
Chaos - Walker of Wheel

Chaos - Walker of Wheel

Esper #11

Check the bestiary entry of 'Chaos - Walker of Wheel' for detailed enemy information!

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You have to clear Wraith, White Mousse, Orthros and Roblon Mob Hunt missions.
After the Attac on Mt. Bur-Omisace, you can talk to an elder at Old Dalan's house . He need to find 2more pieces of a medal.
  • For the first fragment, go down to the Garamsythe Waterway central waterway station . Deactivate all Panels. Then do the following: Activate the 11th Panel; Activate the 4th Panel; Deactivate the 11rd Panel; Activate the 3rd Panel; Activate the 4th Area Panel. Then, you can find the first fragment on the southern part of this area.
  • For the second fragment, go back to the elder first. Then go to Filo . Then, head to the great fountain, and talk to the curious woman . Visit the Bazaar then, and ask everybody about the Amulett . Ask the soldier in the magic shop about the amulett, and tell him, that you will bring the woman to him. Head back to Filo . Back in the magic shop , you'll get the second fragment.
  • Give all fragments to the elder, and he will disappear.

    Another Medal you need, can be found in the Imperial City of Archades.
  • Talk to the elder in the magic shop .
  • Visit Otto in Old Archades , he will give you an old medal.
  • Give this medal to the elder in the magic shop.

    Then, meet the elders in the nabreus deadlands . Afterwards, walk to the area, where you fought Roblon . At the Shrine there, you'll get the last medal.

    Now, it's time to enter the Necrohol of Nabudis. There are 2 bosses to defeat (Humbaba and Fury ) before the third medal is usable.
    Behind the third door, you can face Chaos.
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