
Characters Conjurer Action Abilities FF 14 A Realm Reborn

Lululo is a NPC located in the Golden Bazaar, located in Drybone, Eastern Thanalan. Lululo is associated with currently two known side quest.
Quest Given by Lululo:
Impish Implications Lv. 19 Lululo
Purging the Earth Lv. 19 – Lululo
Lululo’s quests can be done along side Beneger’s quest for Golden Bazaar.
Eastern Thanalan Side Quest

NPC Lululo

Instance Roles in Groups

Instance roles in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is the same as you would expect for any rpg. In this game the roles of instance dungeon, raid, and FATE groups are tanks, healers, and damage.
TANKS: The damage taking, threat holding, front line of the group.
Healers: The healing role, protecting and healing all group members.
Damage The damage focused role. Many classes focus on damage.

All About Tanking

The Tank Classes: Marauder and Gladiator. Pugilists may be able to tank as well, specially in earlier instances.
How to Tank: Tanks are required to be the first to attack, and supply target threat for focused damage. The main goal is to keep all enemies that are active hitting you. Be sure to look for loose enemies, and keep an eye on group damage.
Making a Tank:Tanks are all war disciplines. The best way to create a tank is to start with one of the tanking classes, and equip gear high on armor and stamina. All extra stats and materia should go to survivability, with only the necessary damage to hold threat on longer fights. Leveling along side a pugilists and lancer class can also give better tanking abilities, such as raised defense and self healing.

All About Healing

The Healing Class: Conjurer. That is all for now.
How to Heal: Unlike the other roles, the healer will primarily have allies targeted, and hopefully the tank most of the time. As a healer you are on the constant job of healing and preventing damage. Keep protect and shell up as much as possible for an easier run.
Making a Healer: Healers are all magic discipline, with a focus on conjurer. You must have a heal spell and protect, but other magic disciplines can give great bonuses to healers. Such as instant casts and other magic bonuses. Be sure to focus on mind and intellect gear to get the best heals.

All About Damage

Damage has by far the highest range of character selection. In fact, practically every fighting class can be a form of damage. Damge can be split into melee and ranged groups. Ranged being the magic class and Archers, while the restuse close up melee attacks. Although you want enough health to survive, damage should focus on attack abilities and group buffs.

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Conjurer

Conjurers are the mages of nature. They practice using the elements of the world to do there deeds. They take their home in Gridinia and aim to be white mages. They are great at healing, protecting allies, and curing.
Basic Rotation:
Blizzard / Fire / Other Shot
Start with these and continue heavy shot until straight shot procs or venomous bite wears off. Use Raging Strike as needed, and before first attack if able.
Weapons / Gear
Staves / Arms of Magic

Conjurer Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Conjurer - Stone
1 2.5 2.5 133 0 25y
Deals earth dmg with a potency of 140.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40% Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Conjurer - Cure
2 2 2.5 133 0 30y
Restores target’s HP. Cure Potency: 300
FFXIV - Conjurer - Aero
4 0 2.5 159 0 25y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time.
Potency: 25
Duration 18s
FFXIV - Conjurer - Cleric Stance
Cleric Stance
6 0 5 0 0 0y
Swaps INT and MND attribute ratings, while increasing potency of attack spells by 10% and reducing potency of healing spells by 20%. Effect ends upon reuse.
FFXIV - Conjurer - Protect
8 3 2.5 266 0 30y
Increases the physical defence of all party members within range of target.
Duration: 30m
FFXIV - Conjurer - Medica
10 2.5 2.5 319 0 0y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 250
FFXIV - Conjurer - Raise
12 8 2.5 798 0 30y
Resurrects target to a weakened state. Cannot be used when in combat.
FFXIV - Conjurer - Esuna
18 2.5 2.5 186 0 0y
Cures a single detrimental effect from target.
Additional Effect: 20% chance next Esuna will cost no MP
FFXIV - Conjurer - Stone II
Stone II
22 2.5 2.5 186 0 25y
Deals earth damage with a potency of 170.
FFXIV - Conjurer - Repose
26 2.5 2.5 212 0 30y
Inflicts target with Sleep. Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
FFXIV - Conjurer - Stoneskin
34 3 2.5 399 0 30y
Creates a barrier around target that prevents physical damage totaling 10% of target’s maximum HP.
FFXIV - Conjurer - Shroud of Saints
Shroud of Saints
38 0 180 0 0 0y
Reduces enmity by half. Additional Effect: Refresh
Refresh Potency: 60 Duration: 15s
FFXIV - Conjurer - Cure III
Cure III
42 2.5 2.5 399 0 30y
Restores HP of all party members within range of target.
Cure Potency: 400
FFXIV - Conjurer - Aero II
Aero II
46 2.5 2.5 292 0 25y
Deals wind damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Wind damage over time.
Potency: 40
Duration 12s
FFXIV - Conjurer - Medica II
Medica II
50 3.5 3 665 0 0y
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 350
Additional Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 50
Duration: 15s

Passive Abilities

Enhanced Mind I,II,III Lv 8,14,24
Proshell Lv 16
Increased Action Damage I,II Lv 20,40
Enhanced Raise Lv 28
Freecure Lv 32
Granite Skin Lv 36
Overcure Lv 44
Enhanced Shroud of Saints Lv 48

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Gladiator

Gladiators. The strong classic fighter relying on the ancient style of sword and shield. Armor and hand to hand combat are key skills to a successful gladiator. Gladiators start in the great city Ul’dah, and aim to one day be a Paladin.
Basic Rotation:
Blizzard / Fire / Other Shot
Start with these and continue heavy shot until straight shot procs or venomous bite wears off. Use Raging Strike as needed, and before first attack if able.
Weapons / Gear
Sword & Shield / Arms of War

Gladiator Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Gladiator - Fast Blade
Fast Blade
1 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Deliverys an attack with a potency of 150.
FFXIV - Gladiator - Rampart
2 0 90 0 0 0y
Reduces damage taken by 10%. Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Savage Blade
Savage Blade
4 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Deliverys an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Combo Action: Fast Blade
Combo Potency: 200
FFXIV - Gladiator - Fight or Flight
Fight or Flight
6 0 180 0 0 0y
Increases physical damage dealt by 30%. Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Flash
8 0 2.5 8 0 0y
Increases Enmity in all nearby enemies.
FFXIV - Gladiator - Convalescence
10 0 120 0 0 0y
Increases HP restored by spells or actions by 20%.
Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Riot Blade
Riot Blade
12 0 2.5 0 100 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Fast Blade
Combo Potency: 200
Combo Bonus: Restores MP
FFXIV - Gladiator - Shield Bash
Shield Bash
18 0 2.5 0 150 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 110.
Additional Effect: Stun.
Duration 3s
FFXIV - Gladiator - ProvokeProvoke 22 0 40 0 0 25y
Gesture threateningly, increasing enmity in target.
FFXIV - Gladiator - Rage of Halone
Rage of Halone
26 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity.
Combo Action: Savage Blade
Combo Potency: 240
Combo Bonus: Reduce target’s strength by 5%
Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Awareness
34 0 120 0 0 0y
Reduces the chance of suffering critical damage by 15%.
Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Sentinel
38 0 180 0 0 0y
Reduces damage taken by 30%. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Tempered Will
Tempered Will
42 0 180 0 0 0y
Immediately cures Bind and Heavy, while preventing knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Bulwark
46 0 180 0 0 0y
Increases block rate by 60%.
Duration: 15s
FFXIV - Gladiator - Circle of Scorn
Circle of Scorn
50 0 25 0 0 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 30 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Damage over time.
Potency: 30
Duration 15s

Passive Abilities

Enhanced Vitality I,II,III Lv 8,16,24
Enhanced Ramparts Lv 14
Enhanced Flash Lv 20
Enhanced Fight or Flight Lv 28
Enhanced Convalescence Lv 32
Enhanced Sheild Bash Lv 36
Enhanced Rage of Halone Lv 40
Enhanced Awareness Lv 44
Enhanced Sentinel Lv 48

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Lancer

Lancers start in Gridinia on their quests of mastering skills and becoming a Dragoon. They are wise fighters relying on a variety of weapons and abilities for defense and offense. They use thrust moves and throwing weapons for a combat advantage.
Basic Rotation:
Blizzard / Fire / Other Shot
Start with these and continue heavy shot until straight shot procs or venomous bite wears off. Use Raging Strike as needed, and before first attack if able.
Weapons / Gear
Polearms / Arms of War

Lancer Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Lancer - True Thrust
True Thrust
1 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
FFXIV - Lancer - Feint
2 0 2.5 0 80 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%.
Duration 10s
FFXIV - Lancer - Keen Flurry
Keen Flurry
4 0 90 0 0 0y
Increases parry rate by 20%.
Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Lancer - Vorpal Thrust
Vorpal Thrust
6 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: True Thrust
Combo Potency: 200
FFXIV - Lancer - Impulse Drive
Impulse Drive
8 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100. 180 when delivered from behind target.
FFXIV - Lancer - Leg Sweep
Leg Sweep
10 0 30 0 0 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Additional Effect: Stun.
Duration 3s
FFXIV - Lancer - Heavy ThrustHeavy Thrust 12 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100. 170 when delivered from a target’s flank.
Flank Bonus: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Lancer - Life Surge
Life Surge
18 0 90 0 0 0y
Ensures critical damage for first non-magic action used while Life Surge is active. Damage dealt will be absorbed as HP, up to 20% of maximum HP. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Lancer - Invigorate
22 0 180 0 0 0y
Instantly restores 300 TP.
FFXIV - Lancer - Full Thrust
Full Thrust
26 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Vorpal Thrust
Combo Potency: 300
FFXIV - Lancer - Blood for Blood
Blood for Blood
34 0 80 0 0 0y
Increases damage dealt by 20% and damage suffered by 25%. Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Lancer - Disembowel
38 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Impulse Drive
Combo Potency: 220
Combo Bonus: Reduce target’s piercing resistance by 10%
Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Lancer - Doom Spike
Doom Spike
42 0 2.5 0 160 10y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 135 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
FFXIV - Lancer - Ring of Thorns
Ring of Thorns
46 0 2.5 0 120 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Combo Action: Heavy Thrust
Combo Potency: 150
FFXIV - Lancer - Chaos Thrust
Chaos Thrust
50 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Disembowel
Combo Potency: 160
Combo Bonus: Damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 20s

Passive Abilities

Enhanced Strength I,II,III Lv 8,16,24
Enhanced Feit Lv 14
Keener Flurry Lv 20
Enhanced Leg Sweep Lv 28
Enhanced Life Surge Lv 32
Exhilerate Lv 36
Heaver Thrust Lv 40
Enhanced Boold for Blood Lv 44
Exenterate Lv 48

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Marauder

Marauder are strong fighters, vicious, and fearless. Their adventure starts in Limsa Lominsa, where their roots start with pirates and the way of warriors. These hand combatants are known for hard hits and multiple attacks.
Basic Rotation:
Blizzard / Fire / Other Shot
Start with these and continue heavy shot until straight shot procs or venomous bite wears off. Use Raging Strike as needed, and before first attack if able.
Weapons / Gear
Great Axe / Arms of War

Marauder Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Marauder - Heavy Swing
Heavy Swing
1 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
FFXIV - Marauder - Foresight
2 0 120 0 0 0y
Increase defense by 20%. Duration: 20s
FFXIV - Marauder - Skull Sunder
Skull Sunder
4 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity.
Combo Action: Heavy Swing
Combo Potency: 200
FFXIV - Marauder - Fracture
6 0 2.5 0 80 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Damage over time.
Potency: 20
Duration 18s
FFXIV - Marauder - Bloodbath
8 0 90 0 0 0y
Converts 25% of the damage dealt by next successful offensive ability into HP.
Duration: 15s
FFXIV - Marauder - Brutal Swing
Brutal Swing
10 0 30 0 0 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Stun.
Duration 3s
FFXIV - Marauder - Overpower
12 0 2.5 0 100 8y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 120 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
FFXIV - Marauder - Maim
18 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Heavy Swing
Combo Potency: 180
Combo Bonus: Increases damage dealt by 10%
Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Marauder - Berserk
22 0 90 0 0 0y
Increases attack power by 50%. Duration: 15s
Unable to use weapon skills for 5 seconds after effect fades.
FFXIV - Marauder - Mercy Stroke
Mercy Stroke
26 0 90 0 0 3y
Deliverys an attack with a potency of 250. Can only be executed when target’s HP is below 20%.
If delivered as the killing blow, up to 20% of your maximum HP will be restored.
FFXIV - Marauder - Thrill of Battle
Thrill of Battle
34 0 180 0 0 0y
Increases maximum HP by 10% and restores the amount increased. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Marauder - Storm's Path
Storm’s Path
38 0 2.5 0 90 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Maim
Combo Bonus: Absorbs 20% of damage dealt as HP up to 10% of your maximum HP.
Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Marauder - Holmgang
42 0 180 0 0 3y
Binds both caster and target. Duration: 6s
FFXIV - Marauder - Vengeance
46 0 150 0 0 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 every time you suffer physical damage. Duration: 15s
FFXIV - Marauder - Storm's Eye
Storm’s Eye
50 0 2.5 0 70 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100.
Combo Action: Maim
Combo Potency: 230
Combo Bonus: IDecreases target’s slashing resistance by 10% and HP recovery via curing magic by 50%.
Duration: 12s

Passive Abilities

Enhances Vitality I,II,III Lv 8,16,24
Enhanced Foresight Lv 14
Bloodshower Lv 20
Enhanced Fracture Lv 28
Enhanced Brutal Swing Lv 32
Enhanced Berserk Lv 36
Enhanced Mercy Stroke Lv 40
Enhanced Thrill of Battle Lv 44
Enhanced Maim Lv 48

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Pugilist

Pugilist Although much like pirates, pugilist take their home in Ul’dah. They specialize in close ranged hand to hand combat. Ruthless as pugilists are, they still aim to be monks and master combat through discipline.
Basic Rotation:
Bootshine / True Strike / Snap Punch
This is the basic three cycle beginning rotation. Also use Haymaker after evading attacks. Use Internal Release at necessary times, and other attacks are useful for certain battles.
Pugilist Forms:
Opo-opo / Raptor / Coeurl
Weapons / Gear
Hand/Fist Weapons / Arms of War

Pugilist Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Pugilist - Bootshine
1 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 130.
Opo-opo Form Bonus: Critical damage if dealt from behind target.
Additional Effect: Changes form to raptor Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Pugilist - True Strike
True Strike
2 0 2.5 0 50 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150. Chance for critical damage increases by 5% when dealt from behind target. Can only be used when in raptor form.
Additional Effect: Changes form to coeurl Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Featherfoot
4 0 90 0 0 0y
Increases evasion by 15%. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Snap Punch
Snap Punch
6 0 2.5 0 50 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 140. 180 when delivered from a target’s flank. Can only be used when in coeurl form.
Additional Effect: Changes form to opo-opo Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Grants Greased Lightning Duration: 10s
Greased Lightning Bonus: Increases damage dealt by 7% and attack speed by 5%.
FFXIV - Pugilist - Second Wind
Second Wind
8 0 120 0 0 0y
Instantly restores 15% of maximum HP.
FFXIV - Pugilist - Haymaker
10 0 2.5 0 40 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 170. Can only be used immediately after evading an attack.
Additional Effect: Slow +20%.
Duration 12s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Internal Release
Internal Release
12 0 60 0 0 0y
Increases critical hit rate by 20%. Duration 15s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Twin Snakes
Twin Snakes
18 0 2.5 0 60 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 100. 140 when delivered from a target’s flank. Can only be used when in raptor form.
Additional Effect: Increases damage by 5% Duration: 12s
Additional Effect: Changes form to coeurl Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Fists of Earth
Fists of Earth
22 0 3 0 0 0y
Reduces damage taken by 10%. Cannot be used with Fists of Fire or Fists of Wind, and shares recast timer with both.
FFXIV - Pugilist - Arm of the Destroyer
Arm of the Destroyer
26 0 2.5 0 130 0y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 to all nearby targets.
Opo-opo Form Bonus: Silence Duration: 1s.
Additional Effect: Changes form to raptor Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Fists of Wind
Fists of Wind
34 0 3 0 0 0y
Increases movement speed. Cannot be used with Fists of Earth or Fists of Fire, and shares recast timer with both.
FFXIV - Pugilist - Steel Peak
Steel Peak
38 0 60 0 0 3y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Stun.
Duration 4s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Mantra
42 0 120 0 0 25y
Increases target’s HP recovery via curing magic by 5%. Duration: 15s
FFXIV - Pugilist - Howling Fist
Howling Fist
46 0 300 0 0 10y
Delivers an attack with a potency of 190 to all enemies in a straight line before you.
FFXIV - Pugilist - Perfect Balance
Perfect Balance
50 0 240 0 0 0y
Allows execution of weaponskills which require a certain form, without being in that form.

Passive Abilities

Enhanced Strength I,II,III Lv 8,16,24
Enhanced Featherfoot Lv 14
Enhanced Greases Lightning I,II Lv 20,40
Enhanced Twin Snakes Lv 28
Third Wind Lv 32
Enhanced Internal Release Lv 36
Mythril Peace Lv 44
Enhanced Mantra Lv 48

FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Class: Thaumaturge

Thaumaturge Are spiritual wizards who rely mystic forces. They summon the powers of the aether to use at their will. They are disciplines of magic, and start their journey as an adventurer in the great city of Ul’dah.
Basic Rotation:
Blizzard / Fire / Other Shot
Start with these and continue heavy shot until straight shot procs or venomous bite wears off. Use Raging Strike as needed, and before first attack if able.
Weapons / Gear
Staves / Arms of Magic

Thaumaturge Action Abilities

Name Level Cast Recast MP TP Range
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Blizzard
1 2.5 2.5 106 0 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Heavy +40% Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Fire
2 2.5 2.5 319 0 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Transpose
4 0 12 0 0 0y
Swaps Astral Fire with a single Umbral Ice, or Umbral Ice with a single Astral Fire.
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Thunder
6 2.5 2.5 212 0 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 30.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time.
Potency: 40 Duration: 12s
Additional Effect: 5% chance after each tick that next Thunder, Thunder II, or Thunder III will add its full damage over time amount to its initial damage, have no cast time and cost no MP.
Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Surecast
8 0 30 0 0 0y
Next spell is cast without interruption. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Sleep
10 2.5 2.5 266 0 30y
Puts target and enemies near it to sleep. Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Blizzard II
Blizzard II
12 2 2.5 212 0 0y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 100 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Bind Duration: 4s
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice or removes Astral Fire Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Scathe
15 0 2.5 212 0 25y
Deals elementally neutral damage with a potency of 100.
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Fire II
Fire II
18 3 2.5 425 0 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 100 to target and enemies near it.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire or removes Umbral Ice Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Thunder II
Thunder II
22 3 2.5 319 0 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time.
Potency: 40 Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: 5% chance after each tick that next Thunder, Thunder II, or Thunder III will add its full damage over time amount to its initial damage, have no cast time and cost no MP.
Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Swiftcast
26 0 180 0 0 0y
Next spell is cast immediately. Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Fire III
Fire III
34 3.5 2.5 532 0 25y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Grants Astral Fire III or removes Umbral Ice Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Blizzard III
Blizzard III
38 3.5 2.5 319 0 25y
Deals ice damage with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Grants Umbral Ice III or removes Astral Fire Duration: 10s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Lethargy
42 0 30 0 0 25y
Inflicts target with Slow and Heavy +20%. Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Thunder III
Thunder III
46 3.5 2.5 425 0 25y
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 60.
Additional Effect: Lightning damage over time.
Potency: 40 Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: 5% chance after each tick that next Thunder, Thunder II, or Thunder III will add its full damage over time amount to its initial damage, have no cast time and cost no MP.
Duration: 12s
FFXIV - Thaumaturge - Aetherial Manipulation
Aetherial Manipulation
50 0 180 0 0 25y
Rush to a target party member’s side. Unable to cast if bound.

Passive Abilities

Enhanced Intelligence I,II,III Lv 8,14,32
Enhanced Sure CAst Lv 16
Increased Aetherial Damage I,II Lv 20, 40
Enhanced Scathe Lv 24
Thundercloud Lv 28
Deep Sleep Lv 36
Firestarter Lv 44
Enhanced Manaward Lv 48

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