me?

[The camera shows the person waking up in first-person view.]

Vossler: It’s as I feared. They’re slowing us down.

Basch: Do not say that. Not all of us are here for love of battle.

[The camera shows a young man waking up.]

Basch: He fights to defend his homeland.

[Vossler left the scene. Then, the soldier next to the young man faces him.]

Basch: Your name?

Reks: Reks, sir. My name’s Reks.

Basch: Good, Reks. You bore a few cuts, but you are still whole. Well, can you

[Basch offers to help get the young man who will be known as Reks from this
point on up. Basch helped Reks stand up as the camera views the area of the
Nalbina Fortress.]

Basch: Think you can fight?

Reks: I’m fine, sir.

Basch: How old are you, Reks?

Reks: Seventeen, sir.

Basch: Young. Family?

Reks: My brother is all I have left, sir. He’s two years younger then I. Living
in Rabanastre.

Basch: So young.

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: You’re barely old enough to be a man. You shouldn’t be forced to wield a

Reks: No, sir. I want to fight. For my homeland and for my parents.

Vossler: Time, Basch! Save the discussion for later. We must reach the King
before they act! Or all our efforts will be in vain.

Basch: I’m aware of the situation.

Voice of Enemy Soldier: - We’ve found them! – Over there!

Basch: Vossler, go ahead! I will handle this rabble.

[There was a brief pause as Vossler glances at Basch.]

Vossler: Godspeed.

[The enemy soldier attempts to attack Basch, but Basch took out all of the
soldiers with his sword.]

Basch: Steady, Reks. Keep your wits about you and you’ll make it.

[Reks and the soldiers move out.]

Basch: We move!

[Reks opens the gate.]

Basch: It is time. We will drive back any Imperials standing between us and the
King. Dalmasca’s future hangs in the balance. Stay focused on the foes before
you, Reks. I will watch rearward.

[Reks and the soldiers move on to the next area. In the next area…]

Reks: Captain?

[Suddenly, the camera shows the Air Cutter Remora approaching the scene. Reks
and the soldiers fight Air Cutter Remora. After Reks and the soldiers defeat
Air Cutter Remora, the camera shows Basch who charges up a green energy power
and then unleashes the blast on the Air Cutter Remora. Then, the camera shows
the Air Cutter Remora malfunctioning.]

Tonberry: Antlion, this is Tonberry! My engines are hit. She’ll hold much

Antlion: We receive you, Tonberry. You’ve leave to retire. Well fought.

Tonberry: My thanks, Antlion! Tonberry disengaging!

[The Air Cutter Remora who is malfunctioning flies away from the scene. Then,
Reks and the soldiers proceeds to the next area. Upon arrival ]

Basch: Vossler. Where are you?

Reks: What if Captain Azelas has fallen?

Basch: Don’t talk such nonsense! Vossler’s laughed in the face of death far too
many times for him to stop now. Men like him don’t die in places like this.
(walks away) We must make haste to reach the King. We will take him to safety.

Reks: (follows Basch) Is His Majesty unharmed?

Basch: He’ll agree to an unconditional surrender. They would not dare touch him
until the wax on his seal is dry.

Reks: But if we arrive after he’s signed the Treaty—

[Then suddenly…]

Basch: Wait.

[Footstep noise can be heard.]

Basch: Quickly, Reks!

[Reks and the soldiers move on to the next area. In the area with the
staircases, the camera shows Reks and the soldiers ran upstairs as fast as they
could while the enemy soldiers intercepts them.]

Enemy Soldier: Intruder! Don’t let them escape!

[As Reks and the soldiers kept running…]

Reks: Sir! We have little time! You must go to the King!

Basch: …

Reks: I’ll handle these!

[As the enemy soldiers approach Reks and Basch…]

Basch: Fight well.

[Basch left the scene. Reks fights the enemy soldiers. After Reks defeats the
enemy soldiers, he moves on. Reks then proceeds to the throne room. Upon
arrival, Reks became feared as he witnessed the corpse of soldiers scattered
around the area. As Reks approaches the King, the camera shows the King, who
was murder from the dagger that was plunged into his heart, showing blood
coming out of the fatal wound.]

Reks: Your Majesty…

[Suddenly, as Reks turns around, Basch stabbed Reks in the abdomen, as blood
partially splattered from Basch’s face.]

Reks: (dying) Captain, why? Our King—What have you done?

Basch: The King intended all along to sell Dalmasca to the Empire.

[Basch walks away as Reks, who is dying and holding the dagger from his mortal

Reks: Captain, I—

[Suddenly, the knight soldiers appeared at the scene as Reks falls to the

Knight Soldier 1: Seize the insurgent!

Knight Soldier 2: M’lord!

[Then, a mysterious man appeared at the scene who approaches Basch as he was
apprehended by the knight soldiers.]

Mysterious Man: Well, so much for peaceful negotiations.

Basch: We’ll never surrender to you! We are not cattle to be sold by a

Mysterious Man: But the war is over, my dear Captain. You have lost. Dalmasca
is the property of the Empire, now. And to think, we intended to let you keep
some of your sovereignty, out of respect. But now you’ve gone and ruined that.
Haven’t you, Captain?

[As Basch struggles…]

Basch: We will never bow to you! And the people of Dalmasca will hate you for

[The camera shows Reks who is dying as he watches Basch apprehended by the

Mysterious Man: Take the Captain away.

[With his last breath, Reks slightly watches Basch taken away by the soldiers
and the camera shows the first person view of Reks who closes his eyes.]

Reks: Vaan…

[Reks died at the scene as the camera blacks out. The camera switches to the
book in dark area where the narration dialogue appears as follows:]

Pretenses of Peace left by the Wayside, the Archadian Forces resumed their
Advance toward Rabanastre, Dalmasca’s Doom had been decided.

To make Resistance would serve no End. With this foremost in my Thoughts, I, to
the People of Dalmasca:

“Sons and Daughters of Dalmasca, I big you lay down your Arms. Raise Songs of
Prayer in their Stead. Prayer for His Majesty King Raminas, ever merciful. A
Man devoted wholly to Peace.”

“Prayer, too, for the noble Princess Ashe, who, wrought with Grief at her
Kingdom’s Defeat, has taken her own Life.”

“Know also that Capt. Basch fon Ronsenburg, for Incitement of Sedition and the
Assassination of H.R.M. King Raminas, has been found Guilty of High Treason and
put to his Death.”

“They who at this late Hour choose still the Sword are cut of the same Cloth as
the Capt.: Traitors who would have lead Dalmasca to her Ruin.”

Dalmasca’s Surrender without Terms was soon to follow.

	- Memoirs of Mqs Halim Ondore IV.
	- Chapter 13: The Province of Allies

[Later, the camera switches to the area with the waterfall where a young man
with his sword about to make his move against the rat and then, a young boy
appeared at the scene.]

Young Boy: Vaan! Hurry it up or they’ll find us!

Vaan: I know, I know! Just a little more. You keep an eye out for me up there,

[The camera shows the rats crawling from places.]

Vaan: One…two…three more. Right. Time to clean house.

[The young man who will be known as Vaan from this point on, fights the rats.
After Vaan defeats the rats, the young boy who will be known as Kytes appeared
at the scene.]

Kytes: Wow, Vaan. You got’em all yourself? Guess I know who to call when
something big comes along!

Vaan: Hey, it’s good practice for the desert. I’m ready for anything now.

[As Vaan was about to walk away…]

Vaan: That’s enough for today.

[Kytes approaches Vaan.]

Vaan: You should get back to Migelo’s Place, Kytes. Aren’t you running errands
for him?

Kytes: Oops! Heh. Totally forgot. You should come, Vaan. He’s busy today. Might
have some work for you to do, too.

Vaan: I got other “work” to do. Hey, lock this place up for me, will you? If
Migelo finds out we’ve been down here, he’ll tan our hides.

[Outside, the title “THE ROYAL CITY OF RABANASTRE” appears on the camera. Then,
the camera shows the citizens wandering around the area as Vaan tosses and
catches a fruit and takes a bite of it. Then…]

Voice of Knight 1: Huh? What’d you day?

[The camera shows the two knights facing a peddler.]

Peddler: Sir, you haven’t paid, and—

[The knight grabs the peddler’s neck.]

Knight 1: What? Haven’t paid?

Peddler: (getting grabbed from the neck) On second thought, please, sir. Take
it. It is a gift.

Knight 2: Leave the poor sod me. We don’t want trouble today.

[The knight lets go of the peddler.]

Knight 1: Your luck, peddler.

[As the knight walks away, Vaan suddenly appeared and bumped him intentionally.]

Vaan: Oops! Sorry!

[Vaan ran away from the scene.]

Knight 1: Watch where you’re going, Churl!

Knight 2: What? My pouch! It’s gone!

Knight 1: The boy!

[As the two knights try to run after Vaan, the crowded citizens blocked their

Knight 2: Get out of the way.

[The citizens did not hear the knights.]


[Later, the camera switches to the area where Vaan successfully ran from the
knights. As Vaan holds the pouch of money, the girl snatches the pouch from

Vaan: Hey, that’s mine!

Young Woman: What do you mean “yours”? You’ve been stealing again. What happens
if they catch you? (following Vaan) We need you to be there for us, Vaan.
You’re no good to anyone if you’re locked away in a dungeon!

Vaan: (walking away) Oh, what, am I the leader now?

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: We’re orphans. The first thing you learn is you gotta watch out for
yourself. C’mon, Penelo. You know it as well as I do.

[Vaan approaches the young woman who will be known as Penelo from this point on
tries to open the pouch.]

Vaan: Hey, you give that back! What do you think you’re doing?

Penelo: I thought that this money was the people of Dalmasca’s property. The
Imperials stole it from us, so it’s only fair that we take it back. It’s our
duty as Dalmascans. (takes out a coin) Well, wasn’t that what you said?

Vaan: Yeah, but I never said anything about taking it back from me!

[Penelo gave the pouch to Vaan.]

Penelo: (giving out the coins) This is for that bread you took the other day.
Just because I help Migelo out every now and then…it doesn’t mean that you get
to eat for free, too, you know.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: I know that, you think I like living like this?

[Suddenly, the camera shows an airship flying over Rabanastre.]

Vaan: One of these days I’ll fly an airship of my own. I’ll be a sky pirate,
free to go where I will.

[The camera shows Penelo leaving the scene.]

Penelo: Well, be careful. You’ll never fly anything if you’re rotting in a

Vaan: Hmph.

Penelo: (turns around and faces Vaan) Oh, Migelo had some errands that need
doing. He wanted you to drop by his place. It might be a good idea to lend a

[Penelo left the scene. Vaan proceeds to Migelo’s Place. Upon arrival…]

Migelo: Ah, Vaan, I was waiting.

Vaan: Penelo said you needed something?

Migelo: Ah! Had me some packages supposed to be arriving by courier in the
morning. Perhaps he ran into some trouble out in the desert. Now I’ve no
foodstuffs to prepare for the banquet tonight!

Vaan: So you want me to find this courier? Hey, no problem!

Migelo: No problem? The desert teems with trouble. I’d be sending you to an
early grave, m’boy. No, I’ve arranged for some replacement goods from Tomaj
over at the Sandsea.

Vaan: So you want me to go to the tavern to pick ‘em up.

Migelo: Actually, I asked Kytes to do that. Wouldn’t you know he’s gone missing
on me, to. Bah. I can’t leave my shop, and I’ve Penelo on another chore at the
moment, you see. I want you to run over to the Sandsea and fetch Kytes back!
What do you say?

Vaan: Sounds wild.

Migelo: It’s easy work, and you’ll thank me for it someday.

[Vaan left the scene. Vaan proceeds to the tavern. Upon entering, Vaan glanced
at Kytes who stands near a poster.]

Vaan: There you are, Kytes. Stop loafing around!

Kytes: Look, Vaan, look! This is it!

Vaan: Hmm…

Kytes: This is why Migelo’s courier didn’t get here on time!

Vaan: Uh, “Creature spotted in the Estersand.” What is that thing?

[The camera shows a tomato figure in the drawing of one of the billboards.]

Man: Ah, Vaan. Migelo send you, too, did he? He’s a busy man these days, that
Migelo, if I dare say so myself. I don’t envy him the work, though. Not a bit.
Quite the affair, throwing a banquet to welcome the Imperials, eh?

Vaan: Welcoming? We should be—ah, whatever. Say, Tomaj, what’s this?

[The man who will be known as Tomaj from this point on glances at the

Tomaj: Ah, don’t remind me. Got some nastiness out there in the Estersand
what’s stopping our couriers… And that means shortages all around. Thought I’d
put up a bill… Offer a reward to anyone who can knock that nasty back in its
place. (raises his hand over his head) Huh.

Vaan: Now that’s work. Sounds ten times better than running errands for Migelo.

Kytes: That’s right! Vaan, you should give it a shot!

Vaan: And you should be getting back to Migelo. Now, Kytes. He was waiting for

Kytes: Oh! Right, right.

[Kytes left the scene. Later, Vaan and Tomaj glance at the billboards.]

Tomaj: So, here’s how it works. People post bills here on the notice board when
they have a monster they need taken care of. Headhunters track people, right?
Well, hunters track monsters. The monster you’re hunting is called your mark.

[The camera reveals a Rogue Tomato bill.]

Tomaj: Here’s the bill I posted for the Rogue Tomato, the mark I’ve petitioned
to have hunted. Do you want to hear all the details?

Vaan: Yeah, that would help.

Tomaj: Let’s start with accepting hunts. You can’t just take a look at the
board, then go running off to hunt the mark. You’ll miss out on the bounty. You
gotta talk to the person who posted the bill—the petitioner—First. Let him know
you’re going on the hunt. So, take this Rogue Tomato bill, for example, I
posted it, so I’m the petitioner. You have to come talk to me, let’s call that
step “done”, okay? Once your agreement’s in place, the petitioner will tell you
how to find the mark. Then you hunt it, report back, and claim the bounty. Oh,
and I’ll give you something to help keep track of your hunts: A clan primer,
use it to refresh your memory about hunts you’ve accepted.

[Tomaj gave Vaan the Clan Primer.]

Tomaj: (approaches Vaan) Go ahead and take this, while you’re at it, just a
little something to commemorate your first hunt.

[Tomaj gave Vaan the Orrachea Armlet.]

Tomaj: Hm, looks like you can’t even equip that yet, know why? You don’t have
the License for it. Think of Licenses as mile posts, marking your progress as
your combat skills improve. Swords, Bows, Black Magicks, White Magicks… None of
it does you a lick of good until you have the License to use it. Same goes for
that Armlet. Tomaj, how can I equip this great treasure you’ve bestowed on me,
you ask? Easy: Learn buy doing. Let’s give it a try.

[After Tomaj goes through the details and info with Vaan…]

Tomaj: I’d say you’re ready to hunt that mark for me. Oh, you’ll be needing
this to leave the city. Just show it to the watch at the gate.

[Tomaj gave Vaan the Writ of Transit.]

Tomaj: The East Gate’s the one you’ll want to head out. Once you’ve taken care
of that mark for me, let me know. Your work won’t go unrewarded.

[The title “Rogue Tomato The Hunt Begins” appears on the camera. Vaan proceeds
to the gate and speaks to the watch knight.]

Watch Knight: You there! Let’s see some papers, boy. No public passage on
account of the Lord Consul’s parade.

Vaan: Oh, gee, that’s too bad. You see, it just so happens that your
provisioner for the fete tonight… He sent me to pick up a few choice morsels
for the, uh, Consul’s dining pleasure. He wants ‘em quick. (pulls out his Writ
of Transit) I got the Writ of Transit right here. See? Signed: Migelo. I’d just
hate to see the Consul upset because his food wasn’t ready on time. And I’d
sure hate to see him take it out on you.

Watch Knight: The Lord Consul is a great man…and not one to take offense at
such trifling…matters…

[Suddenly, the two knights with spears approach the watch knight.]

Watch Knight: Move along, boy. Wouldn’t do to keep the Consul waiting. Right!
Gates are closed after this!

[The gate opens and Vaan goes through the gates. Vaan proceeds to Dalmasca
Estersand. Vaan finds the Rogue Tomato and fights it. After Vaan defeats Rogue
Tomato, the title “Rogue Tomato Vanquished” appears on the camera. After that,
Vaan witnessed the flowers as he walks by.]

Vaan: Galbana Lilies?

[Vaan approaches the Galbana Lilies.]

Vaan: Never thought I’d see them growing out here.

[Vaan takes the Galbana Lilies.]

Vaan: (sighs) This’ll make a nice souvenir. Time to call it a day.

[After Vaan takes the Galbana Lilies, Vaan returns to Rabanastre. Upon
returning, Vaan talks to Kytes.]

Kytes: Ah, Vaan! I guess I’m not the only one who got locked out of the city! I
told Penelo about the mark you were going after, and I guess I got her
worrying. So the two of us headed out here to find you. As soon as I stepped
out, the guards closed the gates and things got crazy. I haven’t been able to
find her since.

[Later, the camera switches to the crowds trying to barge through the closed

Knight 1: Stand back, there! Back!

[As one of the crowd tries to approach the knight…]

Knight 1: This gate’s closed until the Ceremony’s over, do you hear?

[The knight shoves the persistent crowd away from the gate.]

Vaan: Now what?

[Suddenly, a black Chocobo arrived at the scene.]

Vaan: Huh?

Knight 1: Open the gate!

[The gate opens.]

Knight 1: All right, out of the way!

Vaan: Wait a second!

[Vaan ran towards the knight.]

Vaan: How come you let these Chocobos through the gate and not us?

Knight 1: What of it? This here is a Pedigreed Parader, boy.

Knight 2: Cost ten of thousand of Gil, this one did. A prettier price than a
hundred of you provincials would fetch.

[Vaan snarls.]

Knight 2: Keep you distance! We don’t want the Chocobos stinking of peasant.
Heh, heh.

Vaan: (getting pissed) What did you say?

Knight 1: Step aside!

[The knight shoved Vaan out of the way from the gate.]

Knight 1: Right then, move ‘em in.

[The 2 Black Chocobos proceeds through the gate. Then, the camera shows the
Galbana Lilies being crushed and stepped on by the Black Chocobo.]

Vaan: …! That does it.

Voice of Migelo: Ho ho! A fine, fine Chocobo you have there. Yes! Tchita downs
stock, if I’m not mistaken.

[The camera shows Migelo appearing at the scene.]

Migelo: Change the soil, change the Chocobo. Am I right?

[Then, the camera shows Penelo appearing at the scene and approaching Vaan.]

Migelo: Yes, yes. Different soil means different bouquet, too. (to the knight)
Take a Dalmascan Barose wine, eh? It may lack the flavor and depth of some of
your Archadian wines…but it has a certain strength of character. It’s not bad,
really, once you get used to it. Care for some, sirs? There’s more than enough
for all to cool their throats, or course.

[The knight takes the Dalmascan Barose wine from Migelo.]

Knight 1: (to Knight 2) You let these carts through then we close this gate as

[The other knight nods.]

Knight 1: My mail’s chocked with this sand.

[The camera shows the gate opening and the citizens who were locked outside
enters Rabanastre. Then, the camera shows Migelo facing Vaan and Penelo.]

Migelo: Don’t give me a scare like that. Hah! You’re lucky that ended where it

Penelo: Right. Now’s our chance to go through.

[The camera shows the opened gate as Vaan, Penelo and Migelo faces it.]

Migelo: Ah, the Ceremony’ll be starting soon. I’d best be hurrying.

Penelo: Okay, well—

[Vaan runs off from the scene.]

Penelo: (runs after Vaan) Vaan! Wait! What is it? Vaan?

[We watch a movie of Vaan and Penelo running towards the area where the
Ceremony will take place as the camera shows the motor carriages approaching
the cathedral. Vaan ran and follows the motor carriage with the long-haired man
standing on it. Then, Vaan stops running as Penelo holds his left arm. Then,
the motor carriages stopped moving and then, the Ceremony begins.]

Knight: We will have order! I give you your new Consul…His Imperial Highness
Lord Vayne Solidor…Commandant of the Archadian Empire’s Western Ar—

[The long-haired man who will be known as Vayne steps off the motor carriage.]

Knight: Your Excellency!

[Vayne approaches the podium.]

Vayne: People of Rabanastre! Is it with hatred you look upon your consul? With
hatred, you look upon the Empire?

Crowds: - Spit on your Empire! – Go back to Archadia!

[As the crowds starts disagreeing…]

Vayne: There was little point in asking. But know this: I harbor no idle hopes
of frustrating that hatred. Nor shall I ask your fealty. That is due of your
fallen King, and rightly so. King Raminas loved his people. Strove to bring you
peace. His was a rule worthy of your devotion. Even now, he remains among you,
protecting you. His Ardor for the peace and Weal of Dalmasca falters not. I
would ask only that you do your King honor. Together, let us embrace the peace
His Majesty would surely desire. Two years now divide us from war’s bitter end.
Yet still its shadow looms over all, stifling the infant peace. A pall only you
may cast off! Achieve but this one thing…and your hatred of me, and of the
Empire, will grieve me not! I will stand fast. I will endure your hatred,
suffer your slings and arrows. I will defend Dalmasca! Here I will pay my debt!
I swear it now! Though King Raminas and Lady Ashe be gone, they stand ever at
the side of their people. In honoring peace…you do honor their memory, and to
Dalmasca. What I ask, I ask plain. My hopes now rest with you.

[Vayne places his right hand over his heart and takes a bow as the crowds gave
him an applause as Vaan and Penelo watches. Later, the camera switches to Vayne
who walks off the podium. Then…]

Short-haired Knight: Is Rabanastre to your liking, My Lord?

Vayne: It is magnificent! Take this cathedral, for instance. (showing the
brown-haired knight the cathedral) Elegant, yet whimsical in its execution. A
stunning example of Galtean Architecture. I hope Lord Gramis might one day look
upon it himself.

[The camera shows Vaan and Penelo who still sits on the audience stairs and
glancing at Vayne and the short-haired knight.]

Short-haired Knight: The Patron of this evening’s banquet, may it please Your

[Suddenly, Migelo appeared at the scene.]

Migelo: I am Migelo, Your Highness. Bah. It is truly a profound honor to make
the acquaintance…of our future Emperor, Highness. Heh. The people of Rabanastre
join me in welcoming—

Vayne: (irritated) That’s enough of “Highness.”

Migelo: Hmm?

Vayne: Though indeed I am our Emperor’s son, I am no prince. Arcahdia’s Emperor
is freely chosen by Her people. I am but an elected official and nothing more.

Migelo: (bows) I mean no disrespect.

Vayne: Now that I think on it…I would not have you address me as Lord Consul,
for that matter.

Migelo: Doh?

Vayne: Henceforth, I am a citizen of Rabanastre. Why don’t you call me Vayne?

Migelo: Eh, I could not. That would not be right.

Vayne: You are overly fond of formalities. I’ve just the remedy for that.
Tonight you will join me, and we shall drink until you call me by name.

Migelo: Ohhh!

[Vayne pats Migelo’s right shoulder and left the scene while Migelo looks down.
Then, the camera shows Vaan and Penelo still sitting on the audience stairs.]

Vaan: How can he stand to bow to him like that?

Penelo: Vaan, you just do not get it, do you. He’s not doing it because he
wants to. You know what would happen if he didn’t?

Vaan: I know. It’s just—

Penelo: So, what would you do different?

Vaan: (sighs) I don’t know.

[Vaan stands up.]

Vaan: Well, I’d do something.

[The camera blacks out for a moment. Then…]

Voice of Penelo: Vaan? Vaan! You haven’t heard a single word I’ve said, have

[The camera switches to Vaan and Penelo walking down the area of Rabanastre.]

Penelo: This place has changed so much. It’s like it’s not even Rabanastre
anymore. Like the Empire is swallowing it whole.

[Vaan glances at the castle from far away as we watch a movie of the view of
the palace.]

Vaan: Hey, Penelo. That fete tonight. You think they’ll let us in?

Penelo: Are you crazy? It’s in the palace, and we don’t have an invitation, if
you hadn’t noticed.

Vaan: So… How are we getting in?

Penelo: (approaching Vaan) As if I’d know. Why not ask Migelo to get you in? Or
go see Old Dalan in Lowtown. Why the sudden interest, Vaan?

Vaan: I told you! I’m going to take back what’s ours! Give back to Dalmasca.
C’mon, what do you think? If I find something, and it fetches a good price, how
‘bout I, uh…I buy you all dinner!

Penelo: Oh please! You know as well as I do the first thing you’d buy is an
airship! (places her hands together) All Hail Vaan, Sky Pirate of Dalmasca!
It’s got a nice ring to it! Stay outta trouble!

[Penelo left the scene.]

Vaan: Hmm. An airship. I dunno. Maybe. But not through Migelo. Time to pay Old
Dalan a visit.

[Vaan proceeds to Lowtown. Upon arrival, Vaan arrived at Dalan’s place.]

Voice of Dalan: Ah, if it isn’t Vaan Ratsbane.

[The camera shows Dalan sitting and patting a rabbit on his lap.]

Dalan: Come for a tip on how to skewer something bigger and in armor? By the
East Gate?

Vaan: What, you already heard about that?

Dalan: Wise I may not be, but well-informed I am.

Vaan: They’ll get what’s coming to them someday, believe me. But that’s not why
I’m here.

[There was a brief pause.]

Dalan: Do tell!

Vaan: I want to know how to sneak into the palace. They’ve got to have some
great stuff in there! Thought I’d partake.

Dalan: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh. Not one to mince words are you, boy. The
Empire protects what’s hers. That means the palace and all the treasures inside.

Vaan: That’s why I’m gonna do it! To take back what’s ours!

[There was another brief pause.]

Dalan: So our champion of the sewers aspires to noble action. Admirable.
Perhaps I can help you. Ah, now that I think on it, there was a rumor, yes. A
secret passageway into the palace vaults, a door, and a Magicked Stone to open
the way.

Vaan: That’s it! This is exactly why I came to talk to you first, Dalan.
So…where’s this, uh, Magicked Stone?

Dalan: Eh? Oh, I’ve had it for years. If I can remember where I’ve tucked it


Vaan: I’ve heard all I need. So this, uh, Crescent Stone. Can I have it? Then I
can find that secret passage into the palace, right?

Dalan: Not much of a listener, are you… The Crescent Stone has lost its
Magicks. Without the power of a Sunstone, it will be of little use.

Vaan: Right. So, where can I get one of these Sunstones?

Dalan: You seek Giza Plains. Speak with the Nomads there. You will find your
Sunstone. Leave by Southgate and continue south. Their village is not far.
There are like to be beasts on the plains, so be careful, m’boy.

Vaan: You don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be back before you know it.

[Vaan exits Dalan’s place. Outside…]

Vaan: Let’s see, Giza Plains… Hang a right here, and I’m practically at
Southgate. This’ll be easy.

[Vaan exits through the Southgate and proceeds to Giza Plains. Upon arrival to
the area with the nomad village, Vaan talks to a nomad.]

Masyua: Have you come to see the Dark Crystals? Not everyone takes well to the
heat of the Giza Plains. …Ah, so it is a Sunstone you seek! You’ve come to the
right place. They can only be made here in Giza. They’re quite valuable,
though, so we can’t go handing them out to just anyone who happens to wander
through our camp. You see, we make and sell Sunstones to earn the money we need
to survive. Still, perhaps we can come to some arrangement… Would you hear my

Vaan: Sure.

Masyua: The making of Sunstones is a chore we give to the children of our camp.
They roam the plains, traveling from Dark Crystal to Dark Crystal, drawing the
light from the Crystals into Shadestones. One of these children, Jinn, has not
yet returned. He left carrying our supply of Shadestones. If you’ll find Jinn
for me and tell him to come back to the camp, you may take one of the Sunstones
he’s made in return. Some of the children said they might have seen him to the
south of the camp. You may want to speak with them yourself before leaving.
Please, find Jinn and tell him to return at once.

[Later, the camera switches to Vaan who walks by and noticed Penelo sitting
next to the children.]

Vaan: Penelo? What are you doing here?

Penelo: I could ask you the same! Though the answer’s pretty clear: No good.

Vaan: What? I’m being good.

Penelo: Hmm. Is that right?

[Penelo approaches around Vaan a little.]

Penelo: So then you wouldn’t mind if I, say, tagged along, would you?

Vaan: Huh?

Penelo: Oh, don’t worry. Migelo’s busy with preparations for the fete up at the
palace. Why, I’m free for the whole day. Well? Let’s get going!

Vaan: Hmm?

[Penelo joins Vaan. Vaan and Penelo exit the nomad village. Outside of the
nomad village…]

Penelo: Hey, Vaan. Let me give you these before we go. There are all sorts of
monsters out there, so you can never be too careful!

[Penelo gave Vaan 3 Potions and 2 Phoenix Downs.]

Penelo: So far you’ve been traveling by yourself, but now that I’m here we can
travel as a party. You can give commands to allies in your party just like
you’ve been doing for yourself up to now. I’ll make my own decisions about what
to do, too, but you can also give me specific commands all I’ll take care of
those first. Got it?

[Vaan nods. Later…]

Penelo: Oh, one more thing! If you don’t want me to fight on my own, you can
always turn my Gambits off. With my Gambits turned off, I won’t do anything
until you give the word. You should really think about using Gambits for
yourself, you know. They can make managing a battle a lot easier.

[After Vaan understood the things that Penelo said…]

Penelo: Well, ready to go?


Penelo: Vaan, wasn’t Jinn supposed to be somewhere to the south of the village?
If we work our way around, we should find him!

[Vaan and Penelo proceed to the next area. Upon arrival, Vaan and Penelo
approach a boy and talks to him.]

Jinn: Yeah, my name’s Jinn… What’s it to ya? Masyua wants me to come back to
the village, huh? Hmm, that could be a problem. Let’s see…maybe my leg’s better

[The Boy who will be known as Jinn from this point on tries to stand up, but
then kneels to the floor.]

Jinn: Nope, no good—still hurts. I tripped running from some monsters…guess I
pulled something. I’m never gonna get any Sunstones made like this. I just
needed to make one more to be finished for today. I didn’t want to head back
short, so I thought I’d give my leg a rest and try again. Why are you here
looking for me, anyhow?

[Vaan and Penelo explain the situation to Jinn. After that…]

Jinn: So you need a Sunstone, huh? Well, if Masyua doesn’t mind, I’ll give you
a Shadestone. But I’m still not sure I can walk yet—you’ll have to turn it into
a Sunstone, okay? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you how. You do know that we use Dark
Crystals and Shadestones to make Sunstones, right?

[Jinn gave Vaan and Penelo a Shadestone.]

Jinn: There’s your Shadestone. As for the Dark Crystals, you’ll find them all
over Giza Plains. This stone right here beside me is one of the smaller ones.
The bigger crystals have something inside that soaks up Sunlight and shines
really bright.

[The camera shows the Dark Crystal from a distance.]

Jinn: See that one over there? If you take that Shadestone I just gave you and
bring it near one of those shining Dark Crystals, it will absorb the energy
from it.

[The camera shows the area of Giza Plains where Dark Crystals are shown around
a few areas.

Jinn: There are four shining Dark Crystals in Giza right now. If you have
trouble finding ‘em, just stop and scan the horizon. There’s no way to tell how
much energy you can draw from any crystal without trying. You shouldn’t need to
use all four, though. This gauge will show you how much energy the Shadestone’s
absorbed. When it’s full, you’ll have yourself a Sunstone! Once you’ve made the
Sunstone, bring it to me. I’ll make sure it’s up to snuff. I’ll go ahead and
mark the Dark Crystals on your map, too. See you back here when you’re done!

[Vaan and Penelo proceed to the first Dark Crystal. After Vaan and Penelo
absorbs the energy from the Dark Crystal…]

Vaan: Not bad. Maybe this won’t take so long after all.

Penelo: So this is what the kids on Giza Plains do to make their way… Maybe one
of them will take you on as an apprentice.

Vaan: Yeah, yeah. Let’s just find the next crystal, okay?

[Later, after Vaan and Penelo manage to absorb enough energy from the Dark

Vaan: That’s that. Nothing to it!

Penelo: Let’s take it back to Jinn and see what he says. I hope we did it right.

Vaan: Sure, let’s go.

[Later, Vaan and Penelo return to the area where Jinn waits. Vann and Penelo
show him the Shadestone that is now a Sunstone.]

Jinn: Hey, you’ve got a Sunstone! Let’s take a look. (examines the Sunstone)
Hmm, seems okay to me. Not bad for city folk. So here’s what happened. Masyua’s
always warning us to stay away from the werewolves, right? Well, a bunch of us
decided we’d have a little contest—see who’s the bravest. It started out as a
lark, but Tott said that none of us kids living on the plains should be scared
of monsters… I guess I got carried away. Don’t let any of the grown-ups know,
though, okay?

[After Jinn check his legs…]

Jinn: Anyway…my leg’s feeling better now. Let’s head back to the village. I’ll
race ya—try and keep up!

[Later, Vaan, Penelo and Jinn returns to the nomad village. Upon arrival…]

Masyua: Jinn made it back home safe and sound. He is a good boy, but how his
mind wanders! He never thinks of the worry it causes me! I’m sorry if he was
any trouble. Please, take these with my thanks.

[Masyua gave Vaan and Penelo 50 Gil, 2 Potions and 3 Teleport Stones. After

Masyua: Jinn gave you a Sunstone, yes? I hope it may be of some help to you.

[Vaan and Penelo return to Rabanastre. Upon entering the area where Dalan’s
House is…]

Penelo: Hey, Vaan?

Vaan: Hmm?

Penelo: It’s been a long time since we did anything together. Too long. I had a
really good time.

[There was a brief pause.]

Penelo: Well, I should probably get back to the store. Actually, I was kind of
supposed to be watching the place for Migelo.

[As Penelo was about to walk away…]

Penelo: And, Vaan—try to stay out of trouble, for me? I don’t know what I’d do
if you weren’t here, if something happened to you.

Vaan: I’m not going anywhere, okay?

Penelo: That’s what I wanted to hear. See ya later.

[Penelo left the scene.]

Vaan: Sorry, Penelo.

[Vaan enters Dalan’s House. Inside, Vaan talks to Dalan.]

Dalan: Oh ho! So you’ve got a Sunstone, have you? Hand it over, m’boy, and I’ll
use it to give the Crescent Stone back its Magicks like I promised.

[Vaan gave the Sunstone to Dalan. Later…]

Dalan: Now you’ll be wanting to know how to sneak into the palace, eh? First,
you go to Storehouse Five. You know the one. Two doors she has. Now the right
takes Vaan Ratsbane to his territorial hunting grounds in the sewerbottom… But
that’s not the way you’ll go. No, you’ll take the left door, down into the
Garamsythe Waterway. The waterway leads to a stair, the stair to the palace
cellars. That’s your way in. But don’t go counting your Gil just yet, m’boy.
Getting into the palace was the easy part. The way into the treasury is
carefully hidden. That’s where this Crescent Stone comes in. The Magicks it
bears can open the hidden door to the treasury, you see. Listen, Vaan, for the
words I shall speak are most important, and not to be forgotten. Do you
understand? “The Signet yearns for Sunstone’s strength, to light the clouded
way.” Once in the palace, you’ll find the Signet Tile. Very important. Give to
it the sun’s power, and it will light your path. Very well. Oh, a warning: Be
aware that if you’re caught…you’ll spend the rest of your short life rotting in
the Nalbina Dungeons. So look sharp, m’boy. And don’t go running off before
you’re ready. Plans freshly hatched have a habit of tumbling from the
nest…straight into the hunter’s stewpot. Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

[Vaan receives the Crescent Stone. As Vaan leaves Dalan’s House, the camera
switches to the Garamsythe Waterway where the soldiers positions themselves
there and as one of the soldiers approaches Vossler…]

Soldier: Squads 3 through 6 are in place. They stand ready. So far the
Imperials haven’t noticed a thing.

Vossler: Then go now and hurry the others. By night fall, we must ensure all
our men are in place.

[The soldiers move out. The camera then shows a young woman who mysteriously
appeared at the scene. Later, Vaan proceeds to Storehouse Five. Upon arrival,
Kytes appears near the area to Garamsythe Waterway.]

Kytes: Hey, Vaan! I finally worked out how to get the door on the left side
open! I hope there’s somethin’ in there besides rats… I wanted you to go in
first, so I waited for you to come before openin’ it. Well, that’s one of the
reasons I waited… Thing is, I’m gonna need some special tools to open the door…
Gonna need you to go fetch ‘em for me. I know, I know. Not the most exciting
thing to do, is it? Heh, heh. I’m just messin’ with ya. I’ve got everything I
need ready to go! Hang on while I open it…

[Kytes approaches the locked door as the camera blacks out.]

Kytes: (unlocking the door) Hmm, let’s see… Yeah, that should do it… Huh? Ungh,
Urgh. Angh! Hrooph!

[After that, Kytes has already unlocked the door as he approaches Vaan.]

Kytes: It’s open! Now we’ve got a whole ‘nother place to explore! Oh, and I
almost forgot. Take these with ya before you go. No tellin’ what’s down
there…might come in handy.

[Kytes gave Vaan 2 Potions and 4 Eye Drops. Vaan proceeds to the Garamsythe
Waterway. Upon arrival, Vaan makes his way to the stairways to The Royal Palace
of Rabanastre.]

Vaan: The palace should be right up these stairs.

[Vaan is about to get ready to go upstairs.]

Vaan: Won’t be easy getting out. Am I ready for this?

[Vaan has already made the decision to proceed upstairs. After that, we watch a
movie of the fireworks setting out to the skies from the palace. Then, the
camera shows a hover bike descending to the palace’s floor. Then, a man with a
gun disembarks from the hover bike where the mysterious woman with bunny ears
is driving in.]

Man: Hmm.

[The camera switches back to Vaan who arrived at The Royal Palace of
Rabanastre. Vaan goes through a doorway and in the next area, Vaan witnesses
some soldiers facing the other palace servants in the palace.]

Imperial Soldier 1: Have you gathered up all of the occasionals? …Good. You’ll
be on clean-up duty when the fete’s over. Wait here until we’re ready for you.

Imperial Soldier 2: No one goes to the upper floor until we give the order.
Step out of line and you WILL be punished.

[The two Imperial soldiers left the scene. As Vaan tries to approach the stairs
where an Imperial guards the path…]

Imperial Soldier: Wait here until I’ve further directions for you.

[As Vaan was about to leave…]

Palace Servant: …What’s he doing? Trying to go upstairs?

[Vaan approaches the palace servant and talks to him.]

Palace Servant: Trying to go upstairs, ain’t you! I know… Yer hungry! I don’t
blame you. An empty stomach’d make me want to crash the fete, too! No, no, no
use tryin’ to hide it! Look here, I’ll help you out.


Palace Servant: Okay, so press ? to call the guard. I’ll handle him when he
comes, and you make for the stairs! Ah, get too close and he’s liable to notice
you. Let’s give ‘er a try!

[Vaan attempts to call out the Imperial guard.]

Vaan: Hellooo!

Palace Servant: Now’s yer chance! Get goin’!

[Vaan succeeded in getting upstairs to the second floor. Upon arrival, the
camera shows the Imperial soldiers around the area as Vaan arrives.]

Vaan: What was it Old Dalan said? “The Signet yearns for Sunstone’s strength,
to light the clouded way.” But there was more… Oh yeah! “Once in the palace,
you’ll find the Signet Tile. Give to it the sun’s power, and it will light your
path.” Looks like I’ve got a Signet to find.

[As Vaan sneaks through the hallways, he managed to find the Signet Tile.]

Vaan: A beautiful Signet is painted upon the floor. It appears to be a
representation of a lion.

[Vaan uses the Crescent Stone on the Signet of a lion and the glowing light
appears in one of the walls. Vaan proceeds to the area with the glowing light.
As Vaan approaches the wall with the glowing light, a secret door opened in
front of him. Vaan enters the Secret Passage. Inside…]

Vaan: Well, that takes care of the secret passage. Now where’s this treasure…

[The secret door suddenly closes on Vaan.]

Vaan: Hey, watch it! Guess it’s not leaving me much choice.

[Vaan moves on and notices a hidden switch. As Vaan flicks the hidden switch,
the sound of the door can be heard, unlocked. Vaan approaches a suspicious door
and enters it. Inside the treasure room, Vaan looks for the treasure he is
find. Then, Vaan noticed a Goddess statue on the other side as its face reveals
a Magicite. Vaan takes the Magicite and then…]

Voice of the Man: Quite a performance.

[The man appeared at the scene.]

Vaan: Who are you?

Man: I play the leading man, who else?

[Suddenly, the woman with bunny ears appeared behind Vaan.]

Man: Fran, the Magicite.

Fran: Now then. I’ll take that.

Vaan: No you won’t. I found it. It’s mine.

Man: And then when I take it from you, it’ll be mine.

[The man and the woman with bunny ears who will be known as Fran from this
point on faces Vaan as Vaan refuse to give the Magicite to them. Suddenly,
voices can be heard as something is going on. The camera shows another door
opening. The man and Fran look at each other.]

Man: Exit stage right.

Fran: The Gods do not smile on us.

Man: I like it better that way.

[Vaan makes his escape and the camera switches to The Garden Stairs where Vaan
arrives and as he makes it to the top stairway, Vaan opens the door and exits
the palace. We watch a movie of Vaan who arrived at the top part of palace area
where a chaotic war is taking place. As Vaan watches the knights fighting each
other with swords, the camera shows an airship which appears at the scene.]

Vaan: What’s going on?

[The airship fires its cannon at the knights near the palace and the explosion
from the ground knocked Vaan back from his position a little. The woman who was
with Vossler can be briefly seen with her sword and shield drawn. The woman
then witnessed the explosion just now. Then, the camera shows the man, who
appears at the scene and approaches Vaan.]

Man: The Ifrit, eh? That’s quite an entrance.

[Vaan glances at the man while kneeling.]

Man: Impeccable timing. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they were waiting all

[Then, the airship fired another cannon at the knights, causing some explosions
in that section.]

Man: Stop running!

[Vaan tries to run away, but the hover bike that Fran is riding in, surrounds
Vaan along with the man.]

Man: End of the line!

[Vaan gasped as he faces the man.]

Man: You have something that belongs to me.

[Suddenly, the camera shows a searchlight which lightens over the man and as
the man runs…]

Knight: More this way!

[The knights chases after the man as he makes a run for it.]

Man: Fran! Let’s move!

[Fran drove her hover bike away as the man grabs Vaan and are about to make a

Man: Off with you!

[As the man and Vaan leap off the palace, Fran in her hover bike arrived just
in time and the man and Vaan board the hover bike. The man holds Vaan’s arm as
he almost fell to his death.]

Vaan: Let go of me!

Man: Keep this up and I will!

[As Vaan continues to struggle, Fran suddenly is losing control of her hover

Man: What’s going on, Fran?

Fran: I don’t know. It’s not heeding me.

Man: Ugh! I don’t have time for this.

Vaan: I—I’m slipping!

Man: Not good!

[Suddenly, the airship fires a third cannon at the area near the palace, thus
causing the hover bike to crash. Later, the camera shows the hover bike which
is now totaled.]

Fran: What happened? Our hover didn’t just drop—it disappeared.

Man: Bah. Forget it. Even if we could fly…the Ifrit’s playing with fire, and
I’d rather not get burned.

[The camera shows the man who glances at Fran with a slight smile.]

Man: We’ll go the old-fashioned way.

[The camera shows the man from first-person view where he glances at Fran and

Man: Not many Viera where you come from, thief?

Vaan: It’s Vaan. Sorry…

[There was a brief pause.]

Man: Well, Fran is special…in that she’d deign to partner with a hume.

Fran: Oh? Like a Sky Pirate that chooses to steal through the sewers?

Vaan: (getting excited) Pirates? You’re Sky Pirates? So you have an airship?

Balthier: It’s Balthier.

[The man, who will be known as Balthier from this point on stands up.]

Balthier: Listen thief—Vaan. If you ever want to see your home again, you do
exactly as I say. Myself, Fran, and you. We’re working together now. Understood?

[The camera shows Balthier in first-person view who glances at the Magicite
that Vaan is holding. Vaan hides the Magicite from Balthier.]

Vaan: Don’t even think you’re getting this.

Balthier: The thought never crossed my mind.

[Balthier and Fran join Vaan. Before Vaan’s group moves on…]

Balthier: Ah, Vaan. There’s something I want to check before we set out. As I
thought. You don’t know much about Gambits yet, do you? Listen carefully—I
don’t care to repeat myself. For each Gambit, you can combine one action with a
target for that action. Example: You can arrange that Cure be cast on an ally
whose HP falls below fifty percent. Useful, that. Of course, one error of
judgment, and you could well find yourself throwing punches at that same ally.
If you’ve a good head on your shoulders, it should come easily enough. Hmm… I
fear a more detailed explanation is in order.

[Later, after Balthier explained the whole details of the Gambits to Vaan…]

Balthier: We’re like to come across new actions and targets, so don’t be afraid
to experiment with new Gambit combinations. But don’t put all of your faith in
any one combination. With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting
ways to kill a man. Be flexible! If you find yourself up against beasts that
don’t take well to fire, create a Gambit to cast Fire on nearby foes. Likewise,
should we face a creature that uses Poison, a Gambit to cast Poisona on
poisoned allies just might come in handy. A bit much to take in? Don’t let it
worry you—You’re in good company. Yes, these sewers are thick with the bones of
others who had similar “difficulties.”

[After that…]

Balthier: Let’s be off then, shall we?

[Vaan’s group approaches the dead soldiers.]

Balthier: Insurgents. Most like they thought to take advantage of a lax watch
while the fete’s on. …To feed the good consul a length of steel for his supper.
I should think Vayne used to such hospitality. Clever. He used himself as the
bait to draw them near, and then sent in the Air Brigade. A fine, bloody

[The camera shows the dead soldiers’ body which are still from the floor.]

Balthier: Hmph. I daresay I’ve soiled my cuffs. If a dungeon’s waiting for us
at the end of the night, it had best have a chance of wardrobe.

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. In the next area, the camera shows the
woman from before with her sword and shield, surrounded by the enemy soldiers.
As the enemy soldiers try to approach the woman, the woman killed off some of
the enemy soldiers.]

Woman: Who would be next?

Enemy Soldier: Close Ranks! Bring her down!

[As the enemy soldiers surrounds the woman who is about to step off the edge of
the dead end…]

Vaan: Jump down!

[The woman gasped as she heard Vaan’s voice.]

Vaan: Hurry!

[The woman jumps off the high area and Vaan catches her from the jump.]

Enemy Soldier: She’s not alone!

Fran: Our Ranks grow by the hour.

Balthier: And our troubles with them.

[Vaan’s group fights the Imperial Swordsmen. After Vaan’s group defeats the
Imperial Swordsmen, Vaan approaches the woman.]

Vaan: You all right?

Woman: Thank you.

Vaan: Um, I’m Vaan. And this is Balthier and—

[The camera shows Balthier stepping away from the scene.]

Vaan: Hey! (to the woman) What’s your name?

Amalia: Amalia.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: Amalia, huh? Nice to meet you.

[The woman who will be known as Amalia from this point on, turns the other way,
facing the next area.]

Amalia: There were others with me…

Fran: I’m sorry.

Amalia: No…

[Suddenly, Vaan’s Magicite started emanating red glowing lights.]

Vaan: Huh?

Balthier: Oh, now isn’t that impressive.

Vaan: Don’t get any ideas. I said it’s mine.

Balthier: I’m afraid the jury’s still out on that one.

Amalia: You stole that?

Vaan: Yeah!

[Amalia sighs in frustration.]

Fran: Have you finished? When the guards don’t report in, they’ll come looking
for us.

Balthier: If they aren’t already.

Vaan: (to Amalia) You should come with us. Better than being by yourself.

[There was a brief pause.]

Amalia: Very well.

[Amalia walks away from the scene.]

Vaan: (to Balthier) What’s wrong with her?

Balthier: Urgh. You have a lot to learn before we even get started on your

Vaan: What’s that mean?

[Vaan’s group approaches Amalia and talks to her.]

Amalia: The situation requires I accept such help as I find. Thought it be from
thieves. I shall accompany you until we find my companions. No longer.

Balthier: (to Vaan) Let’s think of her as a “Guest”, then. Unlike Fran or
myself, our “Guest” probably won’t be taking orders from anyone anytime soon.
And she’ll leave when she pleases. So, we keep to our affairs, and she to hers.
I doubt we’ll find her wanting in valor… Being such an upstanding member of the

Amalia: Resistance.

[Amalia joins Vaan’s group.]

Amalia: Well, what are we waiting for?

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon arrival of the next area, Vaan’s
group were surrounded by 4 Flans. Vaan’s group fights 4 Flans. After Vaan’s
group defeats 4 Flans, the remains of the Flans falls into the waterfall.
Vaan’s group moves on. Vaan’s group eventually arrived in the area with various
stairways. Then suddenly, a fireball ricochets around the area. Then, Firemane
was revealed. Vaan’s group fights Firemane. After Vaan’s group defeats

Voice of Vayne: Stand where you are!

[The camera shows the soldiers aiming their crossbows at Vaan’s group as Vayne
appeared at the scene. As Amalia tries to approach Vayne…]

Balthier: (stopping Amalia) Now is not the time.

[The camera shows the group of soldiers who approaches Vaan’s group and
apprehends them. The camera then shows Amalia who glances at Vayne with anger.
Later, the camera switches to Lowtown where the group of soldiers and citizens
gathers around the area.]

Faint Voice of the Soldier 1: They’re the thieves who stole into the palace.

Faint Voice of the Soldier 2: Is that what the commotion last night was about?

[The camera shows Vaan’s group, who were apprehended and their arms from the
front are bonded to the shackles.]

Amalia: They think me some common thief.

Balthier: Better than a common assassin.

[The soldier shoves Amalia as the other soldiers take Amalia away.]

Amalia: These people have done nothing. Release them.

Vaan: What are you doing?

Amalia: Don’t interrupt me, I’m thinking.

[After the soldier take Amalia into custody, the camera shows Vayne who glances
at Vaan as Vaan can be seen, angered.

Voice of Penelo: Wait!

[Vaan gasped as the camera shows the soldiers who try to restrain Penelo, who
tries to stop them from taking Vaan’s group into custody.]

Penelo: He didn’t know what he was doing! You have to let him go! You have to!

Vaan: Penelo!

[As the soldiers try to make Penelo settle down…]

Vaan: Sorry. That dinner’ll have to wait.

Penelo: I told you!

Soldier: That’s enough!

[The soldier pounds Vaan’s head and he kneels to the floor.]

Penelo: Leave him alone!

[Penelo frees herself from the soldiers restraining and as she tries to run
towards Vaan, Balthier blocks the way.]

Balthier: Hold onto this for me, would you? Just until I bring Vaan back.

[Balthier gave Penelo a handkerchief as she is unhappy. Then…]

Soldier: On your feet! You, over here!

Balthier: All right, all right. Edgy, aren’t we?

[The camera shows two Bangaas who hides from the scene.]

Bangaa 1: It’s Balthier, my brother.

Bangaa 2: What does that philanderer think he’s doing? I was to kill Balthier,
not those addle-pated Imperials!

[Later the camera switches to a bright white hospital patient room where Reks
sits in a chair as Vaan enters at the scene with Galbana Lilies.]

Vaan: I brought you some of those flowers you like: Galbana Lilies. Remember?
You always said how they smelled nice, and how pretty they were. Remember?

[Reks does not respond.]

Vaan: The King—

[Reks can be seen not himself.]

Vaan: Did you? Were you really a part of it?

[The camera shows Reks who still is not responding.]

Vaan: Even if—Even if you were—(gasped) Captain Basch must have tricked you
into it!

[As Vaan approaches Reks, Reks’ entire body vanishes from the scene. Vaan then
receives a ring in the palm of his hand. Vaan leaves the Galbana Lilies on the
chair and left the scene. Later, the camera switches to Vaan who woke up in a

Voice of Balthier: You’re awake.

Vaan: Where are we?

[There was a brief pause.]

Balthier: Prison, where else? More a dungeon, but it’s really all the same.

[Vaan checks around the area and suddenly, a slight scream can be heard in the
process. Vaan then nearly tripped by a petrified corpse and gasped from it.]

Balthier: Relax. It’s just a corpse. Jump at every little thing down here and
you’ll wear yourself out. (yawning) It’s not even a proper dungeon. They just
sealed off the bottom level of the fortress. Take a look around. We’re not the
first they’ve thrown down here.

Vaan: Where’s Fran?

Balthier: She’s off trying to find us a way out.

[As Vaan tries to move out, she suddenly heard another screaming. Balthier
stands up.]

Balthier: Remember what curiosity killed. Just a friendly word of advice.
(takes out a water pouch) This is all the water we’ve got. I’d save your
strength if I were you.

[Vaan walks out as Balthier shows a slight smile. Vaan in the Nalbina Dungeon
tries to escape. Upon reaching the next area, the camera shows Vaan in a giant
coliseum where as he gasped from the view of it. Suddenly, a badly injured Seeq
prisoner fell near Vaan as Vaan dodges. Then, two hostile Seeq prisoners appear
and as they approach the helpless injured Seeq prisoner with their clubs ready…]

Vaan: No, don’t!

[The two hostile Seeq prisoners who kept on beating down the helpless Seeq
prisoners kill the injured Seeq prisoner with their clubs. Then, the hostile
Seeq prisoners glance at Vaan and approach him.]

Vaan: He was defenseless…

[The 2 hostile Seeq prisoners with their clubs muttered something that Vaan
could not understand. Suddenly, the camera shows another hostile Seeq prisoner
who dives down from the scene and gave a surprise attack to Vaan as Vaan is
knocked out which the camera can be seen blacked out. Later, the camera
switches to Vaan whose left face has a bloody scrape, dragged into the enclosed
arena by a hostile Seeq prisoner. Vaan tries to escape, but all four gates were
sealed before he could make a run for it. As the 3 hostile Seeq prisoner tries
to approach Vaan while uttering unknown languages…]

Voice of Balthier: Something stinks in here all right. I’ve changed my mind.
This is no dungeon, it’s a sty.

[As the hostile Seeq prisoners try to speak with their language to Balthier,
the camera shows Balthier spitting to the other side before glancing at the
hostile Seeq prisoners.]

Balthier: I said you’re the one that stinks, Hamshanks. Here me now?

[Balthier drops down to the arena where Vaan is at.]

Balthier: You all right, Vaan?

[As the 3 hostile Seeq prepares themselves, Vaan and Balthier without their
equipments fight the 3 Seeq prisoner Daguza, Galeedo and Gwitch. Using whatever
strength Vaan and Balthier had with them, they defeated Daguza, Galeedo and
Gwitch. After that, the camera shows the prisoners approaching the closer area
of the higher floor, glancing at Vaan and Balthier. Then suddenly, the camera
shows the knight soldiers appearing at the scene. One of the knight leader
appeared and as he unmasked his helmet, he glanced at the arena, which seems to
be empty. However, the camera shows Vaan and Balthier taking their hiding

Balthier: Great, they just don’t give up, do they?

[The camera shows the humanoid-reptile that forced the knight leader out of the
way as two Bangaas appearing at the scene.]

Balthier: Now is looking like a good time for us to leave.

[The camera then shows Fran who approaches the closed gate from the inside.]

Fran: Through the oubliette, there’s a way out. Only—

Balthier: Only you sense the mist.

[Balthier crawls under a lower opening of the gate. After getting through…]

Balthier: Then we’ll need weapons.

[Vaan also managed to crawl through the gate. Then…]

Knight Leader: What did you call me? Say that again!

Bangaa: What, you couldn’t hear? I merely said that the lot of you are
incompetent fools. If you’ve the Sky Pirate in your hands, where is he?

Knight Leader: You’d have done better, Ba’Gamnan? By your own words, it was the
Imperial Army who caught this Sky Pirate of yours. We’ve done your job for you!
We don’t require the assistance of filthy headhunters. The Empire will restore
order here.

Ba’Gamnan: Eh? What’s that you say now? Maybe I’ll whet my blade on you…before
I kill Balthier.

Voice of the Judge: That’s enough, Ba’Gamnan.

[Suddenly, the camera shows the judge who appeared at the scene.]

Fran: A judge.

Vaan: Judge?

Balthier: Hmph. The self-proclaimed guardians of law and order in Archadia.
They’re the Elite Guard of House Solidor. Which effectively makes them the
commanders of the Imperial Army.

[The camera shows the judge who approaches one of the Bangaa who will be known
as Ba’Gamnan from this point on and the knight leader.]

Balthier: If you ask me, they’re more executioners than judges. Not a friendly
lot, at any rate. What are they doing here?

[As the judge approaches Ba’Gamnan and the knight leader…]

Judge: The Emperor is willing to overlook race for his more talented servants.
However, those that do not show respect will receive none in kind.

Ba’Gamnan: Your Honor…

Judge: You travel freely through our lands because the Emperor wills it. Am I

Ba’Gamnan: Bah…

[Ba’Gamnan walks away and as the judge walks downstairs with the knight leader…]

Judge: Where is the Captain?

Knight Leader: We have him in solitary, Your Honor. We’re ready to begin our

Judge: This does not concern you, bounty hunter.

Ba’Gamnan: Bah! He’s in here somewhere! Find him!

Bangaa: - Bwagi, that way!

Bwagi: - I was going this way!

Ba’Gamnan: (frustrated) Bah!

[As the camera shows the knights trying to find Vaan’s group…]

Balthier: Time for the hare to follow the fox.

Vaan: Huh?

Fran: The Magicks binding the door to the oubliette are quite strong. Too
strong even for my talents.

Balthier: (places his hand on Vaan’s left shoulder) That’s why we’ll get them
to open it for us.

Vaan: How is going deeper into this place—

Balthier: (interrupting) What’s wrong? You don’t trust her? Viera’s noses are
sharp. If she says there’s a way out, there’s a way out.

[Vaan’s group makes a run for it as the camera shows the knights and the
humanoid-reptiles searching for Vaan’s group. The camera switches to the next
area where Vaan’s group passes by a room with items. Just as Balthier and Vaan
were about to take off, Fran stops and noticed all the items and equipments
they were missing.

Fran: Look.

Balthier: Ah! The prison repository of wrested relics and raiments.

Vaan: So our things are in here?

Balthier: That’s what I said.

[After Vaan’s group recovered their lost items and equipments…]

Balthier: Ah.

[Vaan’s group also found the map to the Nalbina Dungeon. Vaan’s group moves on
to the next area. In the next area, the camera shows the knight soldiers
guarding the area and as the big door was about to close on Vaan’s group,
Vaan’s group managed to get past the door before it closes completely. Then,
the camera shows the judge who enters another area accompanied by two knight
soldiers. As Vaan’s group takes their hiding place…]

Balthier: There are more turnkeys than cutpurses down here. I’ve had my fill of
chains. Let’s tread lightly, shall we?

[Vaan’s group moves on. As Vaan’s group makes their way to another gate, Vaan’s
group takes their hiding position as the camera shows the judge and the knights
approaching as the mage knight casts a spell to open the gate. After that, the
gate shines as some of the knights try to block the view from the brightness.
The judge and the knights enter the gateway. Vaan’s group makes their way
through the gate. In the next area, the camera shows the judge and the knights
who raises the cage to the level that the judge is at where Basch is bonded in
chains. The judge then takes off his armored helmet, revealing his face.]

Judge: You have grown very thin, Basch.

[The camera shows Vaan’s group who witnesses the scene as Vaan gasped.]

Judge: Less than a shadow. Less than a man. Sentenced to death and yet you
live. Why?

Basch: To silence Ondore. How many times must I say it?

Judge: Is that all?

Basch: Why not ask Vayne himself? Is he not one of your masters?

Judge: Ehh! We’ve caught a leader of the insurgence. She is being brought from
Rabanastre. The woman Amalia. Who could that be?

Basch: …

Judge: Such a faithful hound to cling so to a fallen kingdom.

Basch: Bette than throwing it away.

[The judge puts his armored helmet back on his head.]

Judge: Throwing it away? As you threw away our homeland?

[The judge and the knights left the scene. Vaan’s group then approaches Basch’s

Basch: Who’s there?

Balthier: This the place?

Fran: The mist is flowing through this room. It must be going somewhere.

Balthier: Hmm.

Basch: You! You’re no Imperials. Please, you must get me out—

Balthier: It’s against my policy to speak with the dead. Especially when they
happen to be kingslayers.

Basch: I did not kill him.

Balthier: Is that so? Glad to hear it.

Basch: (to Vaan) Please, get me out. For the sake of Dalmasca.

[Vaan seemed angered and as he angrily climbs on Basch’s gate…]

Vaan: (extremely pissed off) Dalmasca!? What do you care about Dalmasca!?
Everything that’s happened is because of you! Everyone that’s died, every
single one! (getting emotional) Even my brother—(pissed) YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!

Balthier: Quiet! The guards will hear.

[Fran can be seen sensing the knight soldiers will come and then…]

Fran: I’m dropping it.

[Fran flicks the lever and as Basch’s cage lowers…]

Balthier: Pirates without a sky.

[Balthier jumps to the cage as Vaan’s group rides the cage down to the chasm.
The camera shows the judge and the knights who noticed that the cage with Basch
vanished. Later, the camera shows the cage which is already destroyed as Basch
is freed from it.]

Vaan: (charging towards Basch) AHHHHHH!!!

[As Vaan angrily tries to throw a punch a Basch, Balthier grabbed Vaan’s right
arm and threw him back from Basch’s distance.]

Vaan: Eahhh!

Balthier: (frustrated) Spare us your quiddities.

Vaan: (angry) Yeah, but—But he’s a—

Balthier: A traitor. I know. Stay here and fight, if you want. (to Basch) If
you can walk, let’s go.

Vaan: (confused) You’re taking him with us?

Balthier: We could use another sword arm.

[Basch stands up.]

Basch: And you have it.

Vaan: (frustrated) Err…!

[Basch joins Vaan’s group and in Barheim Passage, Vaan’s group moves on. Vaan’s
group approaches the Timeworn Device and examines it. As Vaan’s group tries to
press it…]

Vaan: Huh. Guess it’s not working.

Balthier: Let’s have a look. Hm…the fuse is blown. That would explain why
there’s no power reaching the switch. If the wiring is any indication, I’d say
this is a central power relay of some sort. As it stands, I doubt we’ll find
much still running down here.

[Vaan’s group then notices Burrogh sitting near a wall and Vaan’s group talks
to him.]

Burrogh: Don’ get many visitors down here. Come scavengin’ fer odds and ends,
have you? Oh, the way out? It’s just back up those stairs—To smithereens, you
say!? Then there’s nothin’ left but to find some other way out through these
tunnels. You’ll need to get the power workin’ again, ‘fore that gate’ll budge,
though. The fuse in that contraption up the stairs is blown…but this oughta fix
it up.

[Vaan’s group received the Tube Fuse.]

Burrogh: Made that Tube Fuse from parts I found down in these very tunnels.
It’s good as any you’ll find, and better ‘an most, mark my words.

[Vaan’s group returns to the Power Relay switch. As Vaan’s group inserts the
Tube Fuse into the Power Relay switch. Then, after the power is activated,
Vaan’s group used the gate switchboard and opened the gate.]

Burrogh: I see you got the gate open, oughta be able to look fer all manner of
ways out, now. While the lights are on, the passage ain’t so bad. But let the
charge drop, and some fierce beasts start comin’ out in the dark. Openin’ this
gate probably took the charge down some. That gauge oughta show you how much
charge is left. Hrm, ‘but thirty percent to operate somethin’s the size of
these gates, I’d say. Who knows how many more of these gates they got down
here. You look fer these switchboards, you oughta be able to make yer way.

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. In the next area, Vaan’s group
witnessed a Battery Mimic absorbing the electrical power from the power source.]

Vaan: Hey! Who turned out the lights? One of those!?

Balthier: I’ve heard of these: Mimics. They disguise themselves as all manner
of things, then strike when you’re least wary. Some of them have a fondness for
energy, I’m told. They gorge themselves on the stuff till there’s naught left.

Vaan: So…what happens then?

[Suddenly, the camera shows a Zombie risen from the dead as Fran glances at it.]

Balthier: Lights out. And it’s worse in the dark. Much worse. So, let them get
too close to one of those conduits and they’ll suck it dry. But don’t worry.
It’ll give the energy back, if you ask nicely. Sticking with a sword helps too.
Clock’s ticking!

[Vaan’s group eventually made their way to the area to the north and south
junction of the train tracks tunnel. In the junction tunnel…]

Fran: The mist seethes.

Balthier: It reeks. Something’s close.

[The camera shows Basch who takes some armor gear from a knight’s corpse’s and
also picks up a sword as well. Basch tries out his sword wielding skills.]

Balthier: Nice moves there, Captain.

Vaan: You mean “traitor.”

Balthier: So they say. But I didn’t see him kill anyone.

Vaan: My brother did.

Basch: … Reks.

[There was a brief pause, as Vaan looked angered.]

Basch: He said he had a brother two years younger. I see. He meant you. Your
brother. What became—

Vaan: He’s dead.

Basch: (unhappy) I’m sorry.

Vaan: (slightly angered) It was you who killed him!

[There was another brief pause.]

Basch: I give you my word: that was not the way of it.

[The camera shows the past of Dalmasca as Basch reminisces the time of the
soldiers’ slaughter in the King’s throne room.]

Voice of Reks: Reks, sir. My name’s Reks.

[The camera shows Basch getting arrested by the knights. Then, the camera shows
more of the soldiers getting slaughtered as Basch can be seen killing off
soldiers by soldiers.]

Voice of Reks: He’s two years younger than I. Living in Rabanastre.

Voice of Vossler: It’s time, Basch! Save the discussion for later.

Voice of Reks: But if we arrive after he’s signed the treaty—

[The camera shows Basch and a soldier who were surrounded by the knight
soldiers trying to arrest them.]

Voice of the Soldier: Sir! We have little time! You must go to the King!

Voice of Basch: It’s as I feared. They’re slowing us down.

[The camera later showed Basch getting arrested as the first-person view shows
Reks’ last moments.]

Voice of Reks: (dying) Captain, why? Our King—What have you done?

[The camera shows another character with Basch’s complete resemblance.]

Voice of the Unknown Man: His Majesty was a traitor.

[The camera then shows the Basch’s body double that approaches Basch as Reks
falls to the floor and dies. The reminiscences ends as the camera switches back
to the present with Vaan’s group as Basch sits on the floor.]

Balthier: A twin brother? Fancy that. Hmm. But still, the pieces fit. I’ll give
you that much. And he did look like you.

[The camera shows Vaan who faces away from Basch in anger.]

Vaan: I don’t believe you.

Basch: Of course not. It was my fault that Reks was there. I am sorry.

Vaan: (to Basch and clenching his fist in sadness) My brother, he trusted you.
He trusted you, and he lost everything. How can I believe you?

Basch: (stands up) Not me then. Believe in your brother. He was a fine soldier.
He fought to the last to protect his homeland. No. Surely he fought to protect
his brother.

Vaan: (faces Basch in anger) You don’t know anything!

Balthier: (to Vaan) Believe what you want to. Whatever it takes to make you
happy. (walking away) What’s done is done.

[Vaan’s group moves on. Eventually, they made their way to Terminus No. 4
Adjunct. As Vaan proceeds to the next area, the camera shows the Tiny Mimics
around the place along with the Mimic Queen. Vaan’s group fights Mimic Queen
the Tiny Mimics. After Vaan’s group defeats Mimic Queen and the Tiny Mimics,
the Mimic Queen malfunctions and the entire area of Barheim Passage shakes and
is about to collapse. Vaan’s group makes a run for it as they have successfully
escaped from the remains of Barheim Passage. Later, the camera switches to
Vaan’s group who made it out and arrived in the Desert of Rabanastre. As Vaan’s
group glances around the area…]

Basch: To think Dalmascan air could taste so sweet.

Vaan: (to Balthier) Where are we?

Balthier: The Estersand, by the look of it. Let’s back to Rabanastre before we
shrivel up. (to Basch) By your leave, Captain.

Basch: Yes, the hour of my return is already over late. The people may hate me,
but that does not free me of my charge.

[Vaan’s group returns to Rabanastre. Upon returning…]

Basch: I thank you.

Balthier: I avoid crowds, if I were you. In this town you’re still a traitor,
you know.

Basch: The resistance will surely find me soon. (faces Vaan) Fates will we meet
again. I would pay my respects to your brother.

[Basch left the scene.]

Balthier: (to Vaan) You’re a fugitive now, to. Stay low for a while.

[As Balthier and Fran were about to take off the scene…]

Vaan: What about the stone?

Balthier: Do as you like. That stone’s ill-favored.

Fran: We feel regret. We sought that stone and found ourselves only worry.

Balthier: You offering it?

Vaan: It’s mine!

Balthier: Then why do you ask? Our regards to your girl.

Fran: We stay in Rabanastre a while.

[Balthier and Fran left the scene. As Vaan looks at the red Magicite stone…]

Vaan: (to himself) What do you think? Can I trust Basch? I gotta get rid of
this thing. But maybe I should show it to Penelo first. So she knows I got
something. She’d be at Migelo’s place this time of day.

[Vaan proceeds to Migelo’s Sundries. Upon entering, Vaan noticed Kytes standing
at the scene.]

Kytes: (worried) Vaan, is it really you? I heard you got took off to Nalbina!

Vaan: The Imperials’ll need more than a dungeon to stop me.

Kytes: Broke out of a dungeon? Whoa!

Vaan: Hey, try and keep it down, wouldya? Penelo isn’t around, is she? Out on a
delivery, maybe?

Kytes: Nope, haven’t seen her all day. Not like her to up and skip out on work
like that. Migelo’s not here either. He went running off somewhere a little
while ago.

Vaan: So much for my big welcome. Guess everybody’s busy.

Kytes: I got my hands full watching the shop…and Old Dalan had something for me
to do, but I can’t get away.

Vaan: Old Dalan, huh? Tell you what. I’ll go see him for you.

Kytes: (excited) Really?

Vaan: (scratching his head) Well, nothing better to do.

[Vaan proceeds to Lowtown and visits Old Dalan’s Place. Inside, Vaan talks to

Dalan: Well, well. Look who we have here! Heard you were sent off to Nalbina?

Vaan: And I got out of there as fast as I could. But it was all worth it,
Dalan. Here, look at this!

Dalan: My, my, my. Quite a treasure you’ve got there.

Vaan: Well, you know, I couldn’t have done it without your help.

Dalan: So, there is more to this gutter-churl than first meets the eye. Vaan,
I’ve an errand: A simple favor to beg of you. I was going to ask that Kytes to
go, but I should think that you ought to do. No—no I think you’re just the one.
There’s a fellow by the name of Azelas, and I need you to bring this sword to

[Dalan takes out a Sword of the Old Order.]

Vaan: That’s—that’s a Sword of the Old Order.

Dalan: Speak my name when you arrive. That should be enough to get you in to
see him. I’ve made a note on your map showing you where he can be found. Mind
you, you are to deliver the sword to him personally.

Vaan: I will. Hey, Dalan? Could I get you to do something for me? I need to
find out where Penelo is. I wanted to show her what I got from the palace, but
I haven’t been able to find her anywhere. Can you let me know if you hear

Dalan: You can just leave that to me.

Vaan: Thanks, Dalan.

Dalan: And so it is done. But will it be enough to remind him of what the order
once meant?

[Vaan proceeds to the area where Dalan told him to go to. Upon arrival, Vaan
talks to Balzac.]

Vaan: I’m supposed to deliver something to a man, name of Azelas. This is the
place, right?

Balzac: And who was it told you that?

Vaan: Old Dalan. He said I have to give this to him personally.

Balzac: Does nothing get past that Dalan? He has ears in every wall. All right,
get inside. But not a word of what you see or hear in there, you got that?

[Vaan enters the room where the men can be heard arguing with each other.]

Man 1: Then what of Ondore’s proclamation? Did they fool even the Marquis?

Man 2: What if a Judge killed the King, not the Captain? That would explain
everything wouldn’t it?

Man 3: Then the Captain would be brother to a Judge! How are we to trust such a

[Later, Basch appeared at the scene.]

Vossler: Now there is the Basch that I remember.

Basch: Then will you fight again at my side?

Man 3: His word alone convinces me of nothing!

Man 1: I’d take his word over that of a mouthpiece Marquis!

Man 2: Then you name Reks liar with him.

[Vaan appeared at the scene, holding the Sword of the Order.]

Vaan: (slightly raising his voice) My brother was no liar!

Basch: Just the opposite. Reks was the witness they needed. They had to make it
appear as if I’d killed the King—Reks bears no blame. The Fates have willed it.

[Vossler approaches Vaan.]

Vossler: So this is Reks’s brother.

[Vossler snatches the Sword of the Order from Vaan.]

Vossler: Your words may convince this child, but they weigh too lightly on the
scales for my taste. (to Basch) Our paths will remain separate.

Basch: Do you not think Amalia worth saving?

Vossler: (sighs) I hold men’s lives in my hands. I must see foes in every
shadow. The night we moved against Vayne, he knew. I will not chance such
disadvantage again. I must treat you as I would Ondore—as I would treat any
abettor of the Empire.

Basch: Then what will you do? Hold me here in chains?

[Suddenly, the camera shows a horizontal split screen of Basch and Vossler
glaring at each other. Then, Vossler tosses the Sword of the Order to Basch as
Basch catches it.]

Basch: Some things never change. Do they.

Vossler: Listen to me, Basch. Your cage may have no bars, but it is a cage. The
eyes of the resistance watch unblinking.

Basch: Let them watch. I know something of cages.

[Basch left the scene as Vaan follows. Outside…]

Vaan: That’s right… Amalia’s in the resistance.

Basch: Then you know her.

Vaan: Sort of. We met just before we got sent to Nalbina. I’ve known nicer

Basch: Our paths keep crossing, yours and mine. It’s more than coincidence.

Vaan: It’s annoying.

Basch: I’m sorry. Allow me one last annoyance: A favor to ask. I want you to
take me to Balthier. Even caged birds need wings.

Vaan: This makes us even.

Basch: Even?

Vaan: For Nalbina.

[Basch follows Vaan as Vaan walks away from the scene.]

Vaan: (places his hands to his back of his head) We couldn’t have done it
without you.

[Basch has now join Vaan. Vaan and Basch move on. In the East End, Basch stops
for a moment and witnessed kids grouping together.]

Vaan: A lot of kids lost their parents in the war. Mine-mine had already died
before that. The Plague took them both.

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: I’m sorry. I didn’t know.

Vaan: It’s okay. It’s been five years now. After that, I lived with my friend
Penelo and her family.

[There was another brief pause.]

Vaan: Then…then the war came.

Basch: I am sorry.

Vaan: You don’t have to keep apologizing. Really, it’s all right. I know it
wasn’t your fault. I see that now. You didn’t kill my brother.

[The camera shows the flag of the Empire.]

Vaan: It was the Empire. My brother trusted you. And he was right.

[Vaan and Basch enter The Sandsea. Inside, Vaan and Basch approach Balthier and
Fran as Migelo speaks with them.]

Balthier: As I said, a misunderstanding.

Migelo: Misunderstanding!? What I am understanding is they took Penelo because
of you!

Vaan: What? What about Penelo?

Migelo: Oh, Vaan! They’ve taken Penelo! And there was a note—a note for this
Balthier! Come to the Bhujerba Mines, it said.

Fran: It’s Ba’Gamnan. He was in Nalbina.

Migelo: If anything were to happen to that sweet child—why, I’ve her parents’
memory to consider! You’re going to go to her aid, and that’s that! It’s what
you Sky Pirates do, isn’t it?

Balthier: I don’t respond well to orders. You do know that the Imperial fleet
is massing at Bhujerba?

Vaan: Fine, then I’ll go! You at least have an airship, don’t you? Just get me
there, and I’ll find Penelo myself.

Basch: I’ll join you. (approaching the scene) I have some business there as

Balthier: An audience with the Marquis, by chance?

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: (takes out the red Magicite stone) Balthier, just take us and this is

Fran: The Gods are toying with us.

Balthier: …

[Balthier and Fran get up from their seats and walk away.]

Balthier: Make yourselves ready. We leave soon.

Vaan: Right!

[After that…]

Balthier: Ba’Gamnan’s note can only be referring to the Lhusu Mines in
Bhujerba. We’ll leave at once. When you’re ready, meet me in the Aerodrome. I
should imagine it’s still by the West Gate… We weren’t in Nalbina all THAT
long. Do be quick. I’d like to save your girl and be rid of this headache as
soon as possible.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the West Gate. Upon entering the Aerodrome, Vaan
talks to Balthier.]

Balthier: Bhujerba’s on the sky continent of Dorstonis, and the Magicite Mine
we’re looking for is in Bhujerba. If we’re going to save the girl, we start
there. You ready to leave?

Vaan: I’m ready.

Balthier: You do realize that once we’ve left, you may not see Rabanastre for a
while. Once we leave, there’ll be no looking back.

Vaan: I’m really ready.


Balthier: We make for the Lhusu Mines in Bhujerba. Seems I took on more baggage
in Rabanastre than I’d planned… Well, let’s save your girl and be done with it.
Come on.

[Vaan’s group follows Balthier to the Strahl. We watch a movie of Vaan’s group
arriving at the area with the airship Strahl.]

Vaan: Whoa!

Balthier: This is the Strahl.

[The camera shows the view of the Strahl.]

Balthier: She airship enough for you?

[Vaan slightly shoves through Balthier as Vaan approaches the Strahl’s door.]

Vaan: The Strahl… You really are a Sky Pirate!

[Vaan’s group approaches the Strahl.]

Balthier: Well, the headhunters seem to think so. (to the Moogles) What’s the
good word? Is she ready?

[The camera shows the Moogles who came out of the Strahl as Vaan’s other group
boards the Strahl.]

Vaan: So, is she armed? How fast is she? Could she take the Ifrit?

Balthier: I suppose I could tell you, but…

[Balthier turns around and faces Vaan.]

Balthier: Wouldn’t you rather see for yourself?

[Balthier goes into the Strahl as Vaan catches up.]

Vaan: Yeah.

[Vaan boards the Strahl. The camera shows Balthier and Fran approaching the

Balthier: Fran, our course.

Fran: The shortest way’s over Dorstonis.

[Balthier and Fran sit on the pilot seat and then, the camera shows Basch
appearing at the scene.]

Basch: How flies Bhujerba?

[The camera shows Vaan who finally arrived at the scene.]

Balthier: (to Basch) Oh, she’s free as can be, for now.

[Vaan looks at the controls of the cockpit as Fran glances at him.]

Balthier: (to Basch) The Empire took notice when they announced the Princess’s
suicide and your untimely execution.

Basch: If it becomes known that I am alive, the Marquis will lose their favor.

Balthier: Mmm. I try to steer clear of such things.

[Balthier activates the controls.]

Balthier: Right. It’s time to fly.

[Vaan and Basch sit on the passenger seat of the cockpit.]

Balthier: And no wagging tongues or you’re like to bite them off.

Vaan: (wondering) I’m coming, Penelo.

[The camera shows the Strahl taking off to the skies. Later, the camera
switches to the confined room where Penelo kneels with her arms bonded by
shackles to the front. Then…]

Voice of Ba’Gamnan: You’ve seen to her feeding, yes?

[Suddenly, the camera shows the Bangaas appearing at the scene form the cellar

Female Bangaa: I have, my brother. She eats well.

Ba’Gamnan: See that she does. We need her alive. Balthier’s bait must be fresh.

Penelo: (slightly raising her voice) I keep trying to tell you! I barely even
know who Balthier is!

Voice of Male Seeq: My brother! A message come from Rabanastre! The Strahl,
she’s set sail! She makes straight for the Skycity of Bhujerba!

[The male Bangaa appeared at the scene.]

Ba’Gamnan: Barely know, was it? Yet at a trice he goes bounding off for you.
Tell me, how could that be?

Penelo: That’s what I’d like to know! I just met him that one time—

Ba’Gamnan: Does that tongue never stop? (getting close to Penelo’s face) What
if we plucked it from your head?

[Penelo doesn’t respond.]

Ba’Gamnan: (to the Bangaas) As for you! We need Balthier alive! His corpse
fetches but half the bounty!

Male Bangaa: A tender beating. My specialty!

Female Bangaa: There’s no fun for it if we can’t tease out a scream or two!

Ba’Gamnan, Male Bangaa and Female Bangaa: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

[Ba’Gamnan and the Bangaa left the scene. As Penelo seemed hopeless, she
glances at the window.]

Penelo: Where are you?

[We watch a movie of the Strahl flying towards the Skycity of Bhujerba. Upon
arrival, the camera switches to Vaan’s group who appeared at the Aerodrome in
Bhujerba. Then, the camera shows the knight soldiers who goes searching for

Balthier: Easy.

Knight Soldier 1: No good. He’s not here.

Knight Soldier 2: Keep searching! This way!

[The knight soldiers took off from the scene, as they were unaware of Vaan’s
group’s presence.]

Balthier: (to Basch) You’re a dead man. Don’t forget it. And no names.

Basch: Of course.

[Vaan’s group exits the Aerodrome. The camera switches to the view of The
Skycity of Bhujerba. Then, as Vaan’s group arrived at Travica City…]

Balthier: The Lhusu Mines are just up ahead. Though, I do hear there’s not much
left there these days.

Voice of a Boy: You’re on your way to the mines?

[The camera shows a boy who appeared at the scene and glancing at the scenery
of the city.]

Boy: Then please, allow me to accompany you. I’ve an errand to attend to there.

Basch: What manner of errand?

Boy: What errand? I might ask the same of you.

Balthier: Right, come on then.

Vaan: What?

Boy: Excellent.

Balthier: Do me a favor and stay where I can keep my eye on you. Should be less
trouble that way.

[There was a brief pause.]

Boy: For us both.

Vaan: (crosses his arms) So what’s your name?

Lamont: Oh, I—I’m Lamont.

Vaan: Don’t worry. (rubs his nose) I don’t know what’s in that mine, Lamont,
but you’re in good hands. (to Basch) Right, Basch?

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: (clueless) Mrrrrnn…

[The boy, who will be known as Lamont from this point on joins Vaan’s group.
Vaan’s group proceeds to the Lhusu Square. Upon arrival…]

Balthier: The Lhusu Mines: One of the richest veins in Ivalice.

Basch: Under Imperial Guard, no doubt.

Lamont: (approaches Basch) Actually, no. With but few exceptions, the Imperial
Army is not permitted in Bhujerba. Well, shall we proceed?

[Vaan’s group enters the Lhusu Mines. Inside, Vaan’s group notices another
group of people coming by and takes their hiding place. The camera shows the
group of knight soldiers and wizards led by another judge.]

Judge: You will forgive me for asking, but you are diverting the purest of the

Old Man: I can assure you it reaches Lord Vayne most discretely.

Judge: Hah! You wear your saddle well.

Old Man: Be that as it may, I have no intention of being bridled, Your Honor.

Judge: Then you prefer the whip? Stubbornness will see not only you broken,
Excellency, but Bhujerba as well.

[After the knight soldiers and wizards left the scene, Lamont came out of his
hiding place as well as Vaan’s group.]

Lamont: Halim Ondore IV, the Marquis of Bhujerba. The Marquis served as
mediator at the negotiations of Dalmasca’s surrender. It would appear that he
is somewhat less neutral now.

Balthier: They say he’s been helping the resistance.

Lamont: They say many things.

Balthier: You’re certainly well informed. Who did you say you were again?

Vaan: What difference does it make? We have to find Penelo.

Lamont: And Penelo is your—

Vaan: She’s a friend. She was kidnapped and taken here.

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Vaan’s group eventually made it to the
big cavern. Inside…]

Lamont: This is what I came here to see.

[Lamont pulls out a Nethicite.]

Vaan: What’s that?

Lamont: It’s Nethicite. Manufacted Nethicite.

Vaan: Nethicite?

Lamont: Unlike regular Magicite, Nethicite absorbs Magickal energy. This is the
fruit of research into the manufacture of Nethicite. All at the hands of the
Draklor Laboratory.

[Lamont approaches closer to the big cavern’s wall.]

Lamont: So this is where they’re getting the Magicite.

Balthier: Errand all attended to, then?

Lamont: Thank you. I’ll repay you shortly.

Balthier: (approaching Lamont) No, you’ll repay us now. We have too much on our
hands to go on holding yours. So where did you hear this fairy tale about
“Nethicite”? And where did you get that sample you carry? What do you know
about the Draklor Laboratories? (places his hand on Lamont’s shoulder) Tell me:
Who are you?

Vaan: Balthier—

Voice of Ba’Gamnan: You kept us waiting, Balthier!

[Suddenly, the camera shows Ba’Gamnan and the Bangaas appearing at the scene as
Ba’Gamnan can be seen holding a buzz-saw staff.]

Ba’Gamnan: You slipped away in Nalbina. We missed you!

[Ba’Gamnan activates his buzz-saw staff as he and the Bangaas approaches Vaan’s

Ba’Gamnan: First the judge, and now this boy. The whole affair has the smell of
money. I may have to wet my beak a little.

Balthier: Keep your snout in the trough where it belongs. This thinking ill
befits you, Ba’Gamnan.

Ba’Gamnan: Balthier! Too long have I gone unpaid! I’ll carve my bounty out of
that boy!

Vaan: Where’s Penelo? We’re taking her back!

Ba’Gamnan: The girl? Why keep the bait when you’ve landed the fish? We cut her
loose on the way here and then off she ran, crying like a babe!

[Lamont threw the Nethicite stone at Ba’Gamnan’s right eye.]

Ba’Gamnan: Gah!!

Vaan: Hey!

[Lamont ran away from the scene as Vaan’s group follows him, knocking Ba’Gamnan
down in the process. Ba’Gamnan then gets up.]

Ba’Gamnan: After them!

[Ba’Gamnan and the Seeqs intercepts Vaan’s group. Later, the camera switches to
Vaan’s group who continues to flee from the scene.]

Vaan: (to Lamont) Hey! Wait up!

Balthier: We’ll not be able to take them all! Fight who we must, leave the rest.

[Vaan’s group continues to make a run for it from Ba’Gamnan and the Bangaas.
Later, Vaan’s group managed to lose Ba’Gamnan and the Bangaas from being
intercepted. However, Lamont is nowhere to be seen.]

Fran: It would not seem they follow. We’ve lost them.

Balthier: (stretching his arms) Much more running about with Bangaa at my
heels…and I’m apt to give up Sky Pirating altogether.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the exit of the Lhusu Mines. Upon arrival near the
exit, the camera shows Vaan’s group taking their hiding position as they
witness Lamont approaching the judge and the old man.]

Judge: I see you’ve been out walking without the company of your cortege… Lord

[The camera shows Penelo who stands next to a knight soldier as Lamont who will
be known as Larsa from this on approaches her. Vaan can be seen trying to
approach the scene as Balthier stops him.]

Judge: We caught her wandering out of the mines. You must take care with such
undesirables about.

Penelo: I was kidnapped—

Judge: Silence!

Larsa: (approaching the judge) If it is a crime to wander on one’s own…then I,
too, am guilty. (to the old man) Marquis. I trust that your estate can
accommodate another guest?

Old Man: Why not?

Larsa: Judge Ghis, I shall heed your counsel. I will not travel unaccompanied
any longer.

[The judge will be known as Ghis from this point on. Larsa took Penelo and left
the scene.]

Ghis: That was unexpected.

[The camera shows Larsa who took Penelo with him and walked away from the

Larsa: Thank you, Penelo.

Penelo: O-Of course.

[As the camera shows Ghis, the old man and the knights leave the scene as well…]

Vaan: What’s Penelo doing? And what’s the deal with that Lamont?

Balthier: That’s no “Lamont.” Larsa Ferrinas Solidor. Fourth son to Emperor
Gramis…and brother to Vayne.

Vaan: What? That kid!?

Fran: Do not worry. I believe he will treat her well.

Balthier: Nobody knows men like Fran does.

Basch: Our purposes lead the same way: to Ondore. (walking away) We must find
means to approach him.

[As Vaan’s group leaves the scene…]

Balthier: The Marquis is channeling money to organizations opposing the Empire.
We’ll start there.

[As Vaan’s group makes their way near the exit of Lhusu Square…]

Basch: Marquis Ondore announced my execution 2 years ago. If news of my
survival were to spread, the Marquis may find his position compromised.

Balthier: The men he’s been funding bear little love for the Empire. They won’t
be thrilled to discover that rumors of your death were, in fact, greatly
exaggerated. If we were to raise a clamor to that effect, we might just get
their attention.

Vaan: Nothin’ to it! I’ll just go around town spreading the word. How ‘bout

[Vaan thinks of a plan.]

Vaan: (out loud) I’m Captain Basch Fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca!

[Vaan gained some notoriety from the people of the town.]

Vaan: (to Balthier) Well? Whaddaya think?

Balthier: (seemed interested) That certainly qualifies as a clamor. All right,
Vaan, get to it. For the girl’s sake, eh? Oh, and the more people around to
witness your little performance, the better. If we’re going to reach the
Marquis, it’s up to you. We’ll be waiting here, if you need us.

[Vaan goes around the town and testifies that he is Captain Basch. After Vaan
gained enough notoriety…]

Unknown Voice: You. Boy. You will come with us.

[The camera shows the people with books and a Seeq who seizes Vaan and later,
the camera shows Vaan shoved into The Cloudborne.]

Bangaa: This is the one, Havharo. Says he’s Captain Basch he does.

Havharo: Hmph. He would sooner pass for the King.

Bangaa: I knew he weren’t no Captain! That was a mean trick to be playing.

Havharo: If at trickery it ended, it would end well enough. But why this boy,
and why Captain Ronsenburg? An explanation is due, and I will hear it. The
Empire’s hounds grow passing bold indeed.

Voice of Balthier: A shame if they learnt the Marquis trafficked with the like
of you.

[Vaan’s other group arrived at the scene.]

Balthier: Agents masquerading as guides. A hideout at the back of a tavern. Not
exactly earning high marks for originality, are we?

Bangaa: (angrily approaches Balthier) Now you’ve done it!

Havharo: Wait!

[The camera shows Basch who approaches Havharo.]

Havharo: So Basch Fon Ronsenburg does yet live.

[Later, the camera switches to The Estate of the Marquis Ondore Drawing Room
where Penelo sits on a sofa as Larsa sits near a worktable, handling his

Penelo: So Vaan really is all right. I didn’t think I’d ever get to see him

Larsa: You will join him soon. And until then I shell see that you’re kept from

Penelo: Thank you.

Larsa: (stops writing for a brief moment) I am troubled. The Rabanastre
Imperial Guard appear to have overstepped their bounds. – I intend to speak on
this with the consul.

Penelo: – What?

[Larsa stands up.]

Larsa: Vayne Solidor, the Consul, is my brother.

[Larsa approaches Penelo.]

Larsa: The first duty of the Consul is to maintain order in Dalmasca. My
brother—my brother is not one given to failure. Perhaps things aren’t going as
well as they might be… But give him a little time, and he will put things to
rights. (glances at the window) Be not troubled. My brother is a remarkable man.

Penelo: He frightens me.

Larsa: Why?

Penelo: I’m sorry. He is your brother. It’s just—you don’t understand how much
we lost to the war. My friends, my parents.

Larsa: So, you fear the Empire?

[Larsa approaches Penelo and kneels towards her.]

Larsa: Listen to me. The men of my family, we are taught to place the needs of
others before those of our own. I will see that you are kept from harm. It is
my duty to House Solidor.

Penelo: But how—how can I trust you?

Larsa: Because I give you my word. My brother would do no less.

[Later, the camera switches back to the tavern where the meeting is in

Havharo: I knew there must be more to it, but to find you at the end of this
tale… Heh, heh. Ah, to see the Marquis’ face when he learns of it.

Basch: I should like nothing more. I would meet him, and see for myself.

Havharo: How say you, My Lord?

Resistance Member: There is little to be said. I shall arrange a meeting with
the Marquis. We shall expect you at the estate.

[The resistance member left the scene and Vaan’s group approaches The Estate of
the Marquis Ondore archway and talks to a Bhujerban Sainikah.]

Bhujerban Sainikah: Haa, we’re been expecting you. His Excellency the Marquis

Vaan: Take me to him.

Bhujerban Sainikah: You are ready for your audience, Bhadra?

Vaan: I’m ready.

Bhujerban Sainikah: His Excellency the Marquis is otherwise occupied until
sunset. Please, I will show you to a place where you may wait in comfort.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to The Estate of the Marquis Ondore. The camera switches
to the view of Bhujerba at night from a far view. Later, the camera switches to
the inside of The Estate of the Marquis Ondore where the old man who will now
be known as Ondore from this point on holds a meeting with Vaan’s group.]

Ondore: Sir Basch Fon Ronsenburg. It was not so very long ago that I announced
you had been executed.

Basch: And that is the only reason I draw breath.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ondore: So you are the sword he’s strung above my head. Vayne has left not a
thing to chance. And?

Basch: A leader of the Resistance has fallen into Imperial hands. A woman by
the name of Amalia. I would rescue her, but I need your help.

Ondore: This Resistance leader—this Amalia. She must be very important.

[Basch does a slight bow as Ondore stands up and walks away…]

Ondore: You understand I’ve my position to consider.

Vaan: Would you let us see Larsa? He’s got my friend with him.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ondore: I’m afraid you’re too late. Lord Larsa’s cortege has already rejoined
the Imperial Detachment. I am told they will depart for Rabanastre upon the
arrival of the fleet this eventide.

Vaan: Ehh…

[Later, the camera shows the view of Bhujerba and then, we watch a movie of the
incoming airships that launches the hover bike units and they intercepts
towards Bhujerba. Later, the camera switches back to The Estate of Marquis
Ondore where Balthier tries to stop Vaan, as he is being persistent.]

Vaan: - What are we waiting for!?

Balthier: - For you to calm down.

Ondore: (facing Basch) Captain Ronsenburg. Surely the exigencies of position
are not lost on you. Why indeed, you should find the enemy’s chains…an easy
burden to bear.

[As Basch was about to make his move…]

Balthier: Wait!

Basch: Sorry. Can’t be helped.

[Basch draws his sword.]

Ondore: Summon the Guard!

[Suddenly, the camera shows the Guards coming in at the scene.]

Vaan: Huh!?

Ondore: They’re to be taken to Judge Ghis.

[The Guards seized Vaan’s group. Later, the camera switches to The Royal Palace
of Rabanastre Consul’s Chambers where the other judge and Vayne stands and
watches the window.]

Vayne: Those decrepit, basking fools in Archades tie my hands, and look what
happens! I tell you, this country’s obstinancy knows no bounds.

Judge: The insurgents in Rabanastre operate alone at present. However, should
they garner external support, the situation could worsen. We found the
counter-Imperial elements in Bhujerba to be conspicuously well-funded. No doubt
Marquis Ondore is behind this. Ondore must be reined in.

[Vayne turns around and faces the judge with an envelope.]

Vayne: By the way, the Marquis has written us a letter. He claims that he’s
recaptured our runaway. He’s given him to Ghis.

[Vayne drops the envelope to the desk.]

Judge: He will die by my hand.

Vayne: Your fraternity is moving.

[Vayne takes a seat.]

Vayne: Ah, Ghis returns with Larsa. Tomorrow morning they will leave Bhujerba.
See him home safely, Gabranth. Now, I’m expecting Doctor Cid. You may leave.

[The judge who will be known as Gabranth from this point on leaves the scene.
Then, someone else came in at the scene.]

Voice of Cid: We must see the real thing to be sure. Nabudis taught us much!
Yes, it’s well hidden. They’ll be off chasing after shadows, the fools. Ah,
yes! The reins of history back in the hands of man. (notices Vayne) Hah, Vayne!
You seem to be enjoying your job as consul. I was kept waiting fully 2 years.
What news of Archades? Our honored members of the Senate?

[Cid approaches Vayne’s desk.]

Cid: Hard at work as always, trying to find a dagger for your back.

Vayne: Hmph. They are welcome to try.

[The camera blacks out. Then, we watch a movie of Vaan’s group who all have
their arms bonded by shackles to the front as Vaan’s group are chained together
from the shackles. The camera shows the hatch opening as the camera shows the
view of the airship Leviathan. Vaan’s group were then escorted by the knight
soldiers to the elevator leading to the transport ship. The transport ship
flies into the Leviathan. Later in the Dreadnought Leviathan, the camera shows
Vaan’s group who arrived at the control room where Amalia and Ghis with two
knight soldiers are standing.]

Knight Soldier: The prisoners, My Lord.

[As Amalia saw Vaan’s group, she slightly gasped and seemed angered as she
approaches Basch.]

Basch: Majesty—

[Amalia slapped Basch’s left face.]

Amalia: (angered) After what you’ve done! How dare you! You’re supposed to be

Ghis: Come now, come now. Have you forgotten your manners? This is hardly the
courtesy due… The late Princess Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca.

Vaan: Princess?

Ghis: (approaches a little) To be sure, she bears no proof of her former
station. No different than any mean member of the insurgence.

Ashe: The Resistance.

Ghis: His Excellency the Consul asks the Ministry of the Disthroned Royal
Family in restoring peace to Dalmasca. Those who foster instability and unrest,
who claim Royal Blood without proof…they shall meet their fate at the gallows.
There are no exception.

Ashe: I will not play puppet to Vayne.

Basch: King Raminas entrusted me with a task. Should the time come, he bade me
give you something of great importance. It is your birthright: The Dusk Shard.
It will warrant the quality of her blood. Only I know where to find it.

Ashe: Wait. You took my father’s life! Why spare mine now? You would have me
live in shame!

Basch: If that is your duty: Yes.

Vaan: Stop being so stubborn! Keep on like this and you’re gonna get us all

Ashe: Don’t interrupt!

[Suddenly, Vaan notices something as he holds the Magicite stone.]

Vaan: What?

[Amalia, whose real name is Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca will be known as Ashe
from this point on slightly gasped from witnessing the Magicite stone.]

Basch: Vaan. That stone.

Vaan: I-I-It was in the palace treasure.

Balthier: Well, well.

Ghis: Ha, ha, ha! Splendid! You’ve brought the stone with you! This spares us a
great deal of trouble.

Ashe: (held by the knight soldiers) Don’t give it to him!

[Vaan tries to make the decision of giving up the Magicite stone or not. From
Balthier and Fran’s reaction, they show her expression that it is okay. Then…]

Vaan: (giving the stone to Ghis) You have to promise: No executions.

[Ghis take the Magicite stone from Vaan.]

Ghis: A Judge’s duty is to the law.

[As Ashe tries to resist, she is still held by the knight soldier.]

Ghis: (to the knight soldier) Take them away. Lady Ashe is to be quartered

[The knight soldiers forced Vaan’s group out of the control room and takes them
away. Ghis takes a look at the stone.]

Ghis: Vayne Solidor. What fascination does this hold for you?

[Later, the camera switches to the hallway of the Dreadnought Leviathan where
Vaan’s group were being escorted by the knight soldiers.]

Basch: (to Vaan) So you were carrying it all along. The Fates jest.

Balthier: (to Basch) Tell these Fates of yours to leave me out.

Knight Soldier: Keep quiet!

Basch: (to Balthier) There was nothing else that I could do. You know that.

Balthier: (to Basch) Oh, I understand. Honor, duty, and all that. Hmph. I still
can’t believe that was the Princess.

Knight Soldier: I said keep quiet!

[Just as one of the knight soldier tries to strike Vaan’s group with his spear,
Balthier evades the attack and seizes his spear while Basch uses his shackles
to knock the knight soldier to the floor. Fran then knocks out another knight
soldier with a kick. Then, knight soldier with black armor knocked out the last
remaining knight soldier with a silver armor. Then, the knight soldier in black
armor takes off his armored helmet who reveals himself as Vossler.]

Basch: (approaches Vossler) The Marquis has been busy.

Vossler: Not lightly did I beg his aid. Listen, it has been a full two years. I
alone have kept Her Majesty safely hidden. (unlocking Basch’s shackles) I
doubted friend and for alike. I could trust nobody.

Basch: You did your duty. And mine for me.

Vossler: I’m getting her out. I need your help.

Basch: Of course.

[Vossler joins Vaan’s group as a Guest. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area.
In the next area…]

Vossler: (to Vaan) Wait. A word of caution before we set out.

[The camera shows the red alarm lasers around certain places.]

Vossler: See that red web of light spanning the passageway? It is a mechanism
to detect intruders within the ship. Break one of those beams and an alarm will
sound, summoning the guard. The alarm should cease after a time, but it’s
better to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. Come, Her Majesty awaits.

[Vaan nods. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Vaan’s group eventually
made their way to the Central Room. Upon arrival, the camera shows the knight
soldiers led by 2 Judges approaching Vaan’s group with their swords drawn.]

Judge: Fear not their numbers! Take down the leaders, and the others will

[Vaan’s group fights the 2 Judges and the Imperial Swordsmen. After Vaan’s
group defeats the 2 Judges and the Imperial Swordsmen, Vaan’s group obtained a
No. 1 Brig Key. Vaan’s group approaches the locked door of Brig No. 1 and
unlocks it. After that, Vaan’s group enters Brig No. 1. Upon entering, Vaan’s
group enters Ashe’s cell.]

Vossler: You are unharmed.

Ashe: Vossler! I—

[As Vossler tries to hold Ashe’s shoulders…]

Vossler: Majesty!

Ashe: It’s nothing. I’ll be fine.

[Basch approaches Ashe.]

Ashe: (gasped in anger) You.

Vaan: Come on, come on! Let’s go! What are you waiting for? Penelo’s still out

Balthier: We should hurry. They won’t be long.

Vossler: We will talk later.

[Ashe nods and joins Vaan’s group. Vaan’s group exits Brig No. 1. Outside, the
Dreadnought Leviathan is placed on red alert.]

Basch: (to Ashe) Majesty. We will cut you a path.

Ashe: (angered at Basch) I will not place my trust in the sword of a traitor!

Vossler: Yet trust his sword we must, traitor or no. I see no other way. We
track back, commandeer a ship and make our escape.

[Basch can be seen nodding as Ashe who is still angered at Basch runs off with
Vaan’s group.]

Vossler: Her Majesty cannot abide weakness, least of all in herself. We must
make her confront the reality of our plight.

[Vaan’s group attempts to escape the Dreadnought Leviathan. After Vaan’s group
arrived at the main hallway, the camera shows Larsa and Penelo who appeared at
the scene, expectedly at the same time.]

Penelo: Vaan!

[Penelo rushes to Vaan as they embrace each other.]

Vaan: (embracing Penelo) It’s okay. We’re okay.

[Larsa approaches Vossler.]

Larsa: Ghis knows you’ve escaped. You must hurry. (to Vossler) You are Captain
Azelas. You will follow me. We must reach the airships before they do.

Vossler: You would let us leave knowing who we are?

Larsa: (to Ashe) Lady Ashe. By all rights you ought not even to exist. That you
and Captain Ronsenburg were made to appear dead…is like a hidden thread laid
bare. Your actions hereafter will pull at that thread…and we will see what it
unravels. This is our chance. We must see this through, and get to the bottom
of it. I believe ‘tis for the good of Dalmasca, and the good of the Empire.

Ashe: Very well, then.

Vaan: (to Larsa) Thanks “Lamont.”

[Larsa turns around and faces Vaan.]

Larsa: Uh, I must apologize.

Vaan: Huh.

[Larsa approaches Penelo with the Nethicite stone.]

Larsa: Penelo, for you. (giving Penelo the Nethicite stone) May it bring you
good fortune.

Penelo: Thanks.

[Larsa approaches Vossler.]

Larsa: Let us go.

[Vossler left the scene with Larsa as Penelo joins Vaan’s group and also
receiving the Manufacted Nethicite. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area.
Upon arrival, the camera shows Vaan’s group arriving at the starting area where
Ghis awaits.]

Ghis: Such a great shame. I must confess: I thought you the one who would help
us restore peace to Dalmasca.

[The starting area’s door starts closing as the Imperial Swordsmen appeared at
the scene.]

Ghis: No matter. We hold the proof of your Royal Lineage. A maid of passing
resemblance will serve our purposes now.

[Ghis charges up a fireball.]

Ghis: (to Penelo) As for you, my dear…

[Ghis unleash a flame vortex.]

Ghis: The Empire requires you no more!

[Just as Ghis uses the power of the flame vortex and finish Vaan’s group, the
bright light emanates near Vaan’s group as Penelo’s Manufacted Nethicite

Penelo: What was that?

Balthier: The Nethicite.

[As Vaan’s group glances at the Manufacted Nethicite, Ashe approaches Ghis with

Ghis: Your Majesty does not disappoint! Ever quick to spurn an honorable
surrender, as was your father.

[Ghis readies his sword and katar as the camera shows Ashe who is angered.]

Ashe: (angry) You know nothing of my father!

[Vaan’s group fights Ghis. After Vaan’s group defeats Ghis, Ghis’s armored
helmet fell off, revealing his face. Then, the camera shows Vossler who
appeared at the scene.]

Vossler: We’ve secured an Atomos. Come!

Balthier: An Atomos? All skiff, no ship. Hardly fit for a leading man.

[Ashe, Penelo, Vossler and Balthier runs off from the scene.]

Vaan: So I can fly it then?

Fran: Are you mad?

[Vaan’s group catches up with the other group as we watch a movie of Vaan’s
group who boards the Atomos. As Fran starts operating the start up controls…]

Penelo: Can’t we go faster?

Fran: Not yet.

[The camera shows the Atomos taking off and flying out of the Dreadnought
Leviathan. As the Atomos passes by the enemy crafts, Ashe and Vaan get out of
their hiding place.]

Ashe: They passed.

Fran: Any faster and they’d have noticed.

[Penelo sighs as the camera shows the Atomos flying away from the battleships.
Later, the camera switches to the far view of Bhujerba and then, the camera
switches to Vaan’s group who arrived at the Aerodrome. As Penelo approaches
Balthier with a handkerchief…]

Penelo: Balthier, your handkerchief. I thought you might want it back.

[Balthier takes the handkerchief from Penelo.]

Balthier: I shall wear it close to my heart.

[The camera shows Ashe who stands next to Vossler who ditched his disguise and
Basch as they talk.]

Ashe: Perhaps you forget all that Ondore has wrought.

Basch: I do not forget. Majesty. It was by his counsel, dangerous though it may
have been, that we were able to free you. You must meet with him, Your
Highness, and give ear to his words. He may act in league with the Empire, but
his heart is not.

Vossler: It is as he says. I ought have kept Ondore at so great a distance for
so long a time. I have played the fool!

Ashe: You were only being cautious.

Vossler: Majesty, I would ask you for some time. On our own, we struggle in
vain to restore Dalmasca. I must search out some other way. Until I should find
it, I would have Basch remain at your side. Doubt him you may, but I measure
his loyalty to Dalmasca no less than my own.

Ashe: I know you would not speak so lightly.

Vossler: (to Basch) Keep her well. Go to Ondore, and there await my return.

[Basch nods as Vossler left the scene. Vaan’s group proceeds to the archway of
The Estate of the Marquis Ondore. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group talks to the
Bhujerban Sainikah.]

Bhujerban Sainikah: His Excellency has given orders that you are to be granted
an audience. You are prepared?

Vaan: Take me to him.

Bhujerban Sainikah: Then please come this way, Bhadra.

[Later, the camera shows the far view of Bhujerba in the night. Inside The
Estate of the Marquis Ondore…]

Ashe: When Vossler learned my father had been killed…the night of the
treaty-signing, he returned to Rabanastre to aid my escape. There was still
time before Vayne’s reach extended too far. We thought that you could protect

[There was a brief pause as the camera shows Ondore who is thinking of

Ondore: However, when I then made the announcement that you had taken your own
life…I must have seemed a model citizen of the Empire.

[Ashe slowly nods.]

Ondore: The announcement, you see, was Vayne’s suggestion. Of course, at the
time I was reluctant, but I could not perceive his reasons. Now it is clear: He
meant to drive a wedge between us.

Ashe: Halim, we are past all this. Bhujerba must stand with us. We can stop

[Ondore sighs as he later gets up from his seat.]

Ondore: I once knew a girl whose only wish…was to be carried in her uncle’s
arms. Your Majesty is a woman grown now.

Ashe: Then Bhujerba will aid me?

Ondore: Suppose for a moment you were to defeat Vayne… What then? You cannot
simply rebuild your kingdom with the only proof of your birthright stolen.
Without that, the Gran Kiltias on Bur-Omisace cannot recognize you as the
rightful heir.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ondore: You may yet be a Princess, but without proof of your identity, you are
powerless. You will remain with me. We do nothing till the time is right.

Ashe: (impatient) I cannot just wait!

Ondore: Then what does Your Majesty propose we do?

Ashe: …! Uncle Halim—

[Ashe became upset as it gets to her emotions.]

Balthier: Incidentally, what is the going rate for rescuing Princesses these

[The camera shows Ashe who walks away from the scene.]

Balthier: Food would be a start—the good stuff, mind you.

Ondore: This can be arranged, though it will take some time.

[The camera shows Ashe as she continues walking away, looks unhappy.]

Balthier: Time enough for a bath, I hope. Dirty business, you know. Ah, best
bring a change of clothes too.

[The camera switches to the airship Strahl, where inside, the camera shows Vaan
in first-person view approaching the cockpit where Ashe tries to use the start
up controls.]

Vaan: What are you doing?

[Ashe gasped the moment she heard Vaan’s voice.]

Vaan: This is Balthier’s ship.

Ashe: (sighs tensely) I’m going to retrieve the Dawn Shard. It’s the proof that
I need. I know where it’s hidden. I’ll return his airship later.

Vaan: Are you crazy?

Ashe: (facing Vaan) This is something that I have to do! For myself and all
those who have fallen. I will not be made to hide! Ehh… I’ll fight alone, if I

Vaan: You still have Basch, right? Besides, you can’t just go around stealing
people’s ships. What are you trying to do?

Ashe: (raising her voice) I’m trying to concentrate!

Voice of Ondore: That’s quite enough, Your Majesty.

[The camera shows Balthier using a voice box to talk and sound like Ondore.]

Balthier: (using the voice box and talking like Ondore) What do you think? A
bit over the top?

[Balthier turns off the voice box.]

Balthier: In my line of work, you never know when something like this might
come in handy.

[Balthier uses the voice box again.]

Balthier: (using the voice box and talking like Ashe) I’m trying to concentrate!

Ashe: ……

Balthier: I’m leaving you with the Marquis.

Ashe: (felt shocked) You can’t.

Balthier: Trust me, you’re better off staying here.

Ashe: Suppose you kidnapped me instead?

[Balthier stops for a moment.]

Ashe: You’re a Sky Pirate, aren’t you? Then steal me. Is that so much to ask?

Balthier: What do you have that I would want?

Ashe: The Dynast-King’s treasure. The Dawn Shard is but one of the riches that
lie waiting in King Raithwall’s tomb.

Balthier: Whew! King Raithwall, you say?

Voice of Basch: Kidnapping Royalty is a serious offense.

[The camera shows Basch who appeared at the scene.]

Basch: It won’t do much to lower the bounty on your head.

Balthier: How much is the price on your head these days, I wonder?

[Basch approaches Ashe.}

Basch: Allow me to escort you in Vossler’s place.

[Ashe slightly nods and then, the camera shows Fran and Penelo who arrive at
the scene.]

Fran: Will you be joining us?

Vaan: What, are you kidding? I don’t wanna stick around this place.

Penelo: (rushing to the passenger seat) – Then I’m coming too!

Vaan: - Penelo?

Penelo: (worried) Don’t leave me here.

Vaan: (sighs) Of course not.

Fran: Then it’s settled. We should leave before the Marquis realizes she’s
missing. Like proper kidnappers.

[The camera blacks out. Then, we watch a movie of the view of the Archadian
Empire The Imperial City of Archades. The camera shows an Atomos flying towards
the skyscraper castle dock and then, Gabranth came out from the Atomos and
walks into the castle. Inside, Gabranth faces the Emperor Gramis.]

Gramis: Doctor Cid does this at Draklor?

Gabranth: I have confirmed he receives funds from Lord Vayne.

Gramis: His Agency in the fall of Nabudis is also certain… Yet with Judge
Zecht, who led the assault, missing…the truth remains difficult to ascertain.

[There was a brief pause.]

Gramis: The long, cold years have clouded my eyes. I cannot see my own son’s

[Suddenly, Gramis coughs repeatedly as he is suffering from an illness.]

Gabranth: My Lord.

[As Gramis stops coughing for a moment…]

Gramis: This illness…will claim me. So then, who is to be my successor?

[The camera shows the flag behind Gramis’s seat.]

Gramis: The Senate fears the capable peregrine Vayne. They prefer a young,
fledgling Emperor.

[There was a brief pause.]

Gramis: Gabranth. Once in the past, I laid siege to your homeland.

Gabranth: The Republic of Landis is long since gone. My allegiance lies wholly
with the Empire.

Gramis: Perhaps, but what of your brother? He did not accept us as you did. He
fled to Dalmasca. Did you never think to follow him?

Gabranth: I follow his every move. He is an enemy of the Empire. He will be cut

Gramis: So you would kill even your own brother for the Empire. Be that as it
may, Gabranth. Your ruthlessness is not without merit. But it must not become
this way with Larsa. You must ensure that it does not.

Gabranth: So then, you ask me to be his sword, to strike where he might not?

Gramis: Rather be his shield. Gabranth, keep your close watch on Vayne. His is
the keenest blade of all.

Gabranth: My Lord.

[There was a brief pause.]

Gramis: Do this for me, Gabranth. I could not—I could not bear…to see my son’s
war with each other again.

[The camera zooms away slowly from the scene as Gramis can be heard, coughing.
Later, the camera switches to Dalmasca Westersand where the airship Strahl can
be seen in the air and then, it vanishes as the Strahl is dismissed from it

Vaan & Penelo: Whoa!

Ashe: (to Balthier) This “come in handy” often?

Balthier: It’s tough being popular. Wouldn’t want admirers dropping in while
we’re away. Well now, that’s as far as she goes. We’ll be in Jagd from here

Ashe: (facing the other path) Across the Sandsea, to The Valley of the Dead.
And to King Raithwall’s Tomb below.

[Suddenly, Ashe can hear Vaan and Penelo talking to each other.]

Vaan: So, when you’re in Jagd, Skystone don’t work at all. That’s why we gotta
hoof it the rest of the way, ya see?

Penelo: Happy you get to teach me something for a change?

Vaan: Well, if you want to be a Sky Pirate, you have to know your—Hey! What do
you mean, “For a change”?

[As Vaan and Penelo continues to chit-chat…]

Balthier: (to Ashe) At least we thought to bring entertainment.

[Ashe sighs, as she is unsure of it. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area.
Upon arrival, we watch a movie of the view of Ogir-Yensa Sandsea as Vaan
approaches the Sandsea, he picks up a sand water and as it spills off his hand,
Vaan looked puzzled as the far area is consisted of an industrial area.]

Voice of Penelo: Vaan!?

[Vaan walks back to his group. Penelo approaches Basch.]

Penelo: So, where exactly is Raithwall’s Tomb?

[The camera switches to the map where Basch tries to picture the direction of
where to go.]

Basch: Far to the west. We must first cross the Ogir-Yensa, and beyond that the
Nam-Yensa, before we reach the Tomb. An expanse of desert larger still than all
of Dalmasca. We must pace ourselves. If you grow tired, we stop and take rest.

Penelo: You don’t have to worry about me. I’m tougher than I look.

Basch: Huh. You are at that.

[Vaan’s group enters the construction site. While on their way to the next

Basch: A construct to draw oil from the ground. Abandoned many years now, it

Vaan: Did Dalmascans build this?

Basch: No. The Rozarrians. Their Empire lies far to the west, ever at war with
Archadia. Heedless of the kingdoms caught in their midst. Dalmasca. Nabradia.

Vossler: ‘Tis the small craft’s fate: To watch the list of the galleons and
pray for light winds.

Basch: Vossler!

[Vossler just appeared at the scene.]

Basch: Why are you here?

Vossler: Imagine my surprise…when upon my return to Bhujerba, I find both you
and the Lady Ashe have vanished. I thought you above consorting with Sky

Basch: Balthier is a man worthy of our trust. And it was the Lady Ashe’s
decision. I am content to lend my arm. As I could not when Rasler died, when
her throne was taken. Never again. I will defend her this time.

Vossler: You walk the knight’s path. The Lady Ashe?

[The camera shows Vossler who approaches Ashe and then, the camera shows
Balthier and Fran standing next to a rail fence.]

Fran: We should leave this place.

Balthier: Let me guess: Sandstorm?

Fran: Something far worse.

[The camera switches to Vossler where he speaks to Ashe.]

Vossler: I see… So the Dawn Shard does lie in King Raithwall’s Tomb. The
Marquis sympathizes with your plight, yet the Empire purchases as a carrion
bird on his shoulder. He can keep whispers of your “abduction” silent for only
so long.

Ashe: Yes, but tell me, Vossler, what have you accomplished?

[Suddenly, Balthier rushes towards Vossler and Ashe.]

Balthier: We leave at once! This is Urutan-Yensa territory…and they are unfond
of visitors.

[Fran watches from the far area as we watch a movie of the Urutan-Yensas
rushing towards the construction site in their skull fishes. The Urutan-Yensas
jumped out of the Sandsea and lands as they are about to approach the
construction site. Then, the camera shows Ashe who watches Vaan’s group fleeing
from the scene.]

Balthier: Looks like we’ve attracted the wrong sort of attention. Let’s quit
this place while we still can. Move!

Ashe: Vossler!

[Vossler stops for a moment.]

Ashe: Have you found the means to restore Dalmasca?

Vossler: First, we must claim the Dawn Shard. It all begins with that.

[Vossler joins Vaan’s group as a Guest. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area.
Vaan’s group managed to navigate their way to The Tomb of Raithwall. We watch a
movie of the sky view of the Tomb of Raithwall. The camera switches to Vaan’s
group who continues to move on. As they approach the stairs of the courtyard,
Garuda flew in at the scene. Vaan’s group fights Garuda. After Vaan’s group
defeats Garuda, the camera shows the Ancient Device stirred. Later, as Vaan’s
group ascends the stairs to where the Ancient Device is…]

Ashe: Long ago, the Gods granted their favor to King Raithwall…who would
oversee the subjugation of a territory spanning from Ordalia to Valendia. Here
he forged the Galtean Alliance.

[The camera shows King Raithwall as Ashe reminisces the past.]

Ashe: Though he is called the Dynast-King… Upon establishing the Alliance, he
showed compassion for his people, and disdain for war. A philosophy passed on
to his successors. One that would bring peace and prosperity for hundreds of
years to follow. It was during this time of peace that the city-states of
Archadia and Rozarria… Each members of Raithwall’s Alliance, took root and
flourished. Raithwall left three relics signifying descent from the
Dynast-King. Of these, the Midlight Shard was given to what would become House
Nabradia…and the Dusk Shard to my ancestors, the Founders of Dalmasca. The last
of these relics was the Dawn Shard.

[The reminiscence ended and the camera reverts back to the present.]

Ashe: It remained hidden here, known only to those of Royal Blood.

Vossler: As though the Dynast-King foresaw the very plight before us now.

Ashe: Only his descendants are suffered within. If we enter without proof of
such lineage—

Balthier: (interrupts) There’s no guarantee we’ll make it out alive. Vicious
beasts. Fiendish traps. Something like that?

Ashe: Mm-hm. But you must consider the prize. The Dawn Shard lies within and
Raithwall’s treasure.

Balthier: And there was I thinking this was going to be hard!

[Vaan’s group approaches the Ancient Device and as they use it, Vaan’s group
were teleported into The Tomb of Raithwall. Vaan’s group appeared at the scene.]

Vaan: What was that thing?

Balthier: A contraption you’d find in all but the most rudimentary Ancient
Ruin. One touch, and off you’re whisked to you know not where. The finer points
of their operation elude me, but they’re handy all the same. What more need a
Sky Pirate know?

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. On their way, the Demon Wall suddenly
reacted and as it traps Vaan’s group a straight bridge with a door the Demon
Wall starts closing in towards Vaan’s group from behind.]

Vaan: Fight or run, we better decide fast!

[Vaan’s group fights Demon Wall. After Vaan’s group miraculously defeated Demon
Wall, the Demon Wall crumbles and Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon
arrival in the next area, the second Demon Wall appeared at the scene. The
second Demon Wall starts closing in towards Vaan’s group.]

Fran: The wall comes. We must be quick! Together we can bring it down!

[Vaan’s group fights Demon Wall. After Vaan’s group defeats Demon Wall, the
Demon Wall crumbles. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon entering, the
camera shows the area with a series of stairways.]

Vossler: Incredible…

[As Vaan’s group examines the area…]

Vossler: It wounds me to look on as they pillage so solemn a place.

Ashe: Yet without help, you and I are as nothing. Is this not so?

Vossler: …

Ashe: He thinks ever and always on his own profit. Assure him of it, and he
shall remain true to our cause.

Vossler: I do not share Your Majesty’s trust.

Ashe: We will continue this later. Now we should concern ourselves with finding
the Dawn Shard.

[Ashe and Vossler face the area.]

Ashe: It sleeps, in waiting. Somewhere deep within.

Vossler: How can you be certain?

Ashe: I can hear its call.

[Vaan’s group moves on and Vaan’s group manages to solve the puzzle of this
area by activating the Ancient Device that leads to the Cloister of Flame. Upon
arrival, the camera shows Penelo who glances at the Mist in the central area.]

Penelo: Fog? Underground?

Fran: Not fog—Mist.

Penelo: (puzzled) You can see the Mist? With your eyes?

Fran: Where it is thick enough, you may. The Nether runs deep in this place.

[There was a brief pause.]

Penelo: So, is the Mist dangerous?

Fran: Yes, but it is also an aid. A dense Mist allows the working of powerful

Penelo: I’ll keep that in mind.

[The camera shows Penelo who glances at Vaan as he talks to Vossler and Ashe.]

Penelo: Can’t count on Vaan to keep track of these things. That’s for sure.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the area with Belias blocking the doorway. Belias
readies its weapon. Vaan’s group fights Belias. After Vaan’s group defeats
Belias, Vaan’s group received the Esper, Belias, the Gigas. Afterwards…]

Fran: In vainglory they arose, shouting challenges at the Gods. But prevail
they did not. Their doom it was to walk the Mist until time’s end. A Legend of
the Nu Mou.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ashe: My family tells a story of the Dynast-King and an Esper. The story goes
that in his youth, the Dynast-King defeated a mighty Gigas…for which the Gods
took heed of him. Thereafter, it was bound to him in Thralldom.

[Ashe approaches the door.]

Balthier: So all this time it’s been here guarding the Dyanst-King’s treasure.

Ashe: Not so. The Esper is the Dyanst-King’s treasure.

Balthier: That’s your treasure?

Ashe: In this Esper we now command rests a power whose worth is beyond any

[Suddenly, a brief image of Belias, the Gigas appeared and disappeared at the
scene near Ashe.]

Balthier: Is that so? Call me old-fashioned, but I was hoping for a treasure
whose worth we COULD measure.

[Vaan’s group enters the door and enters the Chamber of First Light. Upon
arrival, the camera shows Vaan’s group approaching the pedestal of the Dawn

Vossler: Your Majesty, we must go.

[As Ashe approaches the pedestal…]

Ashe: What?

[Suddenly, the camera shows the spiritual form of Rasler that appeared in front
of Ashe.]

Ashe: (overwhelmed) Rasler…

[Vaan steps up a little and the spiritual Rasler walks away as Ashe seemed
overwhelmed with slight emotion.]

Ashe: You will be avenged.

[Ashe holds up the Dawn Shard as it glows. Vaan’s group received the Dawn
Shard. Vaan’s group exits The Raithwall Tomb. Outside, we watch a movie of Vaan
who glances at the sky where the battleship fleets approaches The Raithwall
Tomb as the hover drones descends towards Vaan’s group. Later, the camera
switches to the airship where Ghis, who is not wearing an armored helmet, faces
Vaan’s group.]

Ghis: Such a tremendous honor to again be graced with your presence, Majesty.
You left us with such great dispatch upon our last encounter that I must
confess…I had begun to worry that we may have given some cause for offense.

Ashe: Such a heartfelt display of remorse. Now what is it you want?

Ghis: I want you to give me the Nethicite.

Penelo: The Nethicite.

[The camera shows Penelo who holds and hides the Manufacted Nethicite behind
her back.]

Ghis: That is a base imitation! We seek Raithwall’s legacy… The ancient Relics
of the Dynast-King: Deifacted Nethicite. (to Vossler) Did you not tell them,
Captain Azelas?

[Ashe gasped as he heard the name Ghis said just now. Vossler approaches Ashe
from behind.]

Vossler: Majesty, he speaks of the Dawn Shard. That is the Nethicite.

Ashe: …!

Basch: (suspicious of Vossler) Are you mad, Vossler?

Vossler: If we are to save Dalmasca, we must accept the truth. I will fight
this profitless battle no more!

Basch: Erh!

Ghis: Captain Azelas has struck a wise bargain. In return for the Dawn Shard
the Empire will…permit Lady Ashe to reclaim her throne, and the Kingdom of
Dalmasca will be restored. Think on it. An entire kingdom for a stone. You must
admit, ‘tis more than a fair exchange.

Balthier: And when all is said and done, your master will have another pet.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ghis: Lady Ashe, let us take him for the people of Dalmasca. Your Majesty
wallows in indecision on peril of their heads!

[Ghis draw his sword and place it near Balthier’s right face.]

Ghis: And his shall be the first to fall.

Balthier: Well at least your sword is to the point.

[Ashe approaches Ghis and gives him the Dawn Shard. As Ghis takes possession of
the Dawn Shard, Ashe slightly snarls.]

Ghis: (glances at the Dawn Shard) To think the Relics of the Dynast-King were
Deifacted Nethicite. Doctor Cid will be beside himself.

Balthier: What did you say?

Ghis: Captain Azelas, take them to Shiva. They should have leave to return to
Rabanastre soon.

[The camera shows the knight soldiers taking Vaan’s group away from the scene.
The camera then shows Ghis who then talks to a scientist.]

Ghis: I want you to assess its power.

Scientist: Did our orders not specify that we return the stone for testing?

Ghis: I will not change returning with a stone that is yet unproven.

[Later, the camera blacks out as we watch a movie of The 8th Fleet of the
Archadian Imperial Army Light Cruiser Class Airship Shiva flying forward as the
transport airships flies towards it. Later, the camera switches to the inside
of Shiva where Vaan’s group with their arms bonded by shackles to the front,
being escorted by the knight soldiers and Vossler.]

Vossler: When we return to Dalmasca, we can announce that you are alive and
well. I will then continue our negotiations with the Empire.

[As Vossler continues to escort Vaan’s group…]

Vossler: I believe Larsa is the key. He’ll listen to us. We should trust him.

Ashe: (suspicious of Vossler) Who are you, Vossler, to talk of trust?

[As Ashe walks away…]

Vossler: A son of Dalmasca.

[Later, the camera switches to the science room where the scientists place the
Dawn Shard in the ship’s drive. The camera quickly shows Fran who reacted
suddenly. Then, the camera quickly switches back to the science room where the
ship’s drive is activating the Dawn Shard.]

Female Scientist: Our equipment here is limited, so we’ll be using the ship’s
drive to make our assessment. Once we’ve connected the stone, the reaction
should be easily measured—

[The camera shows Ghis speaking through a communication speaker.]

Ghis: (speaking through communication receiving speaker) Methods do not
interest me. Only results.

[Suddenly, the camera shows Fran reacting from an unknown source.]

Vaan: Fran?

Fran: (reacting) Such heat. The Mist—it’s burning!

[The camera shows the ship’s drive still activating the Dawn Shard.]

Female Scientist: Sixty-eight hundred, sixty-nine hundred, seven thousand! This
must be Deifacted Nethicite! The count still climbs!

[The camera shows Ghis still communicating.]

Ghis: We’ve found it at last: True Deifacted Nethicite. The power of the
Dynast-King in my hands. Hm. Blood alone does not an Emperor make, Vayne.

[Suddenly, an alarm was then, triggered.]

Female Scientist: What is this? Something’s wrong!

Ghis: What is it?

[The camera switches to Vaan’s group where Fran is reacting to the heat of the

Knight Soldier: You! Stand!

[Suddenly, Fran’s reaction caused the knight soldier to be knocked to the

Vossler: Hold her down!

[The camera shows Fran reacting and then, her shackles breaks off and she
starts insanely jump kicking a couple of knight soldier.]

Penelo: What’s wrong with her?

Balthier: (picked the lock and removed his shackles) I always knew Fran didn’t
take well to being tied up.

[Another knight soldier just got knocked down.]

Balthier: I just never knew how much. (to Ashe) How about you?

Ashe: I like Fran’s idea. Let’s get out of here!

[Vaan’s group managed to break free from their shackles, freeing their arms.
Then, just as Vaan’s group could make their escape…]

Vossler: No farther!

[Vossler draws his sword.]

Vossler: Sky Pirates! The future of Dalmasca will not be stolen!

[As Vossler readies his sword…]

Vossler: Why do this, Basch? This struggle is futile. You must know where it

Basch: I do know. All too well.

[Vaan’s group fights Vossler and the Imperial Swordsmen. After Vaan’s group
defeats Vossler and the Imperial Swordsmen, Vossler became wounded and kneels
to the floor. As Vossler tries to catch his breath, the camera shows Ashe who
looks displeased of the situation. The camera then switches to the control room
where the alarm still triggering.]

Knight Pilot: Engine power falling rapidly. It’s…negative? Impossible! We
cannot maintain hover!

[As the situation gets worse…]

Ghis: I want to know what’s happened!

[The camera shows the female scientist speaking through a communicator.]

Female Scientist: The Nethicite’s draining the ship’s power!

Ghis: Disengage at once!

Female Scientist: We’re trying. It’s no good!

Male Scientist: It’s inflected!

[The male scientist got zapped from the ship’s drive controls.]

Male Scientist: She’ll reach critical in three hundred! Cascade failure!

[The camera switches to Vaan’s group where they prepare to flee from the scene.]

Balthier: Ashe, let’s go.

[Ashe glances at Vossler who is kneeling towards Basch.]

Vossler: All I have done—I’ve ever thought of Dalmasca first. Ehh…

Basch: I know you do. I would’ ne’er gainsay your loyalty.

Vossler: Ehh… Look on what my haste has wrought. Did I act too quick? Or was
return too late? Ehh…

[There was a brief pause as the camera shows Basch who does not respond.]

Vossler: I can serve her no more. You must take up my charge.

[Basch slightly nods as he escapes with Vaan’s group. Suddenly, the camera
shows the science room where the ship’s drive explodes. The camera shows the
control room which exploded. Then, the camera shows Vossler, who is weakened
watching the Shiva’s collapsing. Then, we watch a movie of the hover drone
Vaan’s group escaped from flying further away from the Shiva, which blows up in
nuclear style, destroying all the surrounding ships in the process. As Vaan’s
group’s hover drone accelerates from the scene…]

Balthier: This might get a little dicey!

Fran: The Mist. It manifests now.

Vaan: Is that what you call this?

[As the camera shows the hover drone which has successfully escaped the blast

Penelo: What’s that?

[The camera shows the Dawn Shard going through and out of the explosion range.]

Ashe: I think it’s the Dawn Shard!

Balthier: Then what are we waiting for?

[The camera switches to the book with the narration from Ondore as follows:]

The Dreadnought Leviathan is sunk. The 8th Fleet of the Archadian Imperial
Army, lost.

As Word of the Events in the Jagd sounded throughout the Empire, quit I
Bhujerba, citing sudden Malady.

My true Motive: to bring the various counter-Imperial Forces scattered
throughout Ivalice together in unified Resistance.

By this Time, Lady Ashe had made her Return to Rabanastre. She had not,
however, made known her Presence. Rather, she was content with keeping both her
own Whereabouts, and those of the Dawn Shard, concealed.

Had she chosen then to go before her People, my Error in announcing her Suicide
would be known, to the great Detriment of my Efforts to assemble a Resistance.

In such Circumstance as the Lady Ashe then found herself, even were she to
proclaim Dalmasca restored, it would serve only to invite the Empire’s Wrath.

Thought Archadia had lost her 8th Fleet, she remained, as ever, a Military
Power with which to be reckoned.

	-Memoirs of Mqs Halim Ondore IV.
	Chapter 16: Biding Time

[The camera blacks out as we watch a movie of the view of the scenery of the
Imperial City. Then, the camera switches to The Imperial City of Archades The
Senate where a meeting takes place.]

Associate 1: The Rozarrian Empire assembles a vast host under guise of martial
exercises. It is our belief they wait for the proper pretext… The sooner to
make their strike against Archadia.

Associate 2: The loss of Leviathan and her fleet at such a time comes as a most
grievous blow.

Associate 1: Were Rozarria to invade, the battle would be hard-fought. Had Lord
Vayne not deployed the fleet so capriciously…we would not now find ourselves in
such perilous circumstance.

Associate 3: Lord Vayne shall be made to answer for his actions. It is the will
of the Senate. (to Gramis) Excellency, though he be your son, justice must be

Gramis: A convenient thing, justice. And so I must now make a choice…between my
throne, and my son.

Associate 3: A most lamentable situation for us all.

Associate 1: Oh? Lord Vayne, perhaps, yet surely Lord Larsa will make for a
fine Emperor.

Gramis: Larsa so adores his brother, and he is yet young.

Associate 1: But he will not remain young forever. Already he busies himself
unraveling Lord Vayne’s tangled skein. Lord Larsa has found his role to play,
and pursues it with some enthusiasm.

Gramis: Ah, yes… And who would set him at such tasks?

Associate: What matter? Lord Vayne himself once saw his elder brothers brought
to like justice, did he not? At Your Excellency’s behest, as I recall.

[Suddenly, Gramis starts coughing vigorously.]

Associate 1: You may put yourself at ease, Lord Gramis. So long as the Senate
waters over her…Archadia’s well-being will ever be ensured.

[As Gramis stops coughing…]

Gramis: By your will. I shall bid Vayne return to Archades.

[Later, the camera switches to the mountain area where Ashe watches the scenery
by herself. Then suddenly, the spirit of Rasler appeared at the scene and as
Rasler approaches Ashe, he gave her the Dusk Shard. After that, Rasler’s
spiritual body vanishes from the scene. Vaan later appeared at the scene and
faces Ashe. Four days later, the camera switches to the indoor room of
Rabanastre where Ashe sits on the bed while touching her rings on her finger.]

Basch: So it was the Dawn Shard that brought down the Imperial Fleet.

Balthier: You know your stuff.

Basch: Destructive power of such force—I’ve seen it once before. (to Ashe) Lady
Ashe, you know of what I speak.

Ashe: Nabudis.

Basch: The capital of Old Nabradia—Lord Rasler’s Fatherland. At the time of the
invasion, a division of Imperials entered the city—there was a mighty
explosion. Friend and foe died alike. Something was there—one of the
Dynast-King’s Relics. The Midlight Shard was in Nabradia.

Balthier: More Nethicite. Well, no wonder they invaded.

Ashe: (picks up the Dawn Shard) That ridiculous war, the trap at the
treaty-signing—all because Vayne wanted power. He must not be allowed to claim
the Nethicite. The Empire must never hold it.

Balthier: Oh? They already do. The Dusk Shard, most likely the Midlight Shard,
too. Besides, can’t they manufact Nethicite now?

Ashe: (gets up from her seat) Very well, then the path set before us is clear.
We’ll use the Dawn Shard to fight them! (holding her heart) Dalmasca does not
forget kindness not ill deed done. With sword in hand she aids her allies.
Sword in hand, she lays to rest her foes. This Nethicite I hold must be my
Sword. I will avenge those who have died. And the Empire will know remorse.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: You even know how to use it?

Ashe: I—

Fran: The Garif may know. The Garif people live by the old ways. Magicite Lore
is a part of their culture. They may hear it. They cry of the Nethicite’s
power. Whispers of the Stone’s menace.

Ashe: Dangerous though it be, what we need now is power. Should we declare
Dalmasca free without the means to defend our claim…the Empire would crush us.
You must take me to meet with the Garif.

Fran: They live beyond Ozmone Plain.

Balthier: Not exactly close.

Ashe: Compensation—is that what you want?

Balthier: Straight to the point, aren’t we. I like that. Compensation? How
about the ring.

[Ashe looks at her rings on her left hand fingers.]

Ashe: (puzzled) This? Isn’t there something else?

Balthier: No one’s forcing you.

[With Ashe unable to figure out if, she wanted to give the ring or not, Ashe
takes off one of the ring from her finger and gave it to Balthier.]

Balthier: I’ll give it back to you. As soon as I find something more valuable.

[Ashe walks away in disgust.]

Vaan: What do you mean “Something valuable”?

Balthier: Hard to say. I’ll know when I find it. What is it you want, Vaan?
What are you looking for?

Vaan: Me? What am I looking for? I guess—well, I—you know…

[Vaan’s other group exited the house as Vaan follows his group. In Muthru
Bazaar, the camera switches to Vaan’s other group who checks the world map as
the camera shows the world map. As Vaan’s other group finds their destination…]

Basch: The Garif are said to dwell in Kerwon.

Balthier: So they do. We’ll need to head south, past the Giza Plains.

Basch: It is the rains now in Giza—the Wadis will be swollen with the Deluge.
Passage may be difficult.

Balthier: But those same waters may also lay open new routes to us.

Ashe: Regardless, we must go south, yes?

Balthier: First things first. You’re eager to be on your way, I know… Burt we
should see that we’re prepared before setting out.

Ashe: I made my resolve two years ago. I swore to overcome any hardship I may

Balthier: Man cannot live by resolve alone, Princess.

[Vaan arrives at the scene and his group proceeds to Jahara. Upon arrival,
Vaan’s group talks to a Garif warrior.

Garif Warrior 1: Who are you? This is Garif land. No place for Hume-children to
play at games.

Unknown Voice: They are wayfarers. They bring no harm.

[The camera shows the Garif War-Chief appearing at the scene.]

Garif War-Chief: I saw them cross the Ozmone Plain. They are warriors of great
distinction. The fiends of the plains troubled them not at all.

Garif Warrior 1: You ventured upon the plains alone, War-Chief? Again?

Garif War-Chief: ……… (to Vaan’s group) …What business have you with the Garif?

[Vaan’s group explained everything to the Garif War-Chief.]

Garif War-Chief: Let them pass. The responsibility will be mine.

Garif Warrior 2: If this is your wish, War-Chief.

Garif Warrior 1: Then, you may pass. These days see many Humes wandering
through our lands.

[Vaan’s group proceeds into the village of Jahara. As Vaan’s group approaches
the Garif War-Chief…]

War-Chief Supinelu: Ah, I have not made introductions. I am Supinelu, War-Chief
of this village. We Garif have been friends to all since long ago, however,
lately the Hume world is in much turmoil. We must protect our village, and our
people. As War-Chief, and protector of our village, I ask you: Why have you
come to this land?

[Vaan’s group explained everything.]

War-Chief Supinelu: Hmm… I see. So you too have come to ask about the
Nethicite. You must speak with the elders. Though our masks may make it
difficult for you to tell us apart, walk through the village and look with your
eyes, listen with your ears.

[Vaan’s group approaches the High-Chief Zayalu and talks to him.]

High-Chief Zayalu: Oh? What is this? More humes come to visit us? A little
bigger this time, but no matter. You need not tell me anything. I know you have
come to our village to learn of the stones, the Nethicite. We Garif have
knowledge of this, passed down from father to son, mother to daughter. Some of
it remains, some has been lost in history’s sands… I…know nothing of the
stones. You must speak to the Great-Chief. He alone holds the deep knowledge of
these things. He alone remembers all the tellings. Cross the bridge to the
north, and there you will find him. There are watchers at the bridge, so I
think it best to speak with War-Chief Supinelu.

[There was a brief pause.]

High-Chief Zayalu: …May I ask of you a favor? Give this to War-Chief Supinelu,
from me.

[The High-Chief Zayalu gave Vaan’s group a Jaya Stick.]

High-Chief Zayalu: There is no rush. When you next happen to meet him, you may
give it to him then. May you find all the answers you seek.

[Vaan’s group finds and talks to War-Chief Supinelu.]

War-Chief Supinelu: That which you carry, is it a Jaya Stick?

[Vaan’s group gave War-Chief Supinelu a Jaya Stick.]

War-Chief Supinelu: The High-Chief has given this…to me? I shall receive it. I
thank you for bringing it to me. Now, did you learn what you wished? No, do not
tell me. It is written clear upon your face. So, even the High-Chief could not
help. Then, you must meet with the Great-Chief.

Vaan: I would meet this Great-Chief.

War-Chief Supinelu: Yes… It is true. The Great-Chief may know something that
would aid you. Yet, arranging an audience may be quite difficult…


Ashe: (to War-Chief Supinelu) I must learn more about the Nethicite. I cannot
turn back now. Please, tell me your Great-Chief that I am of the royal line of
Dalmasca, a direct descendant of Dynast-King Raithwall. If the Garif have
passed down knowledge of the stones, they must know of the Nethicite that the
Dynast-King once held.

War-Chief Supinelu: Do you have PROOF of your heritage?

Ashe: I…I do not.

War-Chief Supinelu: Hrm… I have looked into your eyes and seen that you speak
the truth, Hume-child. I give you my trust. The Great-Chief is ahead, across
this bridge.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the Elderknoll. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group talks to
one of the Garif warrior.]

Garif Warrior: The Great-Chief is ahead. Will you meet with him?

[Vaan’s group decided to meet with the Garif Great-Chief. Later, the camera
switches to Vaan’s group, who approaches the Garif Great-Chief. Then, the
camera switches to the Garif Great-Chief in first-person view glancing at the
Manufacted Nethicite he is holding.]

Garif Great-Chief: This Nethicite—you have used it.

Ashe: It was not I who used it. Indeed I had hoped you could show me how. Thus
I’ve come.

Garif Great-Chief: You do not know the workings of the stone. Then we are no

Ashe: What?

[There was a brief pause as the camera shows the invisible images of the past
events around the fireplace.]

Garif Great-Chief: In ages past, the Gods made a gift of Nethicite to my
people. But the manner of its use eluded us. Displeased by our failure, the
Gods took back their stones. They chose instead to give them to a Hume King.
Called the Dynast-King, he used the Nethicite’s power to bring peace to a
troubled time. It is a curious thing. Though the blood of Raithwall flow
through your veins, you cannot wield Nethicite.

Ashe: (puzzled) Cannot wield it? So then, am I to understand you can’t tell me
how to use the stone?

Garif Great-Chief: Though it shame me so to admit. Here before me stands a
descendant of the Dynast-King himself…and I can accord her no help at all.
Still, even if you knew how to use the Nethicite, you would find it of small

[The Garif Great-Chief gives back the Manufacted Nethicite to Ashe.]

Garif Great-Chief: The Mist collected in the stone over ages past is lost, and
with it the stone’s power. It will be your posterity who wield the stone in
ages yet to come.

Ashe: …

[Vaan glances at the Garif Great-Chief in silence.]

Garif Great-Chief: This stone is devoid of power. Empty, yet full of thirst. A
terrible longing to drink the world dry.

[The camera shows someone approaching in first-person view.]

Garif Great-Chief: The power of men, and of Magick. Of good, and if evil. It is
often those who desire Nethicite whom the Nethicite itself desires.

Ashe: …?

[Suddenly, the camera shows Larsa who appeared at the scene and was the one
approaching in first-person view.]

Penelo: Larsa?

[Later in the night, the camera shows Ashe who stands alone near the fireplace
in silence.]

Ashe: (wondering) To Bur-Omisace?

[The camera switches to Ashe who reminisces earlier where Larsa spoke with
Vaan’s group.]

Larsa: I say we ought leave tomorrow. (approaching Ashe) I was going to wait
for my escort, but meeting you presents a great opportunity. This terrible war
can be stopped, but I will need your help to do so.

Ashe: A war?

Larsa: You know the Marquis Ondore leads a group of insurgents—Your Pardon, he
leads a large Resistance Force against the Empire. Lady Ashe, neither of our
countries can afford this now. The Rozarrian Empire would stir. They would aid
the Resistance and use this aid as a pretext to declare war on Archadia… And
Archadia would have no choice but to answer.

[There was a brief pause.]

Larsa: Lady Ashe, let us go to Bur-Omisace. With the blessing of His Grace the
Gran Kiltias Anastasis…you may rightly wear your crown, and declare the
restoration of the Kingdom of Dalmasca. As Queen, you can call for peace
between the Empire and Dalmasca…and stop Marquis Ondore.

Ashe: …! For peace? (slightly angered) How dare you say that! The Empire
attacked us, stole all we hold dear…and you would have me save them from war?

Larsa: Dalmasca would be the battlefield! What if Nethicite were used on
Rabanastre? You know my brother would do this!

Ashe: …

[The camera switches back to Ashe in the present as she reminisces what Larsa
said while walking away from the fireplace.]

Voice of Larsa: Forgive me, I presumed overmuch. I could think of no other way
to avoid bloodshed. If you cannot trust me, then please, take me as your

[Suddenly, the camera shows Rasler in his spiritual form at the bridge and the
moment Ashe saw him…]

Ashe: Rasler.

[As Ashe tries to run towards Rasler, the camera shows Vaan near the bridge as
Rasler’s spiritual body mysteriously vanishes upon Ashe’s approach.]

Vaan: You saw him, didn’t you. Like at the King’s Tomb.

Ashe: So you DID see him, too. But why?

Vaan: It’s strange.

[As Vaan and Ashe walks across the bridge…]

Vaan: Before, I didn’t even know what you looked like. And the prince—I barely
knew there was a prince.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: Who knows? Maybe the person I saw was my brother.

Ashe: Basch told me about him.

Vaan: He enlisted, right at the end. But for what? He knew we couldn’t win.

Ashe: To protect something.

Vaan: How can he protect anything when he’s dead? Was it different for Prince
Rasler? Did that make sense?

[Ashe did not respond.]

Vaan: Hating the Empire, getting revenge. It’s all I ever thought about. But I
never did anything about it. I mean, I realized there was nothing I could do.
(sighs) It made me feel hollow, alone. And then I’d miss my brother. I’d say
stuff like “I’m gonna be a Sky Pirate”…or some other stupid thing. Just
anything to keep my mind off it. I was just—I was running away. I needed to get
away from his death. That’s why I followed you.

[The camera shows Ashe who does not respond.]

Vaan: Know what? I’m through with it. I’m through running. I’m ready to find my
purpose. To find some real answers—some reasons. If I stick with you, I think I

Ashe: I wish I knew.

Vaan: I’ll find ‘em.

[The camera shows Vaan and Ashe from a slightly far view where they glance at
the night skies. The next morning, the camera shows Vaan’s group facing Larsa
as Ashe speaks to him.]

Ashe: I will accompany you to Mt. Bur-Omisace.

Larsa: I had hoped you’d say yes. I am glad.

Ashe: My heart is not set. I still have questions. I hope to find answers along
the way.

Larsa: I had other reason to invite you. There is someone I’d like you to meet
waiting on Bur-Omisace.

Ashe: Who is that?

Larsa: An enemy, and an ally also. You will just have to wait and see for

[As Larsa walks away…]

Vaan: That Larsa likes his secrets.

Ashe: … He does not mean ill by it.

Vaan: He’s not bad. At least for an Imperial.

[Vaan rubs his nose and he, Ashe and Penelo catches up with Larsa. Then, the
camera shows Basch, Fran and Balthier who are preparing to leave.]

Basch: Holy Mt. Bur-Omisace stands at the northern end of the Jagd Ramooda.
Once we’re in Jagd, we need not fear pursuit by their airships.

Balthier: Don’t get your hopes up. You remember the LEVIATHAN sailed straight
over the Jagd Yensa, right up to Raithwall’s Tomb. Skystone that works even in
Jagd. You know Nethicite’s behind it. Little wonder they’re so keen on the

Basch: And what is it you’re after, Balthier? You’re a welcome hand, and a
great aid, but why?

Balthier: Worried I’m out to steal the Nethicite, eh? Can’t say I’m
unaccustomed to people doubting my intentions. Nothing could be further from my
mind. Shall I swear by your sword or some such?

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: Apologies. But I needed to know where you stand. Her Majesty depends on
you. And you seemed to have an interest in the stone.

Balthier: I’m only here to see how the story unfolds. Any self-respecting
leading man would do the same.

[Larsa joins Vaan’s group as a Guest. Later, the camera switches to Vaan’s
group who approaches the War-Chief Supinelu and talks to him.]

War-Chief Supinelu: So, you will leave.

[Vaan’s group nods.]

War-Chief Supinelu: Take this as a token of our parting.

[The War-Chief Supinelu gave Vaan’s group a Bowgun and Onion Bolts.]

War-Chief Supinelu: If you would ride a Chocobo, you may. I have spoken with
the Moogle. She will not charge you for your first use of the Chocobos. Take
care on the road ahead. Should it lead back to our land, you are welcome
guests. Spirits of the land watch over you.

[The War-Chief Supinelu left the scene. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area.
In the next area, the camera shows Vaan’s group walking to the next area as
Vaan and Penelo are chitchatting. The camera switches to Ashe and Basch who
follows Vaan’s group.]

Basch: An alliance between Dalmasca and the Empire?

Ashe: Reason tells me ‘tis the only course. We must avoid war with the Empire
at all cost. Yet I fear I could not bear the shame. Had I but the strength—

[As Ashe seemed unhappy…]

Basch: A shame perhaps for me and for you. But for Dalmasca it is hope!

Ashe: And you can just accept this, can you?

Basch: After Vayne’s ruse I had abandoned hope for honor… Yet never did I
forget my knightly vows. If I could protect but one person from war’s
horror…then I would bear any shame. I would bear it proudly. I could not defend
my home. What is shame to me?

[There was a brief pause as Ashe starts to walk away…]

Ashe: My people hate the Empire. They will not accept this.

Basch: There is hope.

[The camera shows Vaan and Penelo who continues to chitchat.]

Basch: Hope for a future where we can join hands as brothers.

[Vaan and Penelo continue chitchatting as Ashe who continues to follow Vaan’s
group remained silent. Later, the camera switches to The Imperial City of
Archades in The Imperial Palace where two judges walks through the hallway.]

Male Judge: The Senate may play at intrigue, but Lord Vayne will not be brought
down easily. The entire military waits upon his orders, from the War Council to
the rank and file. What better blade than he to strike down the enemies of the

Voice of Female Judge: Your Honor reminds me of Zecht two years since.

[The camera shows the female judge who appeared at the scene.]

Female Judge: He, too, put his trust in Lord Vayne’s strength, and what became
of him? Gone with a trace since Nabudis!

Male Judge: I will not hear you malign Judge Zecht! He was a noble warrior.
Or…do you think his trust in Lord Vayne ill-placed?

Female Judge: Vayne took two of his own brothers’ lives. He is ruthless beyond

Male Judge: Ruthless, you say? Would he were more so! He gives traitors no
quarters, be they of his own blood! How fitting for one who would bear the
burden of Empire.

[as the first male judge walks away.]

Female Judge: But could we bear him?

[The camera shows the second male judge who appears near the female judge.]

Female Judge: Zargabaath, what of you? Surely you do not believe…his brothers
were traitors.

Zargabaath: So found His Excellency, Lord Gramis. You would do well to mind
your tongue, Drace. That matter is long past.

[The second male judge will be known as Zargabaath from this point on. The
camera shows Gabranth who approaches the first male judge.]

Gabranth: Your Honors, a Summons! Lord Vayne has arrived at the palace.

Male Judge: We come at once.

[The male judge and Zargabaath moves ahead of Gabranth and the female knight
who will be known as Drace from this point on.]

Drace: Lord Larsa has left for Bur-Omisace. He hopes to enlist the aid of the
Gran Kiltias in stopping the insurgents. I doubt this will be enough to deter
Ondore…but even a slight hinderance to his operations would be welcome. This
will delay the Rozarrian invasion…and we will have bought much-needed time to
shore up our defenses.

Gabranth: Just as His Excellency had hoped.

Drace: No matter the result, I am pleased with the young Lord’s progress. I can
already see the stunned faces of those mud-witted Senators. The fools think a
child Emperor’s strings easy to pull from the shadows… But they will find that
Lord Larsa is no puppet.

Gabranth: Yes. The Senators would be most pleased with a puppet for an Emperor.
Recall, Drace, how the Senate fears and despises Lord Vayne’s ability? When
they realize the truth, that Lord Larsa is no docile lamb to be shepherded…
They will bear their teeth and devour him.

Drace: You’re right. I shall speak on this matter with His Excellency at once.
Gabranth. It falls to us to protect Lord Larsa. – Are we agreed?

Gabranth: - Aye.

[Drace and Gabranth left the scene. The camera switches back to Vaan’s group
who proceeds to Golmore Jungle. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group arrived at the area
with the Magick barrier. Fran gasped as she sees the barrier.]

Vaan: What is it?

Fran: The Jungle denies us our passage.

Ashe: What have we done?

Fran: We? No. I.

[As Fran walks away from the scene…]

Vaan: (puzzled) What’s that mean? How’re we supposed to get through that?

[Fran walks away as Balthier follows her.]

Balthier: Making an appearance?

Fran: I am.

[Vaan tries to speak to Fran and she and Balthier walk away.]

Balthier: I thought you’d left for good.

Fran: Our choices are few.

Vaan: (tries to get Fran and Balthier’s attention) Balthier…

Fran: (to Balthier) This is as much for you as it is me.

Balthier: Oh?

[The camera shows Fran standing near a downstairs’ chasm.]

Fran: You are ill at ease. The Nethicite troubles you? You’ve let your eyes
betray your heart.

Balthier: Right.

[As Balthier approaches Fran, Fran can be seen drawing a Magick insignia. Vaan
approaches Fran.]

Vaan: (puzzled) What are you doing?

Fran: Soon you will learn.

[Fran casts a spell and created a grassy path to the next area.]

Vaan: Whoa!

Fran: We go to seek aid of the Viera who dwell ahead.

[Penelo approaches Fran.]

Penelo: I bet they’ll be glad to see you after so long.

[There was a brief pause.]

Fran: I am unwelcome. An unsought guest in their wood.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to Eruyt Village. Upon arrival…]

Fran: (to Vaan) In the village ahead you will find her: Mjrn. Bring her to me.
She will know why you call her.

[Vaan nods. The Moogles later appeared at the scene for their merchant service.
Vaan’s group without Fran proceeds to the area with various Vieras. Upon
arriving, various Vieras surrounds Vaan’s group.]

Vaan: Hey, Mjrn lives here, doesn’t she? We’re here to see her.

[There was no response from any of the Vieras.]

Voice of Viera Priestess: You will leave at once.

[The camera shows the Viera priestess who appeared at the scene.]

Viera Priestess: It is not allowed for Humes to walk on these grounds.

Vaan: (approaching slowly) We’ll go as soon as we’ve seen Mjrn.

Viera Priestess: If you can find her.

Vaan: We’re not leaving until you let us see her.

[The Viera priestess does not respond.]

Vaan: Fine then. We’ll look for her ourselves.

[As Vaan’s group prepares to leave…]

Viera Priestess: Ah!

[Suddenly, the camera shows Fran who appeared at the scene.]

Fran: I’ve heard the voice of the Wood. She says Mjrn is not in the village.
Jote. Where has she gone?

Jote: Why do you ask? The Wood tells us where she has gone. Or…can you not hear

[The Viera priestess who will be known as Jote from this point on approaches
Fran as Fran does not respond.]

Jote: You cannot. Your ears are dull from hearing their harsh speech, I think.
Viera who have abandoned the wood area Viera no longer. Mjrn, too, has left her

Balthier: And you forsake them in turn?

Jote: It is the will of the village. Viera must live always with the Wood. So
is the Green Word, and so is our law.

Vaan: We’ll let you worry about keeping your laws. Just do us a favor and stay
out of our way. We’ll find her ourselves.

[Jote performs a spell to try and sense Mjrn’s presence. After that…]

Jote: Our sister has left the Wood and gone west. She wanders warrens among men
who hide themselves in clothes of cold iron. Thus to me has the Wood spoken.

[As Jote walks away…]

Fran: The Viera may begin as part of the Wood, but it is not the only end that
we may choose.

Jote: The same words I heard 50 years ago.

[Jote left the scene. Vaan’s group exits Eruyt Village. Upon arrival at the
bridge near the exit…]

Balthier: Not bad, Vaan. Didn’t think we’d get any information out of that one.
So then, what was she saying about men in a warren?

Larsa: The Henne Magicite Mines—maybe that’s what she meant. They lie in
Bancour, south of the Ozmone Plain. The entire region is a colony of the
Archadian Empire. There would be soldiers.

Balthier: Is that a problem? Let’s move.

[As Vaan’s group prepares to leave…]

Vaan: Fran!

Fran: Yes?

Vaan: I was wondering—what Jote said, you know? About how you said the same
thing 50 years ago?

Fran: Your point?

Vaan: Uh, how old were you again?

[Vaan’s other group does not respond as they are all surprisingly offended from
Vaan’s question. As Vaan’s other group moves on…]

Balthier: (sighs and sarcastically) Nice, Vaan.

Ashe: …

Larsa: Surprisingly rude.

Penelo: Try to grow up, please.

[Vaan’s group returns to the Sunlit Path of Ozmone Plain. Upon returning,
Vaan’s group talks to two Imperial soldiers who are both wounded.]

Imperial Soldier: T-Traveler…have you a Potion on you? My friend is badly
wounded… I fear that, untreated…he’ll die. Please, just one Potion…

[Vaan’s group gave a Potion to the Imperial soldier.]

Imperial Soldier: Thank you, thank you! I’m in your debt…


Imperial Soldier: Thanks to you, my friend’s life is saved. We are in your
debt, sir. We fled here from the Henne Mines. We were attacked, you see… It was
all we could do to make it this far. We’ll rest here until my friend’s wounds
have had a chance to heal. If you like, we could lend you the use of a Chocobo
until then. There’s a lot of terrain around here which can’t be accessed
without a Chocobo. You let me know when you need one.

[Vaan’s group talks to the Imperial soldier.]

Imperial Soldier: Need a Chocobo?

Vaan: Borrow one.

Imperial Soldier: Right. On your way, then. Oh, and you do know that some paths
are only accessible by Chocobo, right? A sure sign that such a path is nearby
is the presence of Chocobo Footprints. Keep that in mind, and you won’t go
wrong. The Chocobo paths on these plains take you close to the entrance to the
Henne Mines…which I’d stay away from, were I you.

[Vaan’s group rides the Chocobo to Henne Mines. As Vaan’s group approaches the
entrance of Henne Mines, the camera shows the corpse of Imperial soldiers and
the researcher. As Larsa gasped…]

Larsa: Researchers from the Draklor Laboratory. What were they doing here?

Balthier: Research.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to Henne Mines. As Vaan’s group manages to navigate
their way through Henne Mines, the camera shows Vaan’s group arriving at the
room with the Magicite.]

Larsa: Look at the Magicite. These mines much resemble the ones at Lhusu. Of
course. Draklor must be searching for new sources of ore. Should the Resistance
move, the Magicite in Bhujerba will be forever beyond their grasp.

[Larsa suddenly gasped as the camera shows a corpse around the area. As Vaan’s
group examines the course, Fran senses suspicion.]

Fran: Is it her? What is this Mist? Mjrn!

[The camera shows Fran in first-person view who Vaan and Larsa glances at her,
puzzled. Then, Mjrn appeared at the scene.]

Vaan: !!

Larsa: !!

[The camera show Mjrn who walks very oddly at the scene.]

Mjrn: The stench of Humes. The stench of power.

[Ashe approaches Fran.]

Ashe: (to Fran) What’s wrong with her?

Mjrn: (pointing and with eerie voice) Stay away! Power-needy Hume!

[Mjrn suddenly ran away oddly from the scene. Vaan’s group goes after Mjrn to
the next area. Upon arrival, the camera shows Vaan’s group arriving at the
scene as Mjrn ran away. The camera then shows Tiamat who woke up and getting
hostile. Vaan’s group fights Tiamat. After Vaan’s group defeats Tiamat, the
camera shows Mjrn who slowly approaches Vaan’s group as she then dropped the
Nethicite stone, which then shatters. As Fran gasped, a ghostly demon
possessing Mjrn’s body appeared behind Mjrn and then vanishes. Mjrn then
collapsed to the floor.]

Vaan: That thing inside her. What was it?

[The camera shows Fran who checks on Mjrn.]

Mjrn: Is it you?

[Fran nods. Mjrn passed out at the scene. Later, the camera shows Vaan’s group
who faces Mjrn.]

Mjrn: When the Hume soldiers came to the Wood, the village took small heed of
them. So long as the Wood Herself is safe, the Viera give little care to goings
on beyond. But in me as an uneasiness stirred. I had to discover why they had

Balthier: So you came here hoping to find something out, and got yourself

[Mjrn nods.]

Balthier: You’re as foolhardy as your sister.

Mjrn: They took me then, and set close beside me a stone. They said its Mist
would be drawn into me, that the Viera well suited this end. I aw the light
coming form the stone, and then—

Fran: (interrupts) We have seen this.

[There was a brief pause.]

Fran: On Leviathan, the Mist from the Dawn Shard drove me, too, into such a
rage. She was taken not by the Dawn Shard.

Larsa: Manufacted Nethicite.

[Fran nods.]

Larsa: Then that means—Penelo, the stone I gave you, do you still carry it with

Penelo: Sure, it’s right here.

[Penelo takes out the Manufacted Nethicite and Larsa takes it from her.]

Larsa: (glancing at the Manufacted Nethicite) This is a thing more dangerous
again than I had imagined. I should never have given it to you. Forgive me, I
did not know.

Penelo: I’d always thought of it as a sort of good luck charm. And even if it
is dangerous, on Leviathan it kept us safe.

Ashe: There is a place for all things, even danger such as this.

Vaan: I hope you’re right about that.

[Later, the camera switches to Vaan’s group, who returned to Eruyt Village with
Mjrn. As Vaan’s group approaches the Vieras…]

Jote: I heard the Wood’s whispers. Take it.

[One of the Viera approaches Vaan and gives him something.]

Jote: Lente’s Tear is a permission. Pass through the Wood and leave. To other
places go.

[Vaan sighs as he is about to leave. Mjrn then steps up to Jote.]

Mjrn: That cannot be all! I saw it when I left the village! Ivalice is
changing! How can the Viera stand and do nothing at all?

Jote: Ivalice is for the Humes. The Wood alone is for us.

Mjrn: But that is wrong! How can we just hide here in the trees when all the
world outside is on the move! I, too, wish to live freely—to leave this Wood!

Fran: Do not do this.

[Mjrn faces Fran.]

Fran: You must remain away from the Humes. Stay with the Wood. Live together
with the Wood. This is your way.

Mjrn: But Fran—my sister!

Fran: I am no longer of you.

[There was a brief pause.]

Fran: I have discarded Wood and village. I won my freedom. Yet my past had been
cut away forever. No longer can my ears hear the Green Word. This…solitude, you
want, Mjrn?

Mjrn: Sister—

Fran: (shakes her head) No, Mjrn. Only one sister remains to you now. You must
forget my existence.

[Mjrn became saddened as she ran away from the scene, upset.]

Jote: I am sorry to make you do this.

Fran: She goes against the laws of the Wood. I threw down these laws. It is
better that I do this. Better I than one who must uphold these laws herself.

[Jote signals the other Vieras to leave the scene. As the other Vieras left the

Fran: I have a request: Listen to the Wood’s voice for me. I fear—I fear She

[Jote performs her spell to make the Wood hear Fran’s voice. After that…]

Jote: The Wood longs for you. For the child from under Her boughs.

Fran: A pleasant lie, that.

[As Fran prepares to leave…]

Jote: Be cautious. The Wood is jealous of the Humes who have taken you.

Fran: I am as them, now. Am I not?

[There was a brief pause.]

Fran: Good-bye, sister.

[Fran came back to Vaan’s group as Vaan’s group left the scene. With the
Lente’s Tear in Vaan’s group’s possession, Vaan’s group proceeds to Golmore
Jungle. As Vaan’s group managed to pass through the barrier, Vaan’s group
arrived at the Dell of the Dreamer. The camera shows the rocky greenish land
and suddenly, the area shakes as the rocky land reveals itself as Elder Wyrm.
Vaan’s group fights Elder Wyrm. After Vaan’s group defeats Elder Wyrm, Vaan’s
group moves on to the next area. Vaan’s group arrived in Paramina Rift. While
Vaan’s group is on their way to Mt. Bur-Omisace…]

Balthier: Empires parade down city streets, while refugees walk barefoot
through the snow.

Larsa: And so I sue for peace to stop short war and ease their suffering. My
father will choose peace.

Balthier: Will he now? You sound sure of yourself. You can never know another,
even your father.

[As Balthier walks away from Larsa, Vaan approaches Larsa.]

Vaan: Don’t take it the wrong way, okay?

Larsa: …

[The camera switches to Archadia where Vayne faces Gramis.]

Vayne: This crisis would not end were I gone. The Senate hates the very fact
that House Solidor exists. By necessity, we must find reason to silence them.

[Gramis stands up from his seat.]

Gramis: (walks towards the window) Necessity? Ah yes, necessity. Does that word
free you, I wonder? You show no hesitation to solve matters with blood.

[The camera shows Vayne who watches the flag.]

Vayne: The sword of House Solidor cannot be left to rust in doubt. It was you,
Excellency, who tempered that sword.

[There was a brief pause.]

Gramis: Is this your idea of vengeance?

Vayne: It is my idea of necessity.

Gramis: …

Vayne: If we do not act now, it is not only our future you imperil.

Gramis: So you would dirty your hands, to keep his clean?

Vayne: My hands are stained with blood. I see little reason to stay them now.

Gramis: … So they are. And so House Solidor lives on.

[The camera switches back to Vaan’s group, who proceeds to Mt. Bur-Omisace.
Upon arrival, Vaan’s group proceeds to the Temple Grounds. We watch a movie of
the sky view of Mt. Bur-Omisace. After that, the camera reverts to Vaan’s group
who proceeds to the Hall of the Light. Upon entering, the camera shows Vaan’s
group who approaches the old man that looks asleep while standing.]

Vaan: (to Penelo) Is he sleeping?

Penelo: Shh!

Voice of the Old Man: No, my child.

Vaan: (startled) Whoa!

Voice of the Old Man: I do not sleep.

[The camera shows the old man who still looks asleep.]

Old Man: I dream. For reality and illusion are a duality, two parts of a whole.
Only the mirror of dreams reflects what is true.

[The camera shows Ashe who steps up towards the old man.]

Ashe: Anastasis, Your Grace, I am Ashelia—

Anastasis: (interrupts) Lay down your words. Ashelia, daughter of Raminas, I
have dreamt your dream. Who better to carry on the Dalmascan line than she who
bears the Dawn Shard? Your dream of a kingdom restored is known to me.

Larsa: Gran Kiltias, then give us your blessing. Grant the Lady Ashe her

Voice of the Stylish Man: (interrupts) I do not suppose this is something you

[The old man will be known as Anastasis from this point on. Suddenly, the
camera shows the stylish man who appeared at the scene.]

Stylish Man: My little emperor-in-waiting. You called and I have come.

[As Larsa tries to shake the stylish man’s hand, the stylish man pats his head
as Larsa gets the stylish man’s hand off his head.]

Larsa: (to Ashe) This is the man I wanted you to meet. Believe it or not, he is
a member of the noble House Margrace, rulers of the Rozarrian Empire.

Stylish Man: (approaching Ashe) Hah! I am but one of very, very many. Try as I
might, I could not stop this war alone…thus I came seeking Larsa’s assistance.

[Then, the camera shows the stylish man taking off his sunglasses and then
gives it to his female servant.]

Al-Cid: Al-Cid Margrace, at your service. To think I stand before the Lady
Ashe. It is truly an honor.

[The stylish man who will be known as Al-Cid from this point on, kneels towards
Ashe and as he tries to kiss Ashe’s right hand, Penelo can be seen with a
negatively startling reaction.]

Al-Cid: I see it is true after all. (romantic voice) Ah, stunning is Dalmasca’s
desert bloom.

Larsa: (frustrated) Errh!

Anastasis: In Archadia, Larsa. In Rozarria, Al-Cid. They dream not of war.
Should empire join with empire, they way will open for a new Ivalice in our

Al-Cid: Hah, Gran Kiltias! You speak much of dreams. But in the real world, war
is upon us.

Ashe: Gran Kiltias, I was told my coming here would prevent this war. I was to
assume my father’s throne and announce the restoration of Dalmasca…treat with
the Empire for peace, and persuade the Resistance to stay their hand. I have
not come all this way to be asked to reconsider!

Al-Cid: A word from you and the Resistance would stop cold…and Rozarria’s
pretext for joining the war…scattered, off to the four winds. This was what we
had hoped. Alas, circumstances change. A full two years have passed since your
reported death. Were it to become known you were still alive…I fear it could
only worsen our current situation.

Ashe: Because I am powerless to help.

Al-Cid: Ehh! Nay, in fact it has little to do with you.

Larsa: Then what? If Lady Ashe were to extend her hand in friendship…perhaps I
could then persuade the Emperor. (glances at Ashe) His Excellency will solve
things peacefully—

Al-Cid: (interrupts) The Emperor Gramis is no more. His life was taken.

Larsa: (gasped) Father!

[Later, the camera switches to Archadia where Gabranth approaches towards
Gramis’ office as the camera shows Gabranth from first-person view glancing at
the elderly priests seized by the knight soldiers.]

Knight Soldier 1: What possible cause could we have to lay hand on our Emperor?

Knight Soldier 2: A deception and an outrage! The Senate will not stand for

[Gabranth arrived at the scene where the judges and Vayne stands around Gramis’
corpse and a priest’s corpse.]

Drace: A viper amongst our Senators!?

Vayne: (rudely interrupts) With Chairman Gregoroth as its head. He confessed
and passed his own sentence.

Male Judge: A viper with many tails. Much of the Senate is culpable.

Vayne: (rudely interrupts) We had to strip the Senate of authority and assign
powers of autocracy to myself until such times as orders—

Drace: (angrily interrupts) Spare me your lies! I see the serpent coiled here
before me!

Zargabaath: Drace, you speak too freely!

Drace: Zargabaath! Do not tell me you join in this mummer’s farce!

Zargabaath: With Rozarria poised to invade at any moment, our leader must have
a free hand.

[As Drace seemed angered…]

Vayne: The once-great House Solidor is now reduced to myself and my dear
brother Larsa.

Drace: Surely you would not go so far!

[Drace draws her sword and points it near Vayne.]

Drace: Vayne Solidor! As Judge Magister and upholder of the law, I hereby place
you under arrest!

[Then suddenly, the camera shows the male judge who places his sword near
Drace’s face.]

Male Judge: Vayne did not make himself autocrat. It was the very Ministry of
Law which you serve. Do you see it now, Drace? When you bared your sword at His
Excellency, you bared your sword at the law.

Drace: You wear the mummer’s motley well, Bergan.

[Just as Drace tries to strike the male judge, who will be known as Bergan from
this point on, Bergan plunges his sword into Drace’s stomach and then, Bergan
grabbed Drace’s face and throw her to the floor as she dropped her sword.]

Drace: (badly wounded) Such strength—Inhuman!

Bergan: Errrrrrrhhhh!!

Vayne: Zargabaath, take the Alexander. Accompany Bergan and bring Larsa back to

[Zargabaath nods and as Zargabaath was about to take off from the scene…]

Gabranth: (holding his armored helmet) Your Excellency, Lord Larsa was placed
under my charge.

Vayne: Oh? Perhaps you mistook your orders then. If I can see no other
explanation for why you were reporting on my doings to my late father.

Gabranth: Your Excellency—

Vayne: A hound, begging for scraps at the Emperor’s table. Would you serve
another master, hound? You may fulfill your duty as Judge Magister before us

[Gabranth turns to his left as he witnessed Drace lying on the floor, badly

Vayne: She has been tried and found guilty.

Bergan: Your Excellency, I beg you reconsider!

[Gabranth picks up Drace’s sword and as he prepares to execute Drace, Gabranth
seemed unhappy for a brief moment.]

Drace: Do it. I care not.

[As Drace begs to die…]

Drace: Live, Gabranth. Protect the young lord. Protect Larsa…

Gabranth: Forgive me.

Drace: Pray me quick.

[As Gabranth briefly prays Drace, Gabranth plunges his sword into Drace and
Drace died at the scene. The camera shows Vayne who picks up Gramis’ hand of
his lifeless body and places it on Gramis’ lap.]

Vayne: And so House Solidor lives on.

[The camera switches back to Vaan’s group in the Hall of the Light.]

Al-Cid: Let us suppose you approach the Empire with a peaceful resolution. The
late Emperor Gramis would have lent you his ear, that much is certain. But we
are dealing with Vayne Solidor. Should the Princess return, he would claim her
an imposter. All to tempt the Resistance into battle. Vayne wants this war,
that much is certain. As our ill luck would have it, the man is a military

Anastasis: The dreams have told me thus. To reveal yourself would imperil us
all. I see war, and Vayne’s name writ bold on history’s page.

Al-Cid: Archadia’s banners fly high. They are making ready for the coming war.

[Al-Cid’s female servant gives Al-Cid a scroll.]

Al-Cid: (gradual voice pitch higher on the last word) According to our latest

[Al-Cid opens the scroll.]

Al-Cid: The Western Armada prepares for war, under Vayne’s command no less. The
newly formed 12th Fleet has already been deployed. Oh yes! The Imperial 1st
Fleet stands ready. They’ll be under way as the Odin’s refit is complete. And
there is more: the 2nd Kerwon Expeditionary Force is being called in…to replace
the missing 8th, so there will be no gaps. The largest force ever seen!

Ashe: And then…the Nethicite is the coup de grâce.

[Al-Cid nods.]

Ashe: (faces Anastasis) Gran Kiltias, Your Grace. I spoke to you of my
succession. Let us put that aside. Should I become Queen of Dalmasca now,
powerless as I am, I can protect nothing. With a greater power at my disposal,
perhaps then.

Al-Cid: It is the Nethicite of which you dream?

Ashe: I require something far greater.

[Suddenly, the camera shows Anastasis opening his eyes.]

Anastasis: To wield power against power. Truly the words of a Hume-child.

Ashe: I am descended from the Dynast-King himself.

Anastasis: Indeed. Then you have but one choice. Seek you the other power
Raithwall left.

Ashe: Does such a thing exist?

Anastasis: Journey across the Paramina Rift to the Stilshrine of Miriam. There
rests the gift he entrusted to the Gran Kiltias of his time. Seek it out. The
Sword of Kings…can cut through Nethicite.

[As Ashe was about to walk away…]

Anastasis: Why he would entrust the power to destroy Nethicite, the instrument
of his greatness…to another and not to his own progeny, I cannot say. Awaken
Ashelia B’Nargin and take up your sword, or your dream will remain but a dream.

[The camera shows Ashe, glancing looks at Larsa as Larsa seems saddened. Vaan’s
group left the scene without Larsa. Anastasis then closes his eyes.]

Anastasis: My dreams, too, fades into day.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the Stilshrine of Miriam. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group
using their Dawn Shard, navigates their way into the temple. After solving
various puzzles by moving the two statues facing the big statue, Vaan’s group
makes their way to the room where Vinuskar is. Vaan’s group fights Vinuskar.
After Vaan’s group defeats Vinuskar, Vaan’s group manages to solve the last
puzzle by moving the statue and face it towards the big statue. Vaan’s group
makes their way to the Ward of the Sword-King. Upon arrival of the area, the
camera shows Mateus who readies her weapon. Vaan’s group fights Mateus. After
Vaan’s group defeats Mateus, Vaan’s group proceeds to the Vault of the
Champion. Inside, Ashe slowly approaches the device with the Sword of Kings and
suddenly, the camera shows Ashe’s Manufacted Nethicite reacting with a glow.
Suddenly, the device deactivates and the Sword of King came out and as Ashe
picks up the sword, it was a little hefty her as she tries to hold it with her
right hand.]

Vaan: You should try it on the Dawn Shard. See if it can destroy Nethicite or

Ashe: What?

Balthier: He just may be on to something.

[Ashe faces Balthier.]

Balthier: The Dawn Shard’s no use to us, after all.

[Later, the camera shows Ashe who sets the Manufacted Nethicite on the floor.]

Ashe: The Stone bleeds Mist.

Fran: It has been roused. It fears the sword.

[Suddenly, the camera shows the spiritual form of Rasler who appears from the
Manufacted Nethicite facing Ashe. As he shakes his head, Rasler’s spiritual
body vanishes. Ashe readies the Sword of Kings and as she tries to strike the
Manufacted Nethicite. However, Ashe was not able to strike the Manufacted
Nethicite as her sword struck the floor next to the Manufacted Nethicite. The
camera then shows Rasler’s spiritual body appearing and shakes his head again.
Then, Rasler’s spiritual body vanishes as the Manufacted Nethicite stops

Fran: The Stone is quiet.

Ashe: … This is the sword. The Nethicite destroyer.

Balthier: Should it find its mark.

[As Vaan’s group prepares to leave the scene…]

Ashe: Vaan.

[Vaan stops for a moment and faces Ashe.]

Ashe: Tell me. Did you see him again?

Vaan: I didn’t. Not a thing. Not even my brother. Not…not anything.

[Vaan’s group received the Sword of Kings. After that, Vaan’s group makes their
way out of the temple of Stilshrine of Miriam. Outside, we watch a movie of the
Imperial battleships that passes over the Stilshrine of Miriam as Vaan’s group
glances from where they are standing. The camera then shows Gabranth in one of
the battleships as he glances at the front view in the control room.]

Gabranth: The Empire’s debts grow legion.

[The camera shows Vaan’s group and suddenly, Fran gasped and noticed something
from far away.]

Fran: There!

Vaan: Smoke?

[The camera shows smokes coming out of Mt. Bur-Omisace.]

Fran: What could it mean?

[Vaan’s group immediately proceeds to Mt. Bur-Omisace. Upon arrival, Vaan’s
group enters the Hall of the Lights. Upon entering, the camera shows the Hall
of the Lights in ruins. Vaan’s group arrived at the scene as the camera shows
Bergan who stands next to the corpse.]

Bergan: Ah, our vagrant princess. Swift has your lust for revenge led you to
the Sword of Kings.

[The camera shows the corpse of Anastasis whom Bergan already killed.]

Bergan: You will surrender it to me. Too late, and to their sorrow do those who
misplace their trust in gods learn their fate.

[As Bergan approaches Vaan’s group, the camera shows a ghostly demon appearing
behind and near Bergan’s body.]

Vaan: (startled) There it is again.

[The camera shows Bergan, whose body starts emanating and flowing odd spiritual

Balthier: Fran, I don’t like the look of that.

Fran: This Mist—he holds a Stone! It controls him as it did Mjrn!

Bergan: No. No, the power of Manufacted Nethicite is the power of Man! A weapon
forged by his wisdom…who would challenge the gods themselves! A fitting blade
for a true Dynast-King. Raithwall did but pretend the title…a cur begging
Nethicite scraps from his master’s table. Hark! Ivalice hails her true
Dynast-King, Vayne Solidor! He shall defy the will of the gods, and see the
reins of History back in the hands of Man! His time is nigh! The new Ivalice
holds no place for the name Dalmasca. The stain of Raithwall’s blood…shall be
washed clean from history’s weave!

[Bergan readies his swords and Vaan’s group fights Judge Bergan and the Judges.
After Vaan’s group defeats Judge Bergan and the Judges, Bergan’s ghostly demon
power from his body came out and Bergan falls to the floor and dies at the
scene. After that, Balthier checks on Bergan while Ashe who checks on
Anastasis’ corpse and gasped unhappily.]

Balthier: He set his very bones about with Manufacted Nethicite. The Gran

[Penelo shakes her head unhappily. Then…]

Penelo: Wait—what about Larsa?

Voice of Al-Cid: Gone. Spirited away by Judge Gabranth.

[The camera shows Al-Cid who is helped forward by his female servant as Vaan’s
group approaches them.]

Vaan: You okay?

[The female servant helped Al-Cid sit down as he is wounded.]

Basch: So he was here.

Al-Cid: (injured) Ah, as for our young lordling, he went along—to avoid
trouble, you see. But Judge Bergan had other ideas. He flew into a rage, and I
was left to fend for myself.

[The camera shows the corpse of various Imperial knights.]

Al-Cid: (to Ashe) Please, Princess. You must permit me to take you back with me
to Rozarria.

Ashe: (kneels towards Al-Cid) So that you can protect me?

Al-Cid: I would lay down my life at a single word to be sure…but I harbor no
maundering delusions of valiant grandeur. Vayne has our War Pavilion jumping at
shadows. They favor a pre-emptive strike. But you—you will convince them
otherwise. You will see that they do not start this war.

[As Ashe makes a decision…]

Ashe: This I cannot do. Forgive me. But my errand here is not yet done.

[Ashe stands up.]

Ashe: I must wield the Sword of Kings, and with it bring an end to the Dusk

Al-Cid: Ah, this Stone. Do you even know where it is?

Balthier: I can venture a guess. The Draklor Laboratory. In Archades. The
Empire’s weapons research begins and ends there.

[Balthier approaches Ashe.]

Balthier: How soon do we leave?

Ashe: At once. (to Al-Cid) As for matters in Rozarria…I bid you luck.

[The female servant helps Al-Cid up.]

Al-Cid: So you would leave each to fend for his own. Let us hope that you are
not disappointed. Ah, that’s right. Larsa left a message. “The differences
between our two lands will fade before the shared dream of men.”

[The camera shows Al-Cid takes out his sunglasses and puts it on.]

Al-Cid: My leave I take.

[Al-Cid with the female servant left the scene. Later, the camera switches to
the outside of Mt. Bur-Omisace where the Acolytes and the people kneels at the
stairs towards the door to the Hall of the Lights while Vaan’s group prepares
to leave.]

Ashe: How do you propose we reach Archades?

[The camera switches to the world map where Vaan’s group finds their

Ashe: Archadia’s borders will be well guarded for fear of Rozarrian invasion.
We dare not approach by air.

Balthier: And their navy will see that the coast is watched as well… No, we go
afoot. We’ll cross into Archadia in the Salikawood. We can reach the wood any
number of ways, but the easiest is to head north from Nalbina.

[As Vaan’s group continues to look at the world map…]

Fran: There is a hunter’s camp just beyond the Salikawood. The camp sits within
Archadia’s borders, so Imperial patrols there should be sparse.

Balthier: Getting that far should be half the fun. Let’s be sure we go prepared.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the Nalbina Fortress. Upon arrival, we watch a movie
of the view of the Nalbina Fortress where an airship transports a cargo box to
the town. Vaan’s group makes their way to Salikawood. On their way, Vaan’s
group ran into The Necrohol of Nabudis. Inside…]

Basch: This is all that remains of Nabudis. 2 years ago it was destroyed by a
mysterious force. The work of the Midlight Shard.

Vaan: This? In just 2 years? How?

Basch: As then Dawn Shard brought down the Leviathan, a fell Mist spilled
forth. It is like the same thing happened here. The Mist has corrupted the life
of this place. It is a Necrohol overrun with beasts. We tread here on a fool’s
errand. We had best turn back.

[Vaan’s group turns back and returned to Salikawood and moves on the next area.
Upon arrival, Vaan’s group approaches the gate where the Moogle boss is and
talks to him.]

Moogle Boss: Once the gate’s fixed, everyone will be able to go to the Phon
Coast, kupo. It’ll take a little while longer, yet. …That is, if my 9 missing
apprentices ever come back from the Salikawood! We’ll never finish repairs like
this, kupo! They’re probably loafing in the Salikawood Bungalow… Still 9

[Vaan’s group talks to the Moogle boss again.]

Moogle Boss: My apprentices are probably loafing in the Salikawood Bungalow…
Still 9 missing—we’ll never finish repairs like this, kupo! Want to know why
we’re fixing the gate, kupo?

Vaan: Tell me.

Moogle Boss: Out story begins some time ago, kupo. I set out with my nine
apprentices in tow, to witness the architecture of Ivalice firsthand! While on
that journey, we were attacked in the Salikawood by monsters. Fortunately, the
King of Nabradia saved us in the nick of time, kupo! The King invited us to his
palace as honored guests! In return, we dug the rock separating the Salikawood
and the Phon Coast to make this gate. The King was pleased! Even now that
Nabradia is gone, we come here to maintain the gate, in his memory. Right now,
the gear mechanism that moves the gate is all rusted… Time is a harsh mistress,

[Vaan’s group began the search of the Moogle Bungalow. Vaan’s group finds the
first group and talks to them.]

Layabout: Oh, we’re here working on the gate down the road. But right now, it’s
break time, kupo! Kupo? The Boss wants us on the job? That Moogle-driverm kupo!
(sigh) Well, let’s get back and be done with this…


Layabout: Bye-bye, kupo! Oh, there’re still 6 of us on break out there!

[The Moogles left the scene. Vaan’s group manages to find the second group and
talks to them.]

Layabout: We’re here working on the gate up ahead. Except, right now we’re
taking a break, actually. What? The Boss wants us? Uh oh, kupo! We’d better go!
He’s ugly when he gets mad, kupo!


Layabout: Bye-bye, kupo! Oh, there’re still 6 of us on break out there!

[The Moogles left the scene. Vaan’s group manages to find the third group and
talks to them.]

Layabout: What? No, we’re working on the gate up ahead… Okay, we’re not
actually working on it right now, if you must be literal about it. The Boss
wants us, kupo? Break’s over, kupo? Ah well…


Layabout: Bye-bye, kupo! Oh, there’re still 2 of us on break out there!

[The Moogles left the scene. Vaan’s group manages to find the last group and
talks to them.]

Layabout: Kupo? We’re here working on the gate up ahead. Well, right now we’re
on break, actually. Eh? The Boss wants us, kupo? That’s no good, he’s scary
when he gets mad! Okay, break time’s over!


Layabout: That’s all for us, kupo! Let’s get working! Come with us to the gate,

Vaan: Yes.

Layabout: Then let’s be off, kupo!

[Later, the camera switches to Vaan’s group who returns to the gate leading to
Phon Coast where the Moogles already have fixed the gate.]

Moogle Boss: Now that my apprentices are all back, the repairs took no time at
all, kupo! Witness the power of Moogles!

[The gate finally opened. Vaan’s group proceeds to Phon Coast. Upon arrival,
the camera shows the airships flying over and past Phon Coast.]

Balthier: It would seem we made the right choice. If we’d taken the easy way
and come by airship…one of those patrols would no doubt have been quick to roll
out the red carpet. We’re on the Empire’s doorstep now, so we shouldn’t have to
worry quite so much…but that’s no excuse to get sloppy. It is still a long road
to the capital.

[Vaan’s group arrived at the Hunters’ Camp. Upon arrival, the camera shows Vaan
and Penelo having some fun as they take off from the scene while Vaan’s other
group approaches the area normally. The camera shows Ashe who almost tripped.
Balthier hold her arm and stop her from falling.]

Ashe: …

[As Ashe walks away…]

Balthier: Why the capital?

[As Ashe stops for a moment…]

Ashe: The Nethicite. I must destroy it.

Balthier: Are you sure? You don’t want it for yourself?

[Ashe gasped.]

Balthier: Use its power to restore Dalmasca—something like that? The best
intentions invite the worst kind of trouble.

Ashe: Lusting for ever greater power, blinded by the Nethicite. Is that how you
see me?

Balthier: That does sound like someone I know.

[Ashe follows Balthier as the camera shows Vaan and Penelo having their fun

Balthier: He was obsessed with Nethicite. It was all he cared about. He’d
babble nonsense, blind to aught but the Stone’s power. He’d talk about some
‘Eynah,’ or was it ‘Venat’? No matter. Everything he did, he did to get closer
to the Nethicite, to understand it. He made airships, weapons… He even made me
a Judge.

Ashe: (startled) You were a…a Judge!?

[As Balthier approaches the beach…]

Balthier: Part of a past I’d rather forget. It didn’t last long. I ran. I left
the Judges…and him. Cidolfus Demen Bunansa. Draklor Laboratory’s very own
Doctor Cid. That’s when he lost his heart to Nethicite, lost himself. And I
suppose that’s when I lost my father.

Ashe: …

Balthier: (turns around and faces Ashe) Don’t follow in his footsteps.

[There was a brief pause.]

Balthier: I ran away. I couldn’t stand seeing him like that, a slave to the
Stone. So I ran. Free at last.

[There was another brief pause.]

Balthier: Funny I went for the Dusk Shard. How could I have known that it was
Nethicite? And then, of course, I met you. All that running, and I got nowhere.
It’s time to end this—cut my ties to the past.

[Ashe slowly approaches Balthier from behind.]

Ashe: It’s hard to leave the past behind. I know.

[Ashe clenches her hands together as we watch a movie of Ashe who reminisces
the time where she was with Rasler in her dress. As Ashe approaches Rasler…]

Rasler: A marriage of convenience. A symbol of the alliance between Nabradia
and Dalmasca. This is how they see our match.

Ashe: They do, do they?

Rasler: These roles we play. I must admit I find it…wearying.

[The camera shows Ashe who places her left hand on Rasler’s left hand.]

Ashe: I will play mine.

Rasler: I would have no other.

[The reminiscences ended as the camera switches back to the present with Ashe
and Balthier.]

Balthier: The choice is yours to make. But don’t give your heart to a stone.
You’re too strong for that, Princess.

Ashe: I…I pray you’re right, Balthier.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to Tchita Uplands. On their way, Vaan’s group notices
the Archadian wayfarer and talks to him.]

Archadian Wayfarer: You’re one of those Phon Coast hunters, aren’t you? Good,
I’ve work for you. In a hurry, you see. Have to find my son…wherever he is.

[The Archadian wayfarer gives Vaan’s group the bill and Vaan’s group reads the
bill. The bill reads as follows:]

A terrible menace plagues the Sochen Cave Palace. Calling hale hunters of all
ages and races to deal with this scourge upon us.

This is not an official bill, and it will not be listed in the Clan Primer.

[After Vaan’s group finishes reading the bill, Vaan’s group ask the Archadian
wayfarer of the dire threat.]

Archadian Wayfarer: Head east to a place known as the Highlands. From there, go
north into the Fields of Eternity where you’ll find the entrance to Sochen. The
menace you must defeat is within. Many are the hunters that have attempted to
slay it…all have come running back out, defeated. The exact nature of the beast
is unknown. Nor have any of the hunters that ran said as much as a word… To put
an end to this scourge, I thought to post a bill for its hunting… Those
clansmen refused my expertly written wanted-bill, saying it was “crude and
ingenuous in its execution.” They wanted me to rewrite it! Wounded, I withdrew
my posting. I thereupon hired two hunters from the Phon Coast and sent them
into the caves…the craven curs! As my son and I waited by the entrance, these
two so-called “hunters” came running out and past us, completely ignoring me,
their employer! Enraged, I gave chase, managing to catch one of the two, lying
upon the ground, utterly useless. Worse, I was separated from my son. So went
all until now. Understood? Very well! Now I will call my servants from Archades
to search for my son, while you enter the caves! Use this key to access the
chamber where this menace may be found. Off with you!

[The Archadian wayfarer gave Vaan’s group the Soul Ward Key. After that, Vaan’s
group moves on. Vaan’s group eventually arrived in the Sochen Cave Palace.]

Vaan: … Hey, you sure this rabbit hole’s really the way into Archades?

Balthier: Better a hare unseen than a rat in a trap. Then again, if you’d
prefer to go knocking on the front gates of the city, be my guest.

Penelo: But what about once we’re inside? Won’t the city watch find us?

Ashe: We’ll do what we can to blend into the crowd. Our names may be notorious,
but our faces are not far-known.

Vaan: True, true. You’re our princess, and we didn’t even recognize you.

Ashe: I noticed.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the Sochen Cave Palace with the Gate of the Soul
Ward. Using the Soul Ward Key that Vaan’s group obtained from the Archadian
wayfarer, the Gate of the Soul Ward unlocks. Vaan’s group proceeds inside and
upon arrival, the camera shows five Mandragoras appearing at the scene. Vaan’s
group fights Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen, Topstalk, Alraune King and Pumpkin
Star. After Vaan’s group defeats Mandragora Prince, Onion Queen, Topstalk,
Alraune King and Pumpkin Star, the camera shows the spirits of the Mandragoras
coming out of their corpse and they rise away from the scene. Vaan’s group
returns to Tchita Uplands and talks to the Archadian wayfarer.]

Archadian Wayfarer: So you’ve defeated the menace of Sochen? Well done! You’re
in danger of showing signs of promise! I may even use you again one day! Here,
your reward, richly deserved. I always respect a job well done. And I’ve found
my son, to boot!

[Vaan’s group received 1000 Gil and 3 Remedies. After that, Vaan’s group moves
on to the next area. Vaan’s group manages to navigate their way to the Hall of
Shadowlight. Then suddenly, the camera shows Ahriman appearing at the scene.
Vaan’s group fights Ahriman. After Vaan’s group defeats Ahriman, they move on
to the next area. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group activates the switch device that
activated the elevator. Vaan’s group boards the elevator to the highest floor
of the Skybent Chamber. Vaan’s group exits the Skybent Chamber and arrived at
Old Archadia.]

Vaan: Smells less like a capital…and more like a sewer.

Balthier: Even empires have need of sewers. The runoff from Archades proper
pools here: those who lack papers to live in the city itself. The mighty who
have fallen, and the fallen who would be mighty. Their eyes never leave

Vaan: I guess it must be a lot nicer than this place.

Balthier: Oh, to be sure. Archades reeks of a different filth. Let’s be off!

[Vaan’s group gathers each other together.]

Balthier: We can follow our noses to Draklor.

[Vaan’s group moves on. On their way, Vaan’s group talks to the lucky man.]

Lucky Man: Psst. I’ll tell ye a secret, but it stays between us two, right? I
spied summat in-credible jus’ now. What? Wouldn’t ye like to know! ‘Twas a bag
o’ coin! Jus’ thrown in a barrel, it was. With a hoard like that, the City’ll
be me oyster! Now Don’t go tellin’ anyone, ya hear?

[Vaan’s group then talks to Imperial guard.]

Imperial Guard: Entering the capital? You have credentials?

Vaan: I have.

Imperial Guard: Hm? Well I don’t see any! We can’t just throw open our gates to
you vulgars, you know. Especially not the lying kind! Away with you!

[Later, Vaan’s group are trying to figure out some other solutions to this
matter. Then…]

Voice of the Unknown Man: Well, well, well…there’s a sight for sore eyes.
Didn’t think I’d be seeing you again. Not here.

[The camera shows the unknown man who appeared at the scene.]

Balthier: Oh wonderful. Enter the streetear.

Unknown Man: A pirate would do well to smile. Wouldn’t want to sour his

[As the unknown man approaches the scene…]

Vaan: (to Balthier) You know this guy?

Balthier: An old…friend. He’s a streetear—a peddler of rumor and hearsay, by
the name of Jules. He’d bite a Gil given him by his own mother, and shave it by
half to pay for her funeral.

Jules: Sometimes an ear with tight purse string’s the order of the day. Like
when a pirate decides he fancies going up in the world.

Vaan: To the city? You know a way?

Jules: In Archades, knowledge is power. And power has a way of opening doors,
boy. Now, a fool will buy a sack of feathers for his pillow, but a wise man…
He’ll buy the whole stinking cockatrice and get his fill of meat into the
bargain. So, wise man, how does 1500 Gil sound?

[Vaan pays the unknown man who will be known as Jules from this point on, 1500

Jules: Bright boy. You learn fast. I call this meeting to order. Tell me, boy,
heard any rumors in town?

Vaan: Actually, I did hear about a man who picked a bag of coins out of a

Jules: Bags in barrels, eh…? A boy would do well to bring that morsel to a man
named Beasley near here. Tell him what you’ve heard.

[Later, Vaan’s group finds and talks to Beasley.]

Beasley: Whaaaat!? Yer tellin’ me that ye know the bloke what’s taken me coin!?
Oh, it was him, was it?

[Vaan’s group returns to Jules and talks to him.]

Jules: You told him just as I told you? Good boy!

Vaan: I’m not sure what any of this has to do with going up in the world.

Jules: Oh? Witness the power of knowledge, m’boy. See? It begins.

[The camera shows a commoner approaching at the scene with the other commoners.]

Commoner: ‘Ey, ‘tis a fight! Beasley’s gone wild!

[The commoners ran to the scene where Beasley goes wild as well as the Imperial

Vaan: Now’s our chance! Thanks, Jules.

[Vaan runs off from the scene.]

Balthier: (to Jules) Never thought you’d go for such a meager price.

Jules: A pirate should know that words are worth Gil uncountable. Here’s some
words for you: The prodigal Bunansa son’s come back to the Imperial roost, see?
Words of much value, these.

Balthier: Bah.

[Later, the camera switches to the view of The Imperial City of Archades.
Vaan’s group arrived at the scene and as Vaan runs off ahead and glances at the
city while gaping…]

Penelo: You’re gaping like a fish out of water.

Vaan: I’m just checking out the city. Even if it is the Empire.

[Penelo walks up to the rail of the area.]

Penelo: You’ve changed, Vaan. You were always marching to your own beat… Almost
like you were impatient, even. In a good way.

Vaan: Maybe it’s because I’ve seen more now. Huh. Never imagined I’d ever come
this far away from home.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vaan: Hey, Larsa’s here in the city, isn’t he? He’s a tough one. I wonder how
he’s doing.

Penelo: (very slight giggle) You always were a soft touch, Vaan. (facing Vaan)
You know what’s amazing? I thought I’d go my whole life without…meeting people
like the Princess, or Lord Larsa. And here we are in the capital!

Vaan: I know! It’s a little over my head sometimes.

Basch: (placing his right hand on Vaan’s right shoulder) Good, Vaan. You’ve
come to understand the difficulties of serving royalty.

Vaan: Hey, I’m just along for the ride.

Penelo: That wasn’t a complaint, was it, Basch?

Basch: Ahem. Right. Let’s get moving.

Penelo: - Hey, don’t change the subject!

Basch: - Right.

[Vaan, Penelo and Basch can be heard laughing slightly as the camera shows Ashe
who glances at Vaan, Penelo and Basch. Vaan’s group moves on. While moving on…]

Balthier: We go our separate ways here, Vaan. I’ve some business to attend to.
We’ll meet again later.

[Balthier walks away from the scene.]

Vaan: Huh? Hey—

[Vaan’s group without Balthier proceeds to Nilbasse. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group
talks to Cab Attendant.]

Cab Attendant: Only those with 9 or more Chops may ride this cab, boy. Nothing
personal, I assure you.


Vaan: A Chop? What’s that?

Cab Attendant: If you lack a Chop, you pay coin. That’s… 1000000 Gil, thank you.

Penelo: (startled) What? That’s crazy!

Voice of Jules: Having a spot of trouble, are we?

[The camera shows Jules who appeared at the scene.]

Jules: I’ve a message from Master Balthier. He’s waiting in Central. He says to
come quickly.

Vaan: On this? But we need a…a Chop. What is a Chop, anyway?

Jules: When a boy wants information…that’s right… A boy pays. 2500 Gil sound
about right.

[Vaan pays Jules 2500 Gil.]

Jules: Why, any upstanding citizen of the Empire carries a Chop. It’s a mark of
status sometimes, a writ of transit others. If you were aiming to go to
Central, where the gentry live, I’d think you’d need 9 Chops.

Vaan: How do you get them?

Jules: Like I’ve said, the key is knowledge, boy. You do your part here on the
street, talk to the right people, you’ll earn your Chops in no time.

Vaan: That doesn’t sound so bad.

Jules: Oh, people in Archades love doing good deeds. Why, if they’re helping
you out, it must mean they’re superior. Understand, boy?

Vaan: Uh… Not sure I do, but I’ll give it a try. Thanks, Jules!

[As Vaan runs off from the scene…]

Jules: A friend of Master Balthier’s a friend of mine.

[There was a brief pause. Then, Jules coughs as Fran catches up with Vaan’s
group. Vaan’s group begins the Archadian phrase match event. After Vaan’s group
succeeded in the phrase match event, Vaan’s group managed to earn 9 Chops.
Vaan’s group returns to Nilbasse and talks to the cab attendant.]

Cab Attendant: Ah, I see you have some Chops, sir. Splendid. To Tsenoble?

Vaan: Take me to Tsenoble.

[Vaan’s group enters the cab and the cab takes Vaan’s group to Tsenoble. Upon
arrival, Vaan’s group exits the cab and then, the camera shows Balthier, who
appeared at the scene.]

Balthier: Ah, so pleased you could join me. Jules had a morsel for us: a light
airship used by Draklor researchers is just up ahead.

[Balthier approaches towards Vaan’s group.]

Balthier: We’ll take that and go in through the service entrance. Let’s make
haste, shall we?

[Balthier rejoins Vaan’s group and they move on. On their way, the camera shows
the Imperial soldiers approaching the Judge.]

Imperial Soldier: The complices of the Senate have been quelled, Your Honor.
Our forces sustained but light casualties.

Judge: You have leave to withdraw. One detachment will remain here to guard

Imperial Soldier: My Lord.

[The Imperial soldiers prays and then, the camera shows the Imperial soldiers
running away from the scene as Vaan’s group hides.]

Vaan: Do you think they’re on to us?

Basch: (crosses his arms) It would seem not, though this will make our task
more difficult still.

[Vaan’s group approaches the entrance to Central which is guarded by the
Imperial guard and talks to him.]

Imperial Guard: No entry to Central at this time. And refrain from suspicious
behavior until things settle down. You know what I mean.

[Vaan’s group makes their way back to the cab. On their way…]

Balthier: Certainly took your time getting here, didn’t you. Off seeing the
sights, perhaps?

Vaan: Not likely. Do you know how long it took to get the Chops to get up here?

Balthier: What’s that? But I gave Jules some Chops…

Vaan: Jules!

Voice of Jules: Tsk, tsk. A squad of Judges has been sent to Draklor. You’ll
find the service entrance rather a difficult proposition, I’m afraid.

[Jules appeared at the scene.]

Balthier: Your doing, no doubt.

[As Balthier walks away…]

Balthier: You knew how the Ministry of Law would move, so you had Vaan out
collecting Chops until the Judges could reinforce Draklor. Of course… Tell me,
how much did the Ministry pay for word of the prodigal son?

Jules: The Ministry? Oh, Judges make poor customers, my friend. Too many rules,
too many laws. Perhaps you didn’t know, Master Balthier, that Draklor is a toy
box these days, filled with your lord father’s conceits… All developed without
the Senate’s knowledge, of course. Why, not even the Emperor knew the full
extent of Dr. Cid’s operations. Now, here’s the catch: since Vayne had himself
declared dictator, nary a peep has come out of that laboratory. I know people
who would sell their own mum for the merest scrap of information about the
goings-on inside Draklor.

[The camera shows Vaan, Penelo and Fran glancing at Balthier and Jules from a

Balthier: (to Jules) People like…Rozarrian Sympathizers worried about the
Empire’s weapons programs, and anyone else who might be opposed to House
Solidor hegemony. So, we create a disturbance, and you get your wind fall of
dirt on Draklor.

Jules: And in exchange for your service, I’ve spoken to a cabbie. When he asks
where you want to go, tell him: “You know where to go.” Simple, no?

Balthier: Ah, a deal, brokered in true Archades fashion. Why, it’s just like
old times, Jules. Brings a tear to my eye.

[Balthier left the scene.]

Jules: Good to be back, eh? My regards to your lord father, Master Ffamran…er,
rather, Master “Balthier.” Anon, anon.

[Vaan’s group talks to the cab attendant.]

Cab Attendant: Welcome to Tsenoble! And be proud you’ve made it this far. Chops
of pine, Chops of sandal, they’re worth more than life itself here. Don’t let
yours go lightly. Now, anyone for Nilbasse?

Vaan: You know where to go.

Cab Attendant: You want to go there, eh? You sure?

Vaan: Let’s go.

Cab Attendant: All right. All aboard.

[Vaan’s group enters the cab and the cab takes off to Draklor Laboratory.]

Vaan: So, this Jules…is he some old friend of yours, Balthier? You two

Balthier: Close enough for fisticuffs… (to the cabbie) Driver! Faster, if you
please. I would be loathe to expend any of the violence of my present mood on
my companions.

Cabbie: S-Sir? Yes, sir!

[We watch a movie of the cab which is about to arrive at the Draklor Laboratory
as the camera shows the view of Draklor Laboratory. The cab finally parked at
the docking area and as Vaan’s group exits the cab…]

Vaan: Where to?

Balthier: Come. This way.

[Vaan’s group immediately runs into Draklor Laboratory. Inside…]

Basch: It’s too quiet.

Balthier: Passing strange. There are supposed to be guards here.

Vaan: Maybe we’re just lucky, huh?

Balthier: Maybe you’re just optimistic.

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: Something may be afoot. We proceed with caution.

Balthier: No time for caution. Step to it! Cid’s chambers are on the top level.

[Vaan’s group moves on. On their way, the camera shows the corpse of various
Imperial soldiers scattered around the hallway.]

Vaan: What happened here?

[Vaan’s group makes their way to the 67th Floor. Upon arrival, Vaan’s group
enters the C.D.B. room. Inside, the camera shows Vaan’s group who investigates
the C.D.B. room.]

Fran: He’s had visitors. Ones lacking manners, by the look of it.

Vaan: Someone after the Nethicite?

[There was a brief pause as the camera shows Balthier, approaching the desk
with Cid’s experiments and works.]

Balthier: The Jagd Difohr was it? Six years, and ever since you got back, this…
What madness found you there?

[As Balthier glances around…]

Balthier: Mm?

[As Balthier glances at the card key…]

Voice of the Imperial Soldier: Up! Above us! Drop bulkheads five and eight! Be
to it!

Vaan: (to Fran) They found us!

Fran: His earlier visitors, more like. We should lie low for now.

Balthier: (holding a card key) No, we’ll use their confusion. We need to find
Cid. Now.

[Vaan’s group with their Lab Access Card and the map of Draklor Laboratories,
makes their way to the 70th Floor. Upon arrival, the camera suddenly shows a
bald man who wields two swords charges towards Basch and as he tries to strike
Basch, Basch blocks his arm movements. Then…]

Bald Man: Ah. My apologies. You bear not the stench of Cid’s lackies.

Basch: And you are…our earlier visitor.

Voice of Cid: Yes, a valuable man, one I’d sooner not lose. Yet he knows too

Bald Man: Grr…

[The bald man charges towards the stairways going up. Vaan’s group proceeds to
the room where Cid awaits. Inside, the camera shows the bald man confronting

Bald Man: Cid! You know Deifacted Nethicite brought down the Leviathan! How can
you persist in this folly?

Cid: Heh, heh, heh, heh. And you’ve come here to stop me? I’d fain see you try.

Voice of Balthier: Consider your bones, old man. You’re outmatched.

[The camera shows Vaan’s group, who just arrived at the scene.]

Cid: Pirate scum of the skies. What brings you here?

Balthier: Treasure. What else would a pirate want? We’ll take the Dusk Shard.

Cid: Heh! You’ve come all this way for that trinket? I thought you above this.
Hm? What’s that?

[The camera shows Cid in first-person view who glances at Ashe.]

Cid: Ah! The Princess of Dalmasca come to visit? Mm. She’s not entirely without
merit. A test of sorts for our princess? Ah!

Ashe: You’re a babbling fool.

Cid: (out loud) A trial for Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca! (normal tone of voice)
You lust for the Stone’s power, do you not?

[Cid can be seen with a grin on his face as Ashe sighs in anger.]

Bald Man: Lend him not your ears, m’lady. He means to use you.

[Then, Cid jumps down to the floor while his body was burning with power. The
camera shows the Rooks circling around Cid.]

Cid: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!

[Suddenly, the camera briefly whites out and then, the camera shows Cid who now
wields two mach guns.]

Fran: Manufacted Nethicite! Like Bergan.

Balthier: How could you do this? How could you fall this far?

[Vaan’s group fights Doctor Cid and 4 Rooks. During the battle, as Vaan’s group
managed to take out a Rook…]

Balthier: Always hiding behind your toys. Pity if anything were to happen to

After Vaan’s group defeats Doctor Cid and 4 Rooks, Cid drops his mach guns and
kneels to the floor. As the bald man charges towards him and goes for the
jumping attack, the camera shows Cid who activated his shield barrier, knocked
the bald man far away. The bald man miraculously landed on his feet as one of
his sword fell on the floor.]

Cid: Venat, you shouldn’t have.

[Suddenly, the ghastly creature appeared behind Cid’s body.]

Balthier: This creature… So this is your Venat?

[Cid slightly shakes his head as the ghastly creature behind his body vanishes.]

Cid: Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca! Just how far will you go for power? Does your
lust for Nethicite consume you?

Ashe: …

Cid: Am I right? I am, aren’t I. A worthy daughter of the Dynast-King! You
would do well to go to Giruvegan. Who knows? You may receive a new Stone for
your trouble.

[Suddenly, the hover drone appeared at the scene and as Cid approaches the
hover drone…]

Ashe: (angered and raising her voice) Your words mean nothing to me!

Cid: The reins of History back in the hands of Man.

[The camera shows Balthier and Ashe glancing at Cid.]

Cid: I too make for Giruvegan. Give chase, if you dare it!

[Cid boarded the hover drone and the hover drone flies away from the scene.]

Balthier: Hate it when he does that.

Bald Man: Mayhaps you think me remiss! The Lady Ashe of Dalmasca?

[The bald man approaches Vaan’s group.]

Reddas: The sky pirate Reddas, at your employ.

[The bald man will be known as Reddas from this point on. The camera blacks
out. The narration continues as follows:]

The Imperial Senate, powerless to resist House Solidor’s brutal Purge, was

Vayne Solidor reigned supreme over the Empire.

Though this Upheaval shook the Imperial Bastion to its Foundation, these
Developments were, to say the least, welcomed by her Military.

The authoritarian Rule of the Judges, in tandem with the impending Threat of
Rozarrian Invasion, served to foster Camaraderie among its Ranks.

For our part, the Resistance mastered Strength in the Border-Skies, making
ready for the Task ahead.

A War to decide the Doom of Ivalice would soon be upon Us.

	~ Memoirs of Mqs Halim Ondore IV
	Chapter 17: Through Midlight to Dawn

[We watch a movie of the Resistance airships . Then, the camera switches to the
cockpit of one of the Resistance airships.]

Squad Pilot 1: Squad Flametongue and Ogrenix are away! All ships reporting in.
They're breaking to begin ship-to-ship maneuvers against us. All hands, full
ahead flank!

Ondore's Attendant: We shall make ready to repel their attacks. Counter-air,
Track them as though they were the enemy.

Squad Pilot 1: Counter-air, to your stations!

[The camera shows Ondore who holds his cane.]

Squad pilot 2: a dispatch from Naldoa command, Excellency. The sky pirate has
Left Archadian airspace. He makes for Balfonheim with the Lady Ashe and her

Ondore: It is good to know the Lady still lives, but what of our bid for the

Ondore's Attendant: with or without, our Resistance should prove an even match
for the Imperial army. These weeks of training have honed our edge.

Ondore: I pray 'tis sharp enough.

[The camera switches to Balfonheim where Ashe glances at the ocean.]

Ashe: They choose to supply the Resistance, yet raise not a sword in aid. What
city could do this?

Reddas: A city of men without countries. Pirates of the sea and of the sky. Few
are they who would fain lay down their lives for a friend, let alone a king.

Ashe: The Marquis--he is set on war?

Reddas: The time approaches when he must make his position vis-à-vis the Empire
clear. When he helped you off the Leviathan, he spited the Judges full sore. He
cannot sit in idleness and expect to avoid a reckoning. The Marquis shares my
distaste for war… Yet if it comes to it, he will show no quarter.

[The camera switches to Reddas who reminisces the past where Ondore was present
at the scene.]

Ondore: For the time being, we will continue to train the Resistance army.

[As Ondore was about to walk away…]

Ondore: Enough power on our side... and even Vayne may see the appeal of the
treaty table.

Reddas: Yet Vayne holds the Nethicite. What makes you think he would treat when
he holds such power? Power enough to sink the Leviathan.

Ondore: All the more reason for me to support your infiltration of the capital.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ondore: You said it yourself: the Nethicite is a powerful weapon. I would have
you acquire it for me.

[Reddas forcefully places his wine bottle on his seat.]

Reddas: I have not said I would give you…The Midlight Shard.

Ondore: If there is no stone, I would have to look elsewhere for aid.

Reddas: Then you would ally with Rozarria.

Ondore: As I must. Failure is not an option.

[The camera switches back to the present.]

Basch: It's just what Vayne wants. He lures the Rozarrians and the Resistance
to the field, then crushes them both with the Nethicite!

Balthier: I think not. Cid has the Stone. We grab it and smash it to pieces
with the Sword of Kings. Vayne will be left holding nary a thing. Time is
short. We follow Cid. He's heading towards Giruvegan.

Ashe: Giruvegan.

Fran: It is told of in a song of my people. "On the farthest shores of the
river of time…shrouded deep in the roiling Mist…the holy land sleeps:
Giruvegan. Who knows the paths? The way to its doors?"

Reddas: Then you seek the Jagd Difohr. Deep within the jungle of Golmore, in a
corner of the Feywood, a Mist-storm surges and seethes.

Vaan: Then that's it. Let's go!

Penelo: Right.

[Vaan grabs Penelo’s right arm and they both run away.  As Vaan’s other group
prepares to leave…]

Balthier: Not coming, Reddas? Forget your precious Nethicite already?

Reddas: Cid's words rang hollow to me. I will follow another course.

Balthier: Ah, another lead then, is it? You're well informed.

Reddas: I could well say the same to you, pirate.

[The camera shows Vaan who appeared around the door and facing Balthier.]

Vaan: (Balthier) Hurry it up, or we'll leave without you.

Reddas: Ah, Vaan! I've had some of my men check on this Feywood. Best ask what
they've found.

Vaan: OK! Thanks for the help, Reddas.

[Vaan left the scene and closes the door.]

Reddas: Ha, ha. Fly first, ask questions later. Your apprentice is more pirate
than you.

Balthier: I don't have an apprentice.

[Balthier left the scene. As Ashe was about to leave…]

Reddas: Princess Ashe! I would hear your heart. If Doctor Cid has spoke the
truth, you may well be rewarded with more Nethicite in Giruvegan. Tell me: do
you still desire the stone?

Ashe: I desire its power. I want…yet I also fear. I must protect Dalmasca. I
can't afford to fear anything.

Reddas: Do not forget Nabudis. That is my only counsel for you.

[Ashe left the scene. The camera switches to the view of The Port of
Balfonheim. Then, the camera shows Vaan’s group who then approaches Reddas’

Rikken: Ah, our guest. If you've finished talking with Lord Reddas, I suppose
you'll be wanting to hear about the Feywood.

Elza: Rikken! Why must we aid these people? They seek only to further their own
ends, and care little for our lord's wants, if at all!

Rikken: These people? I see only a boy. And it's by lord Reddas's command. If
you have concerns…

Raz: I’ve got me a nose for ill intent. I'll take the measure of 'im.

[Raz approaches Vaan’s group and measures him.]

Raz:  Arrr… Aye… Not bad at all! He measures up quite nicely. This one means no
harm to Lord Reddas.

Elza: Measure!? You barely measure up to his waist, and that's counting the

Rikken: Your concern's duly noted. I, for one, plan on following Lord Reddas's

Elza: Do as you please! But know that no good will come of this.

[Elza turns around.]

Rikken: I apologize. Pay her no mind. Now, where was I? Ah, yes. South of the
vast Golmore jungle in Kerwon there lies a place known as the "Feywood." The
Mist there is far denser than most, and even should you make it through that,
there's no guarantee you'll make it past what lies beyond.

Raz: Aye, he speaks of the hidden trial of the Feywood, which must be passed to
open the gate to the holy land of Giruvegan.

[Vaan’s group moves on and makes their way to Feywood. As they make their way
to Antiquity’s End, the Mist prevents Vaan’s group from entering. Suddenly, the
camera shows Rasler’s spiritual body who approaches the Mist and the Mist has
died out. With the Mist gone, the camera shows Rasler’s spiritual body who then
walks away as he glances at Ashe. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon
arrival, Rafflesia appeared at the scene and ready to attack. Vaan’s group
fights Rafflesia. After Vaan’s group defeats Rafflesia, Vaan’s group moves on.
In the next area, Vaan’s group manages to solve the puzzle by following the
illusion to each shrines in the Shrine of the Lost. Vaan’s group eventually
arrived at the Gigas Gate. Vaan’s group summons Belia and with its power, Belia
opens the door to The Ancient City of Giruvegan. Vaan’s group enters the door
and into The Ancient City of Giruvegan. Upon arrival…]

Ashe: On the farthest shores of the river of time, shrouded deep in the roiling

[Fran can be seen holding her chest.]

Penelo: what is it, Fran?

Fran: The Mist runs thick here.

[Vaan approaches Fran.]

Vaan: Like on the Leviathan?

Fran: Do not worry. I will behave myself. The Mist here is cooled. I sense
something like the shadow here.

Balthier: Venat. It appears Cid has yet to arrive. We'll lie in wait for him

Penelo: (puzzled) So we're not going inside?

Balthier: Not unless you want to end up twisted. Like the old man.

[Balthier glances at Ashe who glances ahead of the path.]

Balthier: Something there?

[The camera shows Ashe who glances at Rasler’s spiritual body and as he glances
at Ashe, Rasler walks away and vanishes from the scene. Ashe walks off.]

Penelo: What is it?

Vaan: She can see him. Let's follow her.

[Vaan’s group follows Ashe to the next area. In the next area, the camera shows
the petrified Daedalus. As Vaan’s group approaches Daedalus, it became active
and Vaan’s group fights Daedalus. After Vaan’s group defeats Daedalus, Daedalus
became petrified again. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. While Vaan’s
group navigates their way through the gate seals, the camera shows The Great
Crystal from a distance. As Vaan’s group glances at The Great Crystal…]

Penelo: I can't shake the feeling we're somewhere we're not meant to be.

Vaan: Yeah, it's exciting.

Penelo: Exciting?

Basch: You are not troubled by the unknown? Who can say what lies ahead? We may
encounter the very creators of Nethicite.

Vaan: Yeah, I don't know what we'll find. I like it better that way.

[There was a brief pause.]

Basch: You're sounding more the sky pirate every day.

[Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon arrival, Tyrant appeared at the
scene. Vaan’s group fights Tyrant. After Vaan’s group defeats Tyrant, Tyrant
falls off into the pit and vanishes from the scene. Vaan’s group proceeds to
The Great Crystal. Vaan’s group eventually navigated their way through The
Great Crystal and arrived at the Crystal Core. Upon arrival, the camera shows
the Crystal Core’s Mist making some emanating noises.]

Penelo: I’ve never seen this much Mist. Are you all right?

Fran: I am fine. Thank you.

[There was a brief pause.]

Penelo: Is that Nethicite?

Fran: I wonder.

[As Vaan’s group glances at the Crystal Core’s Mist…]

Ashe: With that much Nethicite is one's grasp-

Fran: You could destroy all of Ivalice. If you wished it.

[Ashe doesn’t respond. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area. Upon arrival,
Shemhazai, the Whisperer appeared at the scene. Vaan’s group fights Shemhazai.
After Vaan’s group defeats Shemhazai, Vaan’s group received the Esper
Shemhazai, the Whisperer. Vaan’s group moves on to the next area and used the
Way Stone. Suddenly, we watch a movie of the sky view of a sky platform which
suddenly emanates a white beam. Then, the camera switches to Ashe who appears
on the platform by herself.]

Ashe: Where is everyone?

Voice of Occuria: Fear not, princess of Dalmasca. We Occuria have chosen you,
and you alone.

[The camera shows the swirls of spiritual waves circling around the area and
then forms into the Occuria.]

Occuria: Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca. We see your heart desires power, and power
most holy shall we grant. Seek you the Sun-cryst, slumb'ring star. In tower on
distant shore it dreams. The mother of all Nethicite, the source of its
unending power. The Dynast-King, his fallow shards, coarse trinkets cut from
Sun-cryst’s light.

Ashe: (puzzled) Such power exists?

Occuria: In times that are long passed away, we thought to save this
Ivalice…and chose Raithwall the Dynast-King. He took the sword and cut the
Cryst. Three Shards he took from its gilt grasp. His words and deeds run
through your veins.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ashe: That's why I was given it- the Sword of Kings.

Occuria: The treaty held with kings of old is but a mem'ry, cold and still.
With you we now shall treat anew, to cut a run for hist'ry's flow.

[Suddenly, the Treaty-Blade appeared at the scene.]

Occuria: Now take this sword, this Treaty-Blade. Occurian seal, mark of your
worth. Cut deep the Cryst and seize your Shards. Wield Dynast-King's power!
Destroy Venat!

[The Treaty-Blade descends to Ashe’s level.]

Ashe: But Venat—Venat is an Occurian. A being like you.

Occurian: (raising its voice) Venat is a heretic!

[The Occurian’s loud voice made a wind blown towards Ashe as Ashe guards
herself. The camera shows the Occurian shifting forms and then to its normal

Occurian: The Nethicite is ours to give, to chosen bearer or to none. The
heretic trespassed and set the rose of knowledge in Man's hand. With imitations
they profane, it is anathema to us. We give you now the Stone and task.
Administer judgment: destroy them all!

Ashe: Judgment?

[Suddenly, Rasler’s spiritual body appears and stands towards Ashe as the
camera shows Ashe’s face under and away from her eyes.]

Ashe: Destroy them all? The Empire?

Occuria: The Humes ever skew hist'ry's weave. With haste they move through
too-short lives. Driven to err by base desires, t'ward waste and wasting on
they run. Undying, we Occuria light the path for wayward sons of man. Oft did
we pass judgment on them so that Ivalice might endure. Eternal, we are
hist'ry's stewards, to set the course and keep it true. The chosen is our hand,
our fist, to let like some and crush the rest. Princess, you have been chosen.
Take revenge against those who stole your kingdom. Fulfil your role as savior.

[Rasler’s spirits places his hand on the Treaty-Sword as well as Ashe.]

Occuria: Attain to your birthright!

[The camera whites out and later, the camera shows Ashe who reappeared in the
same room, only it is now normal.]

Vaan: Ashe!

[Vaan’s group approaches Ashe and faces her.]

Vaan: What's with these Occuria? What gives them the right to tell you what to

Fran: Will you take revenge, as they ask?

Ashe: Huh?

Basch: We could not see them, but we heard the Occuria speak. They may be gods,
but we are the arbiters of our destiny. Your highness, I am against this. The
Empire must pay, but destruction?

[There was a brief pause as Penelo approaches Ashe.]

Penelo: Um… Does anyone know what happened to Doctor Cid? Wasn't he saying he'd
be here?

Basch: He should've arrived by now.

Balthier: And i should've realized by now. He's not coming. He laid out the
bait, and we bit. Remember what he said? He wanted Ashe to get the stone. He
wanted that all along. That's why he flaunted his Nethicite, and reeled us in
with stories about Giruvegan. All to bring Ashe to the Occuria.

Penelo: But wait—if we got a hold of the Nethicite, wouldn't that be bad for
the Empire?

Balthier: Maybe he wants to see what happens when foes with Nethicite collide?
That'd be just like Doctor Cid.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ashe: I will search out the Sun-cryst.

[As Vaan’s group walks away from the scene, Ashe stops and faces Balthier.]

Balthier: “History is built by our hands." That's his favorite line. He'd never
stand by and watch the Occuria Stones shape things.

[There was a brief pause.]

Balthier: So… He was talking to Venat all along. He wasn't mad at all then, was

[Balthier and Ashe left the scene as Vaan’s group obtained the Treaty-Sword.
Meanwhile, the camera switches to the office of Vayne’s in Archadia where Vayne
and Larsa are at.]

Larsa: Restore Dalmasca’s sovereignty, and make our amends with Lady Ashe. It
is the only way to avert war.

Vayne: It is a war of necessity. Your Lady Ashe herself is bent on it. She
desires it above all else. She will not rest until her revenge is full-wrought.

Larsa: I fear you misread her intent. She would sooner shun war than embrace it.

Vayne: You are young, Larsa.

Larsa: And you presume beyond your ken!

Vayne: Then let us look closer. Judge Gabranth!

[The camera shows Judge Gabranth who appeared at the scene and faces Vayne.]

Vayne: I would have you seek after the lady Ashe…and adjudge whether she makes
overtures of peace, or war. Yours shall be the eyes of the Empire.

Gabranth: And should I espy war, I am to put her to the sword. Is that your
wish, Excellency?

[There a brief pause as the camera shows Larsa who glances at Gabranth.]

Larsa: It will not come to that, I am sure. I have faith in her—faith in you
both. On you, Gabranth, shall I wager all our fortunes.

[There was another brief pause.]

Gabranth: As you will.

[Gabranth and Larsa left the scene.]

Cid: That so sweet a child could be your brother is hard to believe.

Vayne: Larsa is as he should be.

Cid: What's that, Venat?

[Cid steps away from Vayne and senses something.]

Cid: Ah, taken the bait already, have they? Splendid. The Occuria have given
the Princess her Treaty-Blade.

[Vayne stands up from his chair and as he walks towards the window…]

Vayne: The gods have chosen their scribe, to write history as they deem fit.
Yes, and she with fresh Nethicite to aid her.

Cid: Bah, to hell with the Occuria and her stones! What good a power that
cannot be harnessed? Baubles best-suited for study, no more.

Vayne: Heh! We conquered two kingdoms, that you might study these "baubles".

Cid: Oh, I am grateful for the sacrifice. Without it, Manufacted Nethicite
would have eluded us—an unrivaled weapon, I warrant you. Tell me, Venat. Have I
not been an apt pupil?

[Suddenly, the Venat appeared at the scene.]

Venat: My council did but guide your able hand. Through power of Man, the
Stones did you perfect. Yes. So much accomplished in six fleeting years. Man's
fervor o'er all obstacles prevailing.

Cid: Our lives are much too short. You undying might waste long centuries away,
but we, I fear, cannot.

Vayne: Just so. Had we more time, we might have used more "prudent" measures.

Cid: Your greatest work still lies before you. Not lightly will the Occuria
allow you to wrest the reins of History from their grasp back into the hands of

[There was a brief pause.]

Venat: Indeed. What claim does Gerun have on history's reins…seated on throne
immortal, rent from time? For your ascendance, Vayne, I offer prayer. May you
attain all that which is your due.

[There was a brief pause as Vayne shows a slight grin on his face.]

Vayne: Attain it I shall.

[The camera blacks out.]

Vayne: For too long have my deeds gone unrewarded.

[The camera switches to Giruvegan where Vaan’s group arrived back at the area
where they previously used the Way Stone.]

Basch: In tower on distant shore dreams the Sun-cryst. Do these words mean
aught to you?

[Fran shakes her head.]

Vaan: Didn't Reddas say he was going to follow some "other course"? Maybe he
found out something that can help.

Balthier: I’d rather stay out of that sky pirate's debt, thank you.

Vaan: What's wrong with Reddas? I mean if you can't trust your own kind, who
can you trust?

Balthier: You're an expert on pirating now, are you?

[Vaan places his hands on the back of his head. Vaan’s group makes their way
back to Balfonheim Port. Upon returning, Vaan’s group returns to Reddas Manse.
Upon arriving, Vaan’s group talks to the manse watch.]

Manse Watch: Ah, there you are. Lord Reddas is waiting.

[Vaan’s group has decided to enter Reddas Manse.]

Manse Watch: The Guv’nor expects good behavior from all his guest. In you go.

[Later, the camera switches to Reddas who approaches his people.]

Reddas: Ships in the water! Send fishing dories if need be, I care not.
Glossair engines are as good to us as sky to a fish. Leave what boats have
foundered. I want souls saved, not driftwood!

[Reddas’ people left the scene and the camera shows Vaan’s group walking in at
the scene.]

Reddas: Our armada run afoul of bad water near the Ridorana Cataract. All
engines stopped asudden, becalmed. Trouble with a Mist thick as death, it
seems. Those seas are Jagd. I expected airship trouble. Not a fleet foundering
midst the waves.

[Reddas glances at Vaan’s group.]

Reddas: Tell me of what happened in Giruvegan. From the lay of your eyes, I
measure all did not go well. Cid—was he false as I feared?

Ashe: Yes. But we may have caught a glimpse of his true intent. We may now know
what it is that Cid searches for.

[Later, after Ashe explained everything to Reddas...]

Reddas: So the Deifacted Nethicite was only a fragment? And these Occuria—I
know not, and care to know even less.

Fran: If we strike this Sun-cryst with the Sword of Kings, no new Stone may be
born. We say the Sun-cryst is the source of all Nethicite’s power. If we might
break it, the Dusk Shard would be as a thing lifeless. As for the Manufacted
Nethicite, who can say?

Balthier: There is another way. We use the Treaty-Blade to cut a new Stone from
the Cryst Use that to fight the Dusk Shard and the Manufacted stones.

Reddas: Would you like to know the best use of Nethicite? Will or nill, I’ll
tell you. You pick it up, and throw it away.

Vaan: Either way, we gotta find this Sun-cryst first, right? Don't we? Across
the sea… In a tower on a distant shore… (to Reddas) Reddas?

[There was a brief pause as Vaan and Penelo faces Reddas.]

Reddas: Familiar words, Vaan. I saw something of the sort written in some
documents I chanced upon during my visit to Draklor. The Naldoan Sea, the
Ridorana Cataract, and the Pharos Lighthouse. I sent my fleet to fish out the
truth behind these words…and caught trouble.

Basch: Then proof is ours. This lighthouse on the Naldoan Sea is the tower on
the distant shore. The strong Mist that becalmed your ships is a grim and yet
clear a sign then any we might’ve hoped for. The Sun-cryst is there.

Balthier: All well and good, but how do we get there? Those seas are in the
Jagd, as I recall.

[There was a brief pause.]

Reddas: Try putting this one in your ship. 'Tis a Skystone made to resist Jagd.

[Reddas tosses the Skystone to Balthier as Balthier catches it.]

Balthier: (glancing at the Skystone) More spoils from the Draklor Labs, is it?
Why not use it yourself?

Reddas: That's just the thing. My ship's a Bhujerban model—it will not work.
But should it fit the Strahl, she'll fly in Jagd.

[Reddas faces Ashe.]

Reddas: Lady Ashe. I would accompany your highness…if you do not object.

Ashe: I am in your care. But, tell me one thing: why do so much for us?

Reddas: The Nabudis Deadlands.

Ashe: Nabudis…was your home?

Reddas: Nay, but a memory forever burned in my heart.

[Reddas joins Vaan’s group as a Guest. Vaan’s group moves out. On their way…]

Rikken: Ah, it is you. Have you heard? Our ships sent to the Pharos have

Raz: Thankfully enough, it were just as the fishing sculls came home. We sent
'em out straightaway!

Elza: Ridorana...the great pharos and the bottomless Cataract. No man of
Balfonheim would willingly go there, so oft are we warned as children. But
Reddas is no man of Balfonheim. There were many against this expedition, but
he…he knew no fear.

Rikken: You make for the great Pharos? That place is in Jagd, you know. You
will not be able to fly there.

[Suddenly, a Moogle named Nono appeared at the scene.]

Nono: There you are! The repairs of the Strahl are complete, kupo! You can
leave whenever you want from the Aerodrome! Kupo! You've a Skystone that can
fly in Jagd!? I'll put it right in the Strahl, then, kupo!

[Nono left the scene.]

Raz: Ah, that's a spot of good fortune. That new Skystone ease your journey
considerably. Now, you know the way? That Pharos, that "tower on a distant
shore," stands on an island at the Ridorana Cataract, in the Jagd Naldoa
southeast of here. Take care…

[Vaan’s group proceeds to the Aerodrome. Inside, Vaan’s group talks to the
private airship attendant.]

Private Airship Attendant: Good day. We handle all private airship arrivals and
departures from this desk. How may I help you? Let’s see, your ship was
the…Strahl, was it? Ah yes, Nono’s been tending to your ship. He left a message
for you: “From the Aerodrome to the desert wastes, I’ll be there to keep the
Strahl in tip-top shape, kupo!” Nono seemed quite pleased to have finished his
repairs. The Strahl is ready to depart whenever you wish. Would you like to
board now?

Vaan: Yes.

[Vaan’s group chose the flight destination to Ridorana Cataract.]

Private Airship Attendant: Very well. You may enter the hangar from the gate.

[The camera shows Vaan’s group entering the hangar to the Strahl. As Vaan’s
group boards the Strahl, the Strahl flies to Ridorana Cataract. We watch a
movie of the Strahl flying around and arriving at The Ridorana Cataract. The
Strahl then lands on the ground. After Vaan’s group disembarks from the Strahl…]

Fran: A tower on distant shore. And about its peak, a piercing Mist.

[The camera shows the far view of The Ridorana Cataract.]

Ashe: And in that Mist, the Sun-cryst waits.

Reddas: My lady. Your words still sound of doubt. Pray you reach your answer,
ere we the Sun-cryst.

Ashe: And? Should I choose revenge, what then?

Reddas: Then your woe shall be your own.

[As Vaan’s group walks away from the scene…]

Balthier: (gets Vaan’s attention) Vaan. A word. If something untoward should
happen to me, you're taking the Strahl.

Vaan: (puzzled) Untoward? What's this about?

Balthier: I am the leading man. Might need to do something heroic. Don't worry.
I'll show you how to fly her.

[Vaan’s group proceeds to The Pharos of Ridorana. As Vaan’s group through the
area, they eventually arrived at the big golden gate where bones starts forming
into the Hydro. Vaan’s group fights Hydro. After Vaan’s group defeats Hydro,
Hydro crumbles and vanishes from the scene. Vaan’s group proceeds to the golden
door. Upon approaching the door, Ashe slightly gasped as she saw the golden
door had some special designs on it. Vaan approaches the engraved wall.]

Vaan: Hey, Fran. Something's written on the wall.

Fran: (reading the engraved wall) Engraved by someone, it seems. Hmm. It's
quite old. Lo, seeker in days unborn. god-blade bearer. Know you: this tower
challenges the sky. Ware the watcher; the ward of the Three Waits, soul-hungry,
unsated. He without power, want it not. He with power, trust it not. He with
sight, heed it not. Rend illusion, cut the true path. In blood, Raithwall."

Ashe: (startled) The Dynast-King?

[As Ashe rushes to the engraved wall…]

Fran: Does it startle you? The Dynast-King took his sword from the Occuria. It
was here he claimed the Nethicite. He must have known he was not the last the
Occuria would choose. He left this for you. Rend illusion, cut the true path.
Words of much mystery. Yet his blood runs in your veins. Perhaps it whispers to
you the truth?

[Ashe is slightly tensed up and then, the golden door suddenly opens. Vaan’s
group enters the First Ascent Horizon of First Light. Vaan’s group managed to
solve the puzzle by acquiring Black Orbs while defeating enemies. Then, Vaan’s
group places each Black Orb on each three Altars of Night. After that, the
sealed door broke its seal. Vaan’s group opens the sealed door and enters the
area in a non-reality desert. As Vaan’s group kept moving on, the camera shows
a large rock which suddenly forms into Pandemonium. Vaan’s group fights
Pandemonium. After Vaan’s group defeats Pandemonium, Pandemonium attempts to
charge attack towards Vaan’s group, but Vaan’s group evaded and Pandemonium
slammed itself to a rock wall and vanishes from the scene. Vaan’s group then
arrived back at the Blackrock Vault. Vaan’s group makes their way to the Way
Stone and activates it. Vaan’s group teleported to the Wellspring Ravel – 1st
Flight. Vaan’s group manage to navigate their way through and defeating
Brainpans along the way to create a bridge leading to higher floors. Vaan’s
group eventually arrived at floor 48 in the Horizon’s Break. Vaan’s group makes
their way to the sealed door. As Vaan’s group enters the door to the next area,
Vaan’s group arrived in a non-reality grassy field area. Then suddenly, Slyt
appeared at the scene. Vaan’s group fights Slyt. After Vaan’s group defeats
Slyt, Slyt falls to the floor and died at the scene. Vaan’s group was
automatically teleported back to Horizon’s Cusp. Vaan’s group proceeds to
Second Ascent Reach of Diamond Law. Vaan’s group activates the Altar of
Knowledge and enters the Threshold of Knowledge and eventually made it up to
The Bounds of Truth. Vaan’s group opens the sealed door and enters the next
room. Upon arrival, the camera shows Vaan’s group arriving in the non-reality
snowy area where the Fenrir is waiting. Vaan’s group fights Fenrir. After
Vaan’s group defeats Fenrir, Vaan’s group arrived back in The Bounds of Truth.
Vaan’s group proceeds to the Reach of the Occult and used the Altar of
Knowledge to gain their ability back. After that, the camera shows the Dais of
Ascendance descending at the scene to The Bounds of Truth. Vaan’s group takes
the Dais of Ascendance up to 67th floor. The camera shows the view of the Third
Ascent Mete of Destiny where Vaan’s group arrived in. Vaan’s group manages to
solve the puzzle by using the correct series of Way Stones to proceed to the
Dais of Ascendance. Vaan’s group goes up to the next floor. However, the Dais
of Ascendance stopped at a platform where the moment Vaan’s group approaches a
lone platform, Hashmal, Bringer of Order appeared at the scene. Vaan’s group
fights Hashmal. After Vaan’s group defeats Hashmal, Vaan’s group received the
Esper Hashmal, Bringer of Order. Vaan’s group returns to the Dais of Ascendance
and goes up to the next floor. Vaan’s group moves on. While Vaan’s group moves
on to the next area…]

Fran: The din of the Mist grows greater.

Basch: The Sun-cryst must be near.

[While Vaan’s group moves on, the camera shows the waterfall and then Basch in
first-person view who glances at Ashe from a distance.]

Penelo: I wonder if she'll really do it, take revenge against the Empire.

[The camera shows Ashe who walks ahead.]

Penelo: I mean, I know how she must feel. It's hard losing someone you care

Vaan: (sighs) Something we all got in common.

Penelo: But, you know, no matter how hard we try, we can't change the past.
There's nothing that can bring them back. Still, sometimes, when I close my
eyes… I can see them so clearly.

Reddas: The Illusions of the past. You think to have cast them off, only to
find them years later, unwearying, unrelenting. The past can bind a man as
surely as irons.

[The camera shows Ashe who glances at the waterfall.]

Reddas: Cut the true path. But will she?

[Vaan’s group finally arrived at the final Way Stone and they teleported to the
highest floor of Pharos Lighthouse. Upon arrival…]

Reddas: So this is the Sun-cryst.

[The camera shows Ashe who slowly approaches the Sun-cryst with her

Ashe: King Raithwall stood here. With this sword he cut the Sun-cryst…and took
its power in his hand.

Vaan: (approaches Ashe) But you're going to use the sword to destroy the
Sun-cryst. Aren't you, Ashe.

Ashe: Ehh. Don't interrupt me, Vaan.

[Ashe takes a deep breath and unleashes the power of the Treaty-Sword. We watch
a movie of the blaze of blames unleashed from the Treaty-Sword circling around
Pharos Lighthouse. The Mist surrounding the entire world is gone. The camera
switches back to Ashe who faces the Occuria with both swords. Then suddenly,
the camera shows the spiritual body of Rasler.]

Basch: Lord Rasler!?

Ashe: (to Rasler) You want revenge. You would have me use the Stone?

[Rasler holds out his hand towards Ashe.]

Ashe: (raising her voice) You would have me destroy the Empire? Is this my
duty? Is this what you want? I cannot.

Voice of Gabranth: Why do you hesitate? Take what is yours. The Cryst is a
blade. It was meant for you. Wield it! Avenge your father!

[Ashe seemed angrily startled as Gabranth approaches Vaan’s group with his
swords drawn.]

Gabranth: Yes, it was I who wore Basch’s face- who cut down the Life of
Dalmasca. Lady Ashe! Your father's murderer is here!

Ashe: (pissed off) You!?

Vaan: (pissed off) And Reks!

Gabranth: I slew your king. I slew your country. Do these deeds not demand

[Ashe drops the Sword of Kings and readies the Treaty-Sword.]

Gabranth: Yes. Good! Find your wrath! Take up your sword! Fight, and serve
those who died before you!

[Just as Gabranth was about to strike Vaan’s group, the camera shows Reddas who
immediately rushes towards Gabranth and  uses his twin swords to block the

Reddas: A Judge Magister there was… (clashing blades) 2 years past, he took the
Midlight Shard and used it not knowing what he did…and Nabudis was blown away.
Cid ordered this of him to learn the Nethicite’s true power. That man swore
never to let such terrible power be used again. He forsook his Judicer's plate,
and his name.

[Gabranth forced Reddas out of the blade clashing.]

Gabranth: judge Zecht!

Reddas: it's been too long, Gabranth. Reach out your hand, Lady Ashe. But
remember, that which you must grasp is something beyond revenge, something
greater than despair. Something beyond our reach. Try as we might, Gabranth,
history's chains bind us too tightly.

[As Reddas tries to attack Gabranth, Gabranth uses his swallow form swords and
knocked Reddas far away.]

Gabranth: No, we cannot escape the past. This man is living proof. What is your
past, Daughter of Dalmasca? Did you not swear revenge? Do the dead not demand

[Ashe glances at the spiritual form of Rasler and the camera shows Vaan, who
picks up a sword and as he is about to confront Gabranth, Ashe became tensed up
and tries to make a decision. As she glances at Rasler, Rasler tries to hold
out his arms to embrace Ashe.]

Ashe: Rasler. My prince. Our time was short. Yet I know this: (raises her
voice) You were not the kind to take base revenge!

[Ashe angrily strikes and cuts Rasler’s spiritual form.]

Ashe: The Rasler I knew is gone.

[The camera shows Rasler whose body began emanating.]

Rasler: (with Occuria’s voice) You are our saint, Ashelia B’nargin. You must
use the Nethicite You must be the one to straighten history's weave!

[Ashe strikes and cuts Rasler’s spiritual form again and Rasler vanishes from
the scene for good.]

Ashe: I am no false saint for you to use!

Vaan: Ashe…

Ashe: In all Dalmasca's history, not once did we rely on the Dusk Shard. Out
people resolved never to use it, though their need might be dire. (sighs) That
was the Dalmasca I wanted back.

[Ashe drops the Treaty-Sword.]

Ashe: To use the Stone now would be to betray that.

[Ashe glances at Vaan.]

Ashe: I will destroy the Sun-cryst! I will discard the Stone!

[As Ashe continues to glance at Vaan…]

Gabranth: You claim no need of power? What of your broken kingdom's shame? The
dead demand justice!

Vaan: You're wrong. What would change? I can't help my brother now. My
brother's gone. He's dead!

[Vaan shows a slight snarl towards Gabranth as there is a brief pause.]

Ashe: Even with power, we cannot change what has passed. What is done, is done.

[Ashe drops the inactive Manufacted Nethicite to the floor as it rolls near
Gabranth’s feet.]

Gabranth: Yet without power, what future can you claim? What good a kingdom you
cannot defend?

Basch: Then I will defend queen and kingdom both!

Gabranth: Errh! Hah! Defend? You? You who failed Landis and Dalmasca? What can
shame hope to keep safe? Your shield is shattered! Your oaths poison those you
would protect!

[Gabranth readies his swallow. Vaan’s group fights Judge Gabranth. During the
midst of the fight…]

Gabranth: Hear me, Basch! Do not think killing the kingslayer will win you back
your honor! When you abandoned home and kin, your name was forever stained with

[The camera goes to split view where Judge Gabranth and Basch faces each others
on split camera.]

Basch: Aye, this stain is mine to bear. But I will bear it willingly, knowing
that I did all that I could…for hope!

Gabranth: Preen and strut as you like! In the end, we are the same.
Blood-thirsting carrion birds, hell-bent on revenge!

[The fight with Judge Gabranth continues. After Vaan’s group defeats Judge

Gabranth: (with Occuria’s voice at the same time) So you, too, would leave your
debts unpaid?

Cid: Enough of this! I can bear no more!

[The camera shows Cid who appeared at the scene with a Nethicite stone.]

Cid: You disappoint me, Gabranth.

Gabranth: Uh?

Cid: (shoves Gabranth’s swallow out of his way) He trusted you. When you bared
steel against the Princess, you foreswore your obligations to your emperor! You
shame yourself and make mockery of Lord Larsa’s trust. You are unfit to serve
him as sword or shield. And so I release you from that service. Your presence
is neither required nor welcome.

[As Cid walks away, Gabranth became enraged and as he tries to charge towards
Cid and attack…]

Basch: Gabranth!

[As Gabranth struck Cid, Cid immediately vanishes before getting attacked as
the Venat appeared at the scene and then vanishes. Then, the camera shows Cid
who surprisingly appeared on Gabranth’s left side. Gabranth was thrown airborne
to a room’s pillar and as he was struck, he falls to the floor and was weakened
at the scene.]

Balthier: You were only a tool of this Venat.

Cid: How quaint. We are allies! The Occuria give men power as a master feeds
his dog: it is meant to tame us. How well have you resisted their wile. By
turning your back on their stones, you give us free hand to write out own

Ashe: (raising her voice in anger) And at what price? Dalmasca's freedom for
your Nethicite? I shall not suffer you to have it. The Sun-cryst be damned!

Cid: Oh, ho, ho, be sure that it is! For what other purpose do you think you've
brought us here? But m'lady, I would have you stay your Occurian sword! The
Sun-cryst is glutted with Mist, too precious a thing must not be squandered!
(in an outburst) Let us use the Stone! Finish this, Venat!

[Cid unleashes the Venat’s super power and as Vaan’s group glances at Cid who
is engulfed by waves of Mist power…]

Cid: (looking upwards) Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! (in an outburst
of evil insanity) Shards of Nethicite! Cocoon of the sun-cryst! Spill forth
your Mist upon this Ivalice! Let sea and sky be awash by it, that Bahamut may
come and drink his fill!

[The camera shows the Mist powers of three orb colors gathering together and
giving Cid the power of Mist. The camera shows Vaan’s group who places
themselves in a defensive stance from the force of the Mist.]

Cid: (with evil insanity) And lo! How brightly burned their lanthorn. Casts It
back the shadow of Occurian design! Testament that man's history shall be His

Balthier: You made your Nethicite for this. You mimic your occuria's Stone for
what? (raising his voice) To become a god yourself?

Cid: On whose shoulders better to stand than those of the would-be gods!

[Cid can be seen levitating in the air with the power of Mist.]

Cid: (with an outburst of evil insanity) Such high hopes I once had…but you
ran, and they with you! Alas, your return is too late. Come, Ffamran! Revel in
the glory of my triumph!

[Vaan’s group fights Doctor Cid. After Vaan’s group weakened him during the
midst of the battle, Cid takes out a red Nethicite.]

Cid: Behold the Manufacted Nethicite…the fruit of our power and knowledge! See
what the Stone of Man is capable of! Witness its power with your own eyes!
Famfrit! To me!

[Cid throws and unleashes the red Nethicite and Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud
appeared at the scene. Vaan’s group fight Famfrit along with Doctor Cid. Vaan’s
group manages to defeat Famfrit before they can harm Cid. Vaan’s group now
takes on Doctor Cid. After Vaan’s group defeats Doctor Cid, Cid tries to fire
his mach guns at Vaan’s group, but was badly wounded and collapse to the floor.
Vaan’s group then received the Esper, Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud. After that,
the camera shows Cid who is lying on the floor and as Balthier tries to
approach him, the Venat blocks his way.]

Cid: Let him by, Venat. It is done.

[Cid awakens and stands while he is badly wounded.]

Cid: Ah, how I have enjoyed these six years.

[Cid then stands straight up.]

Venat: The pleasure was all mine.

[As the Venat moves away from Cid, Cid’s body began to vanish as Balthier
approaches him.]

Balthier: Was there no other way?

Cid: Heh. Spend your pity elsewhere. If you are to set on running, hadn't you
best be off? Fool of a pirate.

[Cid vanished completely from the scene for good. Then, the Mist gathers
towards the Sun-cryst.]

Penelo: Fran? Fran!

[Penelo rushes to Fran and checks on her as she lies on the floor.]

Fran: The Mist burns. To bursting it beats. The cocoon!

[The camera shows the Sun cryst being surrounded by the Mist. Balthier
approaches Fran and holds her from the floor.]

Fran: The Sun-cryst bursts. You must run. As far as you can.

[There was a brief pause.]

Balthier: Easy, Fran.

[Fran places her right hand on Balthier’s left face.]

Fran: Hadn't you best be off? That's what a sky pirate does. You fly, don't you?

[Balthier holds Fran’s hand that was placed on his face.]

Balthier: I suppose you'd better hang on then.

[Suddenly, the Sun-cryst starts exuding more Mist.]

Vaan: Ashe! The sword! We have to stop it!

[The camera shows Vaan and Ashe who hold their sword and as they attempt to
approach the strong currents of the Sun-cryst with Mist , Reddas immediately
appears and stops Ashe.]

Reddas: You must quit this place. It's reacting. I have not seen it like
before! Nay, never this large. Never such threat impendent.

[Reddas prepares his sword.]

Reddas: For Nabudis.

Vaan: Reddas?

[Reddas jumps higher towards the Sun-cryst and as Reddas gets blown by the

Vaan: Reddas, no!

[As Reddas gets blown by the Mist, he readies his sword for the final attack.]

Reddas: I, Judge Magister, condemn you to oblivion!

[Reddas performs his final attack strike on the Sun-cryst and the Mist current
stops for a brief moment. Then, the Sun-cryst explodes in lights engulfing
Reddas as he is gone from the scene for good. The camera brightens and then
switches to Eruty Village where Jote watches the brightened sky with a moment
of silence. Then, the camera switches to Jahara where the Garifs witnessed the
bright sky with silence. Then, the camera switches to Balfonheim Port where the
citizens watches the silent bright sky. After the sky became brightened, we
watch a movie of the view of the Pharos Lighthouse and then, the Strahl
appeared at the scene. The camera switches to Vaan’s group who glances at the
top portion of Pharos Lighthouse now in ruins as Vaan’s group realized that
Reddas died.]

Vaan: (unhappy) Reddas...

[Later, the camera switches to Balfonheim Port where Reddas’ people stands
nearby the manse as they glanced at the sky.]

Rikken: Blast the sea! Blast the water! Blast it all! I don't believe he's
gone... He's Reddas... How could he die?

Elza: Hadn't you noticed? He'd been searching for a place to die all along.

Raz: Lord Reddas weren't the sort of man to run away from his problems by
dyin'! He weren't! How could he abandon this town!?

Elza: (to Raz) You'd have him regret passing? You'd have him suffer and wail
for eternity…?

Raz: Th-That's not what I meant… No, if he's gone, then he should rest in
peace. Gods know, he deserves it.

Elza: Then let him. If you've time to mourn and curse him, then you've
certainly the time to carry on what he started. If you don't wish an eternity
of regret on him, then let's do our part here, and know he's watching over

Rikken: Satisfied? Reddas? We'd be lucky if we earned a "not disappointed" from
him! But I suppose everything depends on us now.

Elza: Us…and Vaan's crew.

Raz: Arr? Since when have you trusted that lot with more than swabbing the deck?

Elza: I wasn't blind! I saw the faith that Reddas had in them. I'm sure they'll
discover what it is they need to do in short time. Speaking of which, did you
tell him about our guest?

Raz: They should be meetin' up at the manse as we speak… Who was that odd
fellow anyway...? (squawk)

[The camera switches to Reddas’ Manse where Vaan’s group appeared inside.]

Vaan: Al-Cid?

Al-Cid: We let ourselves inside. The situation is one demanding some haste, you

Vaan: How did you know where we were?

[Al-Cid puts down his legs that was on the table and gets up from the seat.]

Al-Cid: (approaching Vaan’s group) My little birds, they tell me many, many
things. (to Ashe) My Lady, the war begins now.

Ashe: (gasped) Then you were unsuccessful in stopping the Rozarrian fleet?

Al-Cid: I used a variety of methods. All went according to plan until it came
time to request withdrawal of our most of all devoted generals. In their
enthusiasm for war, our great military leaders went behind my back… Straight to
Marquis Ondore's Resistance.

Ashe: The Resistance?

Al-Cid: During training, a division of the Resistance ignored their orders and
disappeared. They were next found exchanging broadsides with the Imperials over
Old Nabradia.

Basch: (steps up towards Al-Cid) Why would they go there? They were asking to
be found!

Al-Cid: You misunderstand. Those ships most surely belonged to a Rozarrian
division. They may have joined Ondore's resistance forces as patriots, or even
mercenaries… But in reality they are regulars of the Rozarrian army under
direct command of our war-pavilion. This fifth column has invaded Imperial
airspace and provoked a response. Unable to abandon them, His Excellency the
Marquis was obliged to give his main fleet the order to attack. And the
battleground…is Dalmasca.

[Ashe gasped.]

Balthier: Should this fight drag on, Rozarria will enter the fray, the defense
of Dalmasca as their excuse…and we will have a war between Empires.

Al-cid: Correct. They will bide their time—waiting to strike until the Empire
has spent itself against the Marquis. But Vayne—he will crush them and the
Marquis both between his hands.

Basch: Vayne holds the Dusk Shard no longer. His advantage is lost.

Al-Cid: Vayne has advantages enough. He stands in higher ground, and my birds
tell me he has awoken something quite large. (takes his sunglasses off to
reveal the eyes and then places it back on again) Bahamut, Lord of the Sky.
There was a stirring in the Mist near Ridorana, I am told. Bahamut awoke soon
after this.

Fran: It is the Mist that came before the Cryst was undone. It breathed life
into this Bahamut. If Reddas had not stopped it when he did, how much more mist
might it have drunk? All went according to Doctor Cid's designs.

Balthier: Yes, the man's last great accomplishment, I fear. And so it falls to
me to put an end to the thing.

[There was a brief pause.]

Ashe: Vayne commands Bahamut himself?

Al-Cid: He comes to Rabanastre.

Ashe: Then I will defend Dalmasca and stop this Bahamut. This is my charge-

Vaan: That's our charge, actually.

Penelo: It's our home. It belongs to us all.

[The camera shows Ashe who is surrounded my Vaan’s group as she shows a sigh of

Al-Cid: And my charge is to hinder and delay this Rozarrian invasion for as
long as is possible. I will do what I can. Ah, yes...

[Before Al-Cid leaves the scene, Al-Cid holds Ashe’s hand as he also took off
his sunglasses.]

Al-Cid: When this unpleasantness is done, you must come to Rozarria. I will
take you to the Ambervale of Clan Margrace. Such things I will show you! Until
then, I will be waiting.

[Al-Cid puts his sunglasses back on and left the scene. Balthier sighs in
irritation and the camera switches to the outside of Balfonheim Port. As Vaan’s
group was about to leave Balfonheim?

Rikken: Lo, Vaan! Word from the Resistance! The Imperial sky fortress Bahamut
is on the attack! This…this could be bad… We have no chance of fighting it from
the ground. No, the only way to fight the Bahamut is to go to it…by airship!

[After Vaan’s group gets themselves prepared and stocked up, they are finally
ready to take the Strahl to Sky Fortress Bahamut. We watch a movie of
Rabanastre where the wind can be seen blowing.]

Woman: This wind… What could it be?

[As Rabanastre starts having things blown by the wind…]

Man 1: - A tornado? It can't be!

Man 2: - It's headed right for us!

[The camera shows a giant cloudy whirlwind and as the citizen tries to run for
their lives, the cloudy whirlwind then revealed the Bahamut. Meanwhile, the
camera switches to the main control room where Vayne, Larsa and the Imperial
soldiers are standing in.]

Imperial Soldier 1: Make your target the Resistance heavy cruiser.

Vayne: Our dear Cid? Slain by his son. A common tale of late.

Imperial Soldier 2: Firing solution complete. Sighting is good! Release valves
open! The Nethicite is at critical!

Imperial Soldier 3: Main and auxiliary show clear!

Larsa: (to Vayne) Put an end to this! They have already surrendered!

Vayne: Let us make of this an offering. One he might see even now. (turns his
head to the left) Venat, what say you?

[There was a brief pause. Then…]

Imperial Soldier 1: The main battery stands ready!

Larsa: I beg you!

Vayne: (ignoring Larsa) Fire.

[We watch a movie of the Bahamut, charging up its fiery rail cannon and then
fires the fiery rail cannon at some of the Resistance airships, and the
airships were all eliminated as the cannon unleashes a big shockwave. Later,
the camera switches back to the control room of the Bahamut where Larsa can be
seen unrelieved.]

Larsa: Why this…

Vayne: Once they see that there can be no surrender, the Resistance must needs
come at us with all they have. We will answer their attack head-on and destroy
them. Before the eyes of all Rabanastre.

Larsa: If you do this, the people will only grow to hate you the more.

Vayne: And should I pardon them, they will only rise up yet again.

Larsa: I do not believe they would. In co-operation lies our hope. (facing
Vayne) You are mistaken. You are wrong, brother.

[There was a brief pause.]

Vayne: And if I am? You had best find the strength you need to correct me then.

Imperial Soldier 1: (to Vayne) Ships sighted ahead! A score or more! The
Resistance fleet, my lord!

Vayne: (to all Imperial soldiers out loud) Hear this!

[All of the Imperial soldiers gathers together and stands in their at-ease

Vayne: (commanding out loud) Today we write the first page of a new history:
our history. Each of you must play his part. Put down this rebellion. - For
Archadia! We fight!

Imperial Soldiers: - For Archadia!

[We watch a movie of more Resistance airships facing the Bahamut.]

Female Resistance Pilot: All ships, prepare to fire on my command.

Male Resistance Pilot: We've got a destroyer stretching our line.

[The camera shows several cannon equipped airships launching and took-off from
the Resistance airships. Then, the camera switches to one of the airships where
Ondore is.]

Ondore: May fortune favor us all.

[As the war against the Bahamut continues, the camera shows Zargabaath in one
of the rooms of the Bahamut. Then…]

Male Resistance Pilot 1: this is Orthros leader: keep your formations tight.
Give them a warm welcome. Many and more to choose from, ripe for the taking!

[The camera shows the Resistance cannon airships starting to fight and fire at
most of the Imperial’s airships, destroying airships one by one. While it

Male Resistance Pilot 2: Remember your training and we'll make it!

Male Resistance Pilot 3: Icebrand, with me!

[The Resistance cannon airships flies back to the Resistance airships as the
camera shows Ondore in his airship.]

Male Resistance Pilot 4: All ships clear!

Ondore: Give word to the cannons. Make ready and fire!

[The camera shows the Resistance airship activating their cannon guns. The
Resistance sky fortress fires at the Imperial airship.]

Male Resistance Pilot: We have a clean line!

Ondore: prepare the second volley! Be quick!

[Suddenly, the camera shows the Sky Fortress Bahamut starting to charge up its
fiery rail cannon. As Ondore stands up as he could not believe it…]

Ondore: (gasped By the gods…

[ The Bahamut fires its fiery rail cannon at the airships, hitting one side of
the Resistance sky fortress and creating another shockwave towards the
Resistance’s airship.]

Male Resistance Pilot: The carrier Galuf-Val… She's lost.

[The camera shows the radars of the remains of the airships and it’s condition.
Then suddenly, the camera shows the Strahl which flew in at the scene.]

Male Resistance Pilot: Unknown ship from abaft!

Ondore: Could it be?


Ashe: (talking through a communicator) Uncle, it is I! I'm crossing to the
Bahamut to stop Vayne!

Ondore: What are you saying? You are too rash! Your duties come after the
battle is over!

[The camera splits where Ashe speaks on the communicator and the other where
Ondore is listening.]

Ashe: If we allow them to destroy us here, there will be no after. You must
assist our charge.

Ondore: Stop. You must pull back! Stop the Strahl!

[Just as the Resistance pilots were about to make their move…]

Voice of Larsa: Hold it! I mean, w-wait! This is Larsa Solidor! I'm going in
with her! So…we're fine! I got the Princess covered!

Ondore: Larsa Solidor? So you hold him as a hostage?

Ashe: No, uncle. He will fight with us against Vayne!

Larsa: Leave it to us!

[The camera switches to the cockpit of the Strahl.]

Ondore: Understood. Our fate is in your hands.

Vaan: Yes!

[As Vaan boards the passenger seat…]

Penelo: "I got the Princess covered"?

Vaan: Larsa'd say that.

Balthier: (to the Resistance sky fortress) We're relying on you for fire
support. Give them something to think about. We'll pick our moment and make our

[We watch a movie of more Resistance cannon airships launching and fighting
back the Bahamut.]

Balthier: Quite the welcome! Careful!

[The Strahl flies at a low altitude as it evades the Imperial airships.]

Fran: One follows!

Balthier: Ah, you want to dance! Then let's dance!

Fran: A new partner.

[As the Strahl flies towards Bahamut…]

Balthier: It's not easy being this popular, you know.

[The camera shows the Strahl flying up on high altitude to the opening entrance
of the Bahamut.]

Balthier: There it is.

[The Strahl finally docks on the docking station.]

Vaan: Come on! Come on!

[Vaan’s group ran into the entrance of the Sky Fortress Bahamut. Upon arrival…]

Balthier: Vayne will be in the fortress's command tower. I saw something of the
like on our way in here. Right above our heads.

Ashe: We need not fight all the Empire to win. If we can get to Vayne, we can
put an end to this war.

Vaan: Let's get going then. Find Vayne, wherever he's perched, and knock him

[Vaan’s group makes their way to the Catwalk. Upon entering, the area starts
shaking. We watch a movie of the Resistance airships  approaching and then
flying up at high altitude.]

Imperial Soldier 1: They hide in the sun!

[The camera shows the Resistance cannon airships making a diving dash attack
with their own airships, destroying parts of the Bahamut.]

Imperial Soldier 1: Counter-air battery destroyed!

[As the Resistance cannon airships continue to fight…]

Imperial Soldier 2: Enemy squadrons still incoming!

[As the battle continues…]

Imperial Soldier 1: What are you waiting for? Fire! Fire!

[The camera shows Zargabaath witnessing the battle inside the Archadian

Zargabaath: Is this their worst?

Imperial Soldier: Evasive hard aport!

[The camera shows the Imperial airships firing their machine guns at the
Resistance airships.]

Ondore: The line is drawn.

[The camera switches back to the Bahamut in the Catwalk where Vaan’s group are

Fran: The Resistance fights their battle well. We dare not fail them. We dare
not falter.

Vaan: Stop worrying. We just have to clean up here, and then Ashe'll be the

Penelo: It's kind of hard to believe. I can't imagine trying to rule a whole

Basch: A queen might always "run away" with the help of a sky pirate looking to
raise his bounty pig.

Balthier: Hmph. I doubt our queen would need the help of any sky pirates.

Ashe: Do you really think me as strong as all that?

Vaan: Who said anything about strong? You'll make it. You got good friends.

[After that, Vaan’s group proceeds to the lift. Just as Vaan’s group was about
to activate the controls for the lift, someone can be heard appearing as Basch
turns around and faces Gabranth.]

Basch: So you have lived.

Gabranth: I am Judge Magister.

[As Gabranth tries to approach Basch, he was suddenly wounded.]

Gabranth: Even in disgrace. My just reward for aiding the Empire that destroyed
my homeland.

Basch: Gabranth. Do not blame yourself anymore.

Gabranth: You confound me, brother! You failed Landis, you failed Dalmasca…all
you were to protect. Yet you still hold on to your honor. How?

Basch: I had someone more important to defend. And defend her I have. How is it
that you have survived? Is it not because you defend Lord Larsa?

Gabranth: Silence! All was stripped from me! Only hatred for the brother who
fled our homeland remains mine.

[Gabranth splits his swallow form swords and readies his swords.]

Gabranth: Tell me: why do you forsake that which you must hold most precious?

Basch: I do as I must, brother. Or is that not answer enough?

[Vaan’s group fights Gabranth.  During the midst of the battle…]

Gabranth: Look, Basch, your friends die! As they must, for surely you cannot
protect them! Know now the despair you have taught me!

[The fight continues. After Vaan’s group defeats Gabranth, Gabranth became
weakened and dropped the sword from his left arm.]

Gabranth: (pointing his sword at Basch) Have you your fill of this?

Basch: I would ask you the same. Let this end, Noah.

[Gabranth drops and kneels to the floor.]

Gabranth: I’ve no right to be called by that name.

Basch: Then live. And reclaim it.

[Vaan’s group leaves Gabranth and takes the lift up to the highest floor. As
Vaan’s group arrives at the scene where Vayne and Larsa awaits…]

Vayne: I bid you welcome to my sky fortress, the Bahamut. I must apologize for
my delay in welcoming you aboard my ship.

[The camera shows Vayne in first-person view who glances at Vaan’s group.]

Vayne: Permit me to ask: (opens his eyes) Who are you? An angel of vengeance?
Or perchance a saint of salvation?

[There was a brief pause.]

Ashe: I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free.

Vayne: Such a woman is not fit to bear the burden of rule. Weep for Dalmasca,
for she is lost.

[The camera shows Vaan’s group who gets in their offensive stance.]

Vayne: Observe well, Larsa. Watch and mark you the suffering of one who must
rule, yet lacks the power.

Larsa: No.

[The camera shows Larsa who points his sword at Vayne.]

Larsa: No, brother. I will not. Though I lack your power, I will still persist.

Vayne: Hmph. Bold words, child.

[Then, the camera shows Gabranth from nearby who gets up and holds on to the
lift’s rail even though he is still weakened and wounded.]

Gabranth: Lord Larsa...

[Vaan’s group fights Vayne with the assistance of Larsa. During the middle of
the battle…]

Vayne: Your lives are forfeit, and your insurgence with them. Dalmasca will
again know order. For good and all, I shall bring your futile attempts at
rebellion to an end.

[The fight with Vayne continues. After Vaan’s group defeats Vayne, Vayne falls
to the floor.]

Larsa: Lord Brother!

Vaan: Larsa!

[Larsa runs towards Vayne, but was struck by a force of lightening power and
collapsed to the floor where he passed out at the scene. Penelo gasped and
then, Vayne and Larsa’s body reacts and are shrouded in red Mist as Vayne’s
entire body transform into its demonic form as he levitates.

Ashe: Manufacted Nethicite!

[Vayne float towards Vaan’s group while he is still unconscious. Then, the
camera shows several floating swords that approaches Vayne and became a
supporting weapon for him.]

Vayne: Behold the power left me by our fallen friend.

[The camera shows Gabranth who appeared at the scene.]

Vayne: Gabranth, you will defend my brother. He will have much need in the hell
to follow.

[Gabranth draws his sword and points it at Vayne.]

Vayne: Hm?

Gabranth: Yes, I will defend Lord Larsa!

Vayne: The hound strays. Treason bears a price.

Gabranth: One I gladly pay!

[Vaan’s group fights Vayne Novus and 5 Sephiras with the assistance of
Gabranth. During the midst of the battle…]

Vayne: Ivalice will know a new Dynast-King, and Man will keep his own history!
The tyranny of the gods is ended! We are their puppets no more! The freedom for
which we have longed is at hand!

[The fight continues. After Vaan’s group defeats Vayne Novus and 5 Sephiras,
the camera shows Gabranth who charges towards Vayne and as Gabranth attempts to
strike Vayne with his fiery powered sword, Vayne tries to defend, but
Gabranth’s fiery sword penetrate through Vayne’s defense. Suddenly, Vayne
summons a Sephira sword and as it hits Gabranth’s left face, Gabranth’s
leftmost part of his armored helmet was destroyed.]

Gabranth: Even a stray has pride!

[Vayne, who is seen enrages, unleashes an extremely powerful punch towards
Gabranth and Gabranth was knocked far away from Vayne as his armored helmet
came off and dropped his sword. Basch approaches Gabranth who lies on the floor
and checks on him.]

Gabranth: (badly wounded) Here I pay my debt.

Vayne: Burn in hell, Gabranth!

[Vayne summons his Sephiras and as he performs the finishing attack on
Gabranth, Larsa suddenly appeared where the Manufacted Nethicite reacted as the
Sephiras stops moving. The Manufacted Nethicite then shatters. Vaan then picks
up Gabranth’s sword, charges towards Vaan and plunges the sword into Vayne’s
stomach. Vayne was airborne and knocked down past downstairs. As Vaan tries to
approach Vayne, the Venat suddenly appeared and blocks Vaan’s way as Vayne gets
away. Vaan, Balthier, Fran and Ashe runs after Vayne and the camera shows Larsa
who is weakened kneeled to the floor as Penelo checks on him.

Gabranth: (badly wounded) Basch, tell me. He is a good master?

Basch: Aye.

[Basch puts down Gabranth and he and Penelo catches up with Vaan’s other group.
The camera switches to the outer area where Vaan’s group witnessed Vayne
walking away, clenching his stomach from the sword wound sustained from Vaan’s

Vayne: Venat!

[Venat appeared at the scene, facing Vayne as Vayne walks off and weakened.]

Vayne: I have failed us both. I am no Dynast-King. You must find another. One
who might realize your ambitions.

Venat: They are fulfilled beyond your knowing. The Cryst is sundered, age of
Stones complete. From the undying ones the world is freed. You shall not tread
this path alone. Together we go. Come.

[As Vayne continues to walk away, Vaan’s group chases after Vayne.]

Vayne: Won't Cid be eager to learn what has happened here. History begins anew.

[As Vayne continues to walk away, his body suddenly fuses with Venat. We watch
a movie of Vayne’s power being fused with Venat and then, Vayne unleashes
fireballs at the various airships and most of them got destroyed. Then, Vayne
arms suddenly had transformed into weapons arm and his entire body starts
gathering mechanical parts and his body has been formed into The Undying.
Vaan’s group arrived at the scene and Vaan’s group’s final battle is against
none other than The Undying. After Vaan’s group defeated The Undying, The
Undying’s body suddenly disintegrates and then explodes as one mechanical part
lands on the battle circle where Vaan’s group were fighting in. The camera
shows Vaan’s group who celebrated their victory against Vayne as Vayne has been
completely vanquished for good. The camera then shows Larsa who checks on
Gabranth as he is badly wounded. The camera then switches back to Vaan’s group.
As things starts to settle down, the camera suddenly shows a hover drone which
was shot and was going to crash. Ashe nods and Vaan’s group evacuates from the
scene. We watch the movie of Bahamut which is getting attacked and Vaan’s group
miraculously made their way back to the Strahl just in time. As Balthier tries
to get the controls working…]

Balthier: (to Fran) Well? Can we fly?

Fran: - No fuel goes to the glossair engines.

Balthier: - Damn! (to Vaan) Vaan, you're in charge. I'm checking the engine

Vaan: Right.

Balthier: Fran, with me!

[Just as Balthier and Fran were about to leave the cockpit, an explosion can be
seen from the glossair rings of the Bahamut.]

Ashe: Look! Bahamut's glossair rings are stopping!

[The camera shows the Bahamut starts losing its power.

Balthier: Vaan! As soon as the Strahl's rings move, you take off. Understood?

[Vaan sits in the pilot seat.]

Balthier: You can fly her, Vaan. Just do it like I told you.

Vaan: Don't worry.

Fran: Penelo, watch for interference from Bahamut's Skystone. The Strahl's a
fickle girl. You keep her working for us.

Penelo: (nods) I’ll see what i can do.

[Fran walks away as the camera shows Basch and Larsa who checks on Gabranth who
is still badly wounded and it got worse.]

Gabranth: (dying) Basch. Look after Larsa, will you? If house Solidor should
crumble, the Empire would fail, and civil war would take us all.

Basch: I understand.

Gabranth: Lord Larsa is our last hope.

[Larsa holds Gabranth’s hand as Gabranth died at the scene. Then, the camera
shows some debris crashing in the town of Rabanastre.]

Penelo: Vaan, the power's back! We can go!

Vaan: Right! Let's go!

[Vaan activates the controls and the Strahl takes off from the dock.]

Vaan: Grab onto something!

[The Strahl then takes off. The camera then switches to the Resistance sky
fortress where Ondore continues to witness the battle going on.]

Resistance Pilot: Sir! It's the Strahl! She's left Bahamut. She's moving away!

Ondore: The Strahl! They made it!

[Ondore stands up.]

Ondore: At last. The Bahamut has fallen! The final test is upon us. The Judges
shall rule us no more! Main cannon on the Alexander!

Voice of Gabranth: This is Judge Magister Gabranth! All quarters cease fire! I
repeat: All units of the Archadian army, hold your fire!

[The camera shows the Strahl stopped moving as it is still in the air. The
camera then switches to the cockpit where Basch can be seen using the voice box
device where the voice of Gabranth came from.]

Basch: The battle is over! As of this moment, we have signed a cease-fire with
Ashelia B’nargin Dalmasca… Her Royal Majesty.

[Basch passes the voice box device to Larsa.]

Larsa: Attention. This is Larsa Ferrinas Solidor. My brother Vayne has died
with honor in battle. The Imperial Fleet is now under my command!

Resistance pilot: Sir! Your orders, sir?

Ondore: …

Ashe: (speaking with the voice box device) This is Ashelia Dalmasca.

Ondore: The lady Ashe! Thank the gods you live!

Ashe: I confirm what Judge Magister Gabranth and Larsa Solidor have said here.
Please. Stand down your attack. The war is over. Ivalice looks to the horizon.
A new day has dawned. We are free!

[The camera shows the battle now ceased fire. The camera then shows Ashe who
suddenly verbally sobs for a extremely brief moment for the first time in the
game as Basch comforts her by placing his hand on Ashe’s left shoulder. As Vaan
glanced at Ashe…]

Penelo: Look Vaan, the Bahamut!

[The camera shows the Bahamut which is descending towards Rabanastre.]

Resistance Pilot: A message from the Alexander!

Ondore: Take it.

Resistance Pilot: Sir.

Zargabaath: This is Judge Zargabaath, captain of the Alexander, flagship of the
12th Dalmascan Fleet of the Archadian Army.

[The camera shows Zargabaath who speaks through communicator in the Archadian

Zargabaath: I address all ships in Rabanastre's airspace. The Bahamut must not
be allowed to fall on the city of Rabanastre! We are preparing to ram her! Do
not interfere!

Ondore: Madness!

Zargabaath: Should she fall, the paling will not hold, and all Rabanastre will
be obliterated! All ships, concentrate your fire on the Alexander's remains
once Bahamut is clear of the city.

[Suddenly, a communication was received from Balthier.]

Balthier: Hasty, aren't they. I think it's a little early to be throwing away
our lives just yet.

Vaan: Balthier?

[Ashe can be seen startled.]

Vaan: Wait, Balthier, where are you!?

[The camera switches to Balthier and Fran inside the Bahamut as the Bahamut as
it is getting destroyed.]

Balthier: Ah, Vaan! Sounds like you made it out okay! The Strahl’s a fine
airship, eh?

Ondore: What does he think he's doing? Balthier!

Balthier: Marquis! Stop that fool Judge on the Alexander for me, would you?
Just getting somewhere with these glossair rings. Almost done! Don't want him
ramming me before I fix them, do we?

[Suddenly, the debris almost completely made Balthier lost his footings. Ashe
speaks through the voice box communicator device.]

Ashe: (worried) Balthier! Do you understand exactly what it is you're doing?

Balthier: Princess! No need to worry. I hope you haven't forgotten my role in
this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the
leading man? He never dies.

[Balthier inserts the battery into the Bahamut’s reactor and as it powers-up,
the camera shows the Bahamut moving away from Rabanastre.]

Balthier: Let's fly! Fran! Power to the glossair rings. Fran?

[Fran can be seen lying on the floor, pinned down by metal debris. As Balthier
approaches Fran…]

Balthier: Do I have to do everything around here?

Ashe: Listen to me, Balthier! Get out of Bahamut immediately! Please, Balthier!
You mustn't die! Please, Balthier. Come back.

[Ashe seemed saddened and the camera switches back to the Bahamut where
Balthier carries Fran.]

Fran: I’d say you're in more of a supporting role.

[she passes out]

Balthier: Fran, please.

[The camera shows the Bahamut descending and moving away from Rabanastre.]

Balthier: Vaan, the Strahl’s in your hands! You'd better take care of her, you
hear? If there's one scratch on her when I get back--

Vaan: Roger that. We'll be waiting for you.

Ashe: Balthier...

[The Strahl flies away as the Bahamut descends and starts falling towards the
water as the Bahamut has its functions terminated for good. The camera shows
the far view of Rabanastre. The camera switches to the Strahl which flies back
to Rabanastre as the theme song “Kiss Me Goodbye” performed by Angela Aki
starts playing. The camera then shows Penelo, in her new tribe-like outfit
takes the crystal and leaves. As Penelo walks away with a pouch full of various
things, her final narration begins.]

Penelo It's hard to believe a year has passed so quickly.

[The camera shows the airships flying above Rabanastre.]

Penelo: Rabanastre is finally back to the way it was. Like when my parents were
still alive.

[The camera shows Penelo who stops for a brief moment as she looks upwards.]

Penelo: We've lost so much. But I think it's important to put the past behind
us and keep our eyes on the road ahead.

[The camera shows the Bahamut which is now on the water and is grown with green

Penelo: Ashe's coronation is next month. She grows farther and farther away
from us… But I guess that's how it has to be. She is queen now, after all.

[The camera shows Penelo entering an area and then, the camera switches to the
Ondore’s estate where a Judge approaches Larsa as he reads the letter.]

Penelo: I am looking forward to seeing you at the ceremony.

Judge: (to Larsa) You called, my lord?

[The Judge took off his armored helmet revealing himself as none other than
Basch himself and Larsa handed the letter to Basch. As Basch reads the letter…]

Penelo: How is Basch? I know he went with you to Archades "to further the cause
of peace in Ivalice"…but still, I hope he comes back to Rabanastre, and Ashe,

[The camera shows Ashe who glances at the ring she is holding.]

Penelo: She has to keep up appearances now, so she would never say it…but I
think she misses him.

[After Basch finishes reading the letter, Basch looks at the armored helmet and

Voice of Gabranth: Lose Larsa and we lose the Empire. Protect him. I would
entrust him to no other's care.

Basch: I will keep him from harm. I promise you. For the Empire, and for

Gabranth: Your words put me at ease, brother. Sorry to leave you.

[As Basch holds Gabranth’s hand, Gabranth died. The camera switches back to the
present where Basch puts down his helmet after he finishes reminiscing and
approaches Larsa. The camera switches to Penelo who enters the airship hangar.]

Penelo: Oh, I haven't told you the most important part!

[The camera shows the past of what Vaan and Penelo are doing.]

Penelo: Vaan and I had been taking care of the Strahl, but it was stolen! We
had just finished having her tuned up, too.

[Suddenly, the camera shows the glowing floating object with a letter attached
to it. As Vaan and Penelo fights over to hold the letter, Penelo got it first
and as she reads the letter from Balthier as follows:]

Something more valuable: the Cache of Glabados. I await in Bervenia.

[Vaan took out something from the pouch and a ring came out and landed in
Vaan’s possession. Then suddenly, Penelo stole the ring from Vaan as she runs

Penelo: Actually, stolen might not be the right word. If her owner wants her
back, there's not much we can do about it is there.

[As Vaan and Penelo starts messing around, the camera switches to the palace in
Rabanastre as a letter can be seen on the table. Ashe picks up the letter and
reads as follows:]

Give this to our Queen for me, would you?

[As Ashe shows a slight smile, the camera shows a new airship flying through
the area.]

Penelo: There's still plenty of time before the coronation, so Vaan's going to
pay the two of them a visit.  You should see him! He can hardly wait.

[The camera shows Vaan who is piloting the new airship and is enjoying himself.
The camera shows the hatch of the hangar opening. As the hatch opens, the
camera shows Penelo who immediately drops her pouch and rushes towards the
opened hatch.]

Penelo: I'll be going too, of course. Every good sky pirate needs a partner,

[Vaan gazed at Penelo and then, Vaan flies his airship towards Rabanastre and
lands in the hangar as he rejoins Penelo while the camera shows the far view of
Rabanastre. After that, the credits roll. This ends our story and the game.


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