
Bazaar Goods & Loots FAQ

 - Final Fantasy XII
 - Bazaar Goods & Loots FAQ


This guide is written and compiled by sephirosuy / Seph.

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distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of the guide on
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===============   Play 1 hour at least have 10 minutes rest   =================
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Thanks for clicking on the guide.
This is the Bazaar Goods & Loots FAQ of Final Fantasy XII on US version,
contain all Bazaar Goods and the loots selling requirement, also with how
to get each of the required loots. This can be used for the Japanese version
too since it has no different, as long as you know the translations. Sorry for
my bad writing skill, I'm not a professional author and English is not my first
language, I just write out whatever sentences that could be understand easier.

Everything based on my current data of the game, no other sources except those
were in the Credits section. Check my main guide for all details of the game.

Version update:
 - Moogle - 05 Dec 2006
    - Covered all bazaar goods with loot except for items.
 - Fafnir - 07 Dec 2006
    - Re-arrange the whole guide.
    - More informations on certain loots.
 - SEP - 12 Dec 2006
    - Done items goods with loot.
    - Correction on Staff section.
    - Few more loot updated.
 - SEP - 10 Jan 2007
    - Corrected mistake in Heavy Armor & Shield section.
 - SEP - 15 Jan 2007
    - Bazaar Title section added.
 - SEP - 22 Feb 2007
    - Nothing extra, only some minor corrections.


 << MENU >>

  1a. Bazaar Title .......................... sep00a
  1.  Basic ................................. sep000

  2. Loot
      - High Arcana ......................... sep001
      - Empyreal Soul ....................... sep002
      - Serpentarius ........................ sep003
      - Gemsteel ............................ sep004

  3. Sword
      - Iron Sword .......................... sep005
      - Blood Sword ......................... sep006
      - Flametongue ......................... sep007
      - Diamond Sword ....................... sep008
      - Deathbringer ........................ sep009
      - Stoneblade .......................... sep010
      - Durandal ............................ sep011

  4. Greatsword
      - Save The Queen ...................... sep012
      - Ultima Blade ........................ sep013
      - Tournesol ........................... sep014
      - Wyrmhero Blade ...................... sep015

  5. Katana
      - Ame-no-Murakumo ..................... sep016
      - Masamune ............................ sep017

  6. Ninja Sword
      - Kagenui ............................. sep018
      - Orochi .............................. sep019

  7. Spear
      - Javelin ............................. sep020
      - Trident ............................. sep021
      - Gungnir ............................. sep022

  8. Pole
      - Cypress Pole ........................ sep023
      - Iron Pole ........................... sep024
      - Ivory Pole .......................... sep025
      - Whale Whisker ....................... sep026

  9. Arrow & Bow
      - Parallel Arrows & Shortbow .......... sep027
      - Firey Arrows & Longbow .............. sep028
      - Bamboo Arrows & Loxley Bow .......... sep029
      - Icecloud Arrows & Perseus Bow ....... sep030
      - Artemis Arrows ...................... sep031
      - Artemis Bows ........................ sep032
      - Sagittarius ......................... sep033

 10. Bolt & Crossbow
      - Long Bolts & Crossbow ............... sep034
      - Stone Bolts & Recurve Crossbow ...... sep035
      - Black Bolts & Hunting Crossbow ...... sep036
      - Time Bolts & Penetrator Crossbow .... sep037
      - Grand Bolts ......................... sep038

 11. Shot & Gun
      - Silent Shot & Capella ............... sep039
      - Aqua Shot & Vega .................... sep040
      - Mud Shot & Aldebara ................. sep041
      - Winslicer Shot & Spica .............. sep042
      - Arcturus ............................ sep043
      - Stone Shot .......................... sep044

 12. Axe & Hammer
      - Francisca ........................... sep045
      - Golden Axe .......................... sep046
      - Scorpion Tail ....................... sep047

 13. Dagger
      - Zwill Crossblade .................... sep048

 14. Staff
      - Cloud Staff ......................... sep049

 15. Handy Bombs
      - Water Bombs .......................... sep050
      - Fumarole & Poison Bombs .............. sep051
      - Tumulus & Oil Bombs .................. sep052
      - Castellanos .......................... sep053
      - Caldera & Chaos Bombs ................ sep054

 16. Light Armor
      - Chromed Leathers ............................... sep055
      - Leather Headgear & Leather Breatplate .......... sep056
      - Red Cap & Brigandine ........................... sep057
      - Headband & Jujitsu Gi .......................... sep058
      - Adamant Hat & Adamant Vest ..................... sep059
      - Chakra Band & Power Vest ....................... sep060
      - Gigas Hat & Gigas Chestplate ................... sep061
      - Crown of Laurels & Rubber Suit ................. sep062

 17. Heavy Armor & Shield
      - Escutcheon ..................................... sep063
      - Golden Helm, Golden Armor, Golden Shield ....... sep064
      - Burgonet, Shield Armor, Ice Shield ............. sep065
      - Demon Shield ................................... sep066
      - Venetian Shield ................................ sep067
      - Magepower Shishak .............................. sep068
      - Maximillian .................................... sep069
      - Platinum Helm, Platinum Armor, Platinum Shiled . sep070

 18. Mystic Armor
      - Feathered Cap & Traveller's Vestment ........... sep071
      - Lamia's Tiara & Enchanter's Habit .............. sep072
      - Black Cowl & Black Garb ........................ sep073
      - Black Mask & Black Robes ....................... sep074
      - White Mask & White Robes ....................... sep075

 19. Accessory
      - Winged Boots .............................. sep076
      - Quasimodo Boots ........................... sep077
      - Gillie Boots .............................. sep078
      - Battle Harness ............................ sep079
      - Golden Amulet ............................. sep080
      - Pheasant Netsuke .......................... sep081
      - Blazer Gloves ............................. sep082
      - Firefly ................................... sep083
      - Amber Armlet .............................. sep084
      - Turtleshell Choker ........................ sep085
      - Opal Ring ................................. sep086
      - Bubble Belt ............................... sep087
      - Hermes Sandals ............................ sep088
      - Nihopalaoa ................................ sep089
      - Cat-ear Hood .............................. sep090

 20. Item Package
      - Potion x2 ....................................... sep091
      - Potion x5, Handkerchief x3, Gold Needle x3 ...... sep092
      - Hi-Potion x10 ................................... sep093
      - X-Potion x10 .................................... sep094
      - Potion x30, Hi-Potion x20, X-Potion x10 ......... sep095
      - Ether x1 ........................................ sep096
      - Hi-Ether x1 ..................................... sep097
      - Elixir x1 ....................................... sep098
      - Megalixir x1 .................................... sep099
      - Antidote x3 ..................................... sep100
      - Eye Drops x3 .................................... sep101
      - Hi-Potion x4, Smelling Salts x2 ................. sep102
      - Phoenix Down x5, Alarm Clock x5 ................. sep103
      - Antidote x12, Eye Drops x12, Echo Herbs x12 ..... sep104
      - Vaccine x8, Smelling Salts x16 .................. sep105
      - Chronos Tear x10 ................................ sep106
      - Vaccine x10 ..................................... sep107
      - Phoenix Down x2 ................................. sep108
      - Phoenix Down x2, Potion x2 ...................... sep109
      - Phoenix Down x12, Hi-Potion x3 .................. sep110
      - Phoenix Down x10 ................................ sep111
      - Phoenix Down x25 ................................ sep112
      - Phoenix Down x50 ................................ sep113
      - Bucchus's Wine x3 ............................... sep114
      - Water Mote x5 ................................... sep115
      - Holy Mote x1 .................................... sep116
      - Scathe Mote x1 .................................. sep117
      - Red Fang x5 ..................................... sep118
      - Dark Matter x1 .................................. sep119
      - Pebble x99 ...................................... sep120

  21. Contact ...................................... zep000
  22. Credits ...................................... zep001

-  1a. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Bazaar Title   | ........................................................|

Every single Bazaar Good has its own title showing in the Bazaar section
(any shop). When you had unlocked the goods, it will appear as the title
name, and you can't see what's included in that good. Here is the list of
the title of all Bazaar Goods.

  |          Title          =        Goods         |   Category   |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Hunter's Monograph   |  Key Item    |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Knight's Monograph   |              |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Mage's Monograph     |              |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Dragoon's Monograph  |              |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Sage's Monograph     |              |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Warmage's Monograph  |              |
  | - Forgotten Grimoire    = Scholar's Monograph  |              |
  | - Morbid Urn            = Canopic Jar          |              |
  | - Life Crystal          = High Arcana          |  Loot        |
  | - Jewel of Creation     = Empyreal Soul        |              |
  | - Jewel of the Serpent  = Serpentarius         |              |
  | - Matchless Steel       = Gemsteel             |              |
  | - Iron-forged Blade     = Iron Sword           |  Sword       |
  | - Crimson Blade         = Blood Sword          |              |
  | - Burning Blade         = Flametongue          |              |
  | - Warped Blade          = Diamond Sword        |              |
  | - THe Leering Blade     = Deathbringer         |              |
  | - Darksteel Blade       = Stoneblade           |              |
  | - Well-forged Blade     = Durandal             |              |
  | - Attenuated Greatsword = Save The Queen       |  Greatsword  |
  | - Ultimate Blade        = Ultima Blade         |              |
  | - The Sunflower         = Tournesol            |              |
  | - Dragon Crest          = Wyrmhero Blade       |  Key Item    |
  | - Samurai's Katana      = Ame-no-Murakumo      |  Katana      |
  | - Master-crafted Blade  = Masamune             |              |
  | - Jag-tooth Ninja Sword = Kagenui              |  Ninja Sword |
  | - Serpent Blade         = Orochi               |              |
  | - Light Spear           = Javelin              |  Spear       |
  | - Forked Spear          = Trident              |              |
  | - Engraved Spear        = Gungnir              |              |
  | - Wooden Pole           = Cypress Pole         |  Pole        |
  | - Iron-forged Pole      = Iron Pole            |              |
  | - Elegant Pole          = Ivory Pole           |              |
  | - Whisker of the Beast  = Whale Whisker        |              |
  | - Bow & Bodkin          = Parallel Arrows      |  Arrow & Bow |
  |                           Shortbow             |              |
  | - Arrows Alight         = Firey Arrows         |              |
  |                           Longbow              |              |
  | - Hollow-shaft Arrows   = Bamboo Arrows        |              |
  |                           Loxley Bow           |              |
  | - Permafrost Bow        = Icecloud Arrows      |              |
  |   & Quiver                Perseus Bow          |              |
  | - Arrows of the         = Artemis Arrows       |              |
  |   Moon Goddess                                 |              |
  | - Bow of the            = Artemis Bow          |              |
  |   Moon Goddess                                 |              |
  | - Silver Bow            = Sagittarius          |              |
  | - Ranger's Crossbow     = Long Bolts           |  Bolt &      |
  |                           Crossbow             |  Crossbow    |
  | - Huntman's Crossbow    = Stone Bolts          |              |
  |                           Recurve Crossbow     |              |
  | - Blindfight Quarrels   = Black Bolts          |              |
  |                           Hunting Crossbow     |              |
  | - Scout's Crossbow      = Time Bolts           |              |
  |                           Penetrator Crossbow  |              |
  | - Piercing Bolts        = Grand Bolts          |              |
  | - Marksman's Delight    = Silent Shot, Capella |  Shot & Gun  |
  | - Rain of Tears         = Aqua Shot, Vega      |              |
  | - Mudslinger            = Mud Shot, Aldecaran  |              |
  | - Armor-piercing Shot   = Windslicer Shot      |              |
  |                           Spica                |              |
  | - Late-model Rifle      = Arcturus             |              |
  | - Stone Shot            = Stone Shot           |              |
  | - War Axe               = Francisca            |  Axe &       |
  | - Golden Battle Axe     = Golden Axe           |  Hammer      |
  | - The Scorpion          = Scorpion Tail        |              |
  | - Double-bladed Knife   = Zwill Crossblade     |  Dagger      |
  | - Mystic Staff          = Cloud Staff          |  Staff       |
  | - Water-drop Munitions  = Water Bombs          |  Handy Bombs |
  | - Noisome               = Fumarole             |              |
  |   Incendiaries            Poison Bombs         |              |
  | - Oil-Soaked            = Tumulus              |              |
  |   Incendiaries            Oil Bombs            |              |
  | - Devastating           = Castellanos          |              |
  |   Incendiaries                                 |              |
  | - Befuddling            = Caldera              |              |
  |   Incendiaries            Chaos Bombs          |              |
  | - Unassuming Surcoat    = Chromed Leathers     |  Light Armor |
  | - Assorted Leathers     = Leather Breastplate  |              |
  |                           Leather Headgear     |              |
  | - Matching Reds         = Red Cap              |              |
  |                           Brigandine           |              |
  | - Monk's Gard           = Headband             |              |
  |                           Jujitsu Gi           |              |
  | - Ligth & Sturdy Gard   = Adamant Hat          |              |
  |                           Adamant Vest         |              |
  | - Emboldening Arms      = Chakra Band          |              |
  |                           Power Vest           |              |
  | - Gigas Gear            = Gigas Hat            |              |
  |                           Gigas Chestplate     |              |
  | - Nature's Armory       = Crown of Laurrels    |              |
  |                           Rubber Suit          |              |
  | - Gilt Shield           = Escutcheon           |  Heavy Armor |
  | - Golden Garb           = Golden Helm          |  & Shield    |
  |                           Golden Armor         |              |
  |                           Golden Shield        |              |
  | - Burnished Protectives = Burgonet             |              |
  |                           Shielded Armor       |              |
  |                           Ice Shield           |              |
  | - Forbidding Shield     = Demon Shield         |              |
  | - Brilliant Shield      = Venetian Shield      |              |
  | - Magepower Helm        = Magepower Shishak    |              |
  | - Sturdy Battle Gear    = Maximillian          |              |
  | - Platinum Gear         = Platinum Helm        |              |
  |                           Platinum Armor       |              |
  |                           Platinum Shield      |              |
  | - Traveler's Garb       = Feathered Cap        | Mystic Armor |
  |                           Traveler's Vestments |              |
  | - Alluring Finery       = Lamia's Tiara        |              |
  |                           Enchanter's Habit    |              |
  | - Ninja Garb            = Black Cowl           |              |
  |                           Black Garb           |              |
  | - Black Vestments       = Black Mask           |              |
  |                           Black Robes          |              |
  | - White Vestments       = White Mask           |              |
  |                           White Robes          |              |
  | - Feathered Boots       = Winged Boots         |  Accessory   |
  | - Shoes of the Dead     = Quasimodo Boots      |              |
  | - Ninja Footgear        = Gillie Boots         |              |
  | - Back Harness          = Battle Harness       |              |
  | - Gilt Phylactery       = Golden Amulet        |              |
  | - Wing Cord             = Pheasant Netsuke     |              |
  | - Large Gloves          = Blazer Gloves        |              |
  | - Blush of Light        = Firefly              |              |
  | - Brawler's Fetish      = Amber Armlet         |              |
  | - Shell-worked Collar   = Turtleshell Choker   |              |
  | - Exquisite Ring        = Opal Ring            |              |
  | - Chain-link Belt       = Bubble Belt          |              |
  | - Wind Walkers          = Hermes Sandals       |              |
  | - Cursed Necklace       = Nihopalaoa           |              |
  | - Comfy Headgear        = Cat-ear Hood         |              |
  | - Potion Pack           = Potion x2            | Item Package |
  | - Tinctures & Tonics    = Potion x5            |              |
  |                           Handkerchief x3      |              |
  |                           Gold Needle  x3      |              |
  | - Hi-Potion Pack        = Hi-Potion x10        |              |
  | - X-Potion Pack         = X-Potion  x10        |              |
  | - Potion Crate          = Potion    x30        |              |
  |                           Hi-Potion x20        |              |
  |                           X-Potion  x10        |              |
  | - Flask of Oily Liquid  = Ether x1             |              |
  | - Flask of Viscous Liquid = Hi-Ether x1        |              |
  | - Saint's Draught       = Elixir x1            |              |
  | - Esoteric Draught      = Megalixir x1         |              |
  | - Antidote Set          = Antidote x3          |              |
  | - Eye Drop Set          = Eye Drops x3         |              |
  | - Smelling Salts        = Hi-Potion x4         |              |
  |                           Smelling Salts x2    |              |
  | - Eye Openers           = Phoenix Down x5      |              |
  |                           Alarm Clock  x5      |              |
  | - Survival Set          = Antidote   x12       |              |
  |                           Eye Drops  x12       |              |
  |                           Echo Herbs x12       |              |
  | - Phials & Philtres     = Vaccine  x8          |              |
  |                           Smelling Salts x16   |              |
  | - Chronos Tear Pack     = Chronos Tear x10     |              |
  | - Vaccine Pack          = Vaccine x10          |              |
  | - Tail of the Phoenix   = Phoenix Down x2      |              |
  | - First-aid Kit         = Phoenix Down x2      |              |
  |                           Potion x2            |              |
  | - Triage Kit            = Phoenix Down x12     |              |
  |                           Hi-Potion    x3      |              |
  | - Fire-bird's Whisper   = Phoenix Down x10     |              |
  | - Soul of the Fire-bird = Phoenix Down x25     |              |
  | - Phoenix Flight        = Phoenix Down x50     |              |
  | - Slipping Wine         = Bucchus's Wine x3    |              |
  | - Magick Shards         = Water Mote x4        |              |
  | - Magick Shard          = Holy Mote x1         |              |
  | - Magick Shard          = Scathe Mote x1       |              |
  | - Burning Fangs         = Red Fang x5          |              |
  | - Mysterious Substance  = Dark Matter x1       |              |
  | - Memories of Yore      = Pebble x99           |  Loot/Item   |

-  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Basic   | ...............................................................|

 Some loots are will only be dropped after you have bought these items
 especially. So recommend purchase all this key items before going to hunt
 the monsters that're drop the rare loots.
|  Key Item  |       Usage/Effect        |       How to unlock       |  Cost  |
| Hunter's   | Increase treasure drops   | Clear Thextera Mob/Mark,  |  18000 |
| Monograph  | from monster & bird type  | then talk to Gatsly in    |        |
|            | enemies.                  | Rabanastre, Muthru Bazaar.|        |
| Knight's   | Increase treasure drops   | Talk to any weapon shop   |  19000 |
| Monograph  | from giant & insect type  | owner over 30 times.      |        |
|            | enemies.                  |                           |        |
| Mage's     | Increase treasure drops   | Talk to any magic shop    |  21000 |
| Monograph  | from magical type enemies.| owner over 25 times.      |        |
|            |                           |                           |        |
| Dragoon's  | Increase treasure drops   | Read the Mob Hunt         |  22000 |
| Monograph  | from dragon & plant type  | bulletin board 40 times.  |        |
|            | enemies.                  |                           |        |
| Sage's     | Increase treasure drops   | Talk to any shop onwer    |  25000 |
| Monograph  | from elemental spirit     | over 100 times.           |        |
|            | type enemies.             |                           |        |
| Warmage's  | Increase treasure drops   | Read the Mob Hunt         |  20000 |
| Monograph  | from mollusk & undead     | bulletin board 20 times.  |        |
|            | type enemies.             |                           |        |
| Scholar's  | Increase treasure drops   | Talk to any armor shop    |  22000 |
| Monograph  | from specialist type      | owner over 15 times.      |        |
|            | enemies.                  |                           |        |
| Canopic    | All monsters can drop     | *Sell off Phobos Glaze,   | 250000 |
| Jar        | the Arcana.               | Horakhty's Flame, and     |        |
|            |                           | Deimos Clay.              |        |
*Phobos Glaze, Horachty's Flame and Deimos Clay are the rewards of Mob Hunt of
 Gil Snapper/Gilgame (rank C), Orthros (rank A) and Trickster (rank A).

        |                         Reminder                           |
        |  Some of the loots are rare steal or drop, they're almost  |
        |  impossible to be found with just a few try even you have  |
        |  got the appointed Monographes, just depends on theluck,   |
        |  nothing you can do other than keep on trying.             |
        |  And since the rare monster is harder to be found, so for  |
        |  those loots that could be found from both common and rare |
        |  monster, I just list them under the common monster.       |
        |  As for the Poach list, I just only list down those can    |
        |  only be obtained by Poach technick. For those which are   |
        |  actually same as a drops from monster, I just list it     |
        |  under the Drop list.                                      |

        |                           Tips                             |
        |  1. Equip Thief's Cuffs to steal the rare loots like       |
        |     zodiac gems.                                           |
        |  2. Get higher chain combo to increase the chance and      |
        |     the quantity of the drops.                             |

| Bazaar Good(s) - Require Loots |  Cost  |

#= Details of Require Loots
     Drops - monster that drops the loot ....... the location
             monster sort according to:
               - storyline (the first area you found the monster)
               - side area
               - Mark/boss/esper/rare monster
     Steal - monster the loot is stolen from ... the location
             monster sort according to:
               - storyline (the first area you found the monster)
               - side area
               - Mark/boss/esper/rare monster
     Poach - monster the loot is poached from .. the location
             monster sort according to:
               - storyline (the first area you found the monster)
               - side area
               - rare monster
     Other - if it has other way to find
             *if the rare loots found by Poach easier than Drops or Steal
              only would be listed down under Poach list.

*the sorting is based on my main FAQ/Walkthrough of this game,

-  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Loot   | ................................................................|

|  High Arcana - Arcana          x10 |  9999  |--------------------------------
|              - Feystone        x1  |        |------------------------ sep001
|              - Soul of Thamasa x1  |        |--------------------------------

#= Arcana
     - Many monsters can drop this item especially the rare monster,
       as long as you bough the Conapic Jar.

#= Feystone
     Drops - Salamand Entite ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Leshach Entite ......... Paramina Rift
           - Gnome Entite ........... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Sylphi Entite .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........... Giza Plains
           - Undin Entite ........... Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana (50F)
           - Diakon Entite .......... Giruvegan
           - Leamonde Entite ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Storm Elemental ........ Giza Plains
           - Ice Elemental .......... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Earth Elemental ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Holy Elemental ......... Feywood
           - Water Elemental ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bangaa Thief ........... Cerobi Steppe
           - Dark Elemental ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Salamand Entite ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Leshach Entite ......... Paramina Rift
           - Gnome Entite ........... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Sylphi Entite .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........... Giza Plains
           - Undin Entite ........... Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana (50F)
           - Diakon Entite .......... Giruvegan
           - Leamonde Entite ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Storm Elemental ........ Giza Plains
           - Ice Elemental .......... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Earth Elemental ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Holy Elemental ......... Feywood
           - Water Elemental ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dark Elemental ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Crystalbug ............. Stilshrine of Miriam, Nabreus Deadlands

#= Soul of Thamasa
     Drops - Oversoul ............... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Ishteen ................ Barheim Passage (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Deathscythe Mob/Mark Hunt mission

|  Empyreal Soul - High Arcana   x1 |  29991  |--------------------------------
|                - Soul Powder   x1 |         |------------------------ sep002
|                - Wargod's Band x2 |         |--------------------------------

#= High Arcana
     Steal - Any Esper, but it's rare. I found Ultima is easier.
     Other - Reward from clan after getting 250000 clan points
             and defeat 24 mob/marks
           - Reward from clan after collecting 4 espers
           - Many rare monsters can drop this,
             as long as you bough the Conapic Jar
           - Trade with Arcana x10, Feystone x1, Soul of Thamasa x1

#= Soul Powder
     Drops - Etem ......... Henne Mines
     Steal - Vorres ....... Necrohol of Nabudis (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Ixtab Mob/Mark Hunt mission

#= Wargod's Band
     Drops - Leynir ....... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Victanir ..... Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
     Poach - Leynir ....... Nabreus Deadlands

|  Serpentarius  - High Arcana  x1 |  19998 |----------------------------------
|                - Snake Skin   x4 |        |-------------------------- sep003
|                - Serpent Eye  x2 |        |----------------------------------

#= High Arcana
     Steal - Ultima ....... The Great Crystal (esper)
     Other - Reward from clan after getting 250000 clan points
             and defeat 24 mob/marks
           - Reward from clan after collecting 4 espers
           - Many rare monsters can drop this,
             as long as you bough the Conapic Jar
           - Trade with Arcana x10, Feystone x1, Soul of Thamasa x1

#= Snake Skin
     Drops - Wild Snake ........... Giza Plains
           - Grey Molter .......... Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
           - Midgardsormr ......... Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
     Steal - Wild Snake ........... Giza Plains
     Poach - Wild Snake ........... Giza Plains

#= Serpent Eye
     Drops - Basilisk ............. Feywood
     Poach - Grey Molter .......... Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Mariltih Mob/Mark hunt mission

|  Gemsteel - Scarletite        x1 |  29997  |---------------------------------
|           - Damascus Steel    x2 |         |------------------------- sep004
|           - Hell-Gate's Flame x2 |         |---------------------------------

#= Scarletite
     Drops - Emeralditan ........ Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Aspidochelon ....... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Poach - Emeralditan ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Random reward from Fishing Mini-Game
             (Den of the River Lord).

#= Damascus Steel
     Drops - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Vishno ............. Pharos at Ridorana (rare monster)
           - Anchag ............. Paramina Rift (rare monster)
           - Bluesang ........... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
           - Vinuskar ........... Stilshrine of Miriam (boss)
                                 *might get other items.
     Poach - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridoranad

#= Hell-Gate's Flame
     Drops - Cerberus ........... Feywood
     Steal - Cerberus ........... Feywood
     Steal - Enkidu ............. Lhusu Mines, during the Gilgamesh fight,
                                 *might get Beastlord Hide.
     Poach - Wary Wolf .......... Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)

-  3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Sword   |................................................................|

|  Iron Sword - Earth Stone x3  |  1080  |-------------------------------------
|             - Iron Scraps x3  |        |----------------------------- sep005
|             - Foul Flesh  x2  |        |-------------------------------------

#= Earth Stone
     Drops - Cactoad ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ............ Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix ........... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Mimic ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tiny Mimic ........ Barheim Passage
           - Alraune ........... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Urutan-Yensa ...... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa
           - Ragoh ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Malboro ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Great Malboro ..... Golmore Jungle
           - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Cactoad ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ............ Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix ........... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Tiny Mimic ........ Barheim Passage
           - Ragoh ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands

#= Iron Scraps
     Drops - Battery Mimic ..... Barheim Passage
           - Mimic ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tiny Mimic ........ Barheim Passage
           - Thunderbug ........ Henne Mines
     Steal - Battery Mimic ..... Barheim Passage
           - Mimic ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tiny Mimic ........ Barheim Passage
           - Thunderbug ........ Henne Mines

#= Foul Flesh
     Drops - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Shadowseer ........ Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                *might get Forbidden Flesh or Maggoty Flesh
     Poach - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Gaste ............. Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam

|  Blood Sword - Dark Stone  x5 |  4500  |-------------------------------------
|              - Solid Stone x2 |        |----------------------------- sep006
|              - Glass Jewel x2 |        |-------------------------------------

#= Dark Stone
     Drops - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Dark Skeleton .... Paramina Rift
           - Zombie ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Zombie ........... Barheim Passage, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dark Elemental ... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Magicite

#= Solid Stone
     Drops - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Facer ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Clay Golem ....... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Vishno ........... Pharos at Ridorana (rare monster)
     Poach - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Facer ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Clay Golem ....... Mosphoran Highwaste

#= Glass Jewel
     Drops - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Specter .......... Barheim Passage
           - Glaring Eye ...... Henne Mines (rare monster)
           - Evil Spirit ...... The Great Crystal (rare monster)
     Steal - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Wraith ........... Garamsythe Waterway (Mark)
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
     Poach - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Specter .......... Barheim Passage

|  Flametongue - Fire Stone   x6 |  4680  |------------------------------------
|              - Malboro Vine x2 |        |---------------------------- sep007
|              - Lumber       x2 |        |------------------------------------

#= Fire Stone
     Drops - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Alpha Hyena ..... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
           - Marilith ........ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)

#= Malboro Vine
     Drops - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle
     Poach - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle

#= Lumber
     Drops - Treant .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Facer ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Juggernaut ...... Feywood
     Steal - Treant .......... Golmore Jungle

| Diamond Sword - Fire Magicite      x7 |  11250  |----------------------------
|               - Maggoty Flesh      x4 |         |-------------------- sep008
|               - Bundle of Feathers x6 |         |----------------------------

#= Fire Magicite
     Drops - Hellhound ....... Golmore Jungle
           - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Balloon ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ........ Salikawood
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Dullhan ......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Garchimacera .... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Maggoty Flesh
     Drops - Striker .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Knight .... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Wendigo .......... Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Zombie Knigh ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Shadowseer ....... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                              *might get Forbidden Flesh or Foul Flesh
           - Hydro ............ Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
     Poach - Striker .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Knight .... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Wendigo .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Warlock ... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis

#= Bundle of Feathers
     Drops - Vulture .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Vulture .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Dive Talon ....... Dalmasca Westersand

|  Deathbringer - Dark Crystal x10 |  14800  |---------------------------------
|               - Solid Horn   x4  |         |------------------------- sep009
|               - Demon Tail   x5  |         |---------------------------------

#= Dark Crystal
     Drops - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Necrophobe ......... The Great Crystal
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Reaper ............. The Great Crystal
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dragon Lich ........ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mimeo .............. Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
           - Necrofiend ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bogey .............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Shambling Corpse ... Zertinan Caverns
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gespenst ........... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro Overking ... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Forbidden .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Oversoul ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Abysteel ........... Henne Mines
           - Etem ............... Henne Mines
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Hell Wyrm .......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                                 *might get Dark Stone or Dark Magicite

#= Solid Horn
     Drops - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bull Abaddon ....... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Tarasque ........... Tchita Uplands (rare monster)
     Steal - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bull Abaddon ....... Pharos at Ridorana
     Poach - Suriander .......... Barheim Passage
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bull Abaddon ....... Pharos at Ridorana

#= Demon Tail
     Drops - Gargoyle Baron ..... Giruvegan
           - Buer ............... Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Gargoyle Baron ..... Giruvegan
     Poach - Pit Fient .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Gargoyle Baron ..... Giruvegan
           - Garchimacera ....... Garamsythe Waterway

|  Stoneblade - Taurus Gem   x3 |  17800  |------------------------------------
|             - Orichalcum   x2 |         |---------------------------- sep010
|             - Chimera Head x2 |         |------------------------------------

#= Taurus Gem
     Drops - Seeker ........... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lesser Chimera ... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Red Chocobo ...... Ozmone Plains
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Charybterix ...... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Seeker ........... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lesser Chimera ... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Redmaw ........... Henne Mines
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Chimera Brain .... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Vampyr ........... Lhusu Mines
     Poach - Aerieel .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Other - After collecting 10 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward in Archades, which contain a Taurus Gem.

#= Orichalcum
     Drops - Deidar ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Vishno ........... Pharos at Rodorana (rare monster)
     Steal - Vishno ........... Pharos at Rodorana (rare monster)
     Poach - Deidar ........... Pharos at Ridorana

#= Chimera Head
     Drops - Chimera Brain .... Pharos at Ridorana

|  Durandal - Leshach Halcyon x1 |  21600  |-----------------------------------
|           - Emperor Scale   x2 |         |--------------------------- sep011
|           - Lifewick        x3 |         |-----------------------------------

#= Leshach Halcyon
     Drops - Leshach Entite ...... Paramina Rift
     Steal - Leshach Entite ...... Paramina Rift

#= Emperor Scale
     Drops - Archaeoaeivs ........ Zertina Caverns
     Steal - Elder Wyrm .......... Golmore Jungle (boss)
                                  *might get Succulent Fruit or Feystone
           - Deathgaze ........... Airship (Mark)
                                  *might get Charger Barding or Phoenix Down

#= Lifewick
     Drops - Necrofiend .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
     Steal - Necrofiend .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines

-  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Greatsword   |...........................................................|

|  Save The Queen - Holy Crystal  x10 |  14000  |------------------------------
|                 - Sky Jewel     x7  |         |---------------------- sep012
|                 - Quality Stone x4  |         |------------------------------

#= Holy Crystal
     Drops - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Babil ................. Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Goliath ............... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                    *might get Iron Ore or Holy Magicite

#= Sky Jewel
     Drops - Necrophobe ............ The Great Crystal
           - Necrofiend ............ Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Spectar ............... Barheim Passage
           - Bogey ................. Zertinan Caverns
           - Cultsworn Lich ........ Tomb of Raithwall (rare monster)
     Steal - Necrophobe ............ The Great Crystal
           - Necrofiend ............ Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Ahriman ............... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
     Poach - Necrophobe ............ The Great Crystal
           - Spectar ............... Barheim Passage
           - Bogey ................. Zertinan Caverns
           - Ghost ................. Garamsythe Waterway

#= Quality Stone
     Drops - Brainpan .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Deidar ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Babil ................. Necrohol of Nabudis

|  Ultima Blade - Gnome Halcyon x1 |  22800  |---------------------------------
|               - Death Powder  x2 |         |------------------------- sep013
|               - Adamantite    x2 |         |---------------------------------

#= Gnome Halcyon
     Drops - Gnome Entite ........ Dalmasca Westersand
     Steal - Gnome Entite ........ Dalmasca Westersand

#= Death Powder
     Drops - Bogey ............... Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Ahriman ............. Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
     Poach - Bogey ............... Zertinan Caverns
           - Cultsworn Lich ...... Tomb of Raithwall (rare monster)

#= Adamantite
     Drops - Adamantitan ......... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Thalassinon ......... Phon Coast (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Darksteel Mob/Mark Hunt mission.
           - Random reward from Fishing Mini-Game
             (Hidden Shoals or Den of the River Lord).

|  Tournesol - Serpentarius     x3 |  600000  |--------------------------------
|            - Empyreal Soul    x3 |          |------------------------ sep014
|            - Gemsteel         x3 |          |--------------------------------

#= Serpentarius 
     Steal - Zodiack ............ Henne Mines (esper)
     Other - Reward from clan after collecting 13 espers
           - Trade with High Arcane x1, Snake Skin x4, Serpent Eye x2

#= Empyreal Soul
     Other - Reward from clan after getting 300000 clan points and
             defeat 28 mob/marks.
           - Trade with High Arcana x1, Soul Powder x1, Wargod's Band x2

#= Gemsteel
     Drops - Lv99 Red Chocobo ........ Ozmone Plains
     Other - Reward from clan after collecting 8 espers
           - Trade with Scarletite x1, Damascus Steel x2, Hell-Gate Flame x2

|  Wyrmhero Blade - Lu Shang's Badge  x1 |  65535  |---------------------------
|  /Tolo Sword    - Godslayer's Badge x1 |         |------------------- sep015
|                 - Omega Badge       x1 |         |---------------------------

#= Lu Shang's Badge
     - Reward in Fishing Mini-Game.

#= Godslayer's Badge
     - Reward of Yiazmat Mob/Mark hunt mission

#- Omega Badge
     - Reward of beating Omega Mk.XII optional boss.

-  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Katana   |...............................................................|

|  Ame-no-Murakumo  - Water Crystal x9 |  13800  |-----------------------------
|                   - Iron Ore      x5 |         |--------------------- sep016
|                   - Screamroot    x7 |         |-----------------------------

#= Water Crystal
     Drops - Mistmare ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Silicon Tortoise ..... Zertinan Caverns
           - Water Elemental ...... Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Mistmare ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Silicon Tortoise ..... Zertinan Caverns
           - Water Elemental ...... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Iron Ore
     Drops - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mimeo ................ Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
     Steal - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Goliath .............. Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                   *might get Holy Crystal or Holy Magicite

#= Screamroot
     Steal - Pumpkin Head ......... Salikewood
           - Pipe Rampager ........ Dalmasca Estersand
           - Rafflesia ............ Feywood (boss)

|  Masamune - Mallet     x2 |  350000  |---------------------------------------
|           - Orichalcum x3 |          |------------------------------- sep017
|           - Gemsteel   x2 |          |---------------------------------------

#= Mallet
     Drops - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Bombshell .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Other - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Reward from clan after defeating King Bomb

#= Orichalcum
     Drops - Deidar ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Vishno ........... Pharos at Rodorana (rare monster)
     Steal - Vishno ........... Pharos at Rodorana (rare monster)
     Poach - Deidar ........... Pharos at Ridorana

#= Gemsteel
     Drops - Lv99 Red Chocobo ........ Ozmone Plains
     Other - Reward from clan after collecting 8 espers
           - Trade with Scarletite x1, Damascus Steel x2, Hell-Gate Flame x2

-  6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Ninja Sword   |..........................................................|

|  Kagenui - Dark Magicite   x5 |  9000  |-------------------------------------
|          - Giant Feather   x5 |        |----------------------------- sep018
|          - Festering Flesh x4 |        |-------------------------------------

#= Dark Magicite
     Drops - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Stone

#= Giant Feather
     Drops - Vulture ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Dive Talon ........ Dalmasca Westersand
     Steal - Vulture ........... Mosphoran Highwaste

#= Festering Flesh
     Drops - Blood Gigas ....... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines

|  Orochi - Cancer Gem     x3 |  15200  |--------------------------------------
|         - Sickle-Blade   x2 |         |------------------------------ sep019
|         - Coeurl Whisker x2 |         |--------------------------------------

#= Cancer Gem
     Drops - Preying Mantis ....... Feywood
     Steal - Preying Mantis ....... Feywood
           - Deathclaw ............ Ridorana Cataract
           - Mimeo ................ Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
     Other - After collecting 20 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the rewards from Archades, which contain a Cancer Gem.

#= Sickle-Blade
     Drops - Preying mantis ....... Feywood
     Steal - Preying mantis ....... Feywood
           - Rageclaw ............. Salikawood (rare monster)
     Poach - Preying mantis ....... Feywood
     Other - Reward of Antlion Mob/Mark Hunt mission

#= Coeurl Whisker
     Drops - Ose .................. The Great Crystal
     Steal - Grimalkin ............ Tchita Uplands (rare monster)

-  7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Spear   |................................................................|

|  Javelin - Wind Stone x3 |  1980  |------------------------------------------
|          - Foul Flesh x2 |        |---------------------------------- sep020
|          - Horn       x2 |        |------------------------------------------

#= Wind Stone
     Drops - Wolf .............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Wild Snake ........ Giza Plains
           - Steeling .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Seeker ............ Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall,
                    ............ Henne Mines
           - Wooly Gator ....... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Slime ............. Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Wolf .............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Wooly Gator ....... Giza Plains (rain)

#= Foul Flesh
     Drops - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Shadowseer ........ Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                *might get Forbidden Flesh or Maggoty Flesh
     Poach - Zombie ............ Tomb of Raithwall, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Mage ....... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Gaste ............. Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam

#= Horn
     Drops - Gigantoad ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains (rain)
           - Suriander ......... Barheim Passage
           - Speartongue ....... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lizard ............ Paramina Rift
     Steal - Gigantoad ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains (rain)
           - Emperor Aevis ..... Paramina Rift

|  Trident - Wind Magicite x6 |  11250  |--------------------------------------
|          - Pointed Horn  x4 |         |------------------------------ sep021
|          - Maggoty Flesh x5 |         |--------------------------------------

#= Wind Magicite
     Drops - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Python .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Green Chocobo ... Salikawood
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Dive Talon ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe

#= Pointed Horn
     Drops - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Iguion .......... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage
     Poach - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage

#= Maggoty Flesh
     Drops - Striker .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Knight .... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Wendigo .......... Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Zombie Knigh ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Shadowseer ....... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                               *might get Forbidden Flesh or Foul Flesh
           - Hydro ............ Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
     Poach - Striker .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Knight .... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Wendigo .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Zombie Warlock ... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis

|  Gungnir - Mystletainn  x2 |  15300  |---------------------------------------
|          - Ketu Board   x2 |         |------------------------------- sep022
|          - Broken Spear x2 |         |---------------------------------------

#= Mystletainn
     Drops - Golem ............ Feywood
     Steal - Juggernaut ....... Feywood (rare mosnter)
     Poach - Golem ............ Feywood

#= Ketu Board
     Drops - Cassie ........... Ridorana Cataract
     Steal - Dr. Cid .......... Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                               *might get other items.

#= Broken Spear
     Drops - Skull Warrior .... Tomb of Raithwall
     Poach - Fideliant ........ Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)

-  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Pole   | ................................................................|

|  Cypress Pole - Earth Stone     x4 |  1800  |--------------------------------
|               - Bone Fragment   x5 |        |------------------------ sep023
|               - Succulent Fruit x3 |        |--------------------------------

#= Earth Stone
     Drops - Cactoad .......... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix .......... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Werewolf ......... Giza Plains
           - Mimic ............ Barheim Passage
           - Tiny Mimic ....... Barheim Passage
           - Alraune .......... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Urutan-Yensa ..... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa
           - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Malboro .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Great Malboro .... Golmore Jungle
           - Earth Elemental .. Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Cactoad .......... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix .......... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Tiny Mimic ....... Barheim Passage
           - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Earth Elemental .. Tchita Uplands

#= Bone Fragment
     Drops - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Skull Warrior .... Tom of Raithwall
           - Fideliant ........ Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Grave Lord ....... Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
     Steal - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Warrior .... Tom of Raithwall
           - Fideliant ........ Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)

#= Succulent Fruit
     Drops - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Pumpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
     Steal - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Elder Wyrm .......... Golmore Jungle (boss)
                                  *might get Emperor Scale or Feystone
     Poach - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Pumpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood

|  Iron Pole - Fire Magicite x7 |  4780  |-------------------------------------
|            - Sturdy Bone   x5 |        |----------------------------- sep024
|            - Demon Eyeball x3 |        |-------------------------------------

#= Fire Magicite
     Drops - Hellhound ....... Golmore Jungle
           - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Balloon ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ........ Salikawood
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Dullhan ......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Garchimacera .... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Sturdy Bone
     Drops - Dark Skeleton ... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight .... Paramina Rift
           - Crusader ........ Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Dark Skeleton ... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight .... Paramina Rift
           - Crusader ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ...... Pharos at Ridorana
     Poach - Dark Skeleton ... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight .... Paramina Rift

#= Demon Eyeball
     Drops - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Larva Eater ....... The Great Crystal (rare monster)
     Steal - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Poach - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis

|  Ivory Pole - Wind Crystal        x7 |  12150  |-----------------------------
|             - Demon Feather       x6 |         |--------------------- sep025
|             - Blood-darkened Bone x8 |         |-----------------------------

#= Wind Crystal
     Drops - Ash Wyrm ............ Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Air Elemental ....... Phon Coast
           - Mirrorknight ........ Feywood
           - Reaver .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bartine Croc ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Charybterix ......... Cerobi Steppe
           - Sylphi Entite ....... Ozmone Plains (cloudy)
     Steal - Ash Wyrm ............ Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Air Elemental ....... Phon Coast
           - Mirrorknight ........ Feywood
           - Reaver .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bartine Croc ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Charybterix ......... Cerobi Steppe
           - Sylphi Entite ....... Ozmone Plains (cloudy)
           - Greeden ............. Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)

#= Demon Feather
     Drops - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Pit Fiend ........... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Pit Fiend ........... Sochen Cave Palace

#= Blood-darkened Bone
     Drops - Crusader ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dead Bones .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dark Lord ........... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Crusader ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dead Bones .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Grave Lord .......... Golmore Jungle (rare monster)

|  Whale Whisker - Aquarius Gem x4 |  60000  |---------------------------------
|                - Corpse Fly   x3 |         |------------------------- sep026
|                - Mythril      x3 |         |---------------------------------

#= Aquarius Gem
     Drops - Golem ................ Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Brainpan ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Deidar ............... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Golem ................ Feywood
           - Facer ................ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
     Poach - Facer ................ Stilshrine of Miriam
     Other - After collecting 25 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward in Archades, which contain a Aquarius Gem.

#= Corpse Fly
     Drops - Dragon Lich .......... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Dragon Lich .......... Pharos at Ridorana

#= Mythril
     Drops - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
     Steal - Mythril Golem ........ Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Molen ................ Zertinan Caverns (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Roblon Mob/Mark Hunt mission.

-  9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Arrow & Bow   | .........................................................|

|  Parallel Arrows - Dark Stone x2 |  600  |-----------------------------------
|  & Shortbow      - Bat Fang   x1 |       |--------------------------- sep027
|                  - Rat Pelt   x2 |       |-----------------------------------

#= Dark Stone
     Drops - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Dark Skeleton .... Paramina Rift
           - Zombie ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Zombie ........... Barheim Passage, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dark Elemental ... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Magicite

#= Bat Fang
     Drops - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Seeker ........... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall
           - Pyllo ............ Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
           - Aerieel .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Steal - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Bloodwing ........ Barheim Passage (Mark)
                               *might get Spiral Incisor
     Poach - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines

#= Rat Pelt
     Drops - Dire Rat ......... Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Dire Rat ......... Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Dire Rat ......... Garamsythe Waterway

|  Firey Arrows - Fire Stone   x4 |  3800  |-----------------------------------
|  & Longbow    - Crooked Fang x2 |        |--------------------------- sep028

#= Fire Stone
     Drops - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Alpha Hyena ..... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
           - Marilith ........ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)

#= Crooked Fang
     Drops - Seeker .......... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall, Henne Mines
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
           - Aeros ........... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
     Steal - Seeker .......... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall, Henne Mines
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
     Poach - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe

|  Bamboo Arrows - Water Magicite x3 |  6280  |--------------------------------
|  & Loxley Bow  - Yellow Liquid  x1 |        |------------------------ sep029
|                - Bat Fang       x5 |        |--------------------------------

#= Water Magicite
     Drops - Great Tortoise .... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Jelly ............. Henne Mines
           - Mandragora ........ Phon Coast
           - Piranha ........... Phon Coast
           - Adamantitan ....... Barheim Passage
           - Water Elemental ... Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Jelly ............. Henne Mines
           - Mandragora ........ Phon Coast
           - Water Elemental ... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Razorfin .......... Garamsythe Waterway (rare monster)

#= Yellow Liquid
     Drops - Jelly ............ Henne Mines
           - Hecteyes ......... Draklor Laboratory. Henne Mines
           - Oiling ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
     Steal - Jelly ............ Henne Mines
           - Oiling ........... Stilshrine of Miriam

#= Bat Fang
     Drops - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Seeker ........... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall
           - Pyllo ............ Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
           - Aerieel .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Steal - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Bloodwing ........ Barheim Passage (Mark)
                               *might get Spiral Incisor
     Poach - Steeling ......... Garamsythe Waterway, Barheim Passage
                      ......... Lhusu Mines

|  Icecloud Arrows - Ice Crystal    x7 |  17200  |-----------------------------
|  & Perseus Bow   - Spiral Incisor x4 |         |--------------------- sep030
|                  - Antarctic Wind x2 |         |-----------------------------

#= Ice Crystal
     Drops - Ice Elemental ........ Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Entite ....... Paramina Rift
           - Basilisk ............. Feywood
           - Aeronite ............. Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
           - Cataract Aevis ....... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Buer ................. Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Ice Elemental ........ Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Entite ....... Paramina Rift
           - Aeronite ............. Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines

#= Spiral Incisor
     Drops - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Vampyr ............ Lhusu Mines
           - Abysteel .......... Lhusu Mines, Henne Mines
           - Pyllo ............. Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Vampyr ............ Lhusu Mines
           - Abysteel .......... Lhusu Mines, Henne Mines
           - Pyllo ............. Golmore Jungle
           - Bloodwing ......... Barheim Passage (Mark)
                                *might get Bat Fang
           - Vyraal ............ Cerobi Steppe
                                *might get Leo Gem or Charger Barding
     Poach - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands

#= Antarctic Wind
     Drops - Feral Croc ........ Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Gavial ............ Garamsythe Waterway (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Catoblepas Mob/Mark Hunt mission.

|  Artemis Arrows - Gemini Gem  x3 |  15000  |---------------------------------
|                 - Vampyr Fang x2 |         |------------------------- sep031
|                 - Dorsal Fin  x2 |         |---------------------------------

#= Gemini Gem
     Drops - Slaven Warder .... Paramina Rift
           - Blood Gigas ...... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Slaven Wilder .... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Wendigo .......... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Behemoth ......... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Bune ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dullahan ......... Lhusu Mines
           - High Reaver ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Reaver ........... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Werewolf ......... Giza Plains
           - Zaghnal .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Slaven Warder .... Paramina Rift
           - Blood Gigas ...... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Slaven Wilder .... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Behemoth ......... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Bune ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Reaver ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Catoblepas ....... Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                               *might get Beastlord Hide or Hi-Potion
           - Wendice .......... Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
           - Zalera ........... Barheim Passage (esper)
     Other - After collecting 15 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the rewards from Archades, which contain a Gemini Gem.

#= Vampyr Fang
     Drops - Abysteel ......... Barheim Passage, Henne Mines
     Steal - Abysteel ......... Barheim Passage, Henne Mines
           - Anubys ........... Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Bloodwing Mob/Mark Hunt mission.

#= Dorsal Fin
     Drops - Focalor ............ Sochen Cave Palace, Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Rain Dancer ........ Giza Plains (rare monster)
           - Apsara ............. Phon Coast (rare monster)

|  Artemis Bow - Sylphi Halcyon       x1 |  15800  |---------------------------
|              - Great Serpent's Fang x2 |         |------------------- sep032
|              - Moondust             x2 |         |---------------------------

#= Sylphi Halcyon
     Drops - Sylphi Entite ...... Ozmone Plains
     Steal - Sylphi Entite ...... Ozmone Plains

#= Great Serpent's Fang
     Drops - Python ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
     Steal - Midgardsormr ....... Golmore Plains
     Poach - Python ............. Mosphoran Highwaste

#= Moondust
     Drops - Mu ................. Feywood
     Steal - Fury ............... Necrohol of Nabudis (boss)
     Poach - Mu ................. Feywood

|  Sagittarius - Sagittarius Gem x4 |  60000  |--------------------------------
|              - Beastlord Horn  x3 |         |------------------------ sep033
|              - Moon Ring       x3 |         |--------------------------------

#= Sagittarius Gem
     Drops - Oiling ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
     Steal - Oiling ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Slime ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Foobar ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shemhazai ......... Giruvegan (esper)
     Poach - Balloon ........... Miriam Stilshrine
     Other - After collecting 15 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain a Sagittarius Gem.

#= Beastlord Horn
     Drops - Humbaba ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
     Steal - Catoblepas ........ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                *might get other item
           - Humbaba Mistant ... Necrohol of Nabudis (boss)
                                *might get Beastlord Hide or Behemoth Steak

#= Moon Ring
     Drops - Ash Wyrm .......... Mosphoran Highwaste, The Great Crystal
     Other - Reward of Ring Wyrm Mob/Mark Hunt.

- 10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Bolt & Crossbow   | .....................................................|

|  Long Bolts & - Ice Stone     x1 |  6480  |----------------------------------
|  Crossbow     - Crooked Fang  x4 |        |-------------------------- sep034
|               - Yellow Liquid x2 |        |----------------------------------

#= Ice Stone
     Drops - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
     Steal - Emperor Aevis ...... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift
           - White Wolf ......... Paramina Rift
           - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift

#= Crooked Fang
     Drops - Seeker .......... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall, Henne Mines
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
           - Aeros ........... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
     Steal - Seeker .......... Barheim Passage, Tomb of Raithwall, Henne Mines
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
     Poach - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe

#= Yellow Liquid
     Drops - Jelly ............ Henne Mines
           - Hecteyes ......... Draklor Laboratory. Henne Mines
           - Oiling ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
     Steal - Jelly ............ Henne Mines
           - Oiling ........... Stilshrine of Miriam

|  Stone Bolts  - Ice Magicite      x5 |  9980  |------------------------------
|  & Recurve    - Festering Flesh   x2 |        |---------------------- sep035
|  Crossbow     - Bundle of Needles x1 |        |------------------------------

#= Ice Magicite
     Drops - Emperor Aevis ...... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift
           - White Wolf ......... Paramina Rift
           - Yeti Ice ........... Paramina Rift
           - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Iguion ............. Phon Coast
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Poach - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift

#= Festering Flesh
     Drops - Blood Gigas ....... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines

#= Bundle of Needles
     Drops - Cactite ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Cactoid ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
     Steal - Cactite ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
     Poach - Cactoid ........... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
     Other - Clear the Flowering Cactoid Mob/Mark Hunt, help Dantro to pass
            the flower to his wife at North Bank Village of Dalmasca Estersand.

|  Black Bolts  - Dark Crystal   x3 |  11220  |--------------------------------
|  & Hunting    - Spiral Incisor x3 |         |------------------------ sep036
|  Crossbow     - Silver Liquid  x3 |         |--------------------------------

#= Dark Crystal
     Drops - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Necrophobe ......... The Great Crystal
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Reaper ............. The Great Crystal
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dragon Lich ........ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mimeo .............. Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
           - Necrofiend ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bogey .............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Shambling Corpse ... Zertinan Caverns
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gespenst ........... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro Overking ... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Forbidden .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Oversoul ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Abysteel ........... Henne Mines
           - Etem ............... Henne Mines
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Hell Wyrm .......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                                 *might get Dark Stone or Dark Magicite

#= Spiral Incisor
     Drops - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Vampyr ............ Lhusu Mines
           - Abysteel .......... Lhusu Mines, Henne Mines
           - Pyllo ............. Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Vampyr ............ Lhusu Mines
           - Abysteel .......... Lhusu Mines, Henne Mines
           - Pyllo ............. Golmore Jungle
           - Bloodwing ......... Barheim Passage (Mark)
                                *might get Bat Fang
           - Vyraal ............ Cerobi Steppe
                                *might get Leo Gem or Charger Barding
     Poach - Bellwyvern ........ Tchita Uplands

#= Silver Liquid
     Drops - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Foobar ............ Necrohol of Nabudis, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Etherian .......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Steal - Cubus ............. Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Poach - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines

|  Time Bolts & - Holy Crystal x9 |  17800  |----------------------------------
|  Penetrator   - Wyvern Fang  x4 |         |-------------------------- sep037
|  Crossbow     - Ancient Bone x3 |         |----------------------------------

#= Holy Crystal
     Drops - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Babil ................. Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Goliath ............... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                    *might get Iron Ore or Holy Magicite

#= Wyvern Fang
     Drops - Aeronite ............ Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
           - Aeros ............... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
     Steal - Aeronite ............ Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
     Poach - Aeronite ............ Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines

#= Ancient Bone
     Drops - Dead Bones .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        .......... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Dead Bones .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        .......... Nabreus Deadlands

|  Grand Bolts - Capricorn Gem     x3 |  15000  |------------------------------
|              - Wrath of the Gods x2 |         |---------------------- sep038
|              - Ring Wyrm Liver   x2 |         |------------------------------

#= Capricorn Gem
     Drops - Zombie Kight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Necrophobe ....... The Great Crystal
           - Reaper ........... The Great Crystal
           - Crusader ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Necrofiend ....... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Zombie Warlock ... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dead Bones ....... Barheim Passage
           - Gespenst ......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dark Lord ........ Lhusu Mines
           - Forbidden ........ The Great Crystal
     Steal - Crusader ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Zombie Warlock ... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Etem ............. Henne Mines
           - Negalmuur ........ Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
           - Fideliant ........ Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Velelu ........... Nabreus Deadlands (rare monster)
           - Adrammelech ...... Zertinan Caverns (esper)
     Poach - Zombie Kight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
             Dustia ........... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
     Other - After collecting 20 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward in Archades, which contain a Capricorn Gem.

#= Wrath of the Gods
     Drops - Pandora .......... Necrohol of Nabudis, Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Mini Bug ......... Barheim Passage (rare monster)
     Poach - Pandora .......... Necrohol of Nabudis, Lhusu Mines

#= Ring Wyrm Liver
     Drops - Shield Wyrm ........ Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Lind Wyrm .......... Tchita Uplands (Mark)
                                 *might get Ring Wyrm Scale or Pebble
     Poach - Shield Wyrm ........ Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands

- 11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Shot & Gun   | ..........................................................|

|  Silent Shot - Dark Stone   x3 |  1680  |------------------------------------
|  & Capella   - Fish Scale   x2 |        |---------------------------- sep039
|              - Green Liquid x2 |        |------------------------------------

#= Dark Stone
     Drops - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Dark Skeleton .... Paramina Rift
           - Zombie ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Zombie ........... Barheim Passage, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dark Elemental ... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Magicite

#= Fish Scale
     Drops - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Rain Dancer ...... Giza Plains (rare monster)
           - Razorfin ......... Garamsythe Waterway (rare monster)
           - Apsara ........... Phon Coast (rare monster)
     Steal - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Poach - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea

#= Green Liquid
     Drops - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Slime ............ Zertinan Caverns
           - Etherian ......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
           - Cubus ............ Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Steal - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Slime ............ Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall

|  Aqua Shot - Water Stone  x5 |  2980  |--------------------------------------
|  & Vega    - Green Liquid x3 |        |------------------------------ sep040
|            - Yensa Scale  x2 |        |--------------------------------------

#= Water Stone
     Drops - Giza Rabbit ...... Giza Plains
           - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Gigantoad ........ Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Speartongue ...... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Great Tortoise ... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Seeq Cateran ..... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Undin Entite ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Cerobi Steppe
           - Water Elemental .. Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Giza Rabbit ...... Giza Plains
           - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Speartongue ...... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Great Tortoise .. Giza Plains (rain)
           - Water Elemental .. Garamsythe Waterway

#= Green Liquid
     Drops - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Slime ............ Zertinan Caverns
           - Etherian ......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
           - Cubus ............ Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Steal - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Slime ............ Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Tallow ........... Tomb of Raithwall

#= Yensa Scale
     Drops - Yensa ............ Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Bull Yensa ....... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Steal - Yensa ............ Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Bull Yensa ....... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
             Slyt ............. Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                               *might get Yensa Fin or Pisces Gem
     Poach - Yensa ............ Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Bull Yensa ....... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea

|  Mud Shot & - Earth Crystal x3 |  9080  |------------------------------------
|  Aldebaran  - Silver Liquid x3 |        |---------------------------- sep041
|             - Ichthon Scale x4 |        |------------------------------------

#= Earth Crystal
     Drops - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands
           - Golem ............. Feywood
           - Cassie ............ Ridorana Cataract
           - Gnome Entite ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Mallicant ......... Zertinan Caverns
           - Adamantitan ....... Cerobi Steppe
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Emeralditan ....... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bug ............... Lhusu Mines
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Killer Mantis ..... Lhusu Mines
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands
           - Gnome Entite ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bug ............... Lhusu Mines
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Killer Mantis ..... Lhusu Mines
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines
     Poach - Antares ........... Salikawood

#= Silver Liquid
     Drops - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Foobar ............ Necrohol of Nabudis, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Etherian .......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Steal - Cubus ............. Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Poach - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines

#= Ichthon Scale
     Drops - Piranha ........... Phon Coast
           - Focalor ........... Sochen Cave Palace, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Rain Dancer ....... Giza Plains (rare monster)
     Steal - Focalor ........... Sochen Cave Palace, Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Piranha ........... Phon Coast
           - Focalor ........... Sochen Cave Palace, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Razorfin .......... Garamsythe Waterway

|  Windslicer Shot - Wind Crystal    x7 |  15200  |----------------------------
|  & Spica         - Silver Liquid   x5 |         |-------------------- sep042
|                  - Ring Wyrm Scale x4 |         |----------------------------

#= Wind Crystal
     Drops - Ash Wyrm ............ Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Air Elemental ....... Phon Coast
           - Mirrorknight ........ Feywood
           - Reaver .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bartine Croc ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Charybterix ......... Cerobi Steppe
           - Sylphi Entite ....... Ozmone Plains (cloudy)
     Steal - Ash Wyrm ............ Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Air Elemental ....... Phon Coast
           - Mirrorknight ........ Feywood
           - Reaver .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bartine Croc ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Charybterix ......... Cerobi Steppe
           - Sylphi Entite ....... Ozmone Plains (cloudy)
           - Greeden ............. Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)

#= Silver Liquid
     Drops - Hecteyes ............ Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Foobar .............. Necrohol of Nabudis, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Etherian ............ Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Steal - Cubus ............... Sochen Cave Palace (rare monster)
     Poach - Hecteyes ............ Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines

#= Ring Wyrm Scale
     Drops - Ash Wyrm ............ Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Shield Wyrm ......... Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Lind Wyrm ........... Tchita Uplands (Mark)
                                  *might get Ring Wyrm Liver or Pebble
           - Fafnir .............. Paramina Rift (Mark)
                                  *might get Hi-Potion or Pebble
           - Behemoth King ....... Feywood (Mark)
                                  *might get Behemoth Steak or Elixir
     Poach - Shield Wyrm ......... Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands

|  Arcturus - Salamand Halcyon x1 |  19800  |----------------------------------
|           - Yensa Fin        x2 |         |-------------------------- sep043
|           - Wyvern Wing      x2 |         |----------------------------------

#= Salamand Halcyon
     Drops - Salamand Entite ...... Ogir Yensa
     Steal - Salamand Entite ...... Ogir Yensa
     Other - Clear July, The Female Spy and claim the Salamand Halcyon
             from July in the Imperial City of Archades magic shop.

#= Yensa Fin
     Drops - Urutan Yensa ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Steal - Urutan Yensa ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Slyt ................. Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                                   *might get Yensa Scale or Pisces Gem

#= Wyvern Wing
     Drops - Aeronite ............. Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Aeros ................ Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
           - Aeronite ............. Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines

|  Stone Shot - Libra Gem    x3 |  15000  |------------------------------------
|             - Mirror Scale x2 |         |---------------------------- sep044
|             - Tyrant Bone  x2 |         |------------------------------------

#= Libra Gem
     Drops - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Silver Lobo ..... Phon Coast, Cerobi Steppe
           - Ose ............. The Great Crystal
           - Cerberus ........ Feywood
           - Tartaros ........ Feywood
           - Bandercoeurl .... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Panther ......... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Exodus .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
     Other - After collecting 5 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain a Libra Gem

#= Mirror Scale
     Drops - Mirror Knight ... Feywood
     Steal - Dreadguard ...... Feywood (rare monster)
     Poach - Mirror Knight ... Feywood

#= Tyrant Bone
     Drops - Wild Saurian .... Dalmasca Estersand
     Steal - Pylraster ....... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                              *might get Tyrant Hide
     Poach - Wild Saurian .... Dalmasca Estersand

- 12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Axe & Hammer   | ........................................................|

|  Francisca - Wind Magicite x6 |  10350  |------------------------------------
|            - Pointed Horn  x2 |         |---------------------------- sep045
|            - Malboro Fruit x4 |         |------------------------------------

#= Wind Magicite
     Drops - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Python .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Green Chocobo ... Salikawood
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Dive Talon ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe

#= Pointed Horn
     Drops - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Iguion .......... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage
     Poach - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage

#= Malboro Fruit
     Drops - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines

|  Golden Axe - Mardu Halcyon   x1 |  16200  |---------------------------------
|             - Broken Greataxe x2 |         |------------------------- sep046
|             - Electrum        x2 |         |---------------------------------

#= Mardu Halcyon
     Drops - Mardu Entite ...... Giza Plains
     Steal - Mardu Entite ...... Giza Plains

#= Broken Greataxe
     Drops - Giruveganus ....... Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
     Steal - Giruveganus ....... Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer

#= Electrum
     Drops - Salamand Entite ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Leshach Entite ......... Paramina Rift
           - Gnome Entite ........... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Sylphi Entite .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........... Giza Plains
           - Undin Entite ........... Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana (50F)
           - Diakon Entite .......... Giruvegan
           - Leamonde Entite ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Luxolid ................ Pharos at Ridorana (rare monster)
           - Vargrant Soul .......... Pharos at Ridorana (rare monster)
     Other - Reward from Montblanc after defeating both Demon Walls.

|  Scorpion Tail - Scorpio Gem     x4 |  60000  |------------------------------
|                - Wyrm Bone       x3 |         |---------------------- sep047
|                - Charged Gizzard x3 |         |------------------------------

#= Scorpio Gem
     Drops - Imp ............... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Pit Fiend ......... Sochen Cave Palce
           - Gargoyle Baron .... Giruvegan
           - Mom Bomb .......... The Great Crsytal
           - Purobolos ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ........... Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Mistmare .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Pit Fiend ......... Sochen Cave Palce
           - Mom Bomb .......... The Great Crsytal
           - Grenade ........... Zertinan Caverns
           - Pallicant ......... Ridorana Cataract (rare monster)
           - Matriarch Bomb .... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
           - Larve Eater ....... The Great Crystal (rare monster)
           - Cuchulainn ........ Garamsythe Waterway (esper)
     Poach - Gargoyle Baron .... Giruvegan
           - Mom Bomb .......... The Great Crsytal
           - Megabomb .......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
     Other - After collecting 10 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain a Scorpio Gem

#= Wyrm Bone
     Drops - Skulwyrm .......... Zertinan Caverns,
                      .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
     Steal - Skulwyrm .......... Zertinan Caverns,
                      .......... The Great Crystal upper layer

#= Charged Gizzard
     Drops - Thunderbug ........ Henne Mines
     Poach - Thunderbug ........ Henne Mines

- 13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Dagger   | ..............................................................|

|  Zwill Crossblade - Wind Magicite     x9 |  13800  |-------------------------
|                   - Malboro Flower    x7 |         |----------------- sep048
|                   - Windslicer Pinion x5 |         |-------------------------

#= Wind Magicite
     Drops - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Python .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Green Chocobo ... Salikawood
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Dive Talon ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Zu .............. Ozmone Plains
           - Wild Onion ...... Paramina Rift
           - Redmaw .......... Henne Mines, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bagoly .......... Phon Coast
           - Bartine Croc .... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Silver Lobo ..... Cerobi Steppe

#= Malboro Flower
     Drops - Vivian .......... Giruvegan
           - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract
     Steal - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract
           - Wild Malboro .... Feywood (Mark)
                              *might get Foul Liquid or Virgo Gem
     Poach - Vivian .......... Giruvegan
           - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract

#= Windslicer Pinion
     Drops - Mirrorknight .... Feywood
           - Chimera Brain ... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe
           - Imdugud ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Steal - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe
           - Phoenix ......... Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                              *might get Eye of the Hawk
     Poach - Mirrorknight .... Feywood
           - Chimera Brain ... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe

- 14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Staff   | ...............................................................|

|  Cloud Staff - Storm Crystal  x7 |  7200  |----------------------------------
|              - Demon Feather  x6 |        |-------------------------- sep049
|              - Quality Lumber x4 |        |----------------------------------

#= Storm Crystal
     Drops - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........ Giza Plains
           - Coeurl .............. Tchita Upland
           - Hecteyes ............ Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Behemoth ............ Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Deathclaw ........... Ridorana Cataract
           - Archaeoaevis ........ Zertinan Caverns
           - Bandercoeurl ........ Cerobi Steppe
           - Baknamy ............. Nabreus Deadlands, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Pandora ............. Necrohol of Nabudis, Lhusu Mines
           - Shadonir ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk ........... Henne Mines
     Steal - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........ Giza Plains
           - Behemoth ............ Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Deathclaw ........... Ridorana Cataract
           - Archaeoaevis ........ Zertinan Caverns
           - Bandercoeurl ........ Cerobi Steppe
           - Shadonir ............ The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Braegh .............. Salikawood (Mark)
                                  *might get Storm Magicite or Grimoire Aidhed

#= Demon Feather
     Drops - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Pit Fiend ........... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Pit Fiend ........... Sochen Cave Palace

#= Quality Lumber
     Drops - Golem ............... Feywood
     Steal - Golem ............... Feywood
     Poach - Clay Golem .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Golem ............... Feywood

- 15. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Handy Bomb   | ..........................................................|

|  Water Bombs - Water Crystal x10 |  7800  |----------------------------------
|              - Book of Orgain x3 |        |-------------------------- sep050
|              - Putrid Liquid  x3 |        |----------------------------------

#= Water Crystal
     Drops - Mistmare ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Silicon Tortoise ..... Zertinan Caverns
           - Water Elemental ...... Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Mistmare ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Silicon Tortoise ..... Zertinan Caverns
           - Water Elemental ...... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Book of Orgain
     Drops - Gespenst ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dustia ............... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Negalmuur ............ Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Deathscythe .......... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                   *might get Book of Orgain-Mille

#= Putrid Liquid
     Drops - Malboro Overking ..... Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Carrot ............... Salikawood (Mark)
                                   *might get Dark Crystal or Foul Liquid
             Rafflesia ............ Feywood (boss)
                                   *might get Screamroot
     Poach - Malboro Overking ..... Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
     Other - Reward of Carrot Mob/Mark Hunt mission.

|  Fumarole &   - Fire Crystal x3 |  9800  |-----------------------------------
|  Poison Bombs - Bomb Shell   x1 |        |--------------------------- sep051

#= Fire Crystal
     Drops - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bellwyvern .......... Tchita Uplands
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mu .................. Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Bune ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dullahan ............ Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Marilith ............ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                  *might get Prime Tanned Hide or Fire Stone
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Bomb Shell or Bomb Fragment

#= Bomb Shell
     Drops - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bomb ................ Barheim Passage
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Megabomb ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - Matriarch Bomb ...... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Pineapple ........... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Fire Crystal or Bomb Fragment

|  Tumulus & - Fire Crystal   x3 |  10625  |-----------------------------------
|  Oil Bombs - Bomb Ashes     x3 |         |--------------------------- sep052
|            - Book of Orgain x2 |         |-----------------------------------

#= Fire Crystal
     Drops - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bellwyvern .......... Tchita Uplands
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mu .................. Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Bune ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dullahan ............ Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Marilith ............ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                  *might get Prime Tanned Hide or Fire Stone
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Bomb Shell or Bomb Fragment

#= Bomb Ashes
     Drops - Bomb ................ Barheim Passage
           - Balloon ............. Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Pineapple ........... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - Bombshell ........... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
           - Megabomb ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare mosnter)
           - Matriarch Bomb ...... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Bomb ................ Barheim Passage

#= Book of Orgain
     Drops - Gespenst ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dustia ............... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Negalmuur ............ Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Deathscythe .......... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                   *might get Book of Orgain-Mille

|  Castellanos - Aries Gem     x3 |  12000  |----------------------------------
|              - Frog Oil      x2 |         |-------------------------- sep053
|              - Bomb Fragment x3 |         |----------------------------------

#= Aries Gem
     Drops - Speartongue ........ Ogir-Yensa, Zertinan Caverns
           - Great Tortoise ..... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Silicon Tortoise ... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Bagoly ............. Phon Coast
           - Iguion .....,....... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
           - Feral Croc ......... Tchita Uplands
           - Serpent ............ Tchita Uplands
           - Mirrorknight ....... Feywood
           - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Emeralditan ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shadonir ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Bull Abaddon ....... Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Silicon Tortoise ... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Hybrid Gator ....... Ozmone Plains
           - Wu ................. Ozmone Plains
           - Wyrdhare ........... Salikawood
           - Iguion .....,....... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
           - Feral Croc ......... Tchita Uplands
           - Serpent ............ Tchita Uplands
           - Mirrorknight ....... Feywood
           - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Adamantitan ........ Cerobi Steppe
           - Emeralditan ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Grey Molter ........ Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
           - Belias ............. Tomb of Raithwall (esper)
     Other - After collecting 5 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain an Aries Gem.

#= Frog Oil
     Drops - Speartongue ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Speartongue ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Tarasque ........... Tchita Uplands

#= Bomb Fragment
     Drops - Bomb ............... Barheim Passage
           - Grenade ............ Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Bomb ............... Barheim Passage
           - Megabomb ........... Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - King Bomb .......... Salikawood
                                 *might get Fire Crystal or Bomb Shell
     Poach - Pineapple .......... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - Matriarch Bomb ..... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)

|  Caldera &   - Fire Crystal        x7 |  17800  |----------------------------
|  Chaos Bombs - Bomb Shell          x4 |         |-------------------- sep054
|              - Book of Orgain-Cent x3 |         |----------------------------

#= Fire Crystal
     Drops - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bellwyvern .......... Tchita Uplands
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mu .................. Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Bune ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dullahan ............ Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Marilith ............ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                  *might get Prime Tanned Hide or Fire Stone
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Bomb Shell or Bomb Fragment

#= Bomb Shell
     Drops - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bomb ................ Barheim Passage
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Megabomb ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - Matriarch Bomb ...... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Pineapple ........... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Fire Crystal or Bomb Fragment

#= Book of Orgain-Cent
     Drops - Reaper .............. The Great Crystal
     Steal - Reaper .............. The Great Crystal

- 16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Light Armor   | .........................................................|

|  Chromed Leathers - Earth Stone  x1 |  180  |--------------------------------
|                   - Wolf Pelt    x2 |       |------------------------ sep055

#= Earth Stone
     Drops - Cactoad .......... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix .......... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Werewolf ......... Giza Plains
           - Mimic ............ Barheim Passage
           - Tiny Mimic ....... Barheim Passage
           - Alraune .......... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Urutan-Yensa ..... Ogir Yensa, Nam Yensa
           - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Malboro .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Great Malboro .... Golmore Jungle
           - Earth Elemental .. Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Cactoad .......... Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Urstrix .......... Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Tiny Mimic ....... Barheim Passage
           - Ragoh ............ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Earth Elemental .. Tchita Uplands

#= Wolf Pelt
     Drops - Wolf ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Hyena ............ Giza Plains
           - Wary Wolf ........ Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
           - Lindbur Wolf ..... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
     Steal - Wolf ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Hyena ............ Giza Plains
           - Thextera ......... Dalmasca Westersand (Mark)
                               *might get Pebble

|  Leather Headgear &  - Dark Stone  x2 |  680  |------------------------------
|  Leather Breastplate - Wolf Pelt   x2 |       |---------------------- sep056
|                      - Tanned Hide x1 |       |------------------------------

#= Dark Stone
     Drops - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Skeleton ......... Lhusu Mines
           - Skull Defender ... Lhusu Mines
           - Lich ............. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Dark Skeleton .... Paramina Rift
           - Zombie ........... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Zombie ........... Barheim Passage, Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Spectar .......... Barheim Passage
           - Lost Soul ........ Tomb of Raithwall
           - Zombie Mage ...... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Ghost ............ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dark Elemental ... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Magicite

#= Wolf Pelt
     Drops - Wolf ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Hyena ............ Giza Plains
           - Wary Wolf ........ Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
           - Lindbur Wolf ..... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
     Steal - Wolf ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Hyena ............ Giza Plains
           - Thextera ......... Dalmasca Westersand (Mark)
                               *might get Pebble

#= Tanned Hide
     Drops - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gemhorn .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Steal - Wild Saurian ..... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
     Poach - Wildsnake ........ Giza Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Red Cap &  - Dark Magicite x3 |  4280  |------------------------------------
|  Brigandine - Coeurl Pelt   x3 |        |---------------------------- sep057
|             - Quality Hide  x2 |        |------------------------------------

#= Dark Magicite
     Drops - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                                *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Stone

#= Coeurl Pelt
     Drops - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Poach - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands

#= Quality Hide
     Drops - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Python ............ Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands
     Poach - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands

|  Headband & - Ice Magicite x4 |  5480  |-------------------------------------
|  Jujitsu Gi - Coeurl Pelt  x4 |        |----------------------------- sep058
|             - Tyrant Hide  x2 |        |-------------------------------------

#= Ice Magicite
     Drops - Emperor Aevis ...... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift
           - White Wolf ......... Paramina Rift
           - Yeti Ice ........... Paramina Rift
           - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Iguion ............. Phon Coast
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Poach - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift

#= Coeurl Pelt
     Drops - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Poach - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands

#= Tyrant Hide
     Drops - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Pylraster ......... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
           - Earth Tyrant ...... Dalmasca Westersand (boss)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
     Poach - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle

|  Adamant Hat & - Storm Magicite     x5 |  9800  |----------------------------
|  Adamant Vest  - Coeurl Pelt        x6 |        |-------------------- sep059
|                - Tanned Tyrant Hide x2 |        |----------------------------

#= Storm Magicite
     Drops - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mesmenir ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Gargoyle ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Thunderbug .......... Henne Mines
           - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle
           - Dragon Aevis ........ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bakamy .............. Salikawood
           - Pimpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Archaeosaur ......... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ............ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ............. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Suriander ........... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mesmenir ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Gargoyle ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Thunderbug .......... Henne Mines
           - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle
           - Dragon Aevis ........ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Pimpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Archaeosaur ......... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ............ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ............. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Suriander ........... Barheim Passage
           - Braegh .............. Salikawood (Mark)
                                  *might get Storm Crystal or Grimoire Aidhed

#= Coeurl Pelt
     Drops - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
     Poach - Panther ........... Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl ............ Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands

#= Tanned Tyrant Hide
     Drops - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast
     Steal - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast
     Poach - Tyranorox .......... Henne Mines
           - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast

|  Chakra Band & - Fire Crystal     x3 |  13780  |-----------------------------
|  Power Vest    - Quality Pelt     x6 |         |--------------------- sep060
|                - Tanned Giantskin x4 |         |-----------------------------

#= Fire Crystal
     Drops - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bellwyvern .......... Tchita Uplands
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mu .................. Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Bune ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dullahan ............ Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Marilith ............ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                  *might get Prime Tanned Hide or Fire Stone
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Bomb Shell or Bomb Fragment

#= Quality Pelt
     Drops - Panther ............. Golmore Jungle
           - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
           - White Wolf .......... Paramina Rift
           - Worgan .............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Silver Lobo ......... Phon Coast, Cerobi Steppe
           - Bandercoeurl ........ Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle, Tchita Uplands
           - White Wolf .......... Paramina Rift
           - Feral Retriever ..... Paramina Rift (Mark)
     Poach - Panther ............. Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf .......... Paramina Rift
           - Worgan .............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Silver Lobo ......... Phon Coast, Cerobi Steppe
           - Bandercoeurl ........ Cerobi Steppe

#= Tanned Giantskin
     Drops - Slaven Warder ....... Paramina Rift
           - Yeti Ice ............ Paramina Rift
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste
     Steal - Yeti Ice ............ Paramina Rift
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Atomos .............. Mosphoran Highwaste (Mark)
     Poach - Werewolf ............ Giza Plains
           - Slaven Warder ....... Paramina Rift
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Gigas Hat &      - Dark Crystal      x7 |  17800  |-------------------------
|  Gigas Chestplate - Prime Pelt        x8 |         |----------------- sep061
|                   - Prime Tanned Hide x7 |         |-------------------------

#= Dark Crystal
     Drops - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Necrophobe ......... The Great Crystal
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Reaper ............. The Great Crystal
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dragon Lich ........ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mimeo .............. Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
           - Necrofiend ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bogey .............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Shambling Corpse ... Zertinan Caverns
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gespenst ........... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro Overking ... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Forbidden .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Oversoul ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Abysteel ........... Henne Mines
           - Etem ............... Henne Mines
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Hell Wyrm .......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                                 *might get Dark Stone or Dark Magicite

#= Prime Pelt
     Drops - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Lindbur Wolf ....... Dalmasca Westersand (rare mosnter)
     Steal - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Bandercoeurl ....... Cerobi Steppe
           - Wary Wolf .......... Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
     Poach - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal

#= Prime Tanned Hide
     Drops - Basilisk ........... Feywood
           - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Grey Molter ........ Mosphoran Highwaste (rare mosnter)
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Marilith ........... Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                 *might get Fire Crystal or Fire Stone
     Poach - Basilisk ........... Feywood
           - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Midgarsormr ........ Golmore Jungle (rare monster)

|  Crown of Laurels - Fire Crystal    x8 |  24650  |---------------------------
|  & Rubber Suit    - Prime Pelt      x9 |         |------------------- sep062
|                   - Forbidden Flesh x7 |         |---------------------------

#= Fire Crystal
     Drops - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bellwyvern .......... Tchita Uplands
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mu .................. Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Bune ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Garchimacera ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dullahan ............ Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Salamand Entite ..... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Fire Elemental ...... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Lizard .............. Tchita Uplands
           - Cerberus ............ Feywood, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Mythril Golem ....... Giruvegan, The Great Crystal
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Marilith ............ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                  *might get Prime Tanned Hide or Fire Stone
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Bomb Shell or Bomb Fragment

#= Prime Pelt
     Drops - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Lindbur Wolf ....... Dalmasca Westersand (rare mosnter)
     Steal - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Bandercoeurl ....... Cerobi Steppe
           - Wary Wolf .......... Mosphoran Highwaste (rare monster)
     Poach - Cerberus ........... Feywood
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal

#= Forbidden Flesh
     Drops - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at RIdorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dullahan ........... Lhusu Mines
           - Headless ........... Lhusu Mines
           - Forbidden .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
     Steal - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Drowned ............ Garamsythe Waterway (rare monster)
           - Ancbolder .......... Paramina Rift (rare mosnter)
           - Shadowseer ......... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                 *might get Foul Flesh or Maggoty Flesh
     Poach - Bune ............... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at RIdorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Dullahan ........... Lhusu Mines
           - Headless ........... Lhusu Mines
           - Anchag ............. Paramina Rift (rare monster)

- 17. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Heavy Armor & Shield   | ................................................|

|  Escutcheon - Fire Stone x1 |  270  |----------------------------------------
|             - Molting    x1 |       |-------------------------------- sep063

#= Fire Stone
     Drops - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Hyena ........... Giza Plains
           - Alpha Hyena ..... Giza Plains
           - Dire Rat ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Axebeak ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera .. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Tallow .......... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Hybrid Gator .... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Cockatrice ...... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Bellwyvern ...... Cerobi Steppe
           - Marilith ........ Zertinan Caverns (Mark)

#= Molting
     Drops - Sleipnir ........ Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Antares ......... Salikawood
     Steal - Sleipnir ........ Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand
     Poach - Sleipnir ........ Giza Plains, Dalmasca Westersand

|  Golden Helm,  - Dark Magicite x3 |  6780  |---------------------------------
|  Golden Armor, - Iron Carapace x3 |        |------------------------- sep064
|  Golden Shield - Tanned Hide   x2 |        |---------------------------------

#= Dark Magicite
     Drops - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Ghost ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Nightmare ......... Henne Mines
           - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
           - Skull Knight ...... Paramina Rift
           - Darkmare .......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Zombie Knight ..... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Spectar ........... Barheim Passage
           - Dark Elemental .... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Hell Wyrm ........ Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               *might get Dark Crystal or Dark Stone

#= Iron Carapace
     Drops - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains
           - Scythe Mantis .... Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains
           - Scythe Mantis .... Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains

#= Tanned Hide
     Drops - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gemhorn .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Steal - Wild Saurian ..... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
     Poach - Wildsnake ........ Giza Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Burgonet,     - Earth Magicite x4 |  8400  |--------------------------------
|  Shield Armor, - Quality Hide   x2 |        |------------------------ sep065
|  Ice Shield    - Wyrm Carapace  x2 |        |--------------------------------

#= Earth Magicite
     Drops - Wild Saurian ...... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Wu ................ Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Treant ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Blood Gigas ....... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Facer ............. Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Slaven Wilder ..... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Clay Golem ........ Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Antares ........... Salikawood
           - Brown Chocobo ..... Salikawood
           - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands
           - Striker ........... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Bug ............... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Treant ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Blood Gigas ....... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Facer ............. Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Slaven Wilder ..... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Clay Golem ........ Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Antares ........... Salikawood
           - Brown Chocobo ..... Salikawood
           - Earth Elemental ... Tchita Uplands
           - Striker ........... Sochen Cave Palace
           - Enkelados ......... Ozmone Plains (mark)
                                *might get Slaven Harness or Potion

#= Quality Hide
     Drops - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Viper ............. Ozmone Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Python ............ Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands
     Steal - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands
     Poach - Werewolf .......... Giza Plains
           - Zaghnal ........... Ozmone Plains
           - Serpent ........... Tchita Uplands

#= Wyrm Carapace
     Drops - Emperor Aevis ..... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania ......... Paramina Rift
           - Dragon Aevis ...... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Emperor Aevis ..... Paramina Rift
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Emperor Aevis ..... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania ......... Paramina Rift
           - Dragon Aevis ...... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Nabreus Deadlands

|  Demon Shield - Aged Turtle Shell x2 |  9800  |------------------------------
|               - Destrier Barding  x8 |        |---------------------- sep066
|               - Leamonde Halcyon  x1 |        |------------------------------

#= Aged Turtle Shell
     Drops - Silicon Tortoise ...... Giza Plains (rain), Zertinan Caverns
           - Adamantitan ........... Cerobi Steppe
           - Emeralditan ........... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Silicon Tortoise ...... Giza Plains (rain), Zertinan Caverns
           - Adamantitan ........... Cerobi Steppe
           - Emeralditan ........... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Darksteel ............. Sochen Cave Palace (Mark)
                                    *might get Eye Drops
     Poach - Silicon Tortoise ...... Giza Plains (rain), Zertinan Caverns
           - Adamantitan ........... Cerobi Steppe
           - Emeralditan ........... Nabreus Deadlands

#= Destrier Barding
     Drops - Leynir ................ Nabreus Deadlands

#= Leamonde Halcyon
     Drops - Leamonde Entite ....... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Leamonde Entite ....... Nabreus Deadlands

|  Venetian Shield - Undin Halcyon        x1 |  12420  |-----------------------
|                  - Ring Wyrm Liver      x2 |         |--------------- sep067
|                  - Ancient Turtle Shell x2 |         |-----------------------

#= Undin Halcyon
     Drops - Undin Entite .......... Pharos at Ridorana, 50F (rare appearance)
           - Undin Entite .......... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Undin Entite .......... Pharos at Ridorana, 50F (rare appearance)
           - Undin Entite .......... Cerobi Steppe

#= Ring Wyrm Liver
     Drops - Shield Wyrm ........ Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Lind Wyrm .......... Tchita Uplands (Mark)
                                 *might get Ring Wyrm Scale or Pebble
     Poach - Shield Wyrm ........ Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands

#= Ancient Turtle Shell
     Drops - Adamantitan ............ Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Darksteel .............. Sochen Cave Palace (Mark)
                                     *might get Aged Turtle Shell or Eye Drops
     Poach - Silicon Tortoise ....... Giza Plains (rain), Zertinan Caverns

|  Magepower Shishak - Feystone        x1 |  12800  |--------------------------
|                    - Chimera Head    x2 |         |------------------ sep068
|                    - Charger Barding x5 |         |--------------------------

#= Feystone
     Drops - Salamand Entite ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Leshach Entite ......... Paramina Rift
           - Gnome Entite ........... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Sylphi Entite .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........... Giza Plains
           - Undin Entite ........... Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana (50F)
           - Diakon Entite .......... Giruvegan
           - Leamonde Entite ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Storm Elemental ........ Giza Plains
           - Ice Elemental .......... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Earth Elemental ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Holy Elemental ......... Feywood
           - Water Elemental ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bangaa Thief ........... Cerobi Steppe
           - Dark Elemental ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Salamand Entite ........ Ogir-Yensa Sandsea
           - Leshach Entite ......... Paramina Rift
           - Gnome Entite ........... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Sylphi Entite .......... Ozmone Plains
           - Mardu Entite ........... Giza Plains
           - Undin Entite ........... Cerobi Steppe, Pharos at Ridorana (50F)
           - Diakon Entite .......... Giruvegan
           - Leamonde Entite ........ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Storm Elemental ........ Giza Plains
           - Ice Elemental .......... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Earth Elemental ........ Tchita Uplands
           - Holy Elemental ......... Feywood
           - Water Elemental ........ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dark Elemental ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Crystalbug ............. Stilshrine of Miriam, Nabreus Deadlands

#= Chimera Head
     Drops - Chimera Brain .... Pharos at Ridorana

#= Charger Barding
     Drops - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Dragon Lich ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Leynir ................. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Skulwyrm ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines
     Steal - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Dragon Lich ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Leynir ................. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Skulwyrm ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines
           - Skullash ............... Phon Coast (rare monster)
           - Vyraal ................. Cerobi Steppe (Mark)
                                     *might get Spiral Incisor or Leo Gem
           - Deathgaze .............. Airship (Mark)
                                     *might get Emperor Scale or Phoenix Down
     Poach - Mesmenir ............... Ozmone Plains
           - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Killer Mantis .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines

|  Maximillian - Pisces Gem      x3 |  14800  |--------------------------------
|              - Split Armor     x2 |         |------------------------ sep069
|              - Charger Barding x4 |         |--------------------------------

#= Pisces Gem
     Drops - Piranha ................ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ................ Sochen Cave Palace
           - Apsara ................. Phon Coast (rare monster)
     Steal - Yensa/Bull Yensa ....... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Focalor ................ Sochen Cave Palace
           - Mateus ................. Stilshrine Miriam (esper)
           - Slyt ................... Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                                     *might get Yensa Fin or Yensa Scale
     Poach - Piranha ................ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ................ Sochen Cave Palace

#= Split Armor
     Drops - Charybterix ............ Cerobi Steppe
     Poach - Charybterix ............ Cerobi Steppe

#= Charger Barding
     Drops - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Dragon Lich ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Leynir ................. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Skulwyrm ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines
     Steal - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Dragon Lich ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Leynir ................. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Skulwyrm ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines
           - Skullash ............... Phon Coast (rare monster)
           - Vyraal ................. Cerobi Steppe (Mark)
                                     *might get Spiral Incisor or Leo Gem
           - Deathgaze .............. Airship (Mark)
                                     *might get Emperor Scale or Phoenix Down
     Poach - Mesmenir ............... Ozmone Plains
           - Deathclaw .............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Cataract Aevis ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Killer Mantis .......... Lhusu Mines
           - Shadonir ............... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gizamaluk .............. Henne Mines

|  Platinum Helm,  - Storm Magicite   x6 |  19120  |---------------------------
|  Platinum Armor, - Tanned Giantskin x6 |         |------------------- sep070
|  Platinum Shield - Insect Husk      x2 |         |---------------------------

#= Storm Magicite
     Drops - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mesmenir ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Gargoyle ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Thunderbug .......... Henne Mines
           - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle
           - Dragon Aevis ........ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Bakamy .............. Salikawood
           - Pimpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Archaeosaur ......... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ............ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ............. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Imp ................. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Suriander ........... Barheim Passage
     Steal - Storm Elemental ..... Giza Plains
           - Mesmenir ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Gargoyle ............ Golmore Jungle
           - Thunderbug .......... Henne Mines
           - Coeurl .............. Golmore Jungle
           - Dragon Aevis ........ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Pimpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Archaeosaur ......... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ............ Phon Coast
           - Focalor ............. Sochen Cave Palace
           - Suriander ........... Barheim Passage
           - Braegh .............. Salikawood (Mark)
                                  *might get Storm Crystal or Grimoire Aidhed

#= Tanned Giantskin
     Drops - Slaven Warder ....... Paramina Rift
           - Yeti Ice ............ Paramina Rift
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste
     Steal - Yeti Ice ............ Paramina Rift
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Atomos .............. Mosphoran Highwaste (Mark)
     Poach - Werewolf ............ Giza Plains
           - Slaven Warder ....... Paramina Rift
           - Humbaba ............. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Slaven Wilder ....... Mosphoran Highwaste

#= Insect Husk
     Drops - Antares ............. Salikawood
           - Preying Mantis ...... Feywood
           - Scythe Mantis ....... Zertinan Caverns
           - Killer Mantis ....... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Scythe Mantis ....... Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Preying Mantis ...... Feywood
           - Scythe Mantis ....... Zertinan Caverns
           - Killer Mantis ....... Lhusu Mines

- 18. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Mystic Armor   | ........................................................|

|  Feathered Cap - Water Stone x5 |  3280  |-----------------------------------
|  & Traveller's - Braid Wool  x2 |        |--------------------------- sep071
|    Vestment    - Tanned Hide x2 |        |-----------------------------------

#= Water Stone
     Drops - Giza Rabbit ...... Giza Plains
           - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Gigantoad ........ Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Speartongue ...... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Great Tortoise ... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Seeq Cateran ..... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Undin Entite ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Cerobi Steppe
           - Water Elemental .. Garamsythe Waterway
     Steal - Giza Rabbit ...... Giza Plains
           - Ichthon .......... Garamsythe Waterway, Giza Plains
           - Flan ............. Barheim Passage
           - Danbania ......... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Speartongue ...... Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Zertinan Caverns
           - Great Tortoise ... Giza Plains (rain)
           - Water Elemental .. Garamsythe Waterway

#= Braid Wool
     Drops - Giza Rabbit ...... Giza Plains
           - Wooly Gator ...... Giza Plains
           - Hybrid Gator ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Greeden .......... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Bull Croc ........ Ozmone Plains
     Steal - Wooly Gator ...... Giza Plains
     Poach - Wooly Gator ...... Giza Plains
           - Hybrid Gator ..... Ozmone Plains

#= Tanned Hide
     Drops - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Mesmenir ......... Ozmone Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gemhorn .......... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Steal - Wild Saurian ..... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Slaven ........... Giza Plains, Lhusu Mines
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
     Poach - Wildsnake ........ Giza Plains
           - Viper ............ Ozmone Plains
           - Hellhound ........ Golmore Jungle
           - White Wolf ....... Paramina Rift
           - Python ........... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Lamia's Tiara &   - Ice Magicite x4 |  5480  |------------------------------
|  Enchanter's Habit - Fine Wool    x3 |        |---------------------- sep072
|                    - Tyrant Hide  x1 |        |------------------------------

#= Ice Magicite
     Drops - Emperor Aevis ...... Paramina Rift
           - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift
           - White Wolf ......... Paramina Rift
           - Yeti Ice ........... Paramina Rift
           - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Iguion ............. Phon Coast
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Ice Elemental ...... Paramina Rift
           - Leshach Elemental .. Paramina Rift
           - Wendigo ............ Sochen Cave Palace
     Poach - Twintania .......... Paramina Rift

#= Fine Wool
     Drops - Wyrdhare ........... Salikawood
     Poach - Hybrid Gator ....... Ozmone Plains
           - Wyrdhare ........... Salikawood

#= Tyrant Hide
     Drops - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Pylraster ......... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
           - Earth Tyrant ...... Dalmasca Westersand (boss)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
     Poach - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle

|  Black Cowl & - Fire Magicite      x5 |  8330  |-----------------------------
|  Black Garb   - Fine Wool          x4 |        |--------------------- sep073
|               - Tanned Tyrant Hide x2 |        |-----------------------------

#= Fire Magicite
     Drops - Hellhound ....... Golmore Jungle
           - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Balloon ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ........ Salikawood
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Dullhan ......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Slaven Warder ... Paramina Rift
           - Fire Elemental .. Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Worgan .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Gorgimera ....... Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Lab-Rat ......... Draklor Laboratory
           - Bomb ............ Barheim Passage
           - Garchimacera .... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Fine Wool
     Drops - Wyrdhare ........... Salikawood
     Poach - Hybrid Gator ....... Ozmone Plains
           - Wyrdhare ........... Salikawood

#= Tanned Tyrant Hide
     Drops - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast
     Steal - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast
     Poach - Tyranorox .......... Henne Mines
           - Archaeosaur ........ Phon Coast

|  Black Mask & - Dark Crystal      x8 |  22800  |-----------------------------
|  Black Robes  - Blood Wool        x9 |         |--------------------- sep074
|               - Prime Tanned Hide x7 |         |-----------------------------

#= Dark Crystal
     Drops - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Necrophobe ......... The Great Crystal
           - Ose ................ The Great Crystal
           - Reaper ............. The Great Crystal
           - Abaddon ............ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Dragon Lich ........ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mimeo .............. Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
           - Necrofiend ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Purobolos .......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Zombie Warlock ..... Pharos at Ridorana, Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Bogey .............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Shambling Corpse ... Zertinan Caverns
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Gespenst ........... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro Overking ... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Forbidden .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Oversoul ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Abysteel ........... Henne Mines
           - Etem ............... Henne Mines
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Tartarus ........... Feywood
           - Preying Mantis ..... Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Brainpan ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Chimera Brain ...... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Crusader ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dead Bones ......... Pharos at Ridorana, Barheim Passage
                        ......... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Skulwyrm ........... Zertinan Caverns,
                      ........... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Banshee ............ Nabreus Deadlands
           - Foobar ............. Nabreus Deadlands
           - Leamonde Entite .... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Dark Elemental ..... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Deidar ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Hell Wyrm .......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                                 *might get Dark Stone or Dark Magicite

#= Blood Wool
     Drops - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bartine Croc ....... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Greeden ............ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)
           - Spee ............... Salikawood (rare monster)
     Steal - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bull Croc .......... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
           - Vorpal Bunny ....... Golmore Jungle (Mark)
                                 *might get Drab Wool or Hi-Potion
     Poach - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bartine Croc ....... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Greeden ............ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)

#= Prime Tanned Hide
     Drops - Basilisk ........... Feywood
           - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Grey Molter ........ Mosphoran Highwaste (rare mosnter)
     Steal - Giruveganus ........ Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Marilith ........... Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                 *might get Fire Crystal or Fire Stone
     Poach - Basilisk ........... Feywood
           - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan
           - Midgarsormr ........ Golmore Jungle (rare monster)

|  White Mask & - Holy Crystal   x8 |  22800  |--------------------------------
|  White Robes  - Blood Wool     x9 |         |------------------------ sep075
|               - Beastlord Hide x7 |         |--------------------------------

#= Holy Crystal
     Drops - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Babil ................. Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Holy Elemental ........ Feywood
           - Diakon Entite ......... Giruvegan
           - Goliath ............... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                    *might get Iron Ore or Holy Magicite

#= Blood Wool
     Drops - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bartine Croc ....... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Greeden ............ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)
           - Spee ............... Salikawood (rare monster)
     Steal - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bull Croc .......... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)
           - Vorpal Bunny ....... Golmore Jungle (Mark)
                                 *might get Drab Wool or Hi-Potion
     Poach - Mu ................. Feywood
           - Bartine Croc ....... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Greeden ............ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)

#= Beastlord Hide
     Drops - Reaver ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ........ Pharos at Ridorana
     Steal - Reaver ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ........ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Catoblepas ......... Zertinan Caverns (Mark)
                                 *might get Gemini Gem or Hi-Potion
           - Enkidu ............. Lhusu Mines, during Gilgamesh fight
                                 *might get Hell-Gate's Flame
           - Humbaba Mistant .... Necrohol of Nabudis (boss)
                                 *might get Beastlord Horn
     Poach - Humbaba ............ Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Reaver ............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - High Reaver ........ Pharos at Ridorana

- 19. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Accessory   | ...........................................................|

|  Winged Boots - Broken Sword x1 |  450  |------------------------------------
|               - Arctic Wind  x1 |       |---------------------------- sep076

#= Broken Sword
     Drops - Bartine Croc ...... Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Bartine Croc ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Bull Croc ......... Ozmone Plains (rare monster)

#= Arctic Wind
     Drops - Yeti Ice .......... Paramina Rift
     Poach - Yeti Ice .......... Paramina Rift

|  Quasimodo Boots - Zombie Powder x1 |  450  |------------------------ sep077

#= Zombie Powder
     Drops - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
     Steal - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands

|  Gillie Boots - Slaven Harness x2 |  450  |-------------------------- sep078

#= Slaven Harness
     Drops - Slaven Warder ..... Paramina Rift
     Steal - Gemhorn ........... Lhusu Mines (rare monster)
     Poach - Slaven Warder ..... Paramina Rift

|  Battle Harness - Throat Wolf Blood x1 |  800  |--------------------- sep079

#= Throat Wolf Blood
     Drops - Worgan ............ Paramina Rift
     Steal - Kaiser Wolf ....... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monter)
     Poach - Worgan ............ Paramina Rift

|  Golden Amulet - Tattered Garment x1 |  3150  |---------------------- sep080

#= Tattered Garment
     Drops - Scythe Mantis ..... Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Biding Mantis ..... Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
     Poach - Scythe Mantis ..... Zertinan Caverns

|  Pheasant Netsuke - Stardust x2 |  3600  |--------------------------- sep081

#= Stardust
     Drops - Wyrdhare .......... Salikawood
     Steal - Spee .............. Salikawood (rare monster)
     Poach - Wyrdhare .......... Salikawood

|  Blazer Gloves - Bent Staff x3 |  4500  |---------------------------- sep082

#= Bent Staff
     Drops - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
     Poach - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast

|  Firefly - Snowfly      x1 |  4500  |----------------------------------------
|          - Tomato Stalk x2 |        |-------------------------------- sep083
|          - Magick Lamp  x1 |        |----------------------------------------

#= Snowfly
     Drops - Nightmare ........ Henne Mines
     Poach - Nightmare ........ Henne Mines
           - Pallicant ........ Ridorana Cataract (rare monster)

#= Tomato Stalk
     Drops - Topstalk ......... Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received
     Steal - Topstalk ......... Sochen Cave Palace (boss), Feywood ''
     Poach - Topstalk ......... Feywood

#= Magick Lamp
     Drops - Mallicant ........ Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Helvinek ......... Necrohol of Nabudis (rare mosnter)
     Poach - Mallicant ........ Zertinan Caverns

|  Amber Armlet - Gimble Stalk x2 |  5940  |--------------------------- sep084

#= Gimble Stalk
     Steal - Alraune King ..... Sochen Cave Palace (boss), Feywood ''
     Poach - Alraune King ..... Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received

|  Turtleshell Choker - Four-leaf Clover x2 |  8370  |-------------------------
|                     - Bomb Shell       x2 |        |----------------- sep085

#= Four-leaf Clover
     Drops - Mandragora Prince .... Feywood,
                                    Behemoth King hunting mission received
     Steal - Mandragora Prince .... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                               .... Feywood,
                                    Behemoth King hunting mission received
     Poach - Ripe Rampager ........ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)
           - Mandragora Prince .... Feywood,
                                    Behemoth King hunting mission received

#= Bomb Shell
     Drops - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Bomb ................ Barheim Passage
           - Grenade ............. Zertinan Caverns
           - Megabomb ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - Matriarch Bomb ...... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Mom Bomb ............ The Great Crystal
           - Purobolos ........... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Pineapple ........... Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
           - King Bomb ........... Salikawood (boss)
                                  *might get Fire Crystal or Bomb Fragment

|  Opal Ring - Frogspawn x2 |  14400  |-------------------------------- sep086

#= Frogspawn
     Drops - Iguion ........... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Iguion ........... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
           - Wood Toad ........ Salikawood (rare mosnter)

|  Bubble Belt - Battlewyrm Carapace x2 |  17820  |----------------------------
|              - Adamantite          x1 |         |-------------------- sep087

#= Battlewyrm Carapace
     Drops - Archaeoaevis ..... Zertinan Caverns
           - Skulwyrm ......... Zertinan Caverns, The Great Crystal upper layer
     Steal - Archaeoaevis ..... Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Emperor Aevis .... Paramina Rift
           - Dragon Aevis ..... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Archaeoaevis ..... Zertinan Caverns

#= Adamantite
     Drops - Adamantitan ......... Cerobi Steppe
     Steal - Thalassinon ......... Phon Coast (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Darksteel Mob/Mark Hunt mission.
           - Random reward from Fishing Mini-Game
             (Hidden Shoals or Den of the River Lord)..

|  Hermes Sandals - Arcana        x15 |  18000  |------------------------------
|                 - Gysahl Greens x33 |         |---------------------- sep088

#= Arcana
     - Many monsters can drop this item especially the rare monster,
       as long as you bought the Conapic Jar.

#= Gysahl Greens
     Drops - Any chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains, Salikawood
     Steal - Any chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains, Salikawood
     Poach - Any chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains, Salikawood
     Other - Buy from Clan Shop, Airship, Balfonheim.

|  Nihopalaoa - Leo Gem                x3 |  30000  |--------------------------
|             - Death's-Head           x2 |         |------------------ sep089
|             - Blood-Stained Necklace x4 |         |--------------------------

#= Leo Gem
     Drops - Ash Wyrm .......... Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Archaeosaur ....... Phon Coast
           - Giruveganus ....... Feywood, The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Aeronite .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
           - Archaeoaevis ...... Zertinan Caverns
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Gizamaluk ......... Henne Mines
     Steal - Wild Saurian ...... Dalmasca Estersand
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Emperor Aevis ..... Paramina Rift
           - Ash Wyrm .......... Mosphoran Highwaste,
                      .......... The Great Crystal upper layer
           - Archaeosaur ....... Phon Coast
           - Aeronite .......... Pharos at Ridorana, Lhusu Mines
           - Archaeoaevis ...... Zertinan Caverns
           - Shield Wyrm ....... Cerobi Steppe, Nabreus Deadlands
           - Myath ............. Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
           - Vyraal ............ Cerobo Steppe (Mark)
                                *might get Spiral Incisor or Charger Barding
           - Hashmal ........... Pharos at Ridorana (esper)
     Other - After collecting 25 Engage/Trophy Items from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain a Leo Gem.

#= Death's-Head
     Drops - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift
     Steal - Grave Lord ........ Golmore Jungle (rare monster)
     Poach - Dark Skeleton ..... Paramina Rift

#= Blood-Stained Necklace
     Drops - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Shambling Corpse .. Zertinan Caverns

|  Cat-ear Hood - Virgo Gem     x7 |  30000  |---------------------------------
|               - Einherjarium  x2 |         |------------------------- sep090
|               - White Incense x3 |         |---------------------------------

#= Virgo Gem
     Drops - Cactoid ............ Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
           - Malboro King ....... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking ... Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Deadly Nightshade .. Feywood
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Cassie ............. Ridorana Cataract
     Steal - Great Malboro ...... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro King ....... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking ... Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Vivian ............. Giruvegan
           - Cassie ............. Ridorana Cataract
           - Wild Malboro ....... Feywood (Mark)
                                 *might get Foul Liquid or Malboro Flower
     Poach - Mandragora ......... Phon Coast
     Other - After collecting 30 Engage/Trophy Item from rare monster,
             get the reward from Archades, which contain a Virgo Gem.

#= Einherjarium
     Drops - Babil .............. Necrohol of Nabudis
     Steal - Babil .............. Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Tower .............. Pharos at Ridorana (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Goliath Mob/Mark Hunt mission.

#= White Incense
     Drops - Garuda-Egi ......... Paramina Rift
     Poach - Garuda-Egi ......... Paramina Rift
           - Imdugud ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea

- 20. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Item Package   | ........................................................|

|  Potion x2 - Cactus Fruit x2 |   70  |------------------------------- sep091

#= Cactus Fruit
     Drops - Cactoid ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand
     Steal - Flowering Cactoid ... Dalmasca Estersand (Mark)
                                  *might get Potion or Earth Stone
     Poach - Cactoid ............. Dalmasca Estersand, Westersand

|  Potion       x5 - Succulent Fruit x4 |   700  |-----------------------------
|  Handkerchief x3                      |        |--------------------- sep092
|  Gold Needle  x3                      |        |-----------------------------

#= Succulent Fruit
     Drops - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Pumpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
     Steal - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood
           - Elder Wyrm .......... Golmore Jungle (boss)
                                  *might get Emperor Scale or Feystone
     Poach - Alraune ............. Ogir, Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Dalmasca Westersand
           - Wild Onion .......... Paramina Rift
           - Pumpkin Head ........ Salikawood
           - Mandragora .......... Phon Coast
           - Deadly Nightshade ... Feywood

|  Hi-Potion x10 - Rainbow Egg x1 |  1111  |--------------------------- sep093

#= Rainbow Egg
     Drops - Axebeak ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Steal - Nekhbet ............ Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)
     Drops - Axebeak ............ Nam-Yensa Sandsea

|  X-Potion x10 - Behemoth Steak x1 |  4444  |------------------------- sep094

#= Behemoth Steak
     Drops - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan
     Steal - Alteci ............. Zertinan Caverns (rare monster)
           - Behemoth King ...... Feywood (Mark)
                                 *might get Ring Wyrm Scale or Elixir
           - Humbaba Mistant .... Necrohol of Nabudis (boss)
                                 *might get Beastlord Horn or Beastlord Hide
     Poach - Behemoth ........... Feywood, Giruvegan

|  Potion    x30 - Screamroot x3 |  7480  |------------------------------------
|  Hi-Potion x20                 |        |---------------------------- sep095
|  X-Potion  x10                 |        |------------------------------------

#= Screamroot
     Steal - Pumpkin Head ......... Salikewood
           - Pipe Rampager ........ Dalmasca Estersand
           - Rafflesia ............ Feywood (boss)

|  Ether x1 - Unpurified Ether x2 |  4000  |-----------------------------------
|           - Caramel          x3 |        |--------------------------- sep096

#= Unpurified Ether 
     Drops - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
     Poach - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Etherian .......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Balfonheim Race when you beaten Lv 100.

#= Caramel
     Drops - Flan .............. Barheim Passage
     Steal - Flan .............. Barheim Passage
           - Orthros ........... Garamsythe Waterway (Mark)
                                *might get Phoenix Down or Slime Oil
     Poach - Flan .............. Barheim Passage
     Other - Reward of Balfonheim Race when you beaten Lv 80.

|  Hi-Ether x1 - Unpurified Ether x2 |  12000  |-------------------------------
|              - Foul Liquid      x2 |         |----------------------- sep097
|              - Slime Oil        x1 |         |-------------------------------

#= Unpurified Ether 
     Drops - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
     Poach - Hecteyes .......... Draklor Laboratory, Henne Mines
           - Etherian .......... Cerobi Steppe (rare monster)
     Other - Reward of Balfonheim Race when you beat Lv 100.

#= Foul Liquid
     Drops - Great Malboro ..... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Wild Malboro ...... Feywood (Mark)
                                *might get Virgo Gem or Malboro Flower
           - Carrot ............ Salikawood (Mark)
                                *might get Dark Crystal or Putrid Liquid
     Poach - Great Malboro ..... Golmore Jungle

#= Slime Oil
     Steal - Orthros ........... Garamsythe Waterway (Mark)
                                *might get Phoenix Down or Caramel
     Other - Reward of Balfonheim Race when you beaten Lv 90.

|  Elixir x1 - High Arcana x1 |  36000  |--------------------------------------
|            - Demon Drink x3 |         |------------------------------ sep098
|            - Ambrosia    x3 |         |--------------------------------------

#= High Arcana
     Steal - Ultima ....... The Great Crystal (esper)
     Other - Reward from clan after getting 250000 clan points
             and defeat 24 mob/marks
           - Reward from clan after collecting 4 espers
           - Many rare monsters can drop this,
             as long as you bough the Conapic Jar
           - Trade with Arcana x10, Feystone x1, Soul of Thamasa x1

#= Demon Drink
     Drops - Elvoret ...... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Poach - Elvoret ...... Necrohol of Nabudis

#= Ambrosia
     Drops - Necrophobe ... The Great Crystal
     Steal - Glaring Eye .. Henne Mines (rare monster)
     Poach - Necrophobe ... The Great Crystal

|  Megalixir x1 - High Arcana x2 |  108000  |----------------------------------
|               - Rat Tail    x3 |          |-------------------------- sep099
|               - Onion       x3 |          |----------------------------------

#= High Arcana
     Steal - Ultima ....... The Great Crystal (esper)
     Other - Reward from clan after getting 250000 clan points
             and defeat 24 mob/marks
           - Reward from clan after collecting 4 espers
           - Many rare monsters can drop this,
             as long as you bough the Conapic Jar
           - Trade with Arcana x10, Feystone x1, Soul of Thamasa x1

#= Rat Tail
     Drops - Dire Rat ..... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Lab-Rat ...... Draklor Laboratory
     Poach - Dire Rat ..... Garamsythe Waterway

#= Onion
     Drops - Onion Queen .. Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received
     Steal - Onion Queen .. Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
     Poach - Onion Queen .. Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received

|  Antidote x3 - Drab Wool x2 |   100  |------------------------------- sep100

#= Drab Wool
     Drops - Giza Rabbit ..... Giza Plains (dry season)
           - Crypt Bunny ..... Feywood (rare monster)
           - Spee ............ Salikawood (rare monster)
     Steal - Vorpal Bunny .... Golmore Jungle (Mark)
                              *might get Blood Wool or Hi-Potion
     Poach - Giza Rabbit ..... Giza Plains (dry season)

|  Eye Drops x3 - Demon Eyeball x2 |   100  |-------------------------- sep101

#= Demon Eyeball
     Drops - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Larva Eater ....... The Great Crystal (rare monster)
     Steal - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Poach - Gargoyle .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Garchimacera ...... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Elvoret ........... Necrohol of Nabudis

|  Hi-Potion      x4 - Malboro Vine x4 |   540  |------------------------------
|  Smelling Salts x2                   |        |---------------------- sep102

#= Malboro Vine
     Drops - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle
     Poach - Great Malboro ... Golmore Jungle
           - Malboro ......... Golmore Jungle

|  Phoenix Down x5 - Chocobo Feather x4 |  1280  |-----------------------------
|  Alarm Clock  x5                      |        |--------------------- sep103

#= Chocobo Feather
     Drops - Any chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains, Salikawood
     Steal - Black Chocobo ..... Ozmone Plains
           - Red Chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains
     Poach - Any chocobo ....... Ozmone Plains, Salikawood

|  Antidote   x12 - Malboro Fruit x4 |  1500  |--------------------------------
|  Eye Drops  x12                    |        |------------------------ sep104
|  Echo Herbs x12                    |        |--------------------------------

#= Malboro Fruit
     Drops - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Malboro King ...... Salikawood
           - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
     Poach - Malboro Overking .. Tchita Uplands, Garamsythe Waterway
           - Malboro ........... Lhusu Mines

|  Vaccine        x8  - Malboro Flower x3 |  1980  |---------------------------
|  Smelling Salts x16                     |        |------------------- sep105

#= Malboro Flower
     Drops - Vivian .......... Giruvegan
           - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract
     Steal - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract
           - Wild Malboro .... Feywood (Mark)
                              *might get Foul Liquid or Virgo Gem
     Poach - Vivian .......... Giruvegan
           - Cassis .......... Ridorana Cataract

|  Chronos Tear x10 - Eye of the Hawk x1 |  333  |--------------------- sep106

#= Eye of the Hawk
     Drops - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste
     Steal - Phoenix ......... Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                              *might get Windslicer Pinion
     Poach - Vulture ......... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Vaccine x10 - Demon's Sign x1 |  999  |----------------------------- sep107

#= Demon's Sign
     Drops - Buer ............ Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Buer ............ Zertinan Caverns

|  Phoenix Down x2 - Small Feather x3 |   665  |----------------------- sep108

#= Small Feather
     Drops - Axebeak .......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera ... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Cockatrice ....... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Nekhbet .......... Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)
     Steal - Cockatrice ....... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Cluckatrice ...... Giza Plains (Mark)
           - Chickatrice ...... Giza Plains (Mark)
                               *might get other loot
     Poach - Axebeak .......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
           - Lesser Chimera ... Tomb of Raithwall
           - Cockatrice ....... Dalmasca Westersand
           - Nekhbet .......... Dalmasca Estersand (rare monster)

|  Phoenix Down x2 - Large Feather x3 |   450  |-------------------------------
|  Potion       x2                    |        |----------------------- sep109

#= Large Feather
     Drops - Urstrix ........... Giza Plains
           - Wu ................ Ozmone Plains
           - Zu ................ Ozmone Plains
           - Garuda-Egi ........ Paramina Rift
           - Bagoly ............ Phon Coast
           - Imdugud ........... Nam-Yensa Sandsea (rare monster)
     Steal - Urstrix ........... Giza Plains
           - Wu ................ Ozmone Plains
           - Zu ................ Ozmone Plains
           - Bagoly ............ Phon Coast
           - Chickatrice ....... Giza Plains (Mark)
                                *might get other loot

|  Phoenix Down x12 - Giant Feather x3 |  2980  |------------------------------
|  Hi-Potion    x3                     |        |---------------------- sep110

#= Giant Feather
     Drops - Vulture ........... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Dive Talon ........ Dalmasca Westersand
     Steal - Vulture ........... Mosphoran Highwaste

|  Phoenix Down x10 - Jack-o'-Lantern x1 |  2222  |-------------------- sep111

#= Jack-o'-Lantern
    Drops - Pumpkin Star ...... Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received
    Steal - Pumpkin Star ...... Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
                         ...... Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received
    Poach - Pumpkin Star ...... Feywood, Behemoth King hunting mission received

|  Phoenix Down x25 - Bundle of Feathers x3 |  5980  |----------------- sep112

#= Bundle of Feathers
     Drops - Vulture .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
     Steal - Vulture .......... Mosphoran Highwaste
           - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
     Poach - Sprinter ......... Salikawood
           - Bagoly ........... Phon Coast
           - Pyrolisk ......... Phon Coast
           - Gorgimera ........ Sochen Cave Palace, Zertinan Caverns
           - Dive Talon ....... Dalmasca Westersand

|  Phoenix Down x50 - Windslicer Pinion x5 |  8750  |------------------ sep113

#= Windslicer Pinion
     Drops - Mirrorknight .... Feywood
           - Chimera Brain ... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe
           - Imdugud ......... Nam-Yensa Sandsea
     Steal - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe
           - Phoenix ......... Pharos at Ridorana (boss)
                              *might get Eye of the Hawk
     Poach - Mirrorknight .... Feywood
           - Chimera Brain ... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Charybterix ..... Cerobi Steppe

|  Bucchus's Wine x3 - Tyrant Hide x2 |   240  |----------------------- sep114

#= Tyrant Hide
     Drops - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
     Steal - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle
           - Pylraster ......... Pharos at Ridorana (Mark)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
           - Earth Tyrant ...... Dalmasca Westersand (boss)
                                *might get Tyrant Bone
     Poach - Tyranorox ......... Henne Mines
           - Diresaur .......... Golmore Jungle

|  Water Mote x5 - Festering Flesh x4 |  1480  |----------------------- sep115

#= Festering Flesh
     Drops - Blood Gigas ....... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Ghaste ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
           - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines
     Steal - Zombie ............ Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Zombie Warrior .... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Banshee ........... Nabreus Deadlands
     Poach - Headless .......... Lhusu Mines

|  Holy Mote x1 - Diakon Halcyon x1 |   99  |----------------------------------
|               - Glass Jewel    x8 |       |-------------------------- sep116
|               - Sky Jewel      x8 |       |----------------------------------

#= Diakon Halcyon
     Drops - Diakon Entite ........ Giruvegan
     Steal - Diakon Entite ........ Giruvegan

#= Glass Jewel
     Drops - Ghost ................ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Lich ................. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Specter .............. Barheim Passage
           - Glaring Eye .......... Henne Mines (rare monster)
           - Evil Spirit .......... The Great Crystal (rare monster)
     Steal - Ghost ................ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Wraith ............... Garamsythe Waterway (Mark)
           - Lich ................. Tomb of Raithwall
     Poach - Ghost ................ Garamsythe Waterway
           - Lich ................. Tomb of Raithwall
           - Specter .............. Barheim Passage

#= Sky Jewel
     Drops - Necrophobe ........... The Great Crystal
           - Necrofiend ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Spectar .............. Barheim Passage
           - Bogey ................ Zertinan Caverns
           - Cultsworn Lich ....... Tomb of Raithwall (rare monster)
     Steal - Necrophobe ........... The Great Crystal
           - Necrofiend ........... Pharos at Ridorana, Henne Mines
           - Ahriman .............. Sochen Cave Palace (boss)
     Poach - Necrophobe ........... The Great Crystal
           - Spectar .............. Barheim Passage
           - Bogey ................ Zertinan Caverns
           - Ghost ................ Garamsythe Waterway

|  Scathe Mote x1 - Book of Orgain       x8 |   499  |-------------------------
|                 - Book of Orgain-Cent  x8 |        |----------------- sep117
|                 - Book of Orgain-Mille x8 |        |-------------------------

#= Book of Orgain
     Drops - Gespenst ............. Garamsythe Waterway
           - Dustia ............... Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Negalmuur ............ Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)
     Steal - Deathscythe .......... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                   *might get Book of Orgain-Mille

#= Book of Orgain-Cent
     Drops - Reaper .............. The Great Crystal
     Steal - Reaper .............. The Great Crystal

#= Book of Orgain-Mille
     Drops - Etem ................ Henne Mines
     Steal - Etem ................ Henne Mines
           - Gazer ............... Lhusu Mines
           - Dustia .............. Dalmasca Westersand (rare monster)
           - Ixtab ............... Henne Mines (Mark)
                                  *might get Dark Crystal or Flame Shield
           - Deathscythe ......... Necrohol of Nabudis (Mark)
                                  *might get Book of Orgain
     Poach - Negalmuur ........... Stilshrine of Miriam (rare monster)

|  Red Fang x5 - Pointed Horn x1 |   980  |---------------------------- sep118

#= Pointed Horn
     Drops - Lizard .......... Paramina Rift, Tchita Uplands,
                    .......... Garamsythe Waterway
           - Iguion .......... Phon Coast, Sochen Cave Palace
     Steal - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage
     Poach - Suriander ....... Barheim Passage

|  Dark Matter x1 - Grimoire Togail x3 |  14999  |-----------------------------
|                 - Grimoire Aidhed x3 |         |--------------------- sep119
|                 - Bat Wing        x1 |         |-----------------------------

#= Grimoire Togail
     Drops - Nightmare ........ Henne Mines
           - Darkmare ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
           - Helvinek ......... Necrohol of Nabudis (rare monster)
           - Pallicant ........ Ridorana Cataract (rare monster)
     Steal - Nightmare ........ Henne Mines
           - Darkmare ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Oversoul ......... Necrohol of Nabudis
     Poach - Nightmare ........ Henne Mines
           - Darkmare ......... Stilshrine of Miriam

#= Grimoire Aidhed
     Drops - Mistmare ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mallicant ........ Zertina Caverns
     Steal - Mistmare ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mallicant ........ Zertina Caverns
           - Braegh ........... Salikawood (Mark)
                               *might get Storm Crystal or Storm Magicite
     Poach - Darkmare ......... Stilshrine of Miriam
           - Mistmare ......... Pharos at Ridorana
           - Mallicant ........ Zertina Caverns

#= Bat Wing
     Drops - Seeker ........... Henne Mines
     Steal - Aerieel .......... Lhusu Mines
     Poach - Seeker ........... Henne Mines

|  Pebble x99 - Quality Stone x5 |   999  |---------------------------- sep120

#= Quality Stone
     Drops - Brainpan .............. Pharos at Ridorana
           - Deidar ................ Pharos at Ridorana
           - Babil ................. Necrohol of Nabudis

- 21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Contact   | .............................................................|

Sephirosuy / Seph,                                                      zep000

here is my e-mail address, you can e-mail to me if:

- feel that you want to use the guide. (send me your site too)
- question about the game, I'm glad to help if I know the answer.
- suggestions or advices for the guide.
- having the useful informations, if it does work well I will use it in
  the guide, sure your name will be credited.

But please properly write down your message or I won't reply you.
To read all my latest guides and other contributions on GameFAQs,
please visit the URL below.

Blogged FAQs:

- 22. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|   Credits   | .............................................................|

Special thanks to these units: 

- My reference on many loot finding informations.
- List down the full trade/bazaar goods with loots requirement.





 COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 by sephirosuy
 All Right Reserved

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