
Abilities FFXIII-2

Generally speaking, there are three different categories of Final Fantasy XIII-2 abilities:

  • Active abilities: These abilities are unlocked through the Crystarium and can be added to the command queue manually.
  • Auto abilities: These abilities are also unlocked through the Crystarium. However, they are performed automatically at the AI’s discretion whenever it deems it appropriate and of benefit to your current situation, even if you are choosing actions manually via the Abilities menu. For instance, if an enemy has been Staggered, the first Attack instruction in a (suitably trained) Commando’s command queue will be automatically changed to Launch.
  • Passive abilities: These abilities are permanent traits that can be conferred by equipment or, in the case of monsters, that are innate (and, for many of them, infusible).
Below are links to each of the six roles’ abilities:
  • Commando Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Damage Modifier Chain Bonus Cut Keep Description
Attack 1 - 1.1 0.5 25 25 The basic physical assault move of the Commando. The Strength stat determines the level of damage inflicted.
Blitz 2 - 1.8 0.5 25 25 Inflicts physical damage on all adversaries in range. Best used against targets at or near the center of tightly packed groups of enemies.
Ruin 1 Yes 1.1 0.5 15 15 Inflicts non-elemental magic damage on a single target.
Ruinga 3 Yes 2.2 0.5 15 15 Same effects as Ruin, but acts as a more powerful area-effect upgrade.
Drain Attack 1 - 1.1 0.5 25 25 Physical attack that absorbs HP from target in proportion to damage inflicted.
Area Sweep 3 - 2.3 0.5 25 40 Inflicts physical damage on target and nearby foes, and knocks them backwards.
Meteor Javelin All - 0.8×4 (Staggered: 2.2×4) 0 40 90 Unique to Noel. A powerful attack, with damage increased during Stagger periods. This ability resets your chaining progress after use, so it’s best used as a finishing move, or just before a Stagger period ends. The higher the ATB Level, the more damage is caused.

Auto Abilities

Ability Name Infusible Description
Adrenaline Yes Boosts Strength and Magic by 20% when HP is above 70%. You can enhance this effect with equipment that provides the High HP: Power Surge synthesized ability.
Armor Breaker - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% when an enemy’s physical resistance is set to Resistant or Halved.
Blindside Yes Almost doubles the damage dealt by normal attacks when a non-Staggered adversary is not targeting a party member who has this skill. Working alongside a Sentinel increases the likelihood of obtaining a regular Blindside bonus.
Bloodthirsty Yes Boosts Strength in proportion to enemy Wound damage.
Bravery Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Bravery, casts Bravery on self, and removes Bravery from the enemy.
Curse Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Curse.
Deathblow Yes Instantly slays a target with low HP.
Deprotect Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Deprotect.
Deshell Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Deshell.
Faith Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Faith, casts Faith on self, and removes Faith from the enemy.
Faultsiphon Yes Recharges 0.2 ATB gauge segments per attack on a target suffering from status ailments.
Fog Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Fog.
Haste Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Haste, casts Haste on self, and removes Haste from the enemy.
Imperil Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Imperil.
Jeopardize - Boosts by 1% the amount by which an attack raises a Staggered enemy’s Chain Bonus.
Launch - Used automatically when the Attack command is selected against a Staggered enemy. By chaining moves on an opponent while they are airborne, it is possible to "juggle" them with further hits.
Lifesiphon Yes Recharges one ATB gauge segment after slaying a target.
Mind Piercer - Boosts Magic by approximately 30% when an enemy’s magical resistance is set to Resistant or Halved.
Pain Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Pain.
Poison Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Poison.
Powerchain Yes If the enemy’s Chain gauge is empty when the Commando’s attack lands, Powerchain strengthens the blow, granting almost double damage.
Protect Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Protect, casts Protect on self, and removes Protect from the enemy.
Ravage - A staple of Chain-building, used to enable Ravagers to blast the Chain gauge high and Commandos to reduce the rate of gauge depletion.
Scourge Yes Modifier of normal Attack increases to 5.0 when an enemy is poised to recover from a Stagger.
Shell Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Shell, casts Shell on self, and removes Shell from the enemy.
Slow Chaser - Boosts Strength by approximately 30% versus enemies afflicted with Slow.
Smite - Modifier of normal Attack increases to 5.0 when a Launched enemy is poised to recover from a stagger.
Stagger: Drain - Casts Drain on Staggered enemies, absorbing HP.
Stagger: Wound - Inflicts Wound on Staggered enemies, reducing maximum HP.
Vigilance Feeder - Almost triples Strength versus enemies enhanced with Vigilance, casts Vigilance on self, and removes Vigilance from the enemy.
  • Medic Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Chain Bonus Keep Description
Cure 1 Yes 1.16 15 Restores the target’s HP. Cure’s actual restorative value is dependent on the Bonus Boost and Magic stat of the Medic.
Cura 2 Yes 1.16 15 Restores HP to all allied targets in range.
Curasa 1 Yes 1.16 15 Curasa restores more HP when a character is heavily injured, with its effects reduced as they approach full health (when Cure becomes more efficient in terms of ATB cost per HP points replenished).
Curaja 2 Yes 1.16 15 Same as Curasa, but used on all allied targets in range.
Esuna 2 Yes 1.16 15 Removes the target’s most recently inflicted status ailment.
Esunada 3 Yes 1.16 15 Removes the most recently inflicted status ailment from all allies.
Raise 3 Yes 1.16 15 Revives an ally from KO. Health restoration is relatively low, so you must be ready to follow up with curative spells.
Cheer 3 - 1.16 15 Boosts the Feral Link gauge by 2%.
  • Ravager Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Damage Modifier Chain Bonus Cut Keep Description
Fire 1 Yes 1.0 10 15 15 Deals Fire damage to target.
Blizzard 1 Yes 1.0 10 15 15 Deals Ice damage to target.
Thunder 1 Yes 1.0 10 15 15 Deals Lightning damage to target.
Aero 1 Yes 1.0 10 15 15 Deals Wind damage to target and temporarily stuns it.
Fira 2 Yes 1.5 18 15 15 Deals Fire damage to targets in range. Staggered targets take more damage.
Blizzara 2 Yes 1.5 18 15 15 Deals Ice damage to targets in range. Staggered targets take more damage.
Thundara 2 Yes 1.5 18 15 15 Deals Lightning damage to targets in range. Staggered targets take more damage.
Aerora 2 Yes 1.5 18 15 15 Deals Wind damage to targets in range, tossing them up and drawing them in.
Firaga 3 Yes 2.2 26 15 15 Deals Fire damage to targets within a wide radius.
Blizzaga 3 Yes 2.2 26 15 15 Deals Ice damage to targets within a wide radius.
Thundaga 3 Yes 2.2 26 15 15 Deals Lightning damage to targets within a wide radius.
Aeroga 3 Yes 2.2 26 15 15 Deals Wind damage to targets within a wide radius, drawing them up into a tornado.
Flamestrike 1 - 1.05 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target with a blow infused with the Fire element.
Frostsrike 1 - 1.05 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target with a blow infused with the Ice element.
Sparkstrike 1 - 1.05 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target with a blow infused with the Lightning element.
Galestrike 1 - 1.05 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target with a blow infused with the Wind element.
Heat Blitz 2 - 1.5 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target and nearby foes with a blow infused with the Fire element.
Ice Blitz 2 - 1.5 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target and nearby foes with a blow infused with the Ice element.
Electric Blitz 2 - 1.5 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target and nearby foes with a blow infused with the Lightning element.
Aero Blitz 2 - 1.5 10 25 25 Physically attacks a target and nearby foes with a blow infused with the Wind element.
Ultima Arrow All - 0.4×7 0×7 (Staggered: 10×7) 40 90 Unique to Serah. This ability packs numerous attacks into a focused assault, driving up the Chain Bonus after a target has been Staggered. The higher the ATB Level, the more damage is caused.

Auto Abilities

Ability Name Infusible Description
Fearsiphon Yes Recharges 0.1 ATB gauge segment per attack on a Staggered target.
Felflame - Increases damage of Fire-based attacks by 25% against enemies vulnerable to fire.
Felfrost - Increases damage of Ice-based attacks by 25% against enemies vulnerable to ice.
Felgust - Increases damage of Wind-based attacks by 25% against enemies vulnerable to wind.
Felspark - Increases damage of Lightning-based attacks by 25% against enemies vulnerable to lightning.
Overwhelm Yes Increases the Chain Bonus by 1% for each ally targeting the same enemy. Use Paradigms with more than one Ravager to make best use of its effects, particularly the all-RAV Tri-disaster.
  • Saboteur Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Type Damage Modifier Chain Bonus Cut Keep Description
Deprotect 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces a target’s physical resistance by 30% and deals magic damage.
Deprotega 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces physical resistance by 30% and deals magic damage within a wide radius.
Deshell 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces a target’s magic resistance by 30% and deals magic damage.
Deshellga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces magic resistance by 30% and deals magic damage within a wide radius.
Poison 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Poisons target and deals magic (0.75% of max HP per second).
Poisonga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Poisons and deals magic damage to targets within a wide radius.
Imperil 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces a target’s elemental resistance and deals magic damage.
Imperilga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Reduces elemental resistances and deals magic damage within a wide radius.
Dispel 2 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Removes a target’s most recent status enhancement and deals magic damage.
Dispelga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Removes the most recent status enhancement and deals magic damage to all targets within a wide radius.
Curse 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Renders a target more vulnerable to "interruptions" when attacked. Also lowers the target’s odds of interrupting enemy actions. Increases Wound damage taken.
Cursega 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Same as Curse, but with an area effect.
Fog 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Disables a target’s magic abilities and deals magic damage.
Fogga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Disables enemy magic abilities and deals magic damage within a wide radius.
Pain 1 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Disables a target’s physical abilities and deals magic damage. Pain is the physical counterpart to Fog.
Painga 3 Yes Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Disables enemy physical abilities and deals magic damage within a wide radius.
Wound 1 Yes Magic 0.55 0.5 25 25 Deals Wound damage to a target, reducing its maximum HP.
Woundga 3 Yes Magic 0.55 0.5 25 25 Deals Wound damage to targets in a wide radius, reducing their maximum HP.
Deprotect II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Reduces a target’s physical resistance and deals physical damage.
Deshell II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Reduces a target’s magic resistance and deals physical damage.
Poison II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Poisons target and deals physical damage.
Imperil II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Reduces a target’s elemental resistance and deals physical damage.
Dispel II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Removes a target’s most recent status enhancement and deals physical damage.
Fog II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Disables a target’s magic abilities and deals physical damage.
Pain II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Disables a target’s physical abilities and deals physical damage.
Curse II 1 - Physical 0.55 0.5 25 25 Renders a target more vulnerable to "interruptions" when attacked, increasing the likelihood that queued abilities will be delayed or even cancelled. Increases Wound damage taken.
Heavy Deprotectga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Reduces physical resistance and deals physical damage within a wide radius.
Heavy Deshellga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Reduces magic resistance and deals physical damage within a wide radius.
Heavy Poisonga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Poisons and deals physical damage to targets within a wide radius.
Heavy Imperilga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Reduces elemental resistances and deals physical damage within a wide radius.
Heavy Dispelga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Removes the most recent status enhancement and deals physical damage to all targets within a wide radius.
Heavy Fogga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Disables enemy magic abilities and deals physical damage within a wide radius.
Heavy Painga 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Disables a target’s physical abilities and deals physical damage within a wide radius.
Heavy Cursega 3 - Physical 0.80 0.5 25 25 Renders targets within a wide radius more vulnerable to "interruptions" when attacked. Increases Wound damage taken.
Endless Nightmare 3 - Magic 0.35 4.5 10 15 Extends the duration of status ailments inflicted on enemies by 8 seconds.

Auto Ability

Ability Name Infusible Description
Jinx - Extends the duration of a target’s existing status ailments by 5 seconds once new debuffs are inflicted.
  • Sentinel Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Damage Modifier Chain Bonus Cut Keep Description
Challenge 1 Yes - 2 10 40 A refinement of Provoke, targeted at a single opponent with a 99% base chance of success and a duration of 150 seconds.
Provoke 1 Yes - 2 10 40 Attracts the attention of all enemies in range during 50 seconds, with a 45% base chance of success against each one.
Mediguard 1 Yes - - - 90 Reduces damage by 20% while gradually recovering HP.
Element Guard 1 Yes - - - 90 Reduces damage by 20% and increases resistance to elemental damage by 33% for all allies.
Steelguard 1 Yes - - - 90 Reduces damage by 20% with an additional 5% each time the Sentinel is attacked.
Entrench 1 Yes 1.8 0.5 25 90 Counterattack after defending, dealing damage determined by how long the Sentinel maintained the defensive stance.
Vendetta 1 Yes 1.8 0.5 25 90 Counterattack after defending, dealing +10% damage for each attack the Sentinel took.

Auto Abilities

Ability Name Infusible Description
Deathward Yes Boosts physical and magic resistance by 25% when HP is low. Can be improved by equipping accessories that have critical triggers (such as casting buffs), the Low HP: Power Surge synthesized ability, and equipment with the Improved Ward passive ability.
Fringeward Yes Reduces damage to nearby allies by 35% when the Sentinel is the target of an area-effect attack.
Reprieve - If HP is above 30%, the Sentinel retains 1 HP after an attack that would otherwise lead to an instant KO.
  • Synergist Abilities

Active Abilities

Ability Name ATB Cost Infusible Chain Bonus Duration (S) Keep Description
Bravery 2 Yes 5 40 15 Raises the target’s Strength by 75%. Causes all physical attacks to inflict more damage.
Bravega 3 Yes 5 20 15 Raises the Strength stat for all allies by 75%.
Faith 2 Yes 5 40 15 Raises the target’s Magic stat by 75%. Works in the same way as Bravery, but used primarily to augment the attacking prowess of Ravager spells, healing capacity of Medics, and offer a boost to Commandos using Ruin and Ruinga.
Faithga 3 Yes 5 20 15 Raises the Magic stat for all allies by 75%.
Enfire 2 Yes 5 200 15 Adds a Fire attribute to a target’s non-elemental attacks and increases the damage of Fire-infused Ravager abilities.
Enfrost 2 Yes 5 200 15 Adds an Ice attribute to a target’s non-elemental attacks and increases the damage of Ice-infused Ravager abilities.
Enthunder 2 Yes 5 200 15 Adds a Lightning attribute to a target’s non-elemental attacks and increases the damage of Lightning-infused Ravager abilities.
Enaero 2 Yes 5 200 15 Adds a Wind attribute to a target’s non-elemental attacks and increases the damage of Wind-infused Ravager abilities.
Protect 2 Yes 5 180 15 Raises the target’s resistance to physical attacks by 25%.
Protectga 3 Yes 5 30 15 Raises resistance to physical attacks for all allies by 25%.
Shell 2 Yes 5 180 15 Raises the target’s resistance to magic attacks by 25%.
Shellga 3 Yes 5 30 15 Raises the resistance to magic attacks for all allies by 25%.
Veil 2 Yes 5 180 15 Raises the target’s status ailment resistance by 50%.
Veilga 3 Yes 5 30 15 Raises the resistance to status ailments for all allies by 50%.
Vigilance 2 Yes 5 180 15 Decreases a target’s odds of being interrupted, and reduces Wound damage sustained.
Vigilaga 3 Yes 5 30 15 Decreases the odds of being interrupted, and reduces Wound damage taken for all allies.
Endless Blessings 3 - 5 - 15 Extends the duration of status enhancements by 8 seconds.

Auto Ability

Ability Name Infusible Description
Boon - Extends the duration of a target’s existing status enhancements by 5 seconds once new buffs are bestowed. Tactically vital, this enables you to "top-up" status enhancements regularly.

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