
Character FF XIII


 Lightning is a young woman with long, light pink hair, and pale aqua-colored eyes. Lightning's eye color has been officially addressed as blue, though in the FMVs and promotional art they often appear green due to green aspects around the pupil. In Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments Before," Serah says Lightning resembles their mother.




Snow Villiers

 Snow has light blond hair, blue eyes, and a stubble beard. He wears a black bandanna, black gloves, large gray boots, a light blue vest over a black shirt, and a striped blue scarf hanging from a belt. He wears a beige trench coat with frayed hems that functions as his weapon as it is fused with Antimatter Manipulation Principle (AMP) technology. Snow wears a cat pendant, the logo of NORA. Snow's foot size is 33 centimeters (about a foot long). His l'Cie brand is on his left forearm. 



Oerba Dia Vanille

 Despite her chronological age, Vanille has the physical appearance of a nineteen year-old. Her bright red hair is tied in curled pigtails. She has green eyes, and pierced ears with silver hoop earrings. She wears a light pink halter top, an orange and yellow skirt, and beige boots. She wears a fur pelt around her waist, which she uses to carry her weapon. According to Dengeki PS3 magazine, it is made from a bear she defeated herself. She wears numerous bracelets, three beaded necklaces, and an assortment of beads attached to various parts of her clothing. Her outfit is inspired by the traditional clothes of the Namibian Himba women. Vanille's l'Cie brand is located on her upper left thigh, but mostly remains hidden beneath her skirt.


Sazh Katzroy

Sazh is a middle-aged man with an afro in which he keeps an unnamed chocobo chick. He wears a long, olive coat over khaki trousers, a white button-down shirt, and black buckled engineer boots. His l'Cie mark is on his chest, half-hidden under his shirt. He keeps his two pistols in holsters strapped to his thighs. In Final Fantasy XIII-2, Sazh is the only playable character from the previous game not to get a redesign.  


Hope Estheim

Hope has short silver hair and light blue-green eyes. In Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero -Promise-, Lightning says Hope's face resembles his mother's. Of all the playable characters, he is the shortest and the youngest. He wears a short-sleeved orange and yellow jacket with a detailed green neckerchief over a black shirt, and black gloves with white palms. He wears green cargo pants with a black storage pack hanging from a black belt over his left leg, and green boots. His l'Cie brand is on his left wrist, covered by a yellow wristband. 


Oerba Yun Fang

 Fang is a tall woman at 5'9" and has the physical appearance of a twenty-one-year-old. Fang has bronze skin and wavy dark brown hair with a braid behind her left ear. Fang's eyes are green and there is a beauty mark beneath her right eye. Fang wears purple claw-shaped earrings. She has scars on her right arm and shoulder, and wears blue clothing resembling a traditional Indian sari adorned with tribal accessories. In addition to the sari, Fang wears a short black top, black sleeves over her forearms, tan leather open-toed sandals, and two fur pelts hanging from a cord beneath the belt that holds her spear. Fang has the brand of a l'Cie on her right shoulder and a large tattoo on the other. Unlike the other l'Cie whose brands are black and progress, Fang's l'Cie brand is white and static. 



Lebreau has shoulder length black hair and light brown eyes. Character designer Nao Ikeda said, "She talks and acts much more mature for her age, and sometimes acts as if she's the mother of NORA," giving insight into her personality. Her design was based on volleyball players inspired from the images of butterflies flying along an Asian beach resort. Lebreau's character design and costume is due to the beach location of NORA's base.



Gadot is a dark-skinned, muscular man with fiery hair and teal clothes. He wears a chain with the word "posse" engraved on it. His design is said to be inspired by NBA and hip-hop fashion.
Gadot is brash and sometimes blunt, but overall carries a soft, and caring spot. He can also be temperamental and even confrontational at times, an example of him making two attempts to attack Noel out of distrust, and overtime has become very overprotective of Serah. He is Snow's best friend and right hand man whom he is very loyal to, calling him 'boss'.




Serah Farron

Serah is Lightning's younger sister and Snow's fiancée. Possessing an inner fortitude beyond her years, she is more than capable of making decisions on her own, whatever her somewhat overprotective sister might think. In fact, Serah spends just as much time worrying about her elder sister's well-being as Lightning does Serah's.”
—Booklet Description
Serah is an 18-year-old girl with the same pink tint of hair Lightning has. She ties her hair into a ponytail on the left side of her head, much like how Lightning's hair is draped over her left shoulder. Serah has blue eyes like her sister, although Serah's are a darker shade.




Nora Estheim

 Nora has green eyes and shoulder-length silvery-blonde hair similar to Hope's. She is 163 cm tall (5'3") according to the Ultimania guide. She wears a simple brown necklace under an ivory wraparound sweater with off-shoulder sleeves and a hood-like neck. Nora also wears cream capris and brown wedge sandals.



Dajh Katzroy

Dajh is 117 cm tall, including his afro. He wears a set of dusky pink dungarees over a light blue and green zipped jacket and trousers, with a white polo-neck underneath. His dungarees have several stitching and pocket details, as well as four blue and gold appliqués, with various symbols; one reads 'CHOK' in Cocoon script. Dajh's right hand - bearing his Cocoon l'Cie brand - is bandaged, and he wears a pair of tan leather shoes on his feet. 


Maqui has blond hair, blue eyes, and round face. He wears goggles on his head, and a pair of headphones he uses to communicate with his fellow NORA members. His jacket has a black body and pink sleeves, with a red symbol across the side. He also wears khaki pants with large, brown pouches on the hips, and a pair of silver and purple shoes. His designer, Nao Ikeda, said his appearance was based on the type of clothing snowboarders wear. 


Yuj has feathery blue hair and striking gold eyes. He wears a orange shirt with a subtle yellow gradient, with a dark red, long-sleeved shirt underneath, as well as black leather pants and black leather boots. His pants have a bag sewn in on the right hip, and he dons a scarf and feathers that he wears tucked into his belt. The belt appears to be made up of multiple links of metal with a small pattern pressed into them. He wears a necklace with a leather square that has the same patterns as the belt embossed upon it and a metal pendant over his clothing. 


Amodar is a tall man with an oval face and dark skin. He has short, spiky, brown hair and brown mustache. He wears a white shirt with silver stripes around the neck and on his chest. His GC jacket consists of white-and-blue material stapled with belts and on the right arm he has a bracer with two orange fluorescent stripes indicating his Lieutenant position within the Corps. His pants consists of black-and-white material with orange stripes at the sides. Amodar also wears metal boots. 


Bartholomew Estheim

 Bartholomew is a bespectacled middle-aged man in a black suit with black pants. He wears a gray tie and and his neck is white on his suit. He has brown hair and a beard. Bartholomew is 178 centimeters tall according to the Final Fantasy XIII Scenario Ultimania guide. 




Cid Raines

 Raines is a young man with black hair hanging down to his neck line. His eyes are a light grey color. He stands 199 cm (6'6") tall. His clothing is virtually identical to that of Yaag Rosch, except that the color scheme is lighter and he wears a large cape and blue-to-silver pauldrons, with the left one more ornate than the right. Raines' l'Cie mark is on his right hand, hidden beneath his glove. He sports this outfit in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.



Galenth Dysley

Dysley is an elderly old man wearing ornate gold and white robes with a blue shawl over his arms and crossing over his chest. His headress is circular with gold ornamentation rising from the top, and extends a transparent lavender veil over his head. The front of his robes are covered in gold jewelry, and he carries a white and gold staff bearing the emblem of Lindzei at the top with a serpent coiling towards it. According to the Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania guide, he stands 185 centimeters tall. 

Jihl Nabaat

Jihl Nabaat is 166 centimeters tall (176 centimeters with heels). She has blonde hair that reaches all the way down to her mid-thigh, and she wields a baton that is primarily used for fencing. Nabaat's glasses, which she normally wears unless in a fight, are thin-framed and have her initials in Cocoon script engraved in the arm. As confirmed in the Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega, Jihl only wears the glasses to appear kind and trustworthy prior to crushing them on the Palamecia, a representation of her discarding her guise and fully assuming her true personality.




Rygdea (リグディ, Rigudi) is a non-player character in Final Fantasy XIII, who works for the Sanctum. Rygdea is 180 cm tall (5' 10") and is a captain working under the command of Cid Raines as his right-hand man, as they both share the same view of the Sanctum. He later becomes one of the secret founders of the Academy. His Japanese voice actor is Yasuyuki Kase and his English voice actor is Josh Robert Thompson.

Yaag Rosch

Yaag Rosch was designed by Nao Ikeda, supporting character designer for Final Fantasy XIII. His hair is silver and styled in thick, collar-length bangs spiked at the front and slicked down at the back, and a short ponytail tied with a black ribbon. He has sharp facial features, a thin scar above his left eye running the length of his forehead, and violet-gray eyes. He wears the standard uniform of a male PSICOM lieutenant colonel and wears a military saber on his belt. He is 190cm tall.



Etro is never seen in person, but depictions of her in artwork exist. A painting of her is displayed in Final Fantasy XV, and she appears in murals in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. In the mural Etro has dark golden wings, wears a winged helmet and has shoulder pauldrons. In Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments After it is stated that Yeul was the first human born and fashioned into Etro's image. 


Lindzei is first mentioned in the Analects as the creator of Cocoon. As the Analects are written from the Gran Pulse citizens' perspective, Lindzei is portrayed with contempt, referred to as the "serpent", "viper", the "Succubus", the "demon", and "Fell Lindzei". 










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