
Walktrhough FF XII RW


Mission 0-1

Objective: Meet up with your friends!
Your first mission of the game finds you, Vaan, trying to meet up with your friends at the Glabados Ruins. This is essentially just a detailed tutorial, showing you the ropes of the game, so be sure to pay close attention to the directions. You'll be shown how to attack enemies (in this case, the Purim), so do so, and after you've taken out the second group of them, meet up with your new healer, Penelo. Learn how to select multiple members of your team, then proceed to cut through the rest of the Purim to rendezvous with Balthier and Fran and end the mission.

Mission 0-2

Objective: Defeat Ifrit!
Another easy mission, as you would expect. While Fran and Balthier attack and kill the lesser beasts, send Vaan and Penelo over to Ifrit. Have Vaan attack Ifrit while Penelo heals him whenever necessary. Ifrit should go down fast, but make sure Vaan stays alive, or else it's Game Over.

Chapter 1

Mission 1-1

Objective: Defeat all enemies!
Your objective here is to defeat all the enemies, and you'll have two new units to help you do that: Filo and Kytes. You'll also receive a lesson on the three character/enemy attack types: Melee, Ranged, and Flying. Like the sword/spear/axe system in Fire Emblem, the three fighting types are all strong against one specific type and weak and against another type.
  • Strong against Ranged
  • Weak against Flying
  • Strong against Flying
  • Weak against Melee
  • Strong against Melee
  • Weak against Ranged
Vaan is a melee-type fighter, Kytes is a ranged-type, and Filo is a flying-type. Use this attack type triangle to your advantage against the various enemies on this map to win the mission. Just so you know, the Sylphs here are ranged, the Garchimaceras are flying, and the Alraunes are melee.

Mission 1-2

Objective: Sneak aboard the airship!
Much more to learn here in this mission. You'll start off learning about Dual Attacks, so use Vaan's to take out the Sylphs, then learn about Magic and use Kytes's Fire spell to kill the Garchimacera. Use the Giza Rabbits to the south to heal you if needed, then continue forward to learn about Gambits. Have Filo use his Sonic Wave to finish off the enemy force, then enter the airship to complete the mission.

Mission 1-3

First Objective: Reach the summoning gate!
As in the previous mission, use the fighting-type triangle to exploit the enemies' weakness. When you've killed them all off, approach the summoning gate and examine it. Summon three Espers (your choice) to trigger the arrival of more enemies.
Second Objective: Defeat all enemies!
You know what to do. Match up your teammates with the appropriate enemy and mop the floor with them to wrap up this mission.

Mission 1-4

Objective: Defeat Ba'Gamnan!
Ba'Gamnan has three cronies here, all of which are melee-types and all of which you'll want to kill before you tackle the big man himself. Obviously, Filo will do well here, but make sure he doesn't attack Ba'Gamnan, because he's a ranged-type. Let your Espers lead the way for a sure victory here.

Chapter 2

Speak to everyone on your airship, then speak to Filo again to gain control of the ship itself. Move it to the location marked on your map, land, and enter the Bosco Plains to begin the first mission of Chapter 2.

Mission 2-1

First objective: Save the wounded warrior!
Llyud, the wounded warrior in question, must be rescued, so take your team over there and kill the antlions around him. He'll join your team at that point.
Second objective: Save Llyud's companion!
Go wipe out the rest of the monsters now in order to save Llyud's fellow Aegyl. Be on the lookout for the places on the ground where you can gather materials, and be sure to open all the treasure chests before you end the mission.

Mission 2-2

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
Head to the summoning gate and summon some Espers to help you in the battle ahead. Move slowly, watching to see which type of monster you're fighting and then pairing it against whoever in your team is strong to that type. Thankfully you'll hit more summoning gates on the way forward, so you can stock up on more Espers if they fall in battle. Watch out for Venerer Emeritus at the upper area of the battlefield, as he has the ability to Immobilize your units. Keep plowing through the groups, killing everyone (or just the leaders, if you're lazy) to finish the mission.
You can now examine the Ring of Pacts and Espers from the world map. Spending points to activate new Espers makes them available in future battles.

Mission 2-3

First Objective: Find the auracite chamber!
Use the Battle Party Screen before entering the battle to set up your fighting squad and Espers. Once the mission begins, have your team leader hit the switch to open the gates. There are four treasure chests here, but you only need to reach the orange flag if you don't feel like fighting through all the monsters to get to them. At the flag, press the last switch.
Second Objective: Defeat Titan! Start attacking Titan with your group, keeping an eye on your melee-types' HP, and eventually Ba'Gamnan will join the fray. Together, you should be able to take Titan down with relative ease. Note that Titan is immune to Poison.

Mission 2-4

Objective: Destroy the enemy soul crystal!
Both the enemies and your own team have a soul crystal, and you must destroy the enemy's while protecting your own. Take out the groups of enemies one-at-a-time, eliminating the healers first before going after the remaining units. Be sure to summon Espers from the summoning gate to bolster your forces as you whittle through the enemies. When they're all defeated, destroy the enemy's soul crystal to complete this Chapter. Alternatively, you could just make a rush for the enemy's soul crystal and attack it without bothering to take out the rest of the enemies; just pray you don't get killed doing so.

Chapter 3

Fly your airship west to the Kinse Rise to begin your next mission

Mission 3-1

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
Start off by rushing to your aegyl friends to get them to start attacking, and capture the summoning gate so you can start beefing up your army. Kytes's Firaga spell will prove invaluable here, since most of these baddies are weak to fire, so cast it liberally. When you've rescued two aegyls, Donga appears back at the start of the level, so hurry back and kill him, since your aegyls can't.

Mission 3-2

Objective: Sneak into the temple!
This is an easy mission: just get Vaan to the flag to win. That said, there are some nice treasures here, so stick to the outer walls to collect them. There's a Mythril Lance to the south, a Silver Chestplate in the center area, and an Ochre Gilet to the northwest. Use the Goblin Strawberries to the west if you need to heal. Simple.

Mission 3-3

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
You'll want to capture the summoning gate here pretty early in the mission, so head to the center area and destroy the enemies there. Watch out for the Carbuncles, because they can heal groups of enemies in one go; kill them on sight! There are large groups of enemies to the south and to the west, so let your Espers lure them over in small clusters to systematically wipe them off the battlefield.

Mission 3-4

First Objective: Defeat the Judge of Wings!
Quickly summon your Espers to beef up your army, as the Judge of Wings will be attacking you shortly! Beat him down when he arrives, then get ready for part 2 of this mission.
Second Objective: Defeat Shiva!
Go capture the center summoning gate, then keep years back toward the starting area. Use the summoned Espers to lure out Shiva's little army, and attack from both sides using both gates (don't try to capture the third gate). Your leaders should stay well away from the fray to avoid contracting any status ailments.

Mission 3-5

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
Use your new Shiva Esper to lure the many groups of enemies toward you one-by-one while capturing the summoning gates. You'll want to use a lot of earth-based Espers here, as the enemies are largely weak to that element. Use Kytes's ice magic to take out the Bombs before they get too close; they can self-destruct, causing damage to anyone near them.

Chapter 4

Check out the Sky Saloon now for the Craft and Material Shop and buy Vaan a Flametongue. Then speak to Filo and return to the bridge for a cut scene. Speak to Filo twice more, then fly northeast to Port Marilith and go to the ship. Ask Rikken the two questions, then go speak to Penelo. After Ba'Gamnon leaves, exit and head to Isshu.

Mission 4-1

Objective: Open all of the treasure chests!
Pretty simple: just race around the battlefield, opening the chests before Rikken's crew get to them. The enemies here are weak against fire and lightning, so plan accordingly. Beware the chest in the center of the area, as it's a Mimic enemy (there's another one to the west, too). If you open less than six treasure chests, you'll receive the Discharger and Trident at the end of the battle.

Mission 4-2

Objective: Destroy the enemy soul crystal!
Bring along the Salamander and Quetzalcoatl Espers, because they'll tear the enemies in this mission apart. You'll also be using Penelo's Esunaga a lot to wipe away status ailments. There are two ways you can handle this level: slow and steady, or fast and dangerous. If you want to take it slow, have your Espers head east to prevent the enemy from capturing the summoning gate there, then slowly draw out more members for your army. Enemies will come in droves here, so you'll be fighting nonstop. If you want to make things a little more exciting, just rush the enemy's soul crystal straight away and destroy it before they take yours out!

Mission 4-3

First Objective: Find the temple!
Bring along your best water-based Espers for fighting enemies weak to that element, then march your troops toward the center of the area for a cut scene with Ba'Gamnan. Looks like he needs another beat down!
Second Objective: Defeat Ba'Gamnan!
To get to Ba'Gamnan you'll have to weed through his bevy of supporting troops first. Do so, killing them all before you go after your target, then focus everyone's attacks on him. Use Kytes's ice magic to make things even easier for you. Note that there are several treasures here, mostly to the north and northeast.

Mission 4-4

Objective: Defeat Ba'Gamnan!
Here we go again. Start off by capturing the nearest summoning gate (to the west) and bringing along water- and earth-elemental Espers. Head northwest, then back to where you started before going east to capture another summoning gate. Once both gates are in your possession, head to the center of the area where Ba'Gamnan and his army await. Use magic and ranged attacks to decimate the army from afar, then go in to take care of Ba'Gamnan. Having Llyud along for this fight is a good idea since he can revive KO'd allies.
After the battle, go to the shops and purchase an Icebrand; it'll be helpful for the next mission.

Mission 4-5

Objective: Defeat Belias!
Make sure you've got that Icebrand equipped before you start this mission, which boasts several fire-elemental enemies that'll drop like flies to the might of your new weapon. Bring along water-elemental Espers like Sahagin and Aquarias to help you fight, and place Penelo and Llyud well behind the front lines so that they can heal status ailments and revive fallen comrades, respectively. Clear away the baddies around the west summoning gate first, capture it, then start pumping out your army. Go capture the central gate next, and finally the northeast one. When you're ready, send your Espers forward with Kytes (using Blizzaga, of course) to cut through the enemy ranks. Alternatively, you can try to take them out at a distance (this is definitely the preferred method with the Bombs). Finish off this chapter by nailing Belias with water-based attacks until he's defeated.
Vaan will then learn the Pyroclasm Quickening. Rejoice!

Chapter 5

Before you head off to the first mission of this chapter, you should consider recruiting Lamia and Wyvern, as these units will be quite helpful in the upcoming battles. First stop: the Guguerro Greendrop.

Mission 5-1

First Objective: Save the wounded man!
Bring along fire and lightning Espers for this mission, then approach the hurt young man for a cut scene.
Second Objective: Escort the wounded man to safety!
The real pain about this objective is that monsters will spawn indefinitely from where you began the mission, so you'll want to move fast. Just head west in a straight line, plowing through all the enemies that stand in your way (and keeping an eye out for enemies approaching from behind). If things get really hairy, have Vaan use his new Quickening when his Mist Charge is full to wipe out a large group of adversaries.

Mission 5-2

Objective: Gather foodstuffs!
You've got Vaan and Kytes at your disposal for this mission, and that's it! Worse, there are no summoning gates, so bring along some fire-based Espers to most effectively deal with the opposing forces. Use Kytes's magic to kill enemies from afar as you collect the three jungle fruits scattered over the field. Lots of items and treasure to obtain here, too, so keep a look out for those. That's really all there is to this so-called mission.

Mission 5-3

Objective: Protect Velis!
This is really an endurance test for you, in which you'll remain in the center of the map with enemies coming at you start to finish. Make sure you're constantly surrounding Velis to prevent her from getting slaughtered, and use fire-based Espers for maximum damage against the enemy hordes. Bring Lamia along, too, because it can cast Confuse on the last enemy that arrives, the dreaded Great Malboro.

Mission 5-4

Objective: Stop Velis!
Bring Ifrit and Belias with you, then surround Penelo to protect her. Use your ranged attacks to draw out the enemies, taking them out group by group. As for Velis, he'll stay put until you attack him, so send out some Wyverns to start the showdown, then send in your main army to really lay into him.

Chapter 6

With control of your beloved airship once again, head north to Heaven's Vigil for a cut scene, then mosey on over to the Ymir Qul Range.

Mission 6-1

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
Lots of different elemental-type monsters here, so just stick with earth-type and non-elemental Espers for your army. Be cautious here, as there are no summoning gates for you to capture and draw from. Play it smart, matching up the enemy types to their opposing weakness as you cut through the battlefield. Not too much treasure there to speak of, either, just a Lapis Lazuli to the south and a Water Stone or Magicite in the center area.

Mission 6-2

Objective: Defeat all enemy leaders!
Like the previous mission, your job here is to just eliminate anyone and anything moving who isn't on the side of justice (your side, by the way). There's a character named Fran here that starts out surrounded by enemies, so send in flying- and range-type units in to deal with them and keep Fran from dying. Be quick about capturing the first summoning gate, then let your healers get Fran's no doubt damaged HP back up to snuff. There are more enemies to the north, so wait until your group is united before striking out at them. Don't bother looking around for treasure, because there isn't any!

Mission 6-3

Objective: Accompany Fran to the cave!
Another protection mission, with a twist: you have no control over Fran, and she'll move freely here, even into a group of enemies, suicidal though it may be. You'll have to keep her surrounded at all times to prevent her untimely death, and make sure you've set your healers on her to keep her HP up just in case. There are several treasure chests along Fran's route, but three of them contain Mimics, so open them at your own risk.

Mission 6-4

Objective: Defeat the Judge of Wings!
Start off by capturing the summoning gate to the east; Kytes's magic will prove invaluable here when dealing with the enemy forces. Go west next and capture the gate there, then go out and battle Mateus with your best lightning-based attacks and Espers. Once Mateus is gone and only the Judge of Wings remains, capture the gate behind him, then go in for the kill. Be sure to keep an eye on Balthier here; if he gets attacked, immediately have someone go heal him, because if he dies, it's Game Over for you.

Mission 6-5

Objective: Stop Balthier!
At the beginning of this battle, have Llyud cast Vanishga on one of your Espers, then send it west past Ba'Gamnan's troops, moving between Ba'Gamnan and Balthier. Wait for the Vanish status to wear off, then lure Ba'Gamnan toward Balthier's army to make them fight against each other. Brilliant! As for your own army's actions, capture the summoning gate to the west and wait for Balthier to finish taking out Ba'Gamnan (so you don't have to!). When Balthier comes after you, use Ifrit to eliminate him. Send along some healers like Carbuncle to keep Ifrit's health up while the rest of your army attacks from the side.

Chapter 7

Start off by speaking to Llyud and Balthier, then head to the Neverwood to begin the first mission of this chapter.

Mission 7-1

Objective: Defeat all enemies!
This very basic mission just has you bringing your allies together, defeating all the enemies you encounter along the way, including the Great Malboro that shows up at the end. There are several treasures to be unearthed here in all portions of the map, including some Maduin Gear in the north and some Wizzard's Robes to the east.

Mission 7-2

Objective: Find Vaan!
You'll be sending four party leaders out to find Vaan here, but the path to him can only be opened by examining the different colored flowers. Use Kytes to take out the enemies around the flowers before you get near them whenever possible. As in the previous mission, there are several treasures (six in total) to be found on this battlefield; just make sure you've collected them all before you pass through the yellow gate. For completing this mission you'll receive a Pole of Blessing and a Power Vest.
Afterward, head to the End of Dreams and watch the scenes that follow. When you have control again, make the Illusion's Home your next destination.

Mission 7-3

First Objective: Endure the attacks of the Yarhi!
You don't want to tarry too long in this mission, as the enemies will just keep on coming. Go capture the nearest summoning gate to start building up your army, then start taking out the nearest enemies until an event takes place.
Second Objective: Defeat Valis!
Enemies will continually spawn and attack you here, so defeating Velis fast is tantamount to victory. When you're fully charged, release Vaan's Quickening on Velis, taking out the enemies around him while you're waiting for that. Try to use ranged attacks to keep your units alive as long as possible.
When Velis is defeated and you're back on the airship, watch the scenes that follow, then accept Fran and Balthier into your entourage. Speak to Balthier to begin the final mission of this chapter.

Mission 7-4

Objective: Defeat all enemies!
You absolutely cannot let your soul crystal be destroyed here, as it will result in an instant loss of this battle. It will be the target of enemy forces, so keep it well protected at all times. Your enemies will all be flying-types, so forgo bringing any melee-types into the fray and stick to ranged-types. Bring Shiva, Lamia, and Carbuncle along, as well. You'll want to keep that summoning gate on the platform near you well-protected, too, to prevent yourself from being overcome. There will most likely be a point when you'll have to lure some enemies toward your base, so use Llyud for that until you've wiped the map clean.

Chapter 8

With Basch and Ashe completing your party, get in the Leviathan and take it to Ivalice.

Mission 8-1

Objective: Destroy the enemy soul crystal!
Crush the enemies closest to you at the start of the mission and capture the nearby summoning gate to get the ball rolling on your army. Make sure your soul crystal is always well-protected, and when you're ready to set out for the enemy crystal, take the northern path to it. Defend the southern path with ranged and flying-type Espers. Plow through the opposing forces with a melee-type leader (with a rank III Esper and Carbuncle along for support, of course) to reach the next summoning gate, then charge toward the enemy crystal to bring it down.
After the battle, speak to Larsa, Basch, and Balthier to unlock the Paramina Rift, Giza Plains, and Glabados Ruins. The next mission requires you to visit all three locations, but you can tackle them in whichever order you choose.

Mission 8-2

Giza Plains

Objective: Seek out the informant!
If you let the informant in question here die, it's game over, so you'll want to move very fast through this mission. He can be found in the northeast corner of the map, so cast Sprint or Vanishga on Vaan and have him book it east, then north to the soldier, bypassing all the enemy beasts. Piece of cake.

Paramina Rift

Objective: Defeat all enemies!
Start out by sending a Bomb over to the large group of Zombies and then use its Self-Destruct ability to wipe pretty much all of them out in a single go. Repeat this process with more Bombs to take out the rest of the enemies until you capture the summoning gate. At that point, you'll have more than enough summons to cruise through the rest of this mission.

Glabados Ruins

First Objective: Find the hidden chamber!
No summoning gates here…bummer. Kytes is well-suited to this mission, as his magic can take out enemies at a distance, so be sure to bring him along. Use the Ancient Devices to open the gates, but note that enemies will spawn whenever you do this. Keep heading toward the flagged area to begin the second half of this mission.
Second Objective: Defeat the Elder Wyrm! When you breach the last gate you'll have to fight the Elder Wyrm, which is hardly anything to be worried about. Have Kytes cast Flare on it while Vaan and any other melee-types use close-range attacks. The Elder Wyrm won't last long no matter how you slice it.
Afterward, you'll be back on the airship. Choose to "launch" and a cut scene will ensue.

Mission 8-3

Objective: Reach the top of the volcano!
When choosing your Espers for this mission, bring along those strong against fire-type enemies, like Shiva. Use Kytes's Blizzaga magic to mow down the enemies on your way to the summit, and be sure to collect the treasure on the way. There's an Adamant Vest to the south, some Soul Powder to the southwest, and an Oakwood Log to the north.

Mission 8-4

First Objective: Defeat Chaos!
Like the previous mission, the enemies are weak to water, so bring along the appropriate Espers. Capture the first summoning gate quickly, then go after the second. Around that time Chaos will start to come after you, but if you can make it to the third summoning gate and capture it before he reaches you, you'll have a much easier time defeating him. Lamia should be used to Confuse the various enemies while you're whittling them down. When only Chaos remains, send someone with a lot of HP like Ashe forward to lead the charge, using a few Carbuncles to back her up. Make sure you've captured all the summoning gates at this point (you'll see why in a minute). After Chaos goes down, the second part of this mission begins.
Second Objective: Defeat Mydia!
Great, another boss! If you captured all the summoning gates in the first half of this mission, then Mydia will only have the monsters she starts with, which makes things much easier for you. Have Kytes use Blizzaga to tear through her ranks until only she remains, then place her in your target. Use flying-type Espers for the initial attack (your Bombs' Self-Destruct ability works wonders), then when you've knocked off most of her HP, finish the job with a Quickening.

Chapter 9

Mission 9-1

Objective: Destroy all enemy leaders!
There are four stages to this mission, and you'll be fighting flying-types primarily, so make the majority of your army ranged-types. Don't bother fighting too many of the lesser enemies here; try to go straight for the enemy leaders. Each time you progress to a new stage, make sure everyone's HP is healed up before you go out to fight again. For all your hard work in this mission you'll receive some Dragon Bracers and three Auracites.

Mission 9-2

Objective: Defeat Feolthanos!
There are two summoning gates situated near where you begin the level, so take them immediately before heading to the center of the battlefield. There, you must face Belias, then Mateus, and finally Chaos. Try to lure Belias away from the center so you can capture the summoning gate there before taking on Mateus and Chaos; this will make things considerably easier for you. When those three go down, finish capturing the rest of the summoning gates, use ranged attacks to lure and then subsequently wipe out Feolthanos's forces, then go after Feolthanos when he's solo. More Auracite and some Carabineer Mail is yours after you claim victory.

Mission 9-3

Objective: Defeat all enemies!
Capture the two summoning gates nearest you to begin, then bolster your ranks with as many Espers as you can muster. There are lots and lots of enemies to destroy here, so you've got your work cut out for you. Wave after wave of various types of beasts will attack, so use non-elemental summons to deal with this problem, and have Lamia confuse them whenever possible.. When you spot the enemy's Carbuncle, kill it quickly with a Quickening.

Mission 9-4

Objective: Defeat Mydia!
Mydia should only be tackled after you have captured all the summoning gates on this battlefield. Bring along earth and water-elemental Espers for this fight, and start off by taking the gates to the west, east, and center. Capture the gates in the corners next, then head toward Mydia. Lure Mydia's troops away and kill them with ranged attacks, and then when Mydia is all alone, go in for the kill.

Chapter 10

Mission 10-1

Objective: Capture the summoning gates!
This is one of the easiest missions in the game; simply send your group around to each summoning gate, capturing one and moving on to the next. Use magic and ranged attacks to take out the enemies at a distance. There are five gates in all, so this one won't take very long.

Mission 10-2

Objective: Destroy the enemy soul crystal!
You'll be facing flying enemies here, so bring along range-type enemies to cut down on the difficulty factor. Begin by taking the summoning gates to the east and west, build up some troops, then start heading toward the enemy crystal. If you want to take it slow, focus your attacks on the groups of enemies and capture all the gates on the way to the soul crystal. If, on the other hand, you want to finish this mission as soon as possible, gather your courage and send your army straight at the enemy crystal and pray all your team leaders don't die before the crystal is destroyed.

The Final Battle

First Objective: Defeat Feolthanos!
The enemies' levels in this, the final battle of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, depend on how many of the game's Free Mission you've completed; if you completed everything up until this point, then these monsters will all be at level 99, so beware! To make matters worse, they'll be coming unendingly, so you don't want to sit around on your hands wasting time. Be efficient, and ruthless.
When deciding what kind of units to bring along, stick to ranged, as melee-types will have a tough go of it here. Begin by wiping out the enemies in close proximity to your starting position, then get ready to tackle Feolthanos, who has two hands on either side of his main body. Take out the hands first, bringing along at least three healing units for each one. At that point, you'll want to head to the alter to face Feolthanos's main body, but don't actually get on the alter; instead, go to the sides to avoid taking considerable damage from his laser beam, and attack the body from there.
Eventually Bahamut will show up and start attacking you, so you'll need to stop beating on Feolthanos for a bit while you take down Bahamut. You may think you can just ignore him and just finish attacking Feolthanos, but this would be an unwise move on your part. Bahamut's Mega Flare can devastate your army, so you'll want to kill him as quickly as possible. Try to lure him toward your summoning gate so you can overwhelm him with Espers. When Bahamut goes down, heal up around your summoning gate, then head back to Feolthanos and finish taking him out.
Second Objective: Defeat Feolthanos! (for real this time!)
And now for the final showdown, Vaan vs. Feolthanos. Well, at least for a moment, anyway. Start attacking him and soon enough your teammates will show up to offer their assistance. How nice of them! The only way you can lose this battle is if Vaan dies, so play it smart and move him far, far away from Feolthanos, and let your comrades do all the work. It may seem like cheating, and it is pretty cheap, but you've come a long way to blow it on a careless move now. Feolthanos won't stand a chance against your allies, and will fall eventually.
With Feolthanos out of the picture, you're left with the game's closing scenes and credits. You've earned it, so enjoy.

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