
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Characters


Reuben's father, a miner who knows all about strange rocks.

Benjamin [HERO]
The generic boy hero of MQ. Not much to say, really. He's got a decent sense of humor but nowhere to practice it.

Dark King [VILLAIN]
Quintessential bad guy; green skin, six arms, lots of weapons, really a giant spider.

Kaeli [HERO]
A resident of Windia, she wields an axe. She cares deeply for her father, Captain Mac. She has the ability to speak to trees.

Mac, Captain
Description forthcoming.

Otto's daughter, who gets trapped in Pazuzu's Tower when the Rainrow Bridge breaks.

The bespectacled professor who created the Rainbow Bridge. His daughter is Norma.

A giant bird-man who steals the Wind Crystal.

Phoebe [HERO]
A brave young girl who comes from Aquaria and uses the Bow Of Grace to attack. She endures her grandpa Spencer as well as she can. She's the final helper on Ben's journey.

Reuben [HERO]
Hailing from Fireburg and wielding a Morning Star, he's a solid companion who unfortunately has a frail metabolism - a fall down a rope bridge wounds him badly. His father is Arion.

An eccentric old man and Phoebe's grandfather. He lives alone in a waterway beneath her house. He sometimes goes out adventuring on a whim.

Tristam [HERO]
A cocky adventurer who uses ninja stars to attack; he always shows up when you least expect it and leaves at around the same time. He has a good heart but usually his greed wins.

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